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Here's a little preview of the new girl coming to the game, Emma Frost. She'll be added as a teacher to the game, and a bit standoffish at first, but you'll be able to melt her over time. I hope to have her in a cameo role in a version by the end of the month, but her full implementation will be rolled out over the coming months. Right now I have her base sprite mostly working, with a few clothing options (though not the full set), and a basic intro scene, but most of her actual content and infrastructure still needs setting up.

I'm providing a special preview for my $15+ subscribers, because they haven't gotten much in a while, and I'll also offer a slightly different preview to my new $3 subscribers. I don't plan to do that often, so don't necessarily rush to that price in hopes of a long term thing, but I did want to reward the gesture people made during Patreon's recent fuckup. If you're at the $1 level, don't worry, it's nothing you won't be seeing for yourself once Emma's implemented. ;)




Wow man, love the Artwork.

Tassadar Talimar

Wicked :D I'm really looking forward to Emma


Thanks for the Art Oni she looks very hot! However it confirms my first feelings, no others girls from Xmen's verse can be cuter than Kitty.


Freaking Sweet


Awesome job, she looks great!

Prof. Walker

Winter will be coming indeed, and so will I

Project 9056

Now that a teacher I'd be happy to “teach” me ;) hahaha, can’t wait to see her in the game ^_^


oh yeah awesome!


Coming hehehe


She looks awesome.


Looks great but I can't help but wonder, why not Storm? to add some dark chocolate to the menu. EDIT-NOTE: formatting


Will Emma get alternate hairstyles too? Or her classic White Queen outfit?


Originally, I considered Evo Storm to be kind of dull, but I've thought about ways to make her work for the series, and she's a strong contender for girl #5 or 6. I agree that variety is a good thing.


Alternate hairstyles, likely. I designed the art so far so that it should work with different hair styles without much reworking, but I do want to keep them to a minimum. The next one is likely one intended for her "wet look," which can likely also work for when she just has very straight hair. I might also add options for her classic look, she's already got most of the pieces, but I need to do the boots and maybe the fur lining, as well as some modifications to the corset. I want to cover my bases with her, having a nice sleep outfit, a towel for showering, something to work out in, and then maybe a few other pieces.


Not to be a Negative Nancy, but if you ar looking for consistency you might want to go with what she looks like in Wolverine and the X-Men. Same art style, still looks sexy, and you can still change her hair but you will have a good baseline.


I mean, it's super obvious, but I love the customization features, this sounds great. Personally, I'd love to see Emma with the ponytail from that one issue of Bendis' Uncanny where she has this like, Punk style going on.


Yeah, I wanted to go with something a bit fancier than that, but I will have a straighter look too.


Hmm, maybe not quite like that, but an up-do of some sort couldn't hurt.


That's Cool, but you know you can't drop info like girl #5 or #6 and not expect more questions ;P I'll freely admit I'm not the biggest x-men fan, I just really liked X-men evolution when I was younger so I don't really know a lot of characters which is probably why I expected you to just do the girls from evolution. So you've obviously got some serious expansion to this game planned and that makes me wonder, do you have an idea for your total roster size? Also do you plan on increasing the PC's powers (point assignment)? Because as of right now the PC's powers (addiction) only really seem to affect Rogue. Also also, I just had a thought about applying the addictive power to the PC's cum and with that being a more powerful "HIT" so to speak.


I plan to keep adding characters and new things for them to do until y'all get sick of me. ;) I try to build the game to be as flexible as possible in that regard, although I inevitably have to rebuild a few things as I go. And yeah, I'm open to increasing his abilities, but I need to figure out some interesting things he can do. I don't want to expand too far from his core ability-set though, no laser eyes or whatever. The sexual stamina levels will always be a benefit. And the current addictive traits to increase the "kick" of his jiz.


