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Ok, here's the promised Emma Frost teaser. Keep your expectations reasonable on this one. It's a one-scene teaser to show off the character, although it does have a few different paths to it. After that, don't expect to see her again until a version or two down the road. You should be able to find her any time after unlocking Kitty, or roughly a week or so into a new game.

As a first build of a new version, expect bugs. Another wildcard on this version is that I changed from an older version of Renpy to a newer one, so there will likely be some issues related to that. Let's work together to narrow that down. I noticed that when I tried the build earlier, some, but not all of my previous saves were "missing." They were not actually gone from my computer, but were not showing up in the launch build of the game, and I'm not sure why. I believe that these were saves that included unrecoverable errors in them, and that's why they were being hidden, but we can narrow that down. 

I also pulled back a little on my redundancies for this one, since the new Renpy version is supposed to be better at automatically correcting some of the missing variable issues we've had in previous builds, but if it continues to be an issue I can put those features back in. I've also been messing with the UI so it's got some different font sizes now, that's a work in progress. There's also a "clock" image in the corner that only works some of the time, still working on that, but you can at least mouse over it to see how much time is left in a time block. Emma does not have a unique UI background, she's borrowing Kitty's at the moment, but she'll get one once I've worked out the shape I want for the UI, as well as a better way of manually selecting her UI.

Known bugs:
-Emma is showing up in class after her intro scene, which should not be happening in this build since the game is not built to handle her being around yet outside that intro scene. Just ignore her for now, I'll fix it next build.

What I'd like to hear from you guys is:
-General feedback about Emma, her sprite, her facial animations, her dialog, her scene, etc.
-Any UI feedback you want to give, I'm messing with it at the moment so it's got some sloppiness, but I'd like to know what data you'd like to have available that currently isn't. I intend to expand the "UI bar," and also to add new "character sheets" in some form.
-Any bugs related to missing variables, especially "E_" variables that would be Emma-related, or any other bugs that might come up from older saves.
-Anything that seems new about this new Renpy version (aside from that error screens are gray instead of blue now).
-Did I fuck anything up with the existing characters and data? I tweaked a few bugs and stuff in between versions but I don't believe I added anything else significant. Any other new content I've been working on was left out of this build until it's in a finished state.
-Oh, and please let me know what stats you have with Emma (mouse over the bars in the top of the screen before leaving the scene) so I can get a feel for how most players move through the options. They can vary considerably.



I don't even know where the save files get stored. ;) And to be quite honest, I don't actually have a completed save file of my own, I mostly just cheat my way to the point where I need to test something and hope it works out. If anyone else has a save file available though. . .


so, in this version u can only see emma once, and u can't find her again untill a new version comes out right? anyway sprite wise and facial animations I just love it ^^. i can't wait to see more of her.


Yes, although if you like, feel free to keep loading up a save from before that and trying out your options. ;)


Just me, or I feel the game a "litle bit" slower ? in text transitions and so on ? Btw i had this error <a href="https://i.imgur.com/We3y5H5.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/We3y5H5.png</a><br>Edit 2: Its normal that both options, chat and text appears at same time ? <a href="https://i.imgur.com/c9HnUe8.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/c9HnUe8.jpg</a>


First day after meeting Kitty, I'm in the Danger Room with her and Rogue, and Kitty is Overlaid over Rogue.


I rather like Emma here, but after looking at the code it looks like there are a number of branching paths that seem unlikely to unlock the first time you meet her, since they rely on getting significantly farther than is practical with Kitty and Rogue in the first week + weekend; it'd mean ditching class pretty often in order to be able to trigger those branches if starting from a new save. Also, it can trigger on weekends even though the text of the event seems to imply that a class should be starting.


Haven't gotten to Emma yet, but from a saved game, Rogue (and maybe Kitty too) still think it is too cold to shave.


File "D:\Games\Rogue Like\renpy\script.py", line 861, in lookup raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original)) ScriptError: could not find label 'Emma_Leave'.


Possible. I could try a few things but I don't know what might definitively cause that. I added a slight change to how text is displayed, and disabling that might speed things up, but hopefully it's not the issue.


Ok. Can you tell me where they are on screen? The two primary positions a sprite gets displayed is slightly to the right of center, such that their head can get caught under the word balloon, or more to the right of that, so that they're nearer the edge of the screen. Which did they end up in? I had to mess with some of the display elements to account for Emma being in the picture, and might have gotten something out of order.


Ok, these are fair points. The weekend thing is easy enough to resolve, and maybe there should be some way to delay a few of those options a bit. To be fair, NONE of the branches set anything in stone, they are all flavor and a few extra stat points out the gate, but nothing that you couldn't pick up from other encounters later. You basically just get some slightly different dialog and a few more (or less) starting stats if you meet certain conditions first.


Ok, good to know. I'm really struggling to figure this one out, because the code all does seem in place to make that work. You're sure they agreed to shave, and then you waited over night, and it didn't actually take place?


Well that's odd. Nothing at line 861 should have been looking for that label in the first place. I can work around it, I'm just not sure why it was being checked at all.


Yes, but again, this is from a saved game.


Still from that saved game, I can't seem to do anything with Emma. If I am in the classroom with her, I can't talk to her, and even if I just sit in class, I get the dump. I will try starting a new game.


