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I wanted to check in and let you know what I'm working on lately. I got the art in for Emma's room, it looks great, and I'm working to add the scenes for that at the moment. I also mostly finished her lovey romance scenes, although I have some bits I want to add now that the relationship potentials are getting even more complicated.

On the art side, I finished a base sprite for the next girl in the game, then once it was ingame I decided that her eyes looked a bit too big, too anime, so I went in and shrunk them a bit. I think she looks great though, very expressive. Don't expect too much for her in the next version, mostly just an introduction scene to give people a taste. I have some fun ideas for this one.

Again, the primary goal for the next version is to finish up Emma's relationship stuff and core content, add a little more to all the existing girls, and just a hint of the new girl. 



Cool cool, looking forward to the next update.


Will there be some special public scenes when Emma is teaching?


Sounds great, cant wait to see it, wonder whose next? Jean Grey? Storm? Or... No idea whose left, thats all of the x-man(Woman) i can recall :P Have a great day ^^


I'm pulling from a fairly broad list, not only characters that are from the show itself, but also from general X-Men history, and maybe even further.


See you in December On I


Did you had a chance to look into double paying on double dates?


Yeah, it's fixed on this end, won't be a problem next build. Sorry about that.


So are we eventually going to be able to go full Harem or will you be locked down to a certain amount of girls? Also, are you still planning on making a separate game for the bad girls;-), or are you planning on keeping them in the same game? I can totally see kaboom taking your character in the middle of night and dragging him over to the brotherhoods house. Which can unlock that location.... or something like that. The game is awesome so far and I'm glad you put so much work into it. Great job sir. Also, are you still going to use that line I suggested a while ago? I was just kind of hoping to see it. If it won't be in then I'm cool with that too.


That's sort of the scenario I'm working my way through. My plan is to basically have an adaptable scene when you reach the point of going full harem where you pass one final check, and then it's basically either all on board, or not for each girl (although of course you can readdress the topic later). I don't plan on a new game for bad girls, if I do add any, they'd just join the existing characters. Currently I would just have them join the school, although if the story dictated it they could be more "off campus" and only come to visit you and you go to them as needed. Remind me of the line, I'll see what I can do.

Zakey Ori

Too anime? ... Hmmmm


Yeah, just a bit oversized relative to the more American-cartoon proportions of the other girls. came off a little bug-eyed when they were together, but I think it looks better now.


just wanna ask that, is emma relationship status is locked or im missing something, cant get her to become my anything, TIA


Try breaking rules during her lessons with other girls( but not too much ^_^). Then she will ask to stay after class, and then you can raise her affection a little.


Here's hoping for x23

Cliff Hanger

Looking forward to seeing who's next to be added.


I can't wait to find out who the new girl is


yipeee! my favourite game is alive and kicking! BTW: have you considered adding Mystique impersonating one of the students (or teachers)? her shapeshifting powers could create some REALLY interesting scenes... like Rogue on Rogue action... (insert evil snicker here)


A lot of people want Mystique in the game. My feeling on the matter is that if I were to include her, I'd have to go all-in with her shapeshifting powers to feel right about it, and in a game like this, that would take a ton of artwork, so I'm not really planning on going there any time soon.

Zack V

Lol my spouse and I were talking about you, and we mused on the possibility of you doing the genderbent version of Nightcrawler from that one episode. Keep up the great work!


I would like to know whether you can hope for interesting content with the professor and the girls in the future? Sorry for my English.


Maybe? You mean like the professor doing sex stuff with them? It's possible, although even the option of the girls having sex with other guys can sometimes annoy people, that's a bit of a double edged sword.


Yes, I understand you. Therefore, I will leave the decision to you. I do not think that the author of such a wonderful game can do anything bad)))


Teasing the proffesor is enough.Like making girls dance around him masurbate or wathever. The proffesors text here that maters i think. (sory for bad english)


I would like some new dresses more diversity with Kittys pants and Emmas tops, the transparent stuff and semi transparent stuff on Rogue is lovely. You could use the Professor to mindwipe the girls, like resetting her love, obedience, relationship, exhibitionism. or just reset the girls to the time u first met with them.


