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To better help fans understand the ongoing development, monthly status updates are being posted here on Patreon (at the end of each month) with a listed summary of all the work that's been done for each department. It won't list every single small change, but at the very least show the broad strokes of what's currently being done. This will paint a clearer picture of the development progress and perhaps get a feeling of how close we are getting to a release each month. Hopefully this will make some of you feel at ease with some of the questions you've had.

That being said, here's the status update for this past month!


  • The new museum location will now be open to visit (lobby only for now). All day time variants were created during the last week's live streams.
  • Continued assisting the Code/Posing devs with optimizing art and fixing inconsistencies. Such as unused art assets , missing shadows, missing character button variants and so on.
  • Debbie laundry basket scenes and buttons improved and consistent now.
  • Improved park bush assets and added tree overlay for button.
  • Fixed Melonia home cabinet in kitchen and added overlay for button.
  • Last inventory icons finished.
  • Various old background touchups.
  • New sign at Comic store when characters are not yet present for quest (Bridget).
  • Jenny computer pictures have been redone to match art quality across game and also used as wallpapers.
  • Multiple assets renames to function with new codebase.
  • Fixed and improved 2 cutscenes in Diane's garden.
  • Created dusk variants to multiple background locations.
  • Debbie basement buttons rework and new art.
  • New Jenny scene leading up to the movie date has been added.
  • Two new attic spy hole scenes were added for Jenny, and 1 was fixed.
  • 30+ new assets were created to add Jenny pregnancy body assets earlier in her story.
  • Judith school locker improvements.
  • Few cutscenes have been redone to match current art quality and currently being added as wallpapers as well (Roxxy and Judith respectively)
  • Daily live streams for art are still active (week days) starting around 2:00PM Eastern Time (ET) where you can watch me work and ask questions.


  • Finished building out Jenny's quest flow (latter two-thirds, plus repeatables).
  • Rebuilt the in-game TV interface in widescreen.
  • Improved how cam shows are presented, together with small new interface feature.
  • Made text inputs less annoying/inconvenient while on mobile or using TTS.
  • Updated how TV channels are managed to make them more flexible, and PPV capable.
  • Created a new mechanic to help certain events feel less like pure RNG.
  • Wired in one-time remarks from Anon while browsing flipping through TV channels.
  • Built out a bare-bones version of Cedric's button at the gym.
  • Ensured that intensive activity ceases on pause, to be more battery/CPU fan friendly.
  • Facilitated incorporating dynamic assets into other asset trees.
  • Expanded support for split-asset posing to support reflected assets and prediction.
  • Resolved timebase corruption in some animations that was causing frame-skips.
  • Added experimental support for weak reservations.
  • Simplified event signatures of in-game PC interface.
  • Fixed non-propagation of time-of-day asset hints.
  • Solved a long-standing quirk that had been triggering erroneous asset prediction.
  • Cleaned up various oversights and issues in the first part of Jenny's route.
  • Restored a missing quest shortcut in Debbie's route.


  • 100% of Jenny's route has been through the reposing.
  • Finishing up the Girlfriend Experience and Jenny's Sex Scenes is the last things left to wrap up, plus minor tweaks.
  • A few minor changes to Eve's Route (now at 99% completion)
  • One out standing issue with Iwanka before finishing Main Route 2 completely.
  • Continued with revisions and fixes for posing in Debbie's route
  • Identified several art glitches and requested corrections. Debbie's lewd scenes are in progress.
  • Added more files with framework for wiring Jenny, and started on the Jenny wiring.
  • Requested and added new dialogues required by updated Debbie logic.
  • Added dialogues and minor corrections to the first day tutorial.
  • Reposing the remaining portion of the first Main story arc, Maria, Tony, Tina and Josie is also in progress.
  • Resolved problems with assets and logic tests on Consuela's route.


  • Currently assisting Code with re-wiring story flow (mainly Jenny).


Thanks for all your support and feedback!







Sounds like you're putting in a ton of work and I can't wait to see the finished product


overall percentage of completion?


While I appreciate all the work you guys put into this...still it leaves me wondering when the update will drop. Not trying to rush you - quality takes what it takes and I'm in this for the long haul, just curious.


1% a month is not great, but its better than the 1% every 3 months that its been going at. Who knows we might even get the tech update before Luffy finds the one piece.


Keep cracking this'll be so cool once it's done


Let us know when update will complete.


Please give us a rough estimate for the date of completion... like even "2024" or "2025" will be nice


Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next release, or the updates that come after.


