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Ok, I wanted to start things off with a bit of a wildcard. Not a traditional X-Man, but a mutant no matter what Marvel has to say about it. For those that didn't see the previous post about this, I'm putting the 5th girl to be added up to a community vote, and before that, I want to give you guys an idea of what style I'm going for on the character, and what type of content she'd bring to the game. So, this is Doreen Green, Squirrel Girl. She likes to lick nuts and eat butts, or something like that.

She's very upbeat and bubbly, but she won't be as open-minded about sharing as some of the other girls are. The easiest route to her will be to present yourself as a very virtuous and single-focused person. There might be alternate ways to convince her to join in though.

The image above is just a sort of rough draft, the final sprite might be a bit different, but it gives a general idea of what I'm picturing.  The ears are optional, the tail is not, although she can sometimes tuck it away.

I'm planning to offer a half-dozen or so different options over the coming months, as I'm finishing up on version 0.983 (which is primarily Laura content and additions to the other girls). Let me know what you think.




Omg yes please :D


That is a great idea. Yes please


Your statement of her eating butts has got me laughing. I think she’s an interesting choice. Is the plan to provide all the possible characters and then take a vote?


Absolutely love it, Also having the community involved brings a whole lot more to the table, keep it up!


Oh man he gone and done it. I'm down for the squirrel girl swirl.. With characters like this I'm wondering if you're willing to bring in others like spider Gwen. You already said that the jury is out on gwenpool so that's a toss-up. However any of these characters are cool with me because I find them all awesome. The Squirrel Girl actually beat Galactus because she is the unbeatable Squirrel Girl. I just hope you avoid any awkward situation with squirrels. How's Laura progress going? Will we get all of her options in the next update?


Sounds nice :) Still I would like to see way more Gwenpool or Gwen Stacy if it goes for other Marvel characters :D Also Psylocke would be nice too ^^ Good luck and have fun with the project Oni ! :D


Yes. I don't want people voting for what they want the character to be, and then it turns out I would be doing something entirely different, so I think it's important to get some idea out there of what I plan, and maybe discuss alternatives in advance. Election 2019.


That's the plan. Not sure on titjob, we'll see on that, but the basic sex stuff will be in.

Krade Evvor

We need a female version of Shaggy (just kidding). I'll be okay with that concept of squirrel girl, I think your vision is neat.


It would also be nice with an update focusing solely on more kisekae for all the girls :D


Nooo! Fricking furry... Any other choice would have been better.


The exploration with someone out there is a good idea and all but I was excited to see more core characters. Jean Grey, Storm, or maybe someone from outside the academy which would be scarlet witch X-MEN Evolution version. I am cool with what ever ends up in production tho. I read that one of the other asked if you were going to list more girls, which ones do you have in mind?


You'll see, but hopefully some of them will be more what you're looking for.


As long as you get the ginger aspect right - I am 100000% behind this idea. Like - I can't endorse it enough.


I'm getting a Makoto Nanaya vibe from her... which I'm totally okay with. Hope she's got a big bust to go with those hot pants. Great combo. I'm curious what the other options are though.


So if Rouge is the standard, then Laura is F I T T, and Kitty is S T I C C, and Emma is T I T T, then Squirrelgirl should definitely by T H I C C.


I think she would fit in fabulously


Hello Friend! My opinion squirrel should be thin with sharp body features. The image will be suitable. I will wait for another sketch !! :) I like the character description! Tail can be buttplug! Good luck!


While I'm not the world's biggest. Doreen fan I like what I'm seeing so far and I really dig the tail. That said I'd like to see the other options before I get married to one.


I like the sketch to be honest, but I honestly could not get over boinking one of the strongest characters in the marvel universe, especially one that actually dated Wolverine at one point....Well that could give the option for some in depth dialogue options with X-23 since it is canon squirrel girl did date her Dad.


Meh. Would rather it be a different character. Squirrel just doesn't have that superhero feel to it.


