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 (current version spoilers if you haven't checked it out yet)

Ok, so new year, let's get some discussion going! The most recent version of the game, 0.981, introduced the new character Laura Kinney, or X-23. She only makes a cameo in this version, one scene, but it should give you a feel of how I'm handling the character and how she looks in general. My feel for the character is that she has a bit of a tomboyish side, physical and aggressive, but is also pretty chill. She talks in short, direct statements, she can be a bit more mellow than some of the other characters, she can be a bit more casual in some areas, but a bit more reserved in others.

I'd like to hear from you guys about what you think of what you've seen so far, and where you'd like to see her go in future updates. Obviously the goal is to get her up to speed with the other characters in terms of basic content, and the next patch should include at least some of her sexual and interaction options, but is there anything in particular that interests you? I have some ideas for alternate outfits, but any that are must-have? I'm currently planning to have a jacket and miniskirt, at least.

Btw, I've noticed that there seems to be a fairly stiff drop-off in pledges this month, hopefully most of that due to the various Patreon drama going around than to anything specific on my part. I can weather this better than some creators out there, but I really appreciate that so many of you so loyally support me and this project. Hopefully things will settle down soon, and keep an eye on any more marginal creators you might follow, if they've been hit harder, maybe throw a few extra bucks their way this month. 



I love how it's going with her.


I'd love to see some more like, dom stuff with her where she takes some more control over the relationship and sexual stuff as opposed to the other characters.


So far i love her personality and her design good job, and thanks for the content.

Ai Muhao

If I remember right, when she was introduced in Evolution she'd spent all her life as a weapon. Maybe some sweet moments like her just being able to enjoy a movie? Like, say, if you decide to watch an action movie she grumbles about how unrealistic the action is, or maybe while watching a romantic film the narration notes she quietly watching, tilting her head once in awhile in confusion.


Her X-Force outfit <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/f/f2/X-23_Laura_Kinney.png/revision/latest?cb=20141207173115&amp;path-prefix=protagonist" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/f/f2/X-23_Laura_Kinney.png/revision/latest?cb=20141207173115&amp;path-prefix=protagonist</a> and a casual outfit <a href="https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&amp;source=imgres&amp;cd=&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjOrvWj9dLfAhVJmK0KHTxTApMQjRx6BAgBEAU&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.panjury.com%2Ftrials%2Fx-23-laura-kinney&amp;psig=AOvVaw0pUQULPrv6mnXC5lRr6-Hk&amp;ust=1546649584725881" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&amp;source=imgres&amp;cd=&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjOrvWj9dLfAhVJmK0KHTxTApMQjRx6BAgBEAU&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.panjury.com%2Ftrials%2Fx-23-laura-kinney&amp;psig=AOvVaw0pUQULPrv6mnXC5lRr6-Hk&amp;ust=1546649584725881</a>


What about her Wolverine suit?

Ai Muhao

Maybe some awkwardness too, like when trying to break into Xavier's office, she's all set to climb the walls from the outside or use her claws as lockpicks before you reveal you have the key. Something like, "Okay, I'll climb down the roof from the outside. I should be able to work the windows open. Only problem is I'm not sure what kind of security system he might," "Laura, I have a key." "Oh."


Hi, big fan of your work! As for why so many has left it seems to indeed be because of the Patreon drama, not only have they kicked people for what they've said on other platforms, but they have also been talking about kicking adult-content creators off the platform sometime in the second quarter of this year. Personally I've wanted to ditch this platform as I cant agree with Patreons decisions, but I dont want to stop my support of you and other H-game creators that give me so much enjoyment. As for Laura, it's be great to atleast get her blowjob scene in the next patch. And would be awesome if she could have this outfit; <a href="https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/X-23-Laura-Kinney-X-Men-Marvel-Comics.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/X-23-Laura-Kinney-X-Men-Marvel-Comics.jpg</a> In any case, keep up the good work!


Can we actually spar her in the danger room? Like instead of a sex menu, it’s a fight menu. It would be cool since kitty sometimes displays her combat experience in other scenes too.


I agree with muhao I would like to see some humor regarding her try to incorporate her evolution stuff

Ai Muhao

If I remember right, her comic version wore that when Wolverine was dead and it was in his honour, right? Maybe introduce it as a prank costume someone got her as a gag, and the player walks into her room when she's trying it on and doing a Logan impression? "I'm the best there is at what I...don't you know how to knock?!" and the MC wonders if she's thinking of ways to make sure he disappears.

Ai Muhao

I seem to remember she actually bantered pretty well with Spider-Man. "Hey, do the X-Men have a trademark on the Fastball Special?" "It'll be our little secret."


Hey man been supporting you for a while now and thoroughly enjoy what you have created, as for Laura I really liked her introduction and what you are planning to do with her. I was thinking that similarly to rogue you could do an addiction system due to the thrill. However she could be more aggressive than rogue when her addiction level is too high. Just a thought lemme know what you think. Cheers!


