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Sorry it's been a while since the last update, but most of the work has been non-visual and kind of boring to describe, so there really wasn't much to say. Here's a shot of one of Laura's new outfits. It's loosely based on a few of her older pieces, with some alterations. I do want to add some stockings to the final version though, seems a bit bare.

There are a few other items finished up so far, as well as a lot of her core interactions are already in. I still need to finish up her wardrobe management, and some other various artwork, but it's coming together. 




Really a great looking girl! Might become my new favorite (sorry Kitty ;-))


Stockings are always welcomed :) Have fun Oni, and cant wait to see some further updates :3


looks great


That's her old hooker outfit ain't it?

Breon Flowers

my heart stopped when i saw your post on my phone lol XD

Karion Latanos

I didn't know Laura look like that in X-Men Evolution. Her face looks weird to me...


I'm not using a strict Evolution character design, it's more based off of the comic version.


great choice of diologue xD girl looks great, of course i want to see more.


Take your time :D Game becomes bigger and bigger such as errors and bugs, so it will take more time :)


Looks hot


Neat outfit =D makes the wait bearable. =P


Outfit looks great, her face needs a little refining though here and there

Jack Jackson

Finally news! Outfit looks incredible! Will there be other outfits for the characters and a foot-scene for Emma? In Next Update? Laura look sooo hot!


I agree, adding some stockings to it would improve the outfit.


The same for Kitty, is that possible please? She truly miss sexy outfit...


That's really hot! I like everything in this outfit! It would be cool to see Laura in stockings :)


I have a few clothing pieces I'd like to add. I also have a plan for Emma's footjob scene, but it might take a little bit. The problem is that none of her existing posts are easy transitions, so I'll need to make at least some clothing adjustments to make it work, and that will take some time.


That's something on the list, yeah. some sort fo skirt or dress, I don't have a firm goal in mind for it yet other than "skirtish" and "dressy."


I know this is adding to the pile but what about Rogue and Kitty's Bayville Siren outfits: <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/ce/d1/5bced1ed537e53b201f15f6bb8608e7e.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5b/ce/d1/5bced1ed537e53b201f15f6bb8608e7e.jpg</a> <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/xmenevo/images/9/9b/Kitty13.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130208215215" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/xmenevo/images/9/9b/Kitty13.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130208215215</a>


Little bit too revealing, if you ask me.


Nice! :o Perhaps something they'd wear if they ever developed an alternative Dom attitude you could vary between to spice up interactions. Or maybe something they'd wear in public out on dates if you wanted to have exhibitionist based sex. ;D

Tassadar Talimar

If you're going to go with stocking with that outfit (and I live that idea by the way), maybe fishnet stockings? That way it's something different than what Rogue has but still adds to the outfit.


Maybe. Maybe. Fishnets can be a pain to do justice. I remember back in the day putting fishnets on characters, and there are two ways to do them, either just a pasted-on grid, or shaped to their contours, which looks better. The latter would probably not be too hard for the default pose, but might make later poses more annoying. We'll see what looks good, I might give a couple options.


Wow pretty hot!

Princess Raven

i loves you oni and ur art and she doesn't look ugly or anything but i feel like her hips should be maybe slimmer? they look alot like rogues hips and X-23 would be way fitter then her. my own personal opinion of course. or maybe not slimmer but more.. slender?


Looks awesome! Hey oni, do you think you would add garter belt and stockings to the other girls as well? I mean, is definitely the type to rock that look. X-23 and kitty may just rock stockings on their own. Also, you did say you were thinking of making a seperate game for the bad girls right, or has been shelved for now? So far the game is great and I cant wait for the next download.


Heh, I can get that, I do tend to lean a bit more towards the curvier builds.


I might do stockings for the other girls, It's doable and I'd like to see it too, I just need to set aside the time from the other stuff I'm putting together. I don't plan on making a completely separate game for the bad girls, but they are theoretically on the list to be added to this game, just as more options to interact with. Wanda would be my personal favorite, although the next girl will be up to community pick. I haven't put a lot of thought into how they would be added but maybe a separate parallel experience, where they share some activities, but not others, and then have their own unique tasks.


