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Hey guys, read this before reading the next post, it's important.

A new version will be up in a few minutes. I want to stress, in no uncertain terms, that this first build will be a rough, likely bug-filled mess of a build. I mean, I've cleared all the ones I know about, but historically that means there are plenty that I missed. Sorry about that, but it will be better soon. So basically, if you like to poke and prod for bugs, then this patch is for you. If you just want to have fun playing the game and a crash would ruin your fun, just be patient, I'll be putting out new build fairly regularly over the next few days as new bugs are found, and hopefully within a week or two it'll get pretty stable.

That said, here are the patch notes:

New Features:
- Emma now has the option to have sex with her, as well as anal sex, and titjobs. Let me know if there are any issues with the animations or text flow for these.

- Emma now has the potential to do sexual things in public or with the other girls (previously I tried to hard block these options). There should be dialog involved expressing her misgivings, and you'll have to overcome that in various ways. Let me know how these interactions feel, or if something seems out of place.

- Emma's chitchat options are in place, and can interact with the above described additions.

- There is a new system for dating in place. You can now ask for a date any time of the day, but then have to meet the other person in the university square in the evening (don't stand them up). You can also double date by asking more than one girl out (up to two only). Of course this might cause complications. There are a lot of ways this system can go, so please try out your options.

- Rogue has a new sex option.

-Maybe other stuff? I forget. I might update this list is someone says "was this new?" ;)

Known Issues:

-Emma still has no room (let me know if the game ever makes it seem like you're in her room or something, and how you got there.)

-Emma is missing several clothing pieces when in her sex/TJ poses, so they might appear and disappear as she shifts in and out of these poses without commentary. Just roll with it. Eventually these items will be in.


Zakey Ori

Woohoo! Was there a patch note before? Eitherway, I'm loving it! Makes finding update objectives much easier or something like that. The update is almost here too(the stable version I mean). I'm curious about Rogue's new sex option and how the double date is going to work out. But I'm more curious about the challenger that you mentioned from previous update


Question: will you be making her room more Victorian in appearance? Considering her background and personality, it makes sense.


I have Miss Muffin working on the room (she did some of the more recent backgrounds), but yeah, my instructions so far were to make it "classier" and with a four poster bed. We'll see what the sketches come back like.


I'm sure it would be great whatever it is. I want to make a game but it's still all concept art. I need to find a coder and animator to complete the Triforce. LOL


I would suggest learning to code yourself. Renpy is very easy to pick up, I learned it myself as I made this game. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have along the way. And if you're good with the art, making simple animations isn't that hard either, although it can be time consuming.


Patreon still isn't letting me pledge with Paypal. This sucks. I pledged to you 6 months in a row with the same Paypal, using the same card on the account, and this month it won't let me use it no matter what I do. I've confirmed with my bank that it's on Patreon's end. I mean it's been broken all month, maybe they'll get around to fixing it soon. Even though I can't play this update yet, keep up the good work Oni. I'm a big fan of this game.


I appreciate your support. I wish I could help with this but that side of things is completely out of my hands. Patreon has reported having various issues with payment processors due to some changes they made last month that they insist are for the best. Definitely put in a help request with them and see if they can do something on their end, or can suggest some tweak you could make to your own side that could resolve this. Good luck, and hopefully this all works itself out before I get a stable build going. ;)


Comrade developer. Can I ask you a question? I want to translate your game into several languages, I really want to. How can I contact you?


Apologies if you've covered this elsewhere: Are there any plans for a pregnancy system where you have to either use condoms, convince the girl to take the pill or risk getting the girl pregnant?


I appreciate your support, but I don't think that translating my game would be terribly practical at this point. It's a constantly moving target, with dialog being added or tweaked all the time, and including multiple variations on each line would drastically complicate the code. I believe that its' in the best interests of the project to keep it strictly in English for the foreseeable future.