<a href="https://i.imgur.com/bLByw0C.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/bLByw0C.jpg</a> Things like her head pat are a must


Honestly I was going to suggest along the lines this as well. I like the addiction system with rouge and would love to see it get some more use with x23. Laura is one of my favorites so I'm very excited to see her coming in. It would be cool to see her more animalistic side come out.


cold outside but warm inside, walls up on sight but a freak in the sheets kinda deal.

A Good Hunter

I second both continuing with the addiction thing and the head pats.

Jacob Kain

I think my biggest concern with Laura was I'm not sure how the main character's power would cause Laura to be interested. Unless she's going to be a Masochist and the MC's power actually allows her to feel real pain. Which is 100% not a path I have any interest in nor want to see, but maybe I'm missing something.

Ai Muhao

Maybe the MC's power has a bit of a catnip effect on her? Like, I dunno, the MC's power works on Logan and disables his healing factor, but because Laura's dna is slightly tweaked from Logan's it has a side effect. If I remember right, the theory as to why she has two claws in her hands and one claw in her feet is because of evolution, so maybe when she loses her healing factor due to the MC's touch her instinct is, "This is a stronger being, better submit", and she's annoyed by it?


I don't know anything about the Marvel character herself, but it seems to me that if her superpower is about regeneration and you're the only person who can disable that, it's like she was made to be a masochist?


I think the MC's power have an addiction element, that's why there's an addiction bar right? He blocks their powers but also makes them need his touch?

Anthony Michelli

Definitely do a Terminator style leather jacket/sunglasses combo for Laura.


Expanding on that, I guess having a regeneration element would be enough to have a masochistic tendency. Why should disabling that power make her masochistic? I can think of maybe three ways she would react to that power. 1. Extreme discomfort and incompatibility. If she has a fairly normal personality then spending time with Zero could only feel bad for her. She shouldn't like Zero at all... But we know that's not how this will go down, so onto number 2. 2. Adrenaline junkie / extreme thrillseeker. She likes Zero because experiencing real mortality makes her feel alive. If this is the way her personality works I'm guessing she'd either be obsessed with doing dangerous things near your and/or self harm. That is unless the adamantium augmentations within her is itself deadly without her healing factor. If she starts slowly dying whenever she's around Zero, maybe that's enough to fuel her adrenaline needs. She could have elements of wanting to spend time with Zero but needing to get away after some time limit. She'd probably like to try push that limit and it could grow longer over time, maybe. Spending the night in her bed could be very dangerous. 3. Extreme submission kink. She has always wanted to be someone's pet, but until now it would have always felt 'fake' because deep down she would know she could easily dominate any man. With Zero it's different. I don't know, I'm just spitballing.


Here are a few thoughts. she can be a little more sexually aggressive than the others because she is already alpha as fuck as a character( Can sometimes walk up and kiss you in from of the other girls and leaves a naughty gin after a you filled her meters a bit). As you progress with her, she softens up a bit. She doesn't really have a power to really affect and i doubt that she would want to cut herself for fun...however, with you around, she can get drunk now without the regeneration. maybe she a bit of a smart ass too. Her sex position could be standing up sideways with a leg straight up in the air(facing MC). Maybe she can com in like rogue but more blunt about what she wants(maybe some times taking charge at first). She can get around the prof, the same way kitty did. i can see her calling you boss or big guy instead of master or daddy in later events. i can see her as someone that the other girls have to really warm up to. when you piss here of, she can pull her claws on you like if you walk in on her in the shower. maybe her angle would b that she needs someone to help rein her in but you are one of the few people that is starting to really trust and confide in(since she was basically a clone made strictly to kill and not make friends). I have more...


I don’t who MC is but my Final Statement is: After kitty pride X23 is my 2nd Favorite, My fear, while unfounded and 99.9% certain won’t happen, is that we the “Patreons” ask for too much (while I am certain it will happen I don’t know to what extent) which brings me to this I hope that she remains true to her self from X-men Evolution. But if a greater Majority has seen “Logan” or read the comics then that is ok I just liked her in evolution better


I am loving Laura future alot more,i think it would be cool if she was into pet play and when we use are power her animal instincts Kickin.


Perhaps since Laura is more of an aggressive character, she will end up wanting to be a tad more *dominant* while having relations or maybe even in claiming you when SHE wants to? She could be naturally drawn to you if she finds your character appealing enough or make it a "scent" thing playing on the Wolverine "tracker" bit. The hunt is on! Rogue, Emma and Kitty are hesitant at first to do anything in a public area but maybe Laura isn't? She may want a quickie in the shower or take advantage of your character's coursing adrenaline while working out. It would make her stand out from the others and create a challenge in maintaining her libido/desires as her Wolverine esque nature grows more wild the more you wind her up. Different states in which you engage relations could change up a variation in dialogue. Until you manage to get the professor to stay out of your business, it would be interesting to see how close you can get away with stuff versus times or moments where you have to actually avoid her for the sake of not losing the allowance you need to pamper her or the other girls with. If you wanna write her in a way that is closer to her character though I get that but I figured maybe you might be looking for an element beyond sexual poses that make her character stand out in comparison.