Well, saved game or no, it should still work eventually. If you load this save, and THEN talk to her and ask her to shave, and THEN wait overnight, then she should be shaved by morning. If that isn't happening then something is wrong. If you can ask her to shave then it means that the game knows she has pubes. If you ask her a second time, then her answer should be "I know, I'll get on that. Not right this second, obviously." If this isn't playing then it's because she isn't scheduling the shave. If it IS playing, then the shave is being scheduled, but not playing out for some reason. I just tested it and on my end it worked. I might rewrite how that element works a bit anyway.


There is a bug I figured out where Emma is showing up after her intro scene, which should NOT be happening yet since I don't have the other infrastructure for that in place. The next build will fix that.


For reasons I don't understand, Patreon will not allow me to load up my previous comment on this thread. Anyway, to answer your questions, Rogue and Kitty were centered on the screen, with Kitty overlaying Rogue.


Question, by now can we do anything to emma? Once the chat and leave things get solved?


No, basically it's a bug that she's still showing up after her cameo, and most of the content for her isn't in the game yet. Now, over the next few months I'll keep adding more and more things that can be done with her, and she'll start officially showing up around the game and interacting with you, eventually you'll be able to do anything with her that you can with the other girls, as well as various other options.


Ok, great, was just hoping to see something. I have to say tought, from all the money i have spent this year, the patron of you is one i have not regret a single secont, i wish i could patron more.


I always wanted to ask but can there be an option to cum on the floor or tissue? Like if you can get rogue to let you masterbate in front if her starting the game the options are limited on a first time


Emma is super hot, great job ! And i found a bug: during the "Meet Emma Event", after rouge appears next to emma, as soon as she is asking you to stay


Ok, I think if I'm understanding that right, I've sorted out at least a few possible causes.


Could there also be an option is you catch her masturbating you stick it in and surprise her? Might be a little weird at the very beginning, but maybe it can be an unlockable when she is your gf/ sexfriend. Surprise butt sex could be comical.


I'm having the weirdest time with comments here, as I've left two and can't see either. Anyway, I had an issue with Kitty overlaying Rogue in the Danger Room, now I have a similar issue with Emma overlaying Rogue in the classroom. In both instances, the characters are positioned in the center of the screen.


I've got 2, often there will be times where if there are two girls, their sprites will overlap, and one will be in front of the other, this reverts back to the normal stance after I've done some form of interaction with one of them and finished talking. E.G: <a href="https://prntscr.com/hv538f" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://prntscr.com/hv538f</a> The second one is, for some reason and I'm not sure what triggered this, but the girls are always giving the look like they are aroused, even if I'm not in any form of relation with any of them. E.G: <a href="https://prntscr.com/hv544o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://prntscr.com/hv544o</a> . This stops the moment I click on chat with the particular girl, and she would revert back to her normal face. Not that I don't have a problem with this, but I don't think it's supposed to be happening. Also I'm still getting the message that says when a girl throws back on her clothes, when she's not naked, but when she has a costume change (i.e when leaving the training room, the message will appear)


With the "overlapping girls" situation, does it just happen with Emma and some other girl, or does it happen between Kitty and Rogue too? And when do they overlap, does it happen as soon as the scene starts, or in cases where you summon a girl in or something? As for the faces, I can try to change some of the default expressions and when they shift into them a bit better. I haven't messed with that system in a while, if I don't do anything then they will just keep on whichever the last face they had was, but there are checks in the wait period code that should give a more normal face in between scenes.


So after that one scene, I really love Emma. Kinda a Natalie Dormer vibe going on. Excited to see how she works.


Heh, I wasn't specifically going for that, but now I wish I had. ;)


So I'll have to do a few tests, but from what I've seen is that it only occurs when your in a location and then two of them appear at the same time. For example, If I was in the classroom in the morning by myself, if I took the lesson for that class, it will go to midday like normal, and then once it hits midday, Rogue will generally appear (depending on the day), followed by Emma, and that's when the overlap occurs. Basically, whatever is triggering the girls to appear at a certain time is overlapping each other, so they would both appear in the same spot

Handsome Idiot

Can you add option to visit kitty and rogue rooms when they are sleeping? so you could either sneak in bed to surprise them in the morning or just fuck around with them during sleeping time


Hey, man. There's still time to mess with the dialougue or whatever. It's your game and she's not going to be added past this scene for several updates you said. Also, separate question; Kitty doesn't have titjob, maybe don't give it to her. Like I know you're working on foot job and just give her that. Her breasts aren't very large and maybe every character could have an exclusive action? I also wouldn't object to both obviously.


Lol, yeah, Kitty's titjob scene sort of fell between the cracks, so to speak. ;) It requires some new art and animation and I just haven't gotten around to it.


Well, I can put in some code that will double check to make sure it doesn't happen, but first I'd like to figure out why it's happening in the first place, because that means something someplace isn't doing the job it was intended to do. ;)


I can't seem to get kitty to like me. Any tips I'm getting no where and feel dumb.


Take classes with her, danger room sessions. Go on dates if she likes you enough to agree, and don't be stingy. Maybe get her a gift, flirt with her a bit but don't be too aggressive.


I just did light flirting forever until I got to kissing, then it was easy from there to escalate.