To better help fans understand why this shit is taking so damn long is: we decided to rebuild this game from scratch so that it's easier to update going forward, and the end product will be better. Like Cyberpunk 2077, or Skyrim 2. And to you Mr. Cookie I would like to say that I've been subscribed so long I can only assume I have bought this game at least once at retail price and if you released it on Steam after it was finished I'd buy it again just so you fuckin know.

Angel Bedolla

The best dollar i've ever spent 👍

Peter Borg

What I find odd are the trackers, both on discord and summertimesaga.com that dont even increase 0.01% in a month. Maybe the trackers are more of a burden than a help if they're not constantly updated. I think people look at them barely ever moving and that annoys more than it helps to have them therre in the first place. I cant imagine that the progress is standing still like that even for a week, much less a month.

Omar sanchez

there's a museum? I keep trying to update my version but only get up to the new kim in the dealer.

wdlloyd96 on YT

Whats the difference between art and wiring


Been waiting for this update for a long time. But I'm constantly impressed and looking forward to not only the amount of content added, but the quality of life improvements that keep being made. Sounds like this wait will be well worth it, especially since updates keep coming in and we are not left in the dark for months on end.

Atis Nicholson

Ok, so we got three status updates, nice. What about a list of work done for the last three years? Because it's quite useless if we don't know how much was done before and how much is still left to do. Also, no way we're getting Tech update this year.

gugu gaga

I really hope that he realises this update this year 🙏


based on how the status of the Tech Update has been still for the last 2 years I doubt there will be any release till next year

Henry Castillo

From my stand point, alot has been done, most glitches, updated art work, animation, and content with alot of routes been retouched. DC your the man. Aside from that my two wish list are the Judith update after the tech update, and a selfish wish of more Grace scenes, so far after Eve, she my fav.


will there be other content for june?

Sam $UU

More Jenny and femdom ...... yay!!! that's all I needed to hear sorry about being impatient but Jenny I mean that ASS you know


I agree with this as well would definitely buy it again if released on steam

Cassidy Clark

So just shoot straight with us DC. Are we getting the tech update this year?


This is what we need: After three years of redevelopment, just say "The tech update should be done by _____." That's it. You blew the 3-4 month deadline. By now, you should probably have an idea of a potential completion date.


Looks great, looking forward to play it again ^^


As always dark cunt gives us vague updates that really don't tell us anything about how progress is done and he collects his 60k.

Daniel Mallett

Seeing what you're working on like this helps a lot, thank you Mr Cookie.

Matt blah

Hey DC, this great. However I’d do gave a suggestion which might keep everyone happy. Why not release the tech update now as it is as alpha. Let people test it try it out. Then you can then switch to monthly updates of new enhancements. Even if the tech update is is only part 1 of the story. Everyone will want to play from the start. It also give opportunity to provide feedback a long the way. What do you think?


You will not be getting the update this year, just because you are finally getting some vague statues update 3 years late does not mean the update will be coming out any faster. I guess you missed how it took 3 year to finish the posing just for the first part of story? which he said is not done 100% yet either. Even despite the progress making it to a point where it could be released in a beta form just like we had the Halloween update not too long ago. Darkcookie would never release it because it would go against everything he's done and worked for, for the past 3 years to stall the update as much as possible to obviously to make as much $$$ as possible and if you think that a human being such as Darkcock would never do that to his supporters just think of how people are willing to do far more for far less let alone +60k a month? lmao In your most recent stream which was on Friday 7/28 You spent the whole stream drawing a single silhouette for Roxxie (just the outlines), Now art takes time but you clearly do not look like you are taking any of this seriously and to prove that I'll tell you that the museum he has acutely started work on the 7/14 and finished 7/28 so two weeks.. If that is the pace at which everything is done and thought of in this tech update then no wonder is has been 3 years already and nothing to show for it but statues updates that leave you unsatisfied.


The code list had the previous month posted for some reason. I thought I had updated it but now it's fixed! Sorry about that.


I think the technical ajour is a good idea at the beginning but with hindsight the endless addition of more things in a technical update that are again added became really ridiculous. We may understand that it takes time but I’m sure that if there was a massive unsubscribe the update will be out in 1 month or 2 big max


That Night at the Museum vibes with Rexxie in the middle


At some point it went from 65k to below 59k for one month or so, then suddenly outta the blue the statues updates got rolled out..


The worst thing is that we see overcurrent stream making new addition and then some time later making the update to days of already existing content. while a technical uptade is just improved existing elements. not working on again that won’t even come out with the technical update but in later updates


That T-Rex skeleton is missing... you know... a boner :P


The tech update seems to make the game a lot bigger, that's pretty cool. Enjoy the rest of the summer.