I would love to see her with the girls


From what I remember of her, Laura/X-23 is actually kind of cold and distant, mostly due to her upbringing as a lab experiment. As such, I think she should be resistant to any sort of romantic involvement until she and the MC build up a rather large amount of trust. After that, I really think she should be quite aggressive in her sexual interactions with the MC and potentially every one else. I say this strictly in the interest of keeping Laura as close to her comic personality as possible. Personally, I don't care for fem-dom porn much. Anyway, keep up the good work and here's hoping 2019 is even better than 2018!


i like to dabble in extreme options, i dont mean it like i like the extreme options, they are just fun to explore so my ideas are to either 1) yandere she enjoys interactions with the main character and gradually becomes obsessed with the mc, this explores the aggressive side of things, she will not necessarily approach the main character too much, but she may start stalking the main character and at some point threaten the other characters that interact with the mc, of course i am not proposing that they will actually fight, just a few events where she approaches other characters because they are too close to the mc and they decide on their standing in the relationship with you 2)she remains mainly passive, the fact that the mc can cancel her abilities makes her intrigued at the start, but after a few times she will lose interest, she might still enjoy interactions with the mc, but is not influenced too much by them, she still enjoys most of anything the mc does, its just that after a few times she is kind of used to it, less thrilled about it and just cool with it (maybe even go the way that she is easier to talk into things she has not tried yet that to do things she is already used to, sort of the opposite of other girls where they are harder to talk into things but easier once they have done things a few times), i am not saying that after a few interactions the mutant powers completely stop being a part of the relationship. An idea that i have high hopes of is an event where she cuts herself while under the influence of your powers and realizes that its not as much fun when you dont have fast regeneration, hinting that she enjoys cutting herself, but after experiencing wounds that do not close as easily, she considers it impractical and maybe even matures as a character a little bit.


Well, I've avoided leaning too far into having actual combat systems in the game, I tend to think of them as a bit of a distraction from the core content, but it might be interesting to have some limited sparring interaction with her. Note that there's pretty much no way for the player to win, since she would eb way better at it. :D


Agree with agressive comment. How about some tropes deconstruction? You are seducing other girls? Laura is seducing YOU. Girls are getting rect by Xavier because of your pushing sexual acts on public? Now you are getting rect because of her. You are pushing girls to unlock domination route? Laura is trying to dominate YOU. And so on, and so forth.


"MC" is "main character," the one you're playing as. Zero, by default. She is likely to be more based in the comic version than the Evolution version, there is just so much more content there to work with.


I feel like having an option to go down a femdom route with her would be appreciated by many people. Also, with Rouge and Kitty, you already have 2 submissive girls.


Three, actually. Emma has only submissive route, as I remember - I did not find any love scene with her, and ever option is giving far more domination points than love points.


I was super excited to see another hot young girl. Looks promising. Maybe make casual sex easier than getting in a relationship with her if she is a tomboy. Seems like she would want to use you, not get involved.


I'm not super into femdom so I hope Laura isn't like that, but I don't mind her being a little aggressive in a relationship. It would seem in character for her. Ultimately I don't know HOW you should portray her, but I hope you portray her how YOU want to. Listening to fans is all well and good, but I always get a little nervous when content creators give fans an avenue to ask what they want. Sometimes it goes down the path of expecting to get the type of storyline they want instead of acknowledging the open discussion for what it is and asking/wishing is by no means a guarantee. Idea sharing and discussion isn't a bad thing, but I've seen instances where people get really aggressive and entitled when this is brought up. Again I want to see what Oni wants, not the fans. The only thing I really hope from Laura is that her sex scene let's us see the full profile of her character like Kitty and Emma. It is my hope, but it isn't guaranteed to happen. I'm fine with it though. Anyway, the teaser was great. Really looking forward to how you'll write Laura, Oni.


Beside Emma, Laura was my second pick. As for that first encounter it looked nice, would really like to see some more stuff with her (both storywise and bedwise). Wonder if there would be some "bonus" scene where the MC annoy rnough Laura so She kicks his ass :P Other things then that would be maybe some vartiations to her latex suit with some sexy tank top :3 I'm sure its gonna be great, have fun and happy 2019! :)


I appreciate that, and ultimately I do reserve the right to go my own way with things, but I always like to hear where the community is at on this stuff, it gives me good ideas I can work with. I'll let you know what I have in mind for her sex scene, it's basically a sort of "sideways missionary" pose, a bit like Kitty's but twisted so that one leg is flat and the other is raised high. I haven't started on it yet, but that's been my intention for a while now. I think it suits her.