I can try to get some more clothing in, although with the nature of mix and match sprite-based content, adding new clothing gets to be an exponential growth thing, where each new item I need to add to each existing pose, and each new post I need to add every item of clothing for it. I might introduce a mindwipe mechanic, although that's part of the point of the danger room simulator, to allow you to re-experience content you've done using different stats.


cant say anything about the work involved. but well kittys jeans, caprice and yoga pants are nearly the same. they all three cover the legs completely. while in contrast Rogues hose and stocking options, the skirt and pulled down pants are really really sexy. they make me want to see Rogue in this different kind of clothing while with kitty its only pants, panties or bottomless. well as far as i experienced it, the danger room only lets you experience special relatively short events. i like it to play with the girls to bend them further and further. for me thats one of the key mechanics of your game, getting the girls slowly doing more and more ero stuff, using different methods. and with some mindwiping i wont need to restart the game.


Yeah, that's true, it might be nice for her to get a skirt or something. She does have the shorts.


One thing that might make "mindwipes" tricky would be the interrelationships. If Rogue and Kitty have been doing threesomes with you for a while and both dating you, and then you mindwipe just Kitty, how would that work? She'd forget those actions, but Rogue wouldn't, and then I'd either have to ignore that (which is basically what would happen if I didn't address it) or have weird conversations added, and some odd situations would pop up. It's doable, but not *quite* so simple as just clearing their stats back to basics.


the odd and weird often add some unintended fun to the situation =) first version could also let Rogue forget these actions, just to make it an easier. na im just looking forward to a soon 981 you will have enough work when i found all the new bugs =)


Yeah, but the thing is, the weird stuff wouldn't be like "ooh, she's confused," it would be like "huh, how does that work?" ;) That's the biggest takeaway that I've learned about game development, nothing happens without the developer making it happen, you can't just assume that if left alone things will work out in a way that would make sense to the players. If you release a ball in midair, it won't fall unless you tell it to fall. :D So basically to create realistic reactions to those situations, I'd have to hard code them in someplace, again, not impossible, but not automatic either. Not in the plans for the next version, but I'm not ruling it out for future development.

Andras Nest

Thank you for the news


I'd personally love to see additional positions for already existing characters instead of the current limitations. Like Rogue only having a doggy style type position and Kitty only having missionary. Rogue with a cowgirl scene would something I'd love to see the most.


Agreed. This is what this game is needing most. One position per character is severely lacking. Especially when compared to similar games. And threesomes are kind of unsatisfying without actual threesome animations.


Jumping in I'd also second an expansion on Kitty's leg wear (and outfits in general at some point [shopping trip date?]) I admit I spend way to long in the wardrobe with each of the girls and Kitty's (an to an extent Emma but arguably she's not 100% done) outfits more often end up as what hair or top to have for that version. Also Kitty has relatively few option I've found to dress 'mature' with out it being just wear less.


Well, it's a tradeoff. Most games out there that have many different poses either draw the girls completely naked during all sex scenes, or they have one signature outfit in all scenes. That's a perfectly valid way to do things. On this game, I chose to have more customization in how the girls look. The tradeoff to that is that it means that each time I add a new piece of clothing, I need to add it for each pose I make. Each time I make a new pose, I need to make each possible clothing piece for it. Between these two factors, it means that the more I add of each, the more complicated everything becomes. I would like to add some more pose options to the game, and am always looking for additional artists to help me with that, but for the time being it's better to have a variety of poses *between* the characters than to try and have a whole bunch of poses for any specific character.

Zakey Ori

Oni. Is it possible to add in an option to level yourself after you gain a level?


u can level your charakter by taking class and train in the danger room. each level will take its time. there are enough level to get all the skillpoints.


Do you mean like the instant you gain a level, a thing pops up that lets you allocate the points without returning to your room? Technically, yes, I could probably do something like that, but then the check would need to be happening all over the place, and honestly since most of the time you *wouldn't* be leveling up, I don't think the checks would really be worth the negligible performance hit. :D How do you feel about leveling in general?


with higher level u have more actions with the girls before exhaustion. spending time in training room or class just for the levels isnt much fun. in class u can have the rogue event happen. in training room there is just the torn pants, also for rogue. the privat study sessions in rooms are a bit more fun. with more girls u wont notice as much couse more different encounters in class and traing room. but for now it lacks a bit of random actions


I do want to add some more entertaining events to the Danger Room and Classroom settings. I've been working on some new tricks to add some variety to things, at least.


Sounds interesting for sure