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Another progress report on what I've been working on. I got some new clothing in for Emma and incorporated those into the game, and I also buckled down on implementing the "historical" system for the game, allowing you to use the Danger Room to simulate various one-time events in the game without having to start from scratch. 

The tricky bit in making such a system was to set it up in such a way that it wouldn't reset your progress, or that would allow you to stack up extra progress. I think I have the basic system working how I want, and it allows you to go into the Danger Room, select a scenario, and then it launches the simulation, plays it out start to finish, and then closes down and restores all stats and values to their proper state. 

It does warn you not to save inside the simulation, however, because there are cases where restoring and continuing from a save inside there might end up with weird values when you exit (mainly between different versions). Hopefully that won't be an issue anyway, but I can't guarantee it, so I figured I'd warn you guys just in case.

Right now the only things totally finished are Rogue's first meeting scene, and her romance options, but I plan to add the same for the other girls, and then maybe some other scenes that only pop up once. Are there any scenes in particular that you'd want added? I do plan on making some unique encounters that can involve this system, but this is the start of it.

Oh, also, since these are public posts, it apparently means spammers can get on and cause shenanigans. If you see someone post a link to a bunch of porn sites, don't click on those, I wouldn't, at least, I'll delete those when I see them, but there's no good way to automate that process.



Can you do anything with emma yet? I know she kept holding me after class on my game but that's it

Patrick Coleman

Will you be considering alternate poses for the girls? Such as missionary for Rogue and doggy for Kitty?

Zakey Ori

Just thought of something. Plan omega involves Rogue and the main character brainwashing the professor right? That's because she wasn't touching the main character. Then wouldn't that affect Kitty in a threesome? For example starting a sex scene with Kitty then Rogue joins in and starts to kiss her. Wouldn't Rogue's power affect Kitty just like the Professor?

Zakey Ori

As for scenes that I'd like to see would be something like exhibitionism that involve the toys? Or maybe using the gym for simulation when they're alone or late at night?

Patrick Coleman

The loss of power is directly correlated to proximity to the player. The reason you cannot execute the plan early is because you don't know how to control it. By the time you do you can turn it off and let Rogue Use the power on the Prof.


This means I gotta buy a laptop cuz I cant get the updates on android lol

Patrick Coleman

Exhibitionism would be a glorious addition. I like the idea. But you can already sudo achieve this by maxing out inhibition and obedience and set them to wear nothing in their settings. Granted its unilateral and the will wear nothing EVERYWHERE with no regard for the location and with no consequences.


Try leaving the room and visiting her after class (in the evenings). That might open up some options.


Just hope it doesn't turn into a Futurama holo room style mishap lol


diculpe that I do not know much but that I download this update that announces?


This is more of a status update, not a new downloadable build. The latest version of the game is this one: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-17871304">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-17871304</a>


One time? I’d like to see them over n over. An idea I have is sentinel tentacle rape. And psychic handjobs


While I like the idea for the dangerroom historical simulation option, I worry that it may cause some issues and bugs as is. I'm sure though that these can and will be fixed in time, but... maybe you'll humour me by answering these questions?: -How will the dangerroom scenes be unlocked? Story markers, relationship values or new specific markers for the dangerroom only? I'd worry that relationship values would make it unstable, but tying in the other two might mean progressively more work. -How will the clothes of the girls be affected? Wil the dangerroom have fixed basic clothing, player choice clothing, or logged on event clothing? -Kind of important, maybe. Will you limit the availability of the simulations? As in that you can't use them if say the girls are in the room, or (logically) when there's a class held there or something? -Would you consider adding in some 'error' scenes for the dangerroom? (ref: Damage Control series 1, volume 4) -Will there be descriptors for when the room is in use by others?


Do you plan on having more locations in the game or simulations? Maybe like a pool.