I am all for all the body positivity going around the media know of days girls of all shape it's good for girls personal development. It just I like her ultimate spiderman design work better, it felt more squirrel like

Princess Raven

No ty for me on this one thanks ugh


Lil to thicc for me


Can we get Storm, mystique, or jubilee for the fifth?

Zack V

I like the design, but I feel you should include girls that fit more into the actual show. Jean Gray (though I hate her), Storm, Mystique, Scarlet Witch, Boom-Boom, ect are all choices that I feel fit your aesthetic style very well. On top of that, they fit into the overall arch a bit better, which adds to the depth of 'character immersion' of actually 'being apart' of the universe, so to speak.

philip brown

a vote to see who gets in as the 5th. sounds fair. i loved jean gray, storm would be nice, and a toss up between wanda or tabitha. some of the secondary students are cute too. amara would also work nicely with tabatha as well.


I would be SUPER into Doreen, but I'm also excited to see the other options.


It looks like "Unbeatable Squirrel Girl", which, frankly, isn't one of her better looks. If you're going for a more contemporary design, I'd suggest "New Avengers". In that she's actually pretty cute.


Furry tomboyish big breasted girl with Rebby's short. I would like see others but I like that.


Is the pool of girls to add limited? I'd feel bad denying a character in the game, I like thicc squirrel girl but I wouldn't want to be ultimately torn between her and chocolatey yum yum storm (speaking of storm I think the authoritarian personality may be good for her with her inhibitions breaking her down. With her booming voice in the X-men cartoon and motherly nature, she seems to fit that)


I'm all for it


She's the best friend off one off my favorite comic book characters Junior Miss Marvel, AKA Kamala Khan, I'd love to see Miss Marvel in this game as well as squirrel girl, please consider her!


She looks amazing, I very much would like to see her in the game.I would love to date her in the game.


Not what I expected and also not really the thing for me


I hope she won't win. There are so many better characters. Storm, Jean, Psylocke, Hope, Mystique, Armor, Gwen, Cuckoos, Magik, Blink, Pixie, Polaris, Wanda, Moonstar, Domino, Outlaw....


This draft of her doesn't really visually match with the others, but I am totally down for Doreen.



Karion Latanos

She looks good in your style~

Oni's Fan

Well i try again. She looks ok to me and my brother also liked her. She also reminds us a squirrel-girl from marvel (esp new spider-man animated series) but it's not bad for us. One thing, maybe, to improve is her eyes (but it's optional). They are fine but they are looks out of x-men evo's drawstyle setting. Other things in her are ok. You got extra THICC points. Also can you please answer some questions that we got here. Q1. Will be there new anal scene with Laura in the new update? Q2. Can you draw/add new group-sex interactions with a different couples of girls that you take with you in the bed? I mean unique interactions/actions like Rogue+Kitty have "toys play" scene during sex, Emma + Laura "double ass wiggle" during the strip, Kitty + Laura "scissors lesbian action" during playing with each other. So, there will be 6 different unique scenes. It will make be good and it will make game looks more "saturated" (im mean with content). Q3. What do you think about adding Wanda? She is looking hot and i believe that she must be earlier but not remove Doreen. She also have right to exsist, people too fast decide to downvote her. Feels bad. Q4. When you will give us some spoilers about other girls (Emma, Kitty, Laura) "Plan B's" while in Xavier's room (when he mad and calls for us). Q5. Do you planning to add some new locations? Will be in a new patch Laura's room? Im a scenario/idea writer, if you need some help with ideas or scenarios you can write me. I have experience in questing and text-base roleplaying games (on the forums), but there is a little problem - i\m not "very good" in english. I believe i have middle skills or something above it (+/-). Or also you can write me if you need Russian translation. Btw there is nice instrument to make x-girls or mix dress for old ones. Here is a link <a href="https://www.dolldivine.com/x-girl.php" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dolldivine.com/x-girl.php</a>


I'm not a fan of the USG art, but I thought the design itself was pretty cute. in the hands of other artists. I sort of merged a few different things. I went with the Thiccer version rather than the skinnier one just to get some variety in there.