Heh, maybe she could take negative situations a bit more harshly than the other girls. :D


I like where you're going with the game so far. I was hoping for Wanda Maximoff (loved the goth character art they made for her in the show) to be the next character in the game, but from the intro you made for X-23 she seems to be pretty cool. I would say that it would be good if she is a more dominant personality than Rogue or Kitty. Having varied personalities makes for a more interesting dynamic between the characters. I think you've been moving the game in that kind of direction. I really would hope to avoid a full-on harem scenario with every single woman added as I don't find that to be terribly realistic (even within a game I like at least some amount of basis in reality). I'd like to have to make the occasional tough choice that could impact my friendships/relationships with the other characters. Another thing I'd like to see is an expansion to other areas of the mansion and Bayside. I know you once said that you weren't really pushing in that direction, but I'd still love to see some additional locals for dates, or things to do on Saturdays and Sunday (especially for random encounters). Aside from that, you're doing great and thanks for keeping with it.


My wish list for Laura: 1. Make her virgin and have her regenerate her hymen over night. No blood and her getting used to it over time 2. the combination of that pain with sexual arousal makes her slightly masochistic maybe? 3. Make her getting addicted to the players cum (just because I like that) Btw: could we get a better status screen and inventory? Changing her outfits and leveling them is kinda clunky with the talk choices


Wanda is definitely one I'd like to work with. I'm opening up the 5th girl to community polling, which would be in a few months probably, I'll put together some pitches for a few girls I've shortlisted, and see which one people want most. The others will keep coming back up, but this will give a priority order to it. I can see your point about the harem situation, and might evolve that a bit more, the current implementation was more about getting a functional mechanic in there. I do think that leaving it in for players is something a lot of people would prefer, but I might add more complications to that path, or have a sort of "hard mode" that would make it realistically impossible to manage. Part of these games is a sort of "romantic power fantasy" aspect, so it's expected that players would be able to get away with plenty that would ruin things in the real world. ;) I also try to avoid "bad end" scenarios where you've permanently ruined things, which is also unrealistic, but I can provide short term set-backs, forcing you to do something else for a few ingame weeks while things calm down. :D I'll try to get in at least a few more areas. I always have a background for a pool, but I need to make more swimsuits and some content for it.


I really sorry to hear about pledge declining. I think your content is very good and takes quite a time to make, so it's only fair to express an appreciation :)


im not a comic person, i only know these chars from the Movies. so i dont really know in witch direction personality or clothing should go without upsetting comic fans. for clothing i only wish for diversity, different lenght or see trough with needing more stats the more revealing Just let me flip that skirt, i miss it with Emmas skirt, dont make me miss it with Lauras. a girl as muscular as Laura, seems to do a lot of exercises. instead of trying to study with her, you could make a special training exercise for the danger room. or making her more likely to do nightshifts in the danger room, so others wont get hurt as much. i like harems, well one of your charming game mechanics is the abbility to grind every girl, letting her do more and more lewd stuff. as far as i know getting a girl to girlfriend etc. doesnt unlock much, it strikes me more of a status in name only. or did i miss a huge load of content ?

Miss Bumhole

Laura would be the sort of person to be dominant and make the player do something he does not feel fully comfortable right from the get go. The moment she see's an opening, she would probably make the player show their penis to her and masturbate while she refuses to take any of her clothing off while she watches the player in amusement. Maybe she'd offer to take her clothes off, but even though the player says yes, she'll only show a little of her bra and panties before covering back up again. That's how the first few sexual scenes should be with her.


It's mostly just a status and a custscene, although it can make certain things easier than before, and I do plan to expand this out a bit. Eventually, if you're actively dating two or more girls then that makes threesome type stuff between them much simpler.


I really like the little i’ve seen of Laura. I likes me a laconic, pretty gal. Excited to see more of her!


I like the idea of Laura! Hope she becomes a regular character

John (Doe)

I would say, once the MC and Laura are having sex somewhat regularly, she would be the one to initiate and without asking questions. Forcefully kissing, putting the MC's hand/head in her crotch, unzipping his pants and penetrating herself on him, etc. Not necessarily a domme, but definitely takes charge. Maybe if you get her obedience and love stats high enough you could ask her to not be so forceful, but it might be difficult to increase her obedience stat as well.


Laura's personality seems like a good fit to me. She appears a bit more immature than the others but isn't really in fact, kinda cool. For outfits, maybe something like a schoolgirl outfit or a mini-mini skirt would be nice ;) Also, it's very nice of you to think about other smaller creators with all the stuff happening on Patreon. You're still my highest pledge but I changed some of my other pledges for smaller creators! Keep It Up!

Tassadar Talimar

I think other people have nailed the personality aspect, she should be a bit more dominant than the other girls. I also think she should react to attempts to dominate or force her into situations differently, as in it shouldn't be as easy. Laura spent most if her life following orders, she's not big on it anymore. With regards to dating her, it'd be nice if she were awkward about it, almost extra shy. She's attention starved, never really been loved, and wouldn't know how to react when someone shows romantic interest in her. As far as outfits, it'd be nice if at least one of our school girls had a school girl outfit, even if you have to buy it for her. Seeing as Laura is actively going on mission, having her x-force uniform seems appropriate with maybe a way to make it more revealing/slutty? Also I can totally see Laura rocking a dom look, corset, garter belt, stocking, collar, gloves, the works.