Will the modding API work in next release of game ?


So 0.14 to 0.15 took 4 months. 0.15 to 0.16 took 3.5 months. I get the bigger the game the more complex it become and more coding and bugs to work out. But I just dont understand how 3-4 months becomes 3-4 years between updates. Personally i thought the artwork looked perfectly fine in the early editions and if it that what takes so long to do then fuck it off cos it just aint worth it. You got the 60K subscriptions from your earlier work so why drag it out for so long.

Jonathan Duval

almost 1 years without update

Adm Trd Ferg

I think I will be stopping my patronage. This guy is just milking this shit at this point. IT's only a dollar. But if more people like me check out. Maybe this guy will get off his ass. You're not a government agency. You don't get the luxury of being over budget and behind schedule


#TECHUPDATE2030 Calling it now.


Milking money, nothing more...


Can you give us a date for new release? We're done waiting.


You can give us what you have right now and continue your work while we playing it. It's not that hard dude..

Mukhlis Zaidan

Man, just give the date. Damn.

Aaron Wilson

Even though I'm not around much. I still support this game with DC and the few devs he has helping him. We knew the tech update is a big one but for a man that is a husband and a father to three kids must be tough and we all have our own lives to live but when this update is done. The others will not be as long I'm sure. Looking forward to this new update even if it's taking awhile. I believe it will be worth the wait at the end but that's my opinion on it. Keep it cumming DC.


It's not a "few devs", it's NINE. The vast majority of these games have 1-3. Normal game updates (when we had them) took 3-4 months each, yet there hasn't been a playable update since last October. Don't forget, the tech update isn't new gameplay, it's simply being done to make future updates easier. In other words, after thre years of of the tech update, and a year of no update at all, he'll roll out the tech update, and we'll still need to wait 3-4 more months for new content.

The Boi

9 is still a small team for a game of this scale. And yeah, the tech update is a complete rework of pretty much the whole game, which obviously takes more time than simply adding more content in. End of the day, you don't have to pay them money if you don't want to. There's a button that lets you unsubscribe. Take care, dude.

Gd5So Development's

So? stop complaining long term this is much better, not to mention if your so pissed off and crying about this just dont support the project


OMG! DC! I’m not sure what to think about the Jenny dick slaps. Wake him up and start full-arm dick slaps? eek Why is she doing this?

Timothy Conklin

Don't listen to the naysayers, DC. If they are unhappy then they can leave. Those who stay want what you're doing the way you're doing it. There's a reason there's no other game quite like this


The people like you here who think just the same are the reason why they felt like they can just take as much time with this as they please, when they have the manpower made of 9 devs and +60k going each much to pay those people to work on this game as this is the whole point of patreon. And no DC thanks the like of you who pay anything more than a $1 goofy ahh.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Bigger games have been started and finished in less time, with less devs, for less money. As for the good old "the tech update is a complete rework of pretty much the whole game," combined with the old fallback argument "you're not a game developer, so you have no idea how long it takes," I'll offer this: The tech update was originally sold as a 3-4 month upgrade. It has since evolved into a 3 year waiting game. If DC was the developer everyone says he is, he'd have known from the start it would take longer than he thought. He obviously had no idea, and bit off more than he can chew. That's his fault, yet we're paying for it. Even people who have only paid a dollar a month since the tech update started have paid half the cost of a triple-A game release from Bioware (Mass Effect Legendary Edition, with three complete games, DLC, and over 100 hours of actual gameplay, was only $60 retail at launch). To the "If you don't like it, just unsubscribe" crowd, you misunderstand. We WANT the game to succeed. At what point, though, does DC go too far? After three years, there is still no tentative release date for the tech update. The last playable update was almost a year ago. Your current game saves are worthless. Over the last three years, since the tech update was started, the only real visible difference is a new location or two, a few pseudo-updates, a few wallpapers, and some artwork in the game was touched up and got outlines. All that, for the low cost of over $2.1 million.

Samuele Persichini

I'm happy you're making progress. I just wish you made it faster, since we're giving you a shit-ton of money every month. Not saying you have to slave away, but...almost? You're getting money PERIODICALLY, not just once. The more you make us wait, the more it looks like you're stealing from us... Just saying...


I just hope the mixed drink segment gets fixed, when you offer Diane a day off. Making the drink right the first time only to have it be wrong and then having to wait another day just to mix it 'right' is frustrating.


That's why I cheat. I go to summertime saga and clicked walkthrough list, and it helped.