I've going to be presenting a half-dozen or so options, then we vote for one, and that would be the 5th girl. Once that one is pretty well established, we can vote again for the 6th (with maybe some more options added), and so on. There's theoretically no limit beyond time.


A1. Yes. A2. Are you talking like unique art assets showing those situations? Maybe, the issue with new poses is that there is a lot of customization in this game, so either I'd have to do every clothing piece for every new pose I add, or somehow restrict those scenes to only happen with specific wardrobe choices. A3. I like Wanda. She may be in the running for this poll. A4. What did you want to know? They should all have active options in the game right now. A5. There should be a new location next patch, as well as Laura's room. I got back the art for that one and it looks great. I don't plan on translating the game just because there is a TON of dialog and it doesn't take place linearly, so I'd have to constantly be getting re-translations of stuff and writing the code to offer multiple variations on each line, and it would just be a mess, but thanks for the offer.


I like your SG model. Her face looks kinda weird, but somehow that's rather fitting for SG. The next girl should definitely be bringing the THICCNESS, whomever you choose. Personally I'd vote for either Storm or Psylocke, as teachers. I think they would both make sexy authority figures.

Patrick Coleman

I'm a bit "meh" about her. I'd like to see another main player be it a student or another teacher.


I'm not enthusiastic about this character. Never been a big fan of Squirrel Girl, neither in looks (despite numerous different art styles, none of them really caught to me) nor character. I'll wait for the other options, but this one feels pretty low on my list. Gwenpool would be more interesting in the "joke-character" category. As a side-note, I agree with mugatu above that a change in the overall character build would be welcome.

Cliff Hanger

Will there be an actual poll with all the different choices?


Yes, after the nominees have all been announced. Until then it's just discussion.

R Marin

I would like either: Jean, psylock, storm or Wanda.

R Marin

I like the squirrel girl, but she isn't an Xavier student.

Adam Król

Blee really... zoophilia. No way.


I'd need to see the other options, obviously, but I like the sound of her. It's nice to see someone with a more thick body-type, the thighs for example, and her personality sounds very Kitty-esque, which is good with me. Looking forward to the other options.


I hope it will be possible to pull it a tail as a cat. you understand what I speak about))


yeah scarlet witch or boom boom ftw


she looks great! would definitely stand out from the others, in a good way. looking forward to seeing the other options.


Im loving her. Cant wait to see what the other options are.


Kinda hoping for Storm or Jean Grey from the show before new characters. (Though I love Emma Frost and definitely wouldn't object to Gwenpool, since she's already cameoed).


As a side-note, I have a generic comment related to new character ideas: even though it doesn't have too much impact on the story, it would be nice to stick to characters that are actually impacted by the MC's ability. I thought X-23 was already a little off in that regard, and I can't see how Doreen would be impacted at all. - X-23 temporary losing her regeneration while in contact with the MC is a pretty pointless detail. - I can't see how Squirrel Girl could be less "squirrely". That's how she is, biologically speaking, and she has no real supernatural power save for, maybe, her ability to communicate with actual squirrels. Not much of a difference in the context of this game. As a side note, let's avoid adding another telepath. I'd have preferred Jean to Emma, but I'd rather avoid Jean at this stage. I don't have Scott's fetish for mind-readers. :D

Uriah Jackson

Squirrel Girl's real power is plot protection, so being taken advantage of by a pervy guy would indicate something was negating her powers. :P


there is a game called MARVEL Champions Tournament you could get some idea of some new girls over there


How about Jubilee? She was a major character on the 90s cartoon, and she appeared in multiple episodes of X-Men Evolution, so there's an art reference for her in the game's style. She's also Chinese, which would add some ethnic diversity besides Zero.

Toxic FX

cant wait to see all our options


I'd prefer to see other options


I would absolutely love to have Squirrel Girl as an option please. But reading these comments I seem to be a minority of one

The Silent One

while I'd like Squirrel Girl... I'd prefer Storm.


What about Ciri from the Witcher series? Since she can teleport around... Maybe she teleport to the "Rogue-Like" universe but has used up all of her energy to teleport back home?