Not so much a Laura thing as an in general thing, but I think it would be pretty awesome to have an option to increase characters' breast size. Possibly as an evolution of the MC power or something.

Breon Flowers

i prefer to see what you'd do before making suggestion if that's ok


I like what I have seen so far, her being the exact opposite of Emma, Emma being the epitome of the girly stereotype. I would love it if during dates Laura offered to pay instead since Emma takes offence if you do not. I think keeping Laura as the type that is obviously a clone of Wolverine as a good way to go as a way to keep with canon as more of a tomboy and a I can do it myself type of girl.


Unfortunately, given all the customization options, this is very impractical in a sprite-based game. I would have to have alternate sizes for every pose, and then for every top in that pose, not to mention piercings and the such, it would just be a whole lot of things. Instead, I just try to spread the love, and provide as many sizes and shapes as possible across the available characters.


That's fine by me. That's a little bit why I didn't start taking suggestions before showing *anything,* because I wanted to lay some groundwork first.


Good point on the paying thing. I don't know that she would offer to pay for you, necessarily, but she'd certainly jump to pay her own way, at least.


I am not familiar with X-23, so I don't have any suggestions there, but there is something I've been wondering about: how come the girls can lock their door, but the MC can't lock his? I could see that being an interesting dynamic with the addiction thing with Rogue, or add an element to the jealousy portion of the game.


Lol, now I'm imagining Rogue bashing the door in with a fire axe. :D I could certainly add it, the classroom already has a lock. Of course, locks wouldn't be perfect. . .


I know you said you aren’t too keen on the super hero costumes, which is fair, but if you’re gonna do jackets, maybe her second All-New Wolverine Jacket? <a href="https://goo.gl/images/yexfst" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/yexfst</a> I also think the shirt she wears under that would be a good workout outfit. <a href="https://goo.gl/images/cnE648" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/cnE648</a> Suggestions aside, the game is great and I’m excited to see where you go from here.


when can we expect the Laura update?


Cool! Laura's got great potential! More content with her will be great. Laura's dominant nature is well complement the softness of Emma. As for her outfits, I'd like to see short shorts, leather leggings and sexy t-shirts.

Jimmy P

My only suggestion as a Kitty fanboy is to dedicate the next few years to making a dozen new sex poses for her! But yeah, about Laura, maybe one idea worth considering could be having her claws come out every now and then when she's cumming or entering ahegao mode?


I just want to echo what others have mentioned. It'd be great to see a character taking more of the initiative and the dominant aspect of the relationship (which i personally feel was a missed opportunity with Emma since she's the older, experienced and used to being the dom. still love her tho). Have Laura a bit more primal; have it so we see flashes of it early in the relationship building (losing control during training, accidentally hurting someone or punching a hole in the walls etc.) just to introduce a more feral side that she has, hidden somewhere under that chilled exterior. How about instead of when obedience (or initiative) is full and you're putting tasks in her phone, or asking for her to call you daddy; she's texting YOU in class to come see her. She's the one coming into YOUR room in the middle of the night for fun stuff. She's the one telling YOU that she want's to get busy. She's asking YOU on dates. She's doing YOU. Flip it around. Think you could come up with some real interesting ideas, have events like if you're on your way to class and she grabs you on the way and pulls you into the shower room and just gets started. Of course have this just a relationship route though. Still have the loving aspect where she can be your girlfriend, but i think you have a great opportunity to do something different with perhaps the initiative or obedience mechanic with her. Other than that, love her design, and i think it'd be great to see what you come up with regardless of our input. Keep up the cracking work Oni :)


I'm not sure at this point, I want to make sure that I have a satisfying amount of content for it, so I would expect at least a couple months, but hopefully not too far out there.


I do want to add some more dominant stuff to Emma's options, I just haven't gotten there yet. One nice thing is that as I develop stuff like that for one character, I can expand it where appropriate to others (I could even have like a dom option for Kitty where she's really not that good at it). ;)


Some more outfits and stuff for emma would be good before working too much on Laura IMO


As already been said i wish she could be a little more aggressive than the other girls, but in the end we could still dominate her.


I'm actually really excited for Laura.


Any chance at getting a 90's cartoon costume for rogue? That spandex suit with a jacket was hot.


Just a small thing, but I think it would be really cool to actually see the dildos being used on the girls, instead of just a dialog that explains what's happening. And you could even expand the items further to get dildos of different sizes, and butt plugs, and train them with different sizes and such. I just think overall, items could be a bigger part of the game!


I think x-23 will be a whole new dynamic relationship. As I doubt your powers are able to disable her claws. Unlike the others. As for funding, yes there is an ongoing feud with the way Patreon is operating. My concern for this project getting kicked from her is first, Marvel getting wind of this and shutting you down. The other is the ongoing (tumblr like) cleansing of adult content. Just saying you may want to have a plan B in place to allow us to keep supporting you.


