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Ok, so the new version is mostly ready. I've already split off a "build" version from the "work" version and I'm making sure it all at least functions before shipping it out, but I want to be very clear on this, the first version I put out will likely have some bugs. Some serious, game crashing, "save files might not work right" bugs. If all you want is to have fun playing the game right away, I do NOT recommend the upcoming build. Just wait a week or so later, I'll keep you guys updated, and when we get what seems to be a relatively stable build, I'll let you guys know.

Now for those that do like to text things and see if they can break them, there's a lot going on with this one. I want you guys to test the new sex dialogs in as many combinations as possible. If you get any dialog that seems weird to you, let me know. I hopefully cleared out any test strings, but you never know. 

The way it should work is that you get at least 1-2 lines of dialog per interaction, and up to four if you're in a threesome and everything is going on. Also keep an eye on the stats and take note if anything jumps too heavily, or takes too long to grind out. Give me feedback on that not just where there are obvious errors, but also anything that you think sounds clunky, or should be happening more or less often, let me know how you like the system because there are a lot of levers I could pull to tweak it now that it's in place.

I want to make sure that the new version works well from a fresh game, but also make sure it works from save files. I do NOT recommend making any permanent saves based on this version, as they might not work right moving forward, wait for the final build for that, but test out any saves you already have to make sure they translate properly. I changed a lot of elements in this one, and hopefully I managed them all correctly, but I may have missed a few things.

So, test the new dialog system, try to get into some threesome situations with Kitty, test her new fondling mechanics, her new dating mechanics, test Rogue's ability to take her collar on and off separately from the green top, maybe some other stuff I forgot. Anyway, soon.



Can't wait!!! Thanks for the update oni!!! :D


Sounds good. Can't wait to test these new systems out. If/when we find bugs, Is there a specific way you want the error logs formatted? And do you want them posted here or emailed somewhere?


I always do a new run with a major update, can't wait to try and find bugs but normally i am last one to the party an its all reported still try to find something new, good at find bugs no one else gets not purpose mind you lol.


simply can't wait


Mostly just post them in the post thread for that update. You could also PM them to me if you prefer. If the game crashes, there will be a short error message, followed by a "full traceback" that is super long. 99/100 the "full traceback" is not necessary to me, but the smaller error message usually is, as it explains what type of error occurred and what line of code caused it. Please copy/paste that or screengrab it if you can. If it's more of a "something I find weird happened" issue, then just report that as best you can, letting me know what combination of actions you were taking at the time.

Black cat

Any links?


Sweet, thanks for the news.


Hey Oni, glad to hear that you're still working hard at it!!!

Silent Six

Love this game can't wait to see what's next and future updates! Personally my favorite Patreon artist and game! Keep it up Oni!<3


I don't know if Patreon lets you edit titles or not, but you accidentally said it was June instead of July lol


I can! Stupid sequential movement of time and space. At least I got the year right. . .


Later today, most likely. I wanted to let this post sink in a little, so people wouldn't rush to download the new build immediately if they weren't ready for a glitchy mess. ;)


Sounds great so far! Cant wait to date Kitty and have a proper threesome! :D


When will the next patch be out? Later this week?


Yeah ! After 3 weeks an update :p. Keep the good work, and try to don't forget your weekly rogue progress update ;).


Good work on it so far keep it up. Just wondering if you could add pull panties to the side in sex option?


Yeah, sorry. I knew I was almost done on this one and kept postponing an update until I was done.


Like to the side instead of down? . . . maybe. It would mean adding some art, obviously, but not too complicated in sprite mode. The issue would be in the sex mode, the way things are structured there, I'm not positive it would look right, I'll have to check, but maybe.


Sooo... aren't 24 hours enough for people to sink it in ? I can't wait to see the new update ;)

Silent Six

Still planning on giving out that first unstable update? Itching to play!

Scott OMiller

...So it's safe to assume it's not being released today?


Hey, not about the new version, at least not directly. I have a problem with the game going from an older version to an updated version(not the latest one) but as I'm trying to play I keep getting errors and stuff. The only thing I can think of is that there must be some files stored on my PC from the previous version causing conflicts? Is that it or is it normal to have these messages? Some of the stuff it gives me a direct location for the files in the download folder where I left the game, but other stuff I'm not sure where it's located. I don't know what I'm doing guys, help. :( I think I messed up my save.


Oh and I did start a new save with the .972 as my old ones would just crash the game, but not before trying out my old saves which caused the game to crash... figured it was worth a try rather than doing the grind for stats again.

Glenn Lewis

Ended up thinking of a neat idea, what about cheerleader events? Neat way to get new outfits for the girls Kitty & rouge maybe other teen girls. When starting a new game later on with all the new characters, you can tell rouge or/and Kitty to do cheer leading which increases inhibition. The main guy can buy new cheer outfits to help increase that stat. So you can train does girls and work on the others. Which also means new locations and on every Saturday a football game will happen and you can watch the cheerleaders. Some of the new girls could appear around here sometimes.


Cheer outfits would be cute. It's adding new art though, so it wouldn't come without a cost. I'll definitely keep it in mind.

Handsome Idiot

I think you should open Discord server, So people can post the bugs and ideas there


No new character or relationship possibility with kitty or sex or so? :S


whats new on rogue like?


is there a public build available anywhere that's more current than 2015


This is the most recent stable build, I hope to get another stable build out in a few days.