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Hey guys, sorry I've been quiet lately, I just haven't had a lot worth reporting. I don't want you to think I haven't been hard at work, it's just that the stuff I've been working on isn't really news to talk about. I've been converting content over for Kitty, I've been converting Rogue content over to that new dialog system I demoed, I've been tweaking things here and there as it's occurred to me, and I've been working with a writer to add some more vignettes to the game, but that isn't quite ready yet.

A few new things I've been working on, I added an element where each day each girl picks a "favorite thing to do,"  and she will react more positively towards this activity, and might eventually initiate it herself. You can also tell her what your favorite activity is, and that might also influence her choices. I'm also adding a "dirty talk" option, which would be included in the dialog system from the demo, and something that you could turn on and off (if she cares to listen).

The problem is these are a lot of half-finished systems, so it might take a while before I would have anything ready to release. I've been thinking about just using the older versions of most of this stuff and shipping out a version that has the new content added for Kitty and not much else, just to tide you over while I finish up the rest of this, but it would slow down the overall progress a bit. Let me know what you guys think.


alex baker

i like the dirty talk idea, and giving the girls wants makes them seem more real. keep up the good work.


IMO, I would rather you solely focus on those systems that need to be finished. I'm good waiting for a little while, still have the old version to play. Then if there is something that you need tested release that slice, same as what you did for that last test with Kitty. Anywho, that's my two cents. Keep up the amazing work no matter what you decide.


I'm in for the long haul personally and it sounds like you're making progress so I would just do what keeps you chugging along and interested. On a side note, I REALLY like the dirty talk and favorite thing idea. Those options sound like something that could really bring the characters to life in an even bigger way than they already are, which is awesome.


I've waited this long, so I don't mind waiting some more for a better experience.


I'm fine with waiting for a more complete version, especially if it means later content will be easier for you to produce.


Well, the "slice" method is not something I plan to do often, I did it in this case because I wanted to gauge player reaction to it before the long and boring process of migrating all the systems over to it. Making those slices isn't exactly hard, but it does take some amount of work in separating out the stuff the demo doesn't need (like the story scenes you can't even access), while keeping all the stuff I need to make that demo run (like the animations).


Willing to wait


I can wait for the more complete version.


Don't mind waiting for a bigger update, but giving us some heads-up a bit more often would be nice. Also ETA, it doesn't have to be very accurate, some approximation in how many weeks it might take to complete the next update would be appreciated.


Depends for me. If you're saying that the new new version would be like 3 weeks away and going back and putting in content for the old one would make it 4 or 5 weeks, then yeah, don't do it. But if by your estimation the new version would be something like 8 weeks away and making another version would make it 9 or 10 weeks, then I say add in the content. Depends entirely on the timescale you're looking at.


I can also wait. Was just curious what was going on =D


Take your time, I can wait. :) I'm all for anything the girls do of their own volition, as it makes them more believable and adds to their personality. Not to mention that it feels better to engage in an activity you *know* that they like. I suppose that sounds strange. :P Dirty talk sounds interesting. :)


Yeah, sorry when I go silent. My instinct is to not say much unless I have something really cool to talk about, but I get that you guys can't tell what I'm up to if I don't say anything, so I'll try to check in every now and then. ;)


Hopefully it will be less than 9 weeks either way. ;) I'm terrible at estimating these things, but it shouldn't be that long.


Better take your time and finish what you're planning. Also patience is a virtue. :P


It's only natural to want to release something to your supporters even if it will make it harder for you later but its your game that you wished to make you should take your time on the update so that you are happy with the release and so it dose not slow you down when you move forward.


Even though I know you have more in store I'd still like something to tide us over. Honestly, I just want to see more Kitty content.


Take your time you always delivered quality update we believe in you :p


The biggest mistake a dev can do is release a half baked update. To quote an influential personality in the AAA games industry: "No one will remember that a great game was released behind schedule; but EVERYONE will remember that a poor, buggy game was released on time." Take your time and put something out only when you yourself are good and happy about how quality it is.

Scott OMiller

I wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer for the full product as long as we have something new to tide us over for a while


I agree, take your time for a solid new update.


could you scale the "hand" for the hj to be a bit smaller and more feminine? I don't mean to be critical, it just looks a bit off.

Scott Snelling

Wait and do the full package. To many creators push monthly updates, and the result is that you have 5 to 10 minutes of new content per update, which just isn't really worth playing through the game again to see (and even more lackluster if you just load a save and try out the few new things). I love the "regular update posts, and update content when there's a nice big batch of new game to explore"


It is wonderful! I hope you quickly cope with your modifications and we will see a lot of new things!


Take your time, if you keep releasing bit by bit people m8 get bored of the game


Do or do not, there is no older version worth releasing.

nad destroyer

My opinion matters less since I'm not donating to you at the moment but I'd say take your time. No need to put out a new version for new content every time.


I'll give it a pass at some point. I want to make a unique hand for Kitty anyway.


Work on whatever version will let me cuck the shit out of Rogue with Kitty.

Victor Lewis

I think is better to just wait for the new content to finish instead of releasing kitty content that will slow down the game.


Does that mean you're gonna start plagiarizing Oni's hard work too?


It's your game, do whatever you like, waiting is not a problem in case of "good" upgrade

Kravenar Games

Looking forward for the next update. Keep it up :)


I like the tide over idea as to holding us over if the end result is very very far away it could hold us over till the end is finished even if the end gonna take more time the game is far from done so taking more time is normal I say if it's not to much of a burden on you release new content version old system and update it at your on pace or if it's too much of a burden keep doing what your doing.


I wouldnt say no to a hold over version, but what is the time difference between that and one with everything you want to put in the next release? Is it a week or a months difference?


Hard to judge, you know? Lots of moving parts, but hopefully I'll have a version out in a month or so.


And that would be uber version with all the extra jazz? End of the day, its your project and i trust your judgement


If possible, any chance of having Emma at least be as available as Kitty was in this release. without delaying things many more weeks :)


Lol, sorry. I haven't even started the art on Emma, an even just having a standing sprite for dialog would take up most of that time. I don't plan to start on her until I have Kitty mostly worked out.