I don't know about the full outfit. Her gym outfit is sort of themed on that look, but not exact. I'd also like to have an alternate hair style that looks a bit more like that, but 80's hair is hard. ;)


I might try to get some more animations in there, and I do want to add a few slightly new item tweaks, although I'm not sure how much training will play a role.


Yeah, it is an industry of scary things. There really aren't good alternatives available for crowdfunding artists. Patreon has generally been very supportive of adult artists, and I believe that even if they decided that I couldn't do this specific project on their platform, I could manage to maintain a presence here, and perhaps divert distribution to somewhere else. It's not like I hold my content hostage to a high Patreon price, it's available her at only the $1 level, so if I had no option but to distribute the game entirely for free, I have faith that people would still support a purely optional Patreon. It obviously is a constant concern for anyone in the industry though. The Internet is an increasingly dangerous place.


Patron drop-off could also be due to US government shut-down. A lotta people aren't getting paid right now (myself included). And as for Laura, I like her a lot and can't wait to see her in game! :D


That's a bummer, I hope that whole situation gets worked out soon, I know how that can be.


Hey love the idea of Laura! I'm one of the freaks who loves the footjobs, so I hope you add one for her :) As for clothing and such I think miniskirts are always pretty hot and seeing her from different perspectives would be sexy (upskirt maybe if she throws you beneath her during a sparring match or something?). Since she has longer hair maybe add a hairstyle that's unique for her from the other girls like an option for a braid or some sexy pigtails or something? I love the artwork and the style of her character so far. I hope in the future you might add some women with different skin colors like She-Hulk or Domino for some more variety. Your detail for artwork is just amazing with what you've done so far!


when will be next sneak peek


It might be a little bit, honestly. I've been focusing more on coding/story stuff than art right now, so there really isn't much worth showing off. I might try to get a solid art day or two in though because I've got these costume ideas percolating that I want to get down. ;)


well i think we should have the X-men mission suits for all applicable girls.(basically Emma wouldn't get one she never wore a uniform as a character) and it would be pretty cool if we can modify the outfits and read stories of what went down at the field. That would be a cool interaction thing with their universe. But it is just a suggestion, the mission suits alone would be a cool addition.


x-23 definitely needs a micro bikini

Nevenga Games

I think more clothes all around would be fun. The shop is pretty sparse right now.


you are a genius! thank you for your work!)🔝


I'll do what I can, but in a game like this, adding new clothing can multiply things considerably, since I need to add them to every pose the character has.


I think Laura should get a g-string option. Mostly just cuz I think one of the girls should and she's the newest one.

Kye Hodgson

love the work, i really like emma and lauras design. I feel they are more dominant characters, maybe a secret relationship with them where they are the dominant? but overall love the new character and the game so far. keep up the good work.


Can’t wait to check out Laura. I second the microkini idea. Also something that has something with holes/rips, looking more savage. Jeans with holes in the knees and an over shirt with claw rips across the chest Convince her to go without the undershirt if she is daring enough


can I fuck Emma in this version? I don't mean oral sex.


I hope have an pubic hair option for Laura.

Patrick Smith

when do you think the next big update may come?

Harry Jamerson

Any chance of dresses or skirts for kitty?


Laura Outfit Musts: 1.Red Corset + Miniskirt 2.The Childhood's end outfits (both) 3.Her vampire hunter outfit (the one she kisses Hellion in) Also, questions. 1. I know this is gonna sound ridiculous but is there going to be any femdom content? I noticed Emma lets you call her Mommy and I was just hoping there'd be more in that area. 2. Is there a far far future plan to allow the protag to me female? Keeping the same animations just like, giving her a strapon or something? 3. Is there a way to have Emma do stuff in public? 4. Is there a notification for whether people are around you or not? 5. Are there plans to add new areas? 6. Will there be a conflict/plot once the game's more fleshed out? Character's I'd love to see: Surge, Magik, Domino, Dust (though I can understand if that gets into risky territory), Jubilee, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch (evolution), and Storm.


1. I know this is gonna sound ridiculous.... for now there is not. somewhere Oni did answer this question, but i dont remember its exact content. 3. Is there a way to have Emma do stuff in public? yes there is, just play around more often with her ( raising stats, try to do it in public, talk about her relationship ) 4. Is there a notification for whether people are around you or not? u can see little symbols of the chars around on the upper right side


Hey Oni, quick question: i know u can have threesomes in the game, and they are quite nice and all, but will there ever be a harem option where u can have all the girls in one scene ? you + the 3 girls or you + 4 girls if we're including Laura. I know from a coder's perspective harem scenes must be murder because of the unknown number or participating girls in the scene, as more and more girls are added, and after all there's only so much rooom on screen, but still, would be nice to see 3 or more ladies trying to satisfy each other and the main char in the same screen. :D just sayin' . :P

Jonn doe

Do you think there will be a way have the girls be in different poses in the future


The way things are currently set up, you can't have more than two girls engaged in a scene. Adding a third would involve completely overhauling a lot of systems, because they are currently based on "main girl" and "other girl." Adding more would be problematic. That said, it may be possible to create specific scenes in which more girls are present, or to have some role for "girls that are in the room but not actively participating," but no plans for that in the short term.


