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Sorry for the quiet, guys. It's been a couple weeks, and the delay was a combination of losing a pet two weekends back, which left me a bit shellshocked for a few days, and also mostly working on art assets, which aren't particularly interesting to talk about, and also not worth seeing until they're in a finished state. Anyway.

I have been working away, I've got the basics for Emma's BJ animations and stuff in, there's a [spoilers] example of it below, although don't worry about her body, that's a placeholder for right now that I hope to fix up before releasing her. I still also need to do some alternate stuff like her wet hair and facial stuff, but the basic facial features are done, and the animations mostly worked out. I'm also working my way through her relevant dialog strings.

I hope to have a release ready in a couple weeks, depends on when I can finish up the remaining artwork. Wish me luck.




Sorry to hear about Your pet. Hope You get better soon. As always cant wait for the next release. Just wondering what next will You add into the game. Hope its gonna be an awesome, yet dirty update ( yup... sex scenę with Emma would be great ^^) Anyway take care Oni and have a great week!


So sorry to hear about your pet. Take your time.


Pet come back~ ;-;


My condoleances for your loss. I've lost more than my share of family pets, so... I know. I wish you all the best in recovering.


take as much time as you need, losing a pet is always rough. I still miss my little buddy from 2 years ago


a lost pet isn't easy take the time you need it.


Sorry to hear about your pet. As a pet owner myself, I know how hard it can be to lose someone you love so much. Take the time you need.


Aww, I'm sorry about your pet. :( I'm tempted to say the worst part is how little understanding others often show, but... whomever one loses; the bond remains. I hope no one's giving you a hard time for feeling bad. Good luck. :)

Project 9056

I am sorry to hear about your pet, it’s never easy to lose a part of your family, take your time with this until you start to come around a bit more ok? Also about the screenshot, looks great from what I’m seeing so far, I can’t wait to see it in action when the next version gets released :)


So sorry for your lost. But I wish someone can make a walkthrough for the game that's up to date with the game.


I am sorry about your pet, I lost mine nearly seven months ago. There are times that I expect to see him, to believe that he will just come right up to me and get me to pet him. He was with me since I was a kid, and the pain can nearly be unbearable. Just think about all the good times you had with your pet, it will get better. Sorry for rambling on, but I do this sometimes. On a different note, the artwork for Emma is looking good, as well as the stuff before. Keep up the good work.


I can give you some bulletpoints? Kitty becomes available after about a week whenever you're heading for class. Emma also becomes available after about a week when heading to class, likely after Kitty. You can't do anything with Emma until after you walk in on her after class in the evenings. Once you met the baselines of being able to talk to them, there are no real hard and fast rules on how to proceed. You can sometimes buy and give them gifts, although it might be worth holding off of this until later in the process, especially the more intimate stuff. You can flirt with them, but start carefully, because pushing too hard will have negative rather than positive results. They are far more likely to react positively to you when in private than when in public, so if you can get them into one of your rooms, that's a good start. Maybe try a study session with one of them. It's designed to be more freeform than many of these games, there are few binary decision points like "do X and then that unlocks Y, which unlocks Z," it's more about doing the things that they'll let you do, to make them more open to other options.


Thanks, it is kind of a slight tug every now and then, but I'm past the worst of it.


im so sorry bud, i was there not long ago. the hard part for me was coming home and remembering i wasn't going to hear at the door all excited see me. its gets eaiser man, just take all the time you need.


Why is the penis green?


That's Zero's canon skin color. Originally it was the only color, I wanted to avoid issues of player customization options, but players convinced me to add the pink and brown options.

Breon Flowers

so what all are we getting exactly from this next update again?


It will be The Update of Many Things. I forget all of them. It will have Emma's BJs and HJs, it will have the Danger Room historical simulator that allows you to replay older scenes, it will have some new clothing items for Emma and her shower content, it will have some updated post-orgasm stuff, it'll have a more involved sex scene menu that allows you to undress the girls or swap between them at will, probably some other things I forget. Should be interesting. I'll try to get together a more complete breakdown before I launch it.


will not it be better if, for example, in (Rogue) options there is an option to change the color of the skin as it was with the pictures of (Rogue)

Krade Evvor

Sorry for your loss(. It feels like a loss of a close friend. And many people doesn't understand how important are pets can be.


Hmm, I'm sorry but I don't exactly understand what you mean here. Do you mean that when you open the option menu, you'd like there to be an option to change your character's skin color? Maybe I could do that. The thing is, the current options menu is the one that Renpy puts together by default, and messing with it means opening up a chunk of code I haven't messed with yet. I may as well at some point though, because there are plenty of options that I don't need in there, and plenty of things I could add to it. In the meantime, you can change his skin color from the menu in the player's room.


Hi, not sure if this has been requested yet but could you include animations when you select put on a show with Rogue and get her to do stuff with Kitty? I would enjoy being able to see it rather than read it


Hi can you change girls skin color for example to be like the image of Rogue - EvoRogue-OBe1 , EvoRogue-Ocl1 these twu image is verry cool can you add the a similar skin color or the same to the girls in game


hoping for another update soon, keep up the good work!


Good luck! can't wait for update


Great game! But it would be nice if we get different positions/angles.


I would too. Unfortunately, with the way this game is designed, creating entirely new sex poses involves a LOT of art assets, because I need to create art for every clothing piece and hair style and facial expression and all that. I will try to get creative about expanding art asset options, but I don't expect to significantly expand the options available.