I hope clothing could have some QoL updates. Like banging with tifhts on by tearing a small hole. In regards to the danger room, I hope it can contain sliders once we've passed through certain thresholds for the stats e.g obedience 50 it will allow us to set the obedience /inhibition/etc values so that we can check out stuff we may have missed (i.e getting angry at you for cumming inside if that exists). Also, why does kitty not mention her virginity? Honestly, I really like the relationship development aspects and more of this department would be great. And exhibition be more fleshed out cus it escalates very quickly as of now.


I actually have a pool location lying around. I just haven't figured out what I want to do there just yet.


You can do these as often as you like, my point was that there are various events in the game that only naturally happen once per playthrough, like when you first meet a character, but with the simulator you can "re-experience" those events without starting from scratch. As for more "fantasy" scenarios, that's something different, but might show up at some point.


1. The unlocking of them is easy enough, they unlock by the same markers that prevent the events from reoccurring in the real world. This should not *create* any additional bugs, since it's a passive check. Once you've done something "in the real," you can repeat it as often as you like in simulation. 2. Clothing, a good question and I'm glad you mentioned it, currently it would use whatever outfit they had on, and reset their outfit to their "scheduled" clothing after the scenario ends, but it might be a good idea to specify "default" clothing for certain scenarios. It definitely won't remember the *exact* outfit you might have had them in the first time the scene played out. It might be possible to also add "clothing selector" options to the controls, although that isn't in yet. 3. Yes, definitely access is going to be restricted, my current thinking is that you can only use it when alone, and when it's night time (nobody else around). It's sort of a "secret hack" situation, not something you're meant to be doing. That isn't to say that other girls couldn't get involved somehow, but there are elements in play to keep them out of the room by default, because the system is not really meant to handle two Rogues, or Emma in the intro scene, and making that work would be a much more extensive project. 4. Well, there is an error message when you try to take a trip outside the scope of the simulation, for example any scene that leads to sex currently "errors" back out to the room. As for "fun" glitches where things can get weird? Maybe, it wouldn't be that hard to slip in once I had a scenario I wanted to add. 5. Luckily, none of the other students are so "creative." Maybe there will be cases where you could walk into a scenario in progress though. . .


The tights thing I need to work on. I manually disabled that because the current graphics don't work right for that one, but I have a pretty good idea on how to fix it. It'll just take some work trial-and-erroring some options until I get it right. I might add stat sliders at some point. Right now, the intro resets their stats to the default (but of course restores them when you leave), but the other relationship scenarios will just use whatever stats you happen to have going in.


It's a good idea to devote more time to developing of material for other girls. Diversity lets to enrich a full palette of emotions.


Maybe a scene where Emma punishes you for something, she gets you very close and then freezes your cum, right when you're about to blow.. :D


Can you disable saving during the dangerous section?


Good question. Maybe. And the thing is, making a save wouldn't break anything, it's just that loading from that save in a later version might end up very buggy. Another thing I could do is add an element to my "save-load" routine that checks to see if you're in a simulation, and then warn the player to not continue on, or maybe take extra steps to correct these potential bugs. There are a few things to play with here. On the bright side, these scenarios are relatively short, so players wouldn't need to save and reload constantly, and you can replay them as often as you like, there there's never a need to "save this for later."

Mr. X

Will we be able to switch positions? Like how Rogue does it from behind? (Lol Warcraft) and Kat from the front? Also can we mess with Professor X some more in future updates?


What do you mean with rogue's first meeting scene and her romantic options? Are there will be any change/update?


The latest version downloadable is still 0.798f, this is just a progress update of what I'm working on right now. A new version should be out in a few weeks. The system I'm talking about above is one designed to let you replay scenes that currently you only get to play through once per game, like when you first meet a character.


How far will Emma be finished in this coming update? I don't suppose her sex scenes will be done by then.


No, it won't yet. It depends on when I decide to release, I've been focusing on some systems stuff lately, so I've added more story content for Emma, and the Danger Room, and some character-switching stuff, and some new costumes for Emma, but I haven't made a ton of progress on new sex scene art for her yet, so I want to get on that.

Project 9056

Guessing by the sound of your last comment we could have a few days if not more before the next release? ;-;


Eh, realistically more than that. I really do need to spend a few days just working on art stuff.