Possibly, although there is a lot of work involved in that, and it's currently a low priority relative to adding new characters to the game. If I can find a few more artists capable of creating Rogue-Like quality art, I could definitely look into this.


What about a 'Cum Swap' feature in Clean Up during Threesomes? If one or both girls have some, you have them kiss with it.


All I wanna know is what the Cologne option was/is for...I'm thinking some pheromone type system that raises girls stats faster, but with disastrous downsides.


a buff on your stats for a short while, u can buy it from day 50.


i would even like it when the existing threesome option "clean up partner" let the other girl clean up the main girl. even if it would be only in text.


Honestly I'm not sure it's something you'd be interested in writing, but I would love it if there was an optional path for her to "take charge" and be the dominant one in the relationship. I had hoped we would get that option with Emma, so I'm guessing that may not be in your wheelhouse, I just think it would add some fun variety to the game.


It more came down to a time issue than interest, it's something I'd like to add, and when I do, there should be options for all the characters (but handled a bit differently between them).

Scott Snelling

So, over halfway to the next updates from you (hopefully), but thought I'd throw my 2 cents in here. Would love to see more depth added before more girls (especially after #4). Don't get me wrong - I love that the game is getting more populated, but for the most part the gameplay is "the same" as it was 4 months ago - just with more variety of girls. Hopefully we can see the game grow in another dimension sometime fairly soon :D Keep up the good work whichever route you go though.


Well, I did add several features for the older girls over the last version, like the newer dancing, studying, sleepover, and relationship options, but there is certainly room to continue expanding. Let me know what additional options you'd want to see.

Mraz Pendragon

I would like to see more outfits, and different sex positions with them. Also if we can see what the MC can look like and also customize him and maybe add new powers that he can use.


The problem with both sex poses and outfits is that this is a sprite-based game, and I try to have all clothing be available in all poses (some games choose to only allow poses in specific outfits, or only have a single outfit), and this means that the more I add, it grows exponentially, if I have one pose and a dozen outfit pieces, then that's a dozen pieces of art. Two poses makes it 24, three makes it 36, add a piece of clothing, that makes it 39, another piece of clothing would be 41, and that isn't even including that many clothes have variants like lifted skirts, wet panties, etc. And of course the same is applied with facial expressions, hair styles, etc., so it can add up to a lot of work, and it's hard to find artists that are available who can produce the quality of art I need for the game. I do intend to add some more clothing to the characters, and possibly some additional poses, but a lot of consideration goes into it, I can't just throw out a new pose as easy as drawing a pin-up. As for the MC, my tendency is to just leave him extremely generic, if I put a face to him, that's the face he's got, and I don't want to have to create all the possible options to let people meaningfully customize his appearance. I leave it up to your imagination what the MC looks like. As for new powers, I'm open to the idea, if you have any suggestions of abilities that would make sense for the character.


I could maybe add some more of that in. And Laura's coming along nicely, I'm mostly done with her expanded wardrobe, and her chat options, and various other elements.


Hey Oni! Just wanted to say that im loving the game so far and i cant wait for all the new juicy patches! Quick question though, is it doable to add a pregnancy system?


when will be next mini news?

Scott Snelling

Ddos' ideas are pretty similar to where I'm going. Looking at the macro level gameplay, you basically are doing 3 things right now. 1) Class/train. This has gotten more interactive (girls can interact with you during class), although that feels pretty binary, since it basically still just ends with Emma sending you to your room to continue no matter how depraved everyone is. 2) Interact with 1-2 girls at a location - there's a ton of content being added here, especially as new girls are added, but it is still largely the same "type" of gameplay, and rather repetitive. 3) Dates. While there's some variety, these are rather bland currently. I like having them, but I don't do too many dates because it turns into "just click through because I don't make many interesting choices". What I'm looking for is anything that isn't one of those 3 things, or something that at least #1 or #3 more of an interactive experience. More date options, or more complicated dates. More to do during Study sessions. More interaction with the school/system. Short events that fire off and distract from the predictable repetition currently existing (weekend events, small "missions", cameos by non-seducable [yet] characters, etc). Really anything that gives us things that we have to work around. Right now, the game is basically just a sandbox (which is great). But without the curveballs and challenges, that gets very repetitive as you just do the same set of things with each girl, and then have them unlocked (speaking of which, I think it's a bit too easy to do so currently - but that's another subject). And to be clear, I love what you're doing. Keep it up, I just hope some of what I'd enjoy makes it in during the near future development! Even if not, I'll keep supporting.