As far as bad girls go.... hmmm. It Wanda, mystique, then Boob Boom for me. The cool thing, uf you added mystique, you could kinda cheat a little with the production. It would be a way of adding new girls( Storm, Jean, Psyylocke, and so on) with (possibly) only a quarter of the work since you wouldn't have to work on the relationship stats for each. That girls you really didn't want to go all in on can still show up in the game. Her intro could even be to run into he while is disguised as one of the other girls when your powers kick in( kinda like kitty). This could springboard into introducing mc to the other girls like Wanda or any of the ones from magneto's group. She could even show mc a teleporter to get to the island. That way mc can work on bothe of magneto's daughter's. What do you think ? May be a little bit of work but think of it as something to do after you get the x girls out of the way.


Yeah, the shapeshifting is the thing holding Mystique out. Making character sprites for girls is one of the more time consuming individual parts of the game, and while I could limit Mystique's shapeshifting options, then what would be the point of having her? Any girl I was willing to commit to making a sprite for (with a few exceptions), I would want to make into a full version of the character.


Oni, while I realize it would require new background assets, have you considered adding the Brotherhood house? If I remember the show correctly, Boom Boom, Wanda, Mystique, etc. lived there, so that could be where the Brotherhood women are found. Maybe meet one of them at the movies, mall, or something and that could allow the MC to earn their trust enough to let them go back to the Brotherhood house. Maybe eventually convincing them to move to the X-Mansion? Just spitballing here. The functionality of the Brotherhood house would/could be identical to the X-Mansion, with different flavor of rooms available to the MC. Obviously not as big as the X-Mansion, but the ladies's rooms, living room maybe, etc. Perhaps a way to keep the characters close to the original show, while keeping the core game functionality the same.


If I committed to adding a Brotherhood character, then I might decide to add the house as well, although likely with only 1-2 backgrounds to start (maybe just that one girl's room, maybe an establishing shot from outside). There's not much point to adding it before the characters, and really for the most part I could just fold them into the standard dorms anyway. I mean the thing with adding new rooms is, I need to determine a point to them. The Danger Room can do training and holograms and all sorts of things. The Classroom can do fun class type stuff. The Brotherhood house doesn't really offer much in terms of gameplay that the existing rooms can't contain, aside from a seedier edge to it.

Zakey Ori

She looks like she's ready to pounce :p


Have you considered making another place for dates.


I could. Shopping in the mall has come up as a popular option. I could also add a dance club.


I’m not trying to rush anything I’m just curious and anxious because I love this game so much and am addicted to it but when will the next version be released.


Nature stuff, definitely worth considering. I'll see if I can get some backgrounds made.


Lol, it will be at least another few weeks, I'm plugging along though.


Any chance of bondage with X-23 or the regenerating virginity?


Umm, is there a chance u gonna make em pregnant or something, sometimes soon?


there wont be any bodymodifications like that, the Artwork involved would be nearly as much as a complete new girl. small modifications like shavings percings, wouldnt require so much work, something like this is more likely to get implementet. thats just my memory of the recollection of the answers to questions like yours. Oni surely needs a FAQ or Patreon a useful search function.


I do need to put a FAQ together or something, but yeah, since these are drawn sprites and they have customizable clothing, having a "pregnant belly" sprite would mean tons of new art assets.


Less and less news these days. I start to worry about this little project of urs....


Sorry for not being as vocal lately, the amount of work has been consistent, it's all just fairly boring to talk about, like "I finished Laura's wardrobe system and am currently working on her sex dialog systems. . . " Nothing flashy, but it's progressing.


I'm excited to play the next version. For the next update, how much of Laura's content do you think will be finished?


Always. I'd never leave you guys hanging, if I was ever going to wrap this project up (which I currently have no intention of doing), I'd give plenty of warning as to what was going to happen and where things would be going.


Storywise, a decent amount, sex scene-wise, like 30-40%? She should have shower, dating, study, and sleepover scenes, wardrobe and chat interfaces, handjob, fondling, and a few other sexual interactions, several new clothing options, and maybe a few other things.


on estimate when do u think the next patch will be ready for upload?


Sorry, a few more weeks. I've got most of the code done, but still a bit to go, and then some more art is needed to round it out.


I noticed a bug with version .981f, with Emma the text seems to be backwards, when shes performing an act at high speed it uses the text for going slow, and vice versa.