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So in case you haven't heard, Patreon said that they aren't going to change their fee structure like they'd planned. At least not for now, and likely not exactly the same way. They noted that $1 and $2 pledges were being screwed by this change, and that this was a bad thing, so it seems likely that whatever they do, it will screw $1 and $2 pledges less.

Anyway, there's no reason to run now, and there's no particular reason to pledge $3 anymore, but it'd be cool if you did anyway, right? ;) I'm not one to exploit a crisis, but if exploitation of a crisis just. . . happens. . .

Anyway, $3, $1, or all the higher pledges that are super fantastic, it's all part of what makes this project function and I appreciate every ounce of your support.

Btw, sorry this post is a few days after the fact, circumstances left me largely AFK over the past few days, but I was keeping track of things.



The "they fixed it" made me think of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with the bundt cake.


How's the work going the next update?


Well! I hope to have a preview up in the next few days, and I plan to have something worth releasing within the month, although it won't be a huge update.


I'm just glad that they listened


can i still get some pictures of your big boy butt? (BBB)


So if Kitty breaks up with me, the option to ask er to be my girlfriend seems to go away.


Hmm, I'll look into that. There should be an option for a second chance. . .

Gee Mama

Kitty's 256 Shades of Grey dialogue crashes the game pls help


Is that still happening in the most recent build? 0.976b? I thought I ironed that out by version a. What's it saying?

Gee Mama

Derp, deleted the new version accidentally. Pls disregard