AHAHhahaha, I hope you've got Toady One (Dwarf Fortress Dev) level of staying power because I love your art style and the interactive sex system and will support as long as its financially viable for me to do so, and Toady also frequently has to rebuild things as DF advances so I'm fine with that :D As for more powers my initial point was that Rogue is easy to addict but Kitty seems to almost be immune (Very small increases) so I was just wondering if we'd be able to put more points into addiction so as to be able to effect Kitty and eventually Emma on a similar level. My second point/idea was that rather then being more addictive in general (more points in addiction power) making it so that the PC's Jizz has a stronger effect then normal touching and that cumming inside or getting the girl to swallow would further enhance the effect, quite literally making them addicted to his Jizz to the point normal touching is no longer enough. As for some power Ideas, the ability to reduce addiction increase speed so that it take longer for them to need another fix and/or he ability to decrease the addiction rate decay so that they continue to build addiction for a longer time after interacting with the PC, allowing the player more freedom from individual girls needing their fix when the roster number is high enough to make juggling them all really hard. The ability to convert addiction rating/strength into physical pleasure similar to the Protagonist from sweet guy manga, where at high levels just holding hand could cause major arousal or outright orgasm, could also work as a combat ablity if combat is ever added. All this could give people more options in how they want to employ the PC's powers, tie all of this into a suspicion system where abusing your powers to heavily/often on characters who's relationship with the PC isn't high enough and you can lose/bad-end. Quick example of power employment options weak addiction & long decay = slow burn & -suspicion (is it love?) strong addiction & short decay = heavy burn & +suspicion (is it love at first sight?)ect. The only other idea I have is to include the ahegao and mind break fetishes by making girls orgasm past their stamina limit, once past their limit for ahegao and 2x their limit for mind-break? Edit-Note: holy shit that's a lot more then I thought.


Great choice! I really like her costumes, so hot!


I keep adding new content over time. I actually have several small scenes for Rogue that The Rook wrote that I'm still getting around to fully coding into the game. It's a mixed development cycle, where on one side I'm converting existing content to work with new characters, but then I'm also adding original content for those characters and porting them back towards the existing ones, and also adding new content for Rogue which will eventually spread up to the newer girls.


Kitty is essentially immune to the addiction factor (it exist, but basically resets itself constantly), and her addiction-specific dialogs are not implemented. I've been waffling back and forth a bit about whether I should implement the system basically how it works with Rogue, or instead implement some alternative system for each girl that provides similar control. With Rogue, her situation is different because she couldn't touch other people, touch itself is an addictive factor, so I don't know that I want to make it such a major influence to other girls.


so does the latest version have full kitty options? like u can do everything with her like rogue?


Mostly. She doesn't have the strip tease option, or the titjob option yet, and I need to fully re-enable the sex toys for both, but the rest of the stuff should be in there, unless I've forgotten anything. I'll continue to add more over time.


I'd also like to see addiction with Kitty, but maybe she gets turned on by not being able to be phased around you? I dunno.


Fair enough, but then its not a "power" its just that her circumstance results in her being emotionally vulnerable to physical intimacy. But if it is a power then it should hypothetically work on other people to some degree and it just effect her the most because of the aforementioned vulnerability. I would personally advise against given every girl a completely separate system for two reasons. The first is bloat, as in it will increase the amount of work needed for every girl in terms of both lore/story and coding. You'll have questions on why is the PC's powers have X effect on girl 1, Y effect on girl 2, Z effect on girl 3? ect. You'll also have to write a different style of interaction for each girls special system and you did mention (potential) girls #5 and #6 in an earlier reply so you have to consider how many styles of "control" can you think of without straying to far from the PC's establish "core" abilities? If you keep the addiction system you mainly need to work out different responses relevant to each girls personality rather then entirely new methods and you can still create distinction between girls though personality, Kitty for instance could as Nargar said like non-con/forced actions she can't escape from (is hinted at in her initial meeting) while Frost might like cold shoulder/being ignored while "addiction" level is high ect. The second reason is that while I think having each girl also have their own custom system does sound cool I can't help but wonder what it would really add that can't be achieved with personality differences reactions/interaction to an expanded addiction system. I'd honestly rather have a single addiction system that is robust and detailed that can be used in multiple ways then to have a half dozen minor systems with less depth, its why I suggested a suspicion system to expand upon the addiction system. also while I cant speak for anyone else I personally and I hope this doesn't sound asshole-ish find "every girl has her own unique custom system!!!" to be a bit too, I don't know buzz-wordy/gimmicky/sales pitchy for my tastes. but honestly, it is your game so make it however you like, and if you think multiple system is the way to go then do that and because you do seem to know what your doing I'll trust you to make the right decision, if your really not sure you could always do a patreon poll. PS: I really hope I'm not coming across as an asshole in these comments as I do love your work so far and I am genuinely look forward to how things progress from here.