I'd rather not deal with systems like that in the game, not least of which due to the added art needed to represent pregnant versions of the characters. Basically all the characters are on the pill all the time.


I know im a bit late on this but does this apply to android as well?


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: KeyError: u'E_like' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "/script Locations.rpyc", line 121, in script call File "/script Functions.rpyc", line 1218, in script call File "/Emma_Chat.rpyc", line 100, in script call File "/Emma_Chat.rpyc", line 1084, in script call File "/Emma_Scenes.rpyc", line 1815, in script File "/Users/don7559/Desktop/Rogue-Like-0980b-mac/Rogue-Like.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/ast.py", line 624, in execute renpy.exports.say(who, what, interact=self.interact, *args, **kwargs) File "/Users/don7559/Desktop/Rogue-Like-0980b-mac/Rogue-Like.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/exports.py", line 1173, in say who(what, *args, **kwargs) File "/Users/don7559/Desktop/Rogue-Like-0980b-mac/Rogue-Like.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/character.py", line 902, in __call__ what = what_pattern.replace("[what]", sub(what, translate=translate)) File "/Users/don7559/Desktop/Rogue-Like-0980b-mac/Rogue-Like.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/character.py", line 884, in sub return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0] File "/Users/don7559/Desktop/Rogue-Like-0980b-mac/Rogue-Like.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/substitutions.py", line 242, in substitute s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs) File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value KeyError: u'E_like' Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.980 [/code]

Thomas Grenn

expensive development rogue as I have a problem I downloaded the new version of the game by removing the siaru but the locations can not see the black background with the dialog menu and so all this can be done to fix the bug fix in the next update I do not think that the case in my phone is likely in the game bug correct please


Um, I think there's been an auto-translate error in this, but I believe you're saying that you have trouble seeing the menu items? I have been considering trying to alter these a bit, I'll see what I can do.


Hey Oni, who is the next girl??Storm, Mystique, Scarlet Witch or Jean Grey? Any ideia? Hug!


Oh man I hope Storm or Mystique. <3

Jack Jackson

Oni what do you think about side quests? Maybe Combat Missions with sex-events?


Well, these would be a whole lot of work, and time I spend making these, I could be making something else instead. Given that, I prefer to focus on relationship/sexy scenes and content, adding new characters, that sort of thing over combat scenarios. I don't rule it out, but it's not a development priority at the moment.

Jack Jackson

But side quests can be? when, for example, the exploration in any place(like secret lab in missions from Xavier(with hide sex-event), instructions from Xavier mission.. what you think about that?(want to hear opinion) someday?


Well, I do plan to include more "scenes," more direct story-based encounters and that sort of thing, they will tend to be more along the lines of "college highjinx" than "X-Men missions." They still take a decent amount of time to produce though, so sometimes other aspects of the game take priority.


Maybe stupid question, but do you have public-builds of your game?


The game's available at the $1 level. I only release it to patrons because of Patreon's age check stuff, but if you can't support the game, there are probably places to find it.


Cool. Also I forgot to ask, since all your page here is patron only posts, where else can I see your art? I mean people obviously have seen your art before to come here and join. Thanks :)


I haven't been putting out much new lately, unfortunately. A lot of my older stuff can best be found here though: <a href="http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Oni" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Oni</a>


Oh nice stuff. I just happened to land here on your Patreon page and without any images other than the header, I was wondering what's going on, that's all ;) cheers


Yeah, I need to put together some sort of advertising packet to show off what the game has to offer. I am not good at promotion.


So what's the possible plans for the next build after this? You must almost be done with Emma, right?


It'll probably be more polish than anything else, as I start prepping for X-23. I still have some story content and features to finish up for Emma, maybe Kitty's TJ scene, maybe a few random story scenes for various girls, maybe some general mechanics tweaks to make them work better (I want to rebuild the earlier girl's animations to make them behave more reliably, using some new tricks I've picked up.)


Very exciting, thanks for the update :)