Scott Snelling

Exactly the primary problem Breeding Season had (in terms of workload - the developers had a host of OTHER issues too, but they weren't directly related to the game's design). Eventually, adding a new species to the game meant several hundred hours worth of animations because each species had to match with each other one. Plus each animation needed 4 sets of animations (normal-normal, normal-feral, feral-normal, feral-feral), and then because you could pair same-gender, you had to make sure that M/M, M/F, F/M, F/F, H/M, M/H, H/F, F/H, and H/H all worked given the animations. Exponential workload gets ridiculous. Keep it simple - half dozen clothing pieces per body section per girl is already pretty good - and I'd rather see new girls, new content, etc!


Good points. There are a few "activity" type scenes that I'd like to add in, short scenes that should be fun. I hesitate to add cameos for girls not yet in the game, both because they wouldn't have visuals (making even a base girl like Laura is in the live game is one of the biggest single time investments in a character), and I don't want to tie down a character too much before really diving into developing what I want to do with them in the game. I don't want to just throw Storm or Squirrel Girl into a random scene and then want to go an entirely different way with their character later. And also, if they are in those scenes, why can't you talk to them in the game like the other girls, right? I'll definitely try to spice things up though. :D


Unfortunately the workload on that would balloon significantly. I'd need to not only make the base torsos for each girl (and for several poses each in most cases), but then also redo most shirts, pants, etc. to fit on those new bodies. It would be equivalent to adding a new girl or more just with the characters I have now, and then more on top with future girls. Plus of course all the social/ethical discussions. I don't see this as being on the table, sorry.


At some point in the next day or so. I just finished up a big chunk of Larua's wardrobe and I'm sure she wants to model some of it.


Hey Oni thanks for replying to my question from before and i have one more in the barrel that i forgot to ask before. now u said that there would be alot of hoops to go through for pregnancy but what about futa? im not sure if thsi would follow the same issues cuz ill be honest, i have next to no clue on programmin :P but other than that keep up the great work my guy! :)


not everyone likes dicks on girls, even if they would be fast drawn, u would want to interact with them, resulting in new poses, and these new poses would require extra work as well. how do u wanna explain sudden dick grow an his cute girls, they are looking cute as fuck as they are.


While i agree its not everybody's cup of tea i was just asking cuz there are some people who do like that sort of thing as an option if nothing else. As for the explanation for the character growing a dick its xmen and the MC is a new mutant discovering his new powers and one could be mainpulating a persons body. I mean he can already kinda do that considering theres an addiction level with rogue cuz of the way the MC's body is. Point of the matter was it was just an honest question and i wanted to know if it could be a posdible avenue to explore. If yes, awesome. If not, thats 100% ok. So while again i will admit Futa is not everyones thing i would appreciate it if you not insinuate that theres sonething wrong of me for "putting dicks on cute girls" and if im reading too much into what you said and am completely off base then i apologize.


Well actually. . . Yes and no. Dendo, you're right that plenty of people would not be happy with this change, so if it ever does enter the game, it would be fairly walled off, something that players with zero interest in it would never even remotely interact with it and would be missing nothing other than that specific aspect. In terms of difficulty though, it would not be *as* difficult as pregnancy, the art changes could be fairly minimal, and coding-wise it could piggyback a lot of existing systems with minor alterations. I have no plans to do this in the near future, but it's within the realm of possibility.


Never worry about asking for things. Maybe I can't deliver on it, for whatever reason, but nothing's harmed by checking.


i am just bad with communication, even worse with this foreign english. as i wrote, i did not comprehend it could be understand the way you did. sorry, ...


its completely fine Dendo and i also apologize if i came across a little hostile. in any case great job as always oni and i cant wait for the next update. Laura looks great and im having alot of fun with the game.


With Kitty Pride succeeding to Rogue, one the sexiest and the other the cuttest of all x-women, it was impossible to go wrong. Then I believe Oni you did a great "gamble" choosing Emma as the third xmen girls. A big tits gorgeous blonde milf is always a good show! Now about Laura I'm not sure... of course you're the Artist/Boss. But you also have a community/patreons. And maybe Laura might not have been the favorite choice of your followers... Just a suggest Oni don't take it bad please... after Laura ask your Community for the next xmen girls they wish to "seduce" ingame.


That is currently the plan. Of course the double-edged sword of that is that the character the community picks is not necessarily the one that every player would want.


In that case just do it like in democracy. 1st turn peoples vote for her favorite then 2nd turn you retain the 2 most populars then you make a revote. This way I'm sure there will be few discontents.

Micah Watkins

I think they should all have miniskirts, but that's just me.


Whens the next update btw...

Tassadar Talimar

I don't know about new powers, but a re-work of the addiction power might be interesting. Right now it really only matters for Rogue, the other girls aren't really effected by it at all. So maybe something can be done there so that you can have the other girls addicted too, even if it's not to the same extent as Rogue.

christoper urban

interestingly i'm curious how the prospect of having a character with a crush on one of the girls (current or future) might sound to put into story would play out?


I would like to have more potential for girls to. . . experiment with each other without the player being involved. There are sort of half-implemented hooks in the code for this, but it's not currently triggered in the existing game.