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Ok guys, the next version is feature locked and into final testing. I expect to have the first build of it available by about this time next week. I just got some new clothing pieces in, so a lot of her upper body stuff is actually finished, the animations are all done and I think looking pretty cool. I still have a few art features to add but I think I can throw them in during the early public testing phases of the version.

Included below is a screenshot of her titjob pose, so spoiler warnings there.




I'm sure Emma gonna be wonderful. can't wait to see the full build, I'm sure it's worth waiting for stuff with Emma <3 Have a great weekend!


Excelent job , i want to spend more money here

Zakey Ori

Holy shit those tits are amazing! I'm loving Emma even more.


Very cool. Now I can't wait for it to come out

Jonn doe

Two questions is the sex pose included in this update and is the date option available for emma. Keep up the good work


Both, yes! I will be giving a more comprehensive breakdown for what options will be in this version right before I release it, but the short version is, emma's sex poses and titjob pose, emma's public sex options, threesome options, an updated dating mechanic for all three girls that includes double-dating, and Emma's chit-chat options.


Does Emma have hoop rings on her nipples?


Damn right looking good! Can't wait for release


I like those rings


Looking good!

Cadmon Alima

Hm, I've never tried the green skin before. Wanna call myself Lemmy the Tentacle Monster on my next play-through. Doubt that would work into the character limit though.

Paula Rose

i love the new update i can't wait for the new update. Can you make kitty do a tit job.

Ian Spence

Lookin' good, keep up the good work.

Breon Flowers

I know this update is all about Emma but i gotta ask about Kitty's relationship status with us like with rogues girlfriend status to daddy status, can we get all the same deal with kitty that we did rogue?


Eagerly awaiting the update, but another question regarding content. In the future, will there be special or timed events that take place in different locations? Like, Emma has the caught after class that introduces her flirting menu, but have you ever thought of or plan to included scenes that use the setting? Like, depending on your relationship with a character, have them do something daring in the simulation room or mention you when talking to professor x. Maybe I'm not explaining well, but just things that the girls instigate and not the player character. Kinda like how Rogue comes to you for a fix every so often. Like more stuff like that... any plans?

Jeremy Scott Duffer

Dumb question, but are there going to be any other girls in the game? (ex. Jean Grey, Jubilee, etc.) Not expecting, just wondering.


What about professor x room, some changes or still useless?

Zitronen tee

Yes, he built the game to be pretty much completely modular. Next planned girl is X-23


when tjr update comes out


I know, eventually, I kind of wanted to make that happen for this version, but too many other things pulled at me. It needs new art, but hopefully won't be too hard to add.


I *think* I got Kitty's "daddy" thing working at the tail end of the last cycle, if it's not working in the first version of this one, let me know and I'll make doubly sure it's working within the first few builds.


Yes. . . there are even a few somewhat in the works, the issue is that these events take a lot of time to produce for something that only happens, once, right? That doesn't mean I won't do them, it just means I tend to prioritize "systemic" elements, where you can replay them with a lot of variations to them. I am trying to get into the habit of having more "scene" elements though, and it would help if I could bring on a skilled writer that could pick up basic Renpy coding (which isn't that hard). I had one I was working with in the past, but he ghosted.


Yup, like Z said, there will be more on the way, although don't expect a super rapid pace.


Hopefully in a day or two, I have some finishing touches and final testing.


Great job , get ready when the bugs come out.,excelent job.


Loving how it is coming together so far. Especially love how squishy you made her breasts look. Looking forward to when the update comes out!

Paula Rose

I can't wait for it the boobs on Frost is awesome. Can you make kitty do a breast job to.


Yeah, I'll try to work that into the next version (for in a few months), it needs some new art.