2 questions. 1) how many girls do you want to put in the game ? And 2) what is the end goal of the game if there is one? Will there be endings?


If i remember correctly, these questions were answered. 1.) the girls will keep coming, 2.) the game wont have an ending, it is, and it will be open ended

Breon Flowers

i donated $5 and plan to continue donating every chance I get. Please continue advancing on rogue like, I LOVE IT! I want to play it more!


Should thank Google images for my tiny pledge. Big tip? Maybe uh, put up a little "demo reel" of images or like, uh collage of images at the start of the patreon page so people know what the game is before making a pledge? :D It might net you more people buying the thing if they can see the art is good and that its a trainer!


Hey Oni haven't seen an update in a while, how are things? How are you?

Breon Flowers

I'm like super excited at the anticipation of all the stuff you'll add to this game. I'm so impatient but I have to be patient XD


Yeah, sorry I've been light on updates. I had a personal loss earlier this week and it sort of messed me up for a few days, but I have been working on art for the game, which will look cool, but there's not much to say about it until it's done.


Yeah, I'm not great at promotion or anything. ;) I need to update how I present my page at some point to better reflect what players can expect from it. I mostly survive on word of mouth right now. :)

Breon Flowers

How will the updates work? Will we have to uninstall and reinstall? or will there be a updating system?


You just download the new version and extract it, start playing just like the current version. Your save files are stored elsewhere and tied to the game, so you can just delete the older version (although if you took screenshots I think those end up in the game directory, so move those first).


Is there an estimate on the next release? I've been itchin' for some rogue-like!


Is that why I've been itching? I thought it was mosquitos.


Is it just me, or is there someone posing as Oni on gamejolt? It's 3rd result when I google Rogue-like: Evolution. They even link a paypal account instead of the patreon. And the name is different. o:


It's not just you. It is scary though.... I hate scammers with an undying vengeance! Seriously though, good work on the game Oni! It's not easy finding good quality stories for Rogue, especially with the outlandish titles or settings some of them have.


Huh, whatever that is, it ain't me. Annoying. I imagine actual celebrities get that a lot worse.


Yeah. I reported him like gamejolt's management team advised. Hope that solves the problem. :/


Hi,Oni. Tell me, please, when a new game version is released?


I don't remember if you've stated it anywhere, but will Kitty, Emma, and any future girls end up getting "addiction" events like Rogue? I sort of assumed the addiction aspect was part of the player's mutant powers along with his resistance to other mutant abilities.


Eventually I'll be doing something along those lines, I've kind of put that element on the backburner at the moment, but hope to expand it eventually.

David Hair

how to get new updates to the game


The update posts are more status updates, not actual game patches. When I release another of those, the title will be "Rogue-Like 0.979. . ." They are sorted in the post listing under "release".

David Hair

so if i be came a partren i get down loed the lates verstion right oh how is Jubilee


Yes, the most recent version is here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-17871304">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-17871304</a>

Harry Jamerson

Any updates on when you think the next release will be?


Yeah, I'm trying to tie things together right now, there are some changes that have so far tested out ok, but I need to spread them to every character.

Victor Lewis

so whats new with this update?


It will be The Update of Many Things. I forget all of them. It will have Emma's BJs and HJs, it will have the Danger Room historical simulator that allows you to replay older scenes, it will have some new clothing items for Emma and her shower content, it will have some updated post-orgasm stuff, it'll have a more involved sex scene menu that allows you to undress the girls or swap between them at will, probably some other things I forget. Should be interesting. I'll try to get together a more complete breakdown before I launch it.


is the game free or do you pay for it


Anyone at the $1 patron and above level can download it. The charge is mainly just to limit people cheating on the age verification.


you know law fan based stuff right i dont meant to dick put it would be great if your work doesnt get you in trouble


As Arvied said, parody is fair use. I should also note, just in case you were confused on this, but charging for parody art does not make it any more or less legal than offering it for free. The question is never about whether you are profiting from it, it's about whether you're allowed to use it in a transformative nature or not.