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Last chance to get nominations for the community project, voting starts tomorrow. Just list any characters you'd like to see drawn in an upcoming project.



Yung Hee (Mike Tyson Mysteries) Gogo Tomago (Big Hero Six)


Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)


Ok, cool, we're getting some good options together here.


I already made my character suggestions in the other thread, but I would like to suggest that you allow multiple selections in the vote. It will help ensure more people are happy with whatever you end up drawing than a single choice would


Yes, and don''t worry, the posts in the other thread will be counted. As for voting method, my plan was to use an outside polling site to do it, and just link to it from here. It'd be nice if Patreon had an internal poll tool, but so far as I know they don't. You're suggesting like letting each person vote for three things and combine the results, right? I'd have no trouble with that, but would need to be able to find a poll that could accommodate that. Do you have any recommendations? Things you may have seen used before?


I'm suggesting letting people vote for as many options as they like (if someone is happy with every character except one, they should be allowed to say so), but yes, that's basically it Strawpoll is the tool I've seen used most often. It's simple, has the option to allow multiple choices (no limits) and it makes sure people can't vote multiple times. One downside is that there's no way to make sure the person who voted is one of your patrons. Another option would be Google Forms, which requires a bit of extra manual work but has extra options (Like limiting the number of choices, which again I don't recommend, or asking for the patreon username for verification purposes)