Well, it was less that I wanted to have him use specific powers for each girl, and more that I would add new tactics to coerce them, similar to plans Omega, Kappa, and Psi. Where his powers come in is more often just his default power immunity, that the girls can't use their powers to gain advantage over him (for the most part). I appreciate the analysis, and you make a lot of good points. I may make it so that the addiction element has less of an impression on later girls than on Rogue, but it would make sense to keep the systems in there at some level too.


Cool, I didn't get where you were coming from on different systems for the girls... my bad. I definitely agree that addiction would be the most effective on Rogue because of her general lack of intimate human contact, I also imagine that characters with strong willpower like psychics would be even less affected by addiction then "normal" people. I must say that I really appreciate your replies and that I don't mean to post essays its just the kind of thing that happens when I get exited about the possibilities of a project :P Note: Thinking about it the girls power type (Psychic) shouldn't effect addiction effect as the PC's main power is immunity/nullification of others powers, instead a girls raw willpower should reduce how effective addiction is. I just mentally tied willpower to psychic powers where as any type of power require some level of willpower to control.


What is done plans Omega, Kappa, and Psi? I know only Omega at Rouge.


Plan Psi isn't in yet, but Plan Kappa involves Kitty and Xavier's office.


I've been thinking bout this a bit over the last couple of days and I think I've cracked it. Its about about willpower and mental defenses, what I mean is that each girls has resistance of some degree to Zero's addiction effect but that each girl also has a psychological weakness to be exploited as a chick in their mental armor. Rouge's weakness is physical intimacy because she can't experience it from anybody thanks to her powers so when she does it bypasses her mental "armor". Kitty's isn't non-con/forced but bondage and restraint, because her power makes those things impossible when her ability to escape is taken away it causes any interaction to bypass her mental defenses. After looking up Emma Frost she seems to have the power of telepathy, as such I imagine that shes used to being able to tell somebody's true intent through her telepathy to the point of being at least partially dependent on it, she would therefore have more trouble reading people normally and that would be her weak point. Edit: formatting and spelling


And those are factors I've been toying with a bit, but haven't fully explored yet with the other two.


It only took me 3 days to understand where you were coming from with distinct systems for each girl :P Anyway, I wish you a marry Christmas, have a good'n mate. :D


I couldn’t edit my post so I will say it here or post a new one which ever you prefer oni. I don’t want to detract from this game.


On topic though I know I said this before...and I am sure others have mentioned other people...I wish you could include characters even if there not marvel characters. I understand that Mass Effect is not happening it would be to weird to have females there, in my opinion because of story and there race, but final time I ask is it going to be exclusively marvel/DC or will you add other universes?

Zakey Ori

Crystals in the winter? Hell yes! I'm curious as to how she'll react to the player's nullifying ability. And as for her cameo maybe just some lines to show that she's there or maybe something like that? Speaking of new characters, is there going to be new locations as well?


I don't rule out the possibility of including characters from other sources, but I will say that Marvel characters are likely to take significant priority and there are plenty to get through, so that will be the character list for any time in the near future.


In the upcoming patch, not yet. Eventually I will have Emma's room available, and there are a few other locations around the school and surrounding area that I'd like to get in. I even have some of the art, but also have some more work to do for them.

Project 9056

I imagine I’m not the first to ask this..... and likely not the last lol, but any idea when Emma will be added into the game?


The plan is to add her in an intro cameo within the year, so. . . fuck, Sunday? Hopefully. But she won't be fully a part of the game for another few months as her available elements are expanded.

Project 9056

Either way, much like others have said I look forward to her being in the game, especially after Image 3 you posted for $15+ Patreons ;D


Yeah, although like I said, it's just for one scene atm, a teaser of things to come. I still have plenty of art to do for the more direct interactions, and plenty of coding/story as well. That will take longer to roll out.


Will she take as long as Kitty? I know you said you set up systems to mostly be able to plug in, but I'm wondering what the process is.


I think maybe I should do a full update on that process, but the short answer is "hopefully she won't take as long, but still likely months." Then maybe slightly less for the next girl, since three girls covers the final set of logistical hurdles to work through.


When I ask the girls to shave they agree, but then they never actually do it. Am I missing a step? It worked in previous versions.


I've gotten reports of this, but I can't figure out what the issue is. I'll try to figure it out though.