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I just wanted to do a quick follow-up, there was a lot of support in the last post, and I really appreciate that guys. This is a labor of love, but I also want to make sure that you feel your support has been valued, and I couldn't manage it without you. Several people expressed that they were concerned that if they hadn't heard from me in a while, that something terrible might have happened with the project, and I know there are other projects where people just sort of wander off. So I want to make this promise to you guys:

I'm not going to go anywhere.

I plan to keep working on this project for the foreseeable future, keep adding new things for the characters to do, keep adding new girls to interact with, keep expanding this game to be the best game it can be. If that ever does change, if I ever do get some can't-pass opportunity, or I get bored and decide to move on to something else, then I promise to announce that to you guys publicly, and to continue working on this project anyway for at least a few months after, trying to tie up loose ends as best as I can and make the game as complete as possible. I'll give you guys plenty of time to pull up stakes if there's nothing more to look forward to, but I don't expect anything like that any time soon.

The only reasons I would ever cut shorter than that is if I die (hopefully not), or am otherwise completely unable to get near a computer to let you know what's up (also hopefully not). But I may not post much for a few weeks here and there, just because sometimes what I'm working on is boring technical stuff and I don't really have anything to talk about and kind of suck at social engagement. ;)



Have you considered hiring someone to help with the coding of the game to take some pressure off of you?


I've considered it and had some generous offers of help, the problem is, I'm a terrible project manager. ;) I don't really know how to define what I'd need them to do, and a lot of what I do is not just "code," it's code wrapped in dialog and story, so it all flows together. Besides which, I enjoy the puzzle aspects of figuring out the best way to achieve my desired result. Now when I'm working on something that is completely new to me, it's helpful to have people who can figure out how to make that work, but a lot of what I'd doing lately is just taking the basic design that I've been using and applying it to a new item. For example I spent yesterday taking some of Rogue's doggystyle sex sequences and translating them over to the dialog system from the demo. Not only was this a direct improvement itself, but in the process I had to re-read everything in there, which led me to clean up some other poorly constructed places.


Please don't die. It would be terrible inconvenient for all of us :-P


Don't hesitate to post boring technical stuff. A lot of us dig that sort of thing.


Well you could at least get someone that takes a second look over your code once you made it, so they may find/fix bugs/suggest ways to improve it


I sometimes post _interesting_ technical stuff, because I enjoy that too. But if I were to make a post yesterday saying that I copied and pasted the cost for Rogue's doggy-style sex sequence and then tweaked it where necessary to make it apply to the hotdogging sex scene, it tends to get a bit dull and repetitive. It is good work though, since I notice areas where I can make overall improvements, or sometimes catch minor glitches that I didn't noticed at the time I originally made the system.


Perhaps, sure, although usually the actual bugs get caught in the "scary beta" release of the new version, and I can usually figure out how to fix them myself once pointed out to me (it's typically a typo in a variable name, or a sequence break I hadn't accounted for or something). And I'm sure some of my systems could be more efficiently done by a pro, but then I wouldn't understand how they work anymore, and couldn't tweak them as I go. ;)


If you die at least you'll be with Harambe. :))


im glad to know this project isn't going to die anytime soon barring a huge tragedy (knock on wood). even if you have nothing to say, i still would like to vote for maybe a weekly update. Even if its a 5 word update saying "Hey guys i'm still alive." While that isn't something i am by any means demanding at all, it may help keep people from getting tired of waiting for an update they dont know will ever come. Just an idea. I love what you have so far and am really impressed with how well them game functions. Cheers to you mate. Good Work. Hope to see this game continue for a good long time. I know I'll be here for all of it.


This is exactly why i chose to donate to you over others. The fact that you are willing to even attempt to make a change to how you work based purely on a single post written to help reassure the community of this game that things are still moving forward means you are now my favorite developer I've even interacted with. I love how you treat your fans and followers. You have my support forever. Even if the weekly updates don't ever actually happen, just making the attempt is enough for me.


Thanks! I don't know that I can promise "weekly," but I will make an effort to at least try to get something out once a week, give or take a few days. ;)

Nevenga Games

I think it's important to at least post once a month because I always check when the last post was before funding. People will think the project is dead.


A fair point. One thing is I'm constantly replaying to posts like this, so if I make a new post and then answer a question in that post every 2-3 days I feel like I'm participating, but I guess people don't get alerts for those, so they might not notice. At the very least I could sum up some of the things I've been answering.

Black cat

Date release??? Plz I don't want beta roguuuueeeeee

Black cat

Ur best designer i have ever seen . I can't wait anymore


It's gonna be beta for awhile, but I understand your excitement. I'm equally as excited for the next release.


I might take the "beta" label off the title, because at this point it's a bit misleading. This project is sort of a "continuous development" project, a bit like an MMO. If you haven't actually played it, go ahead and pick up the latest version, there should be a lot of fun things to do in it. I hope to put out new versions with more content, more characters, etc. every couple months, so I don't expect it to be "finished" for a long time, but it should still be in a state that is fun to play.

Black cat

If u finished rogue update. Could u plz give me the link . Sorry for annoying u :)


The latest version can be found here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443</a> You can always find the latest version by sorting by "release."


Keep up the hard work, you're doing one amazing job! I love the art style and over all tone you have going on with the game. Looking forward to the next update!


Wanted to chime in with everyone else and tell you we love your work! Looking forward to the next update. I almost have kitty's stats maxed and am excited to see what we can do with 'em. ^_^ I can't wait to see how this game evolves and hope we can get all sorts of characters in like an exchange program with the Avengers or the Inhumans to get characters such as Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) or dimension hoppers such as Spider Gwen :3