That checks out. I'm sure Xavier would come to the conclusion she's a mutant, as she technically is.


1st choice Scarlet Witch. 2nd choice Storm(bigger boobs). 3rd choice Jean Grey. 4th choice TBH would certainly not be an out of place character like some Squirrel Girl


I do love Squirrel Girl but I'd like to continue the Evolution love a bit first. While X23 debuted in Evolution he look in the game is more her comic version. So sign me up for Scarlet Witch or for a really odd one Jubilee in her Evo version with comic version as alternate hair style


Heck I wouldn't even mind "boom-boom". Hmm. I wonder if Mystique's alter ego on the show will be her "in public" interaction form. would be neat to have a character that has 2 sets of artwork w/ varying poses. Then again, with Mystique, she could be anyone XD


Definitely prefer Scarlet Witch, Storm, or Mystique.


yeah, would much prefer someone like Scarlet Witch, Storm, Mystique, or Jubilee


Personally I'd rather see Storm or Marrow to Squirrel Girl.


Armor or Jubilee have my vote, to be honest.


Jean Grey. professor will be so jealous to see you fucking her raw


Oni, any more options/ideas?


please lord not her, give us a busty storm (as a danger room professor?) or a prude jean, or even jubilee idc just not the friggin squirrel


There will be, and sorry I haven't gotten it out yet, but I've been focused on more stuff for the next release, Larua's sex pose and some relationship scenes, so I haven't had the time to do up another sketch.


Hey Oni!I have some problems with 0.982g,when I start 'exe',the file has no response.What should I do?


Hey Oni!I have some problems with 0.982g,when I start 'exe',the file has no response.What should I do?

Jack Jackson

how about the background? where the students really notice you, and gradually get together in a bunch


I like the idea of Squirrel Girl and I like that she's a little more thicc, however for now I'd much rather see some more well-known mutants that fans are going to be drawn to. My top choices: Psylocke (diversity), Madelyne Prior (Goblin Queen, hot red-head option), Dazzler (visiting celebrity, also long/short hair depending on costume in comics), Storm (diversity), or Scarlet Witch (can have the crazy-girl mindset) would be among my top picks.

Harry Jamerson

Sorry, I'm sure it's been asked somewhere but I looked back a few weeks but couldn't see any mention of when the next update will be out. How much longer would you say it'll be?


It's looking like somewhere around a month or so. I've still got a decent amount of work to do to get in all the features I plan to add, but I've been making good progress.


Maybe it would be funny to add an " I love you " option in the flirt menu. I would like to see the reaction of the other girls ^^


nice and wholesome, likely pretty unexpected too


I'll see what I can do. Currently, "I love you" only unlocks as part of the character narrative when the girl has reached that point. I don't want to just chuck that option into the mix without making it relevant to that, so it would have to be able to sort of jump into that process.


Hopefully soon, I've started on one for the second candidate, but I'd like a little more polish on it, and I'm juggling progress on the next build too.


I see. Then, after the girl told you the first time ? Sometimes, I just don't know what to do with the flirt menu and skip it, because the actions makes no more " impact " to the girls. (I'm a french speaker, so it's hard to write in english and I don't want to use translator, I hope you will understand xD)


I understand you and you make a good point. It wouldn't be hard for me to at minimum add an "I love you" option after you've unlocked the scene where they tell you. I'll aim to get that done for the next build, if I forget, remind me and I'll get it in during the bug fixing phase. :D.


not a mutant but, spidergwen?


Holy shitcakes, please yes


Hey Oni, I see you have soooo much on your mind, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to collab with the guy who made a mod for your game? Would probably get you less stressed out and speed up the process


I'm always open to the idea of working with anyone that wants to work on the game, If anyone's interested, they know where to find me.


Squirrel girl seems like a cool idea in theory, but in practice, I see that huge tail potentially getting in the way of some amazing perspectives. Who knows? Could be a feature. You get her naked, but still have to convince her to show you.


Yeah, I'd definitely try to keep it out of the way, or at least make it mobile.