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I'd like to try out the idea of a monthly community pic. I'm still working out the logistics of this one, how it would work best, but let's give it a shot. So basically for the first step, I'd just like anyone who wants to make a suggestion to just post in the comments any character you'd like to see. I'll go through them and come up with a reasonable selection to put to a vote next week. Feel free to ask any questions as well.



Interesting. Can we suggest multiple characters or should we stick to one suggestion per person?


I might decide to change this the next time I try it, but for now go nuts. Try to keep it to just a few at first though. The idea is to get as many characters out there as possible that people want to see. We'll narrow them down in the next phase.


Great. I'll start with just three, and if people are dumb enough not to participate, I can probably come up with more. If you need references, let me know * Merida (Brave) * Draka (Warcraft) * Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)


I'd like to suggest Aunt Cass from Big Hero Six, cause she's adorable. My other suggestion would be an elf in the traditional sense, 3 foot tall woods creature.


Terra Nova (Starcraft) Jill Valentine (Resident Evil) Ashley Williams (Mass Effect 1)


Lina (dota 2) Windranger (dota 2)