George Holmes

First, "Bigger games have been started and finished in less time, with fewer devs, for less money", what games are you talking about? Second, the tech update was voted for on December 5, 2020. It didn't officially begin production until after the release of the third main story content update on March 24, 2021. Even then there were still hotfixes that had to be made during that time period. At no point did DC say it would be three to four months. In fact, on the update on April 3, 2021, his answer to the question "But DarkCookie, when will you release the updates?!!" was 'We don't know yet. We try and task everything in our development cycle each update and show you how the progress is going via our progress bar (on the Patreon page and our Website)'. We're not paying for a game. We're paying to support DC and his team because we believe in the work that they are doing. The game is technically free. You don't have to be a Patreon to play it. You are choosing to support him and his team by being a patreon to him.

Kyle Marshall

Happy for new jenny scenes she's the best but it's clear this update isn't coming out anytime soon as you darent even mention the phrase release date. I'm canceling my patreon and I'll check back in a years time, when no doubt about it the update will still be unfinished and this feed will still be full of cucks who enjoy being milked more than Diane.

Jesus silva

This guys are not even setting deathlines to finish tasks, they’re taking this real chill so fuck y’all 🥰

oneil coke

I haven't give any patreon for months now because this is taking too long, there is other games that I patreon to and it doesn't take month to update. The last time we got an update regarding this game is 9 months ago so from last year so until the update I will be canceling mine subscription to this as well. THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG.


What a joke, you are a liar and a thief. This long for this to come out it is obvious you are robing people here and all you people who continue to give money are idiots and fools. Stop giving this guy money.


When discussing the tech update poll on December 3rd, 2020 DC said: "Both update choice will take roughly the same amount of time (3 to 4 months) to complete. The benefit of the tech update is that it solves issues now, instead of more to fix later (but also adds some sex scenes to existing characters). The benefit of Rhonda's update, is a lot of new story content." DC's words, not mine. April 3rd was exactly 4 months from the date of the vote, which was why people questioned DC. Even if he didn't start the update until March, four months would have been July of 2020. You're right, it's not three years, it's 2 years, 8 months. What ever was I thinking? After the vote for the tech update, v20.8 was released. In that time, we're now at v20.16, which was released in October of 2022. Nothing playable has been released in the last 10 months, the tech update doesn't even have a release window yet, and yet we still choose to support him because we WANT the game to succeed. I've said this in the past. Supporting him and criticizing him do not have to be mutually exclusive, we can do both. As for games of comparable size or bigger being completed in 3 years (yes, I know it's 2 years and 8 months), look at DecentMonkey's Fashion Business Episode 3 was started and finished (16 game releases, weekly updates), and Episode 4 was started. Sunshine Love, by MrDots was started and completed in 36 months, with extras for three extra months (yes, slightly longer, but completed almost in less time than the tech update alone, and it still might beat it), Melody was completed in 21 months. NLT's Treasure of Nadia was started and completed in 36 months, admittedly more than 32 months, but may still be completed faster than the tech update, Lust Epidemic was completed in 16 months, and The Genesis Order is on track for 36 months (84% at 32 months). All of these games had VERY consistent updates. This game has been in development since 2016. Do I REALLY need to list how many games have been started and finished in 7 years? What we've seen to this point is NOT 7 years worth of content...

Bruno Aispuro

You guys do know the game is free right? Stop complaining and wait. He gave people the choice between a regular update and this. He said it would take a long time. The longer he waited to do it, the longer it would take in the future. So he put it to a vote, guess what people decided on.


He said 3-4 months.


What I can't seem to fathom no matter which ever perspective I try to see the situation from is how about 50%-%60 of the people commenting here are defending this type of behavior, and lack of if any communication with the the fans that supported this game from ground up and helped bring it to a place today where the creator has Now completely ignored the fans. We have barely been given crumbs for the past 3 years yet the only thing you preach about is how normal this is? when it is completely and utterly not acceptable. The last playable update was 10 months ago, The Pre Tech Updates were canceled so that you could get the update out faster. It is clear that working on this update is not even a priority to any of the NINE developers let alone darkcookie himself. You keep on dragging this on and on by pulling these silly little tricks to make it seem like things always just go out of your hands.. the update just needs 5 years at this point. You could easily just say that you don't care and just want to milk this for as long as possible like you already have been.. if it's not obvious enough (The Diane milking fetish as a whole is a joke about the fans) Why Pay a guy who does not even reply to the questions his supporters ask him, Why pay a guy who's mods will ban you on stream if you ask anything that revolves around The time remaining, Why pay a guy who's not released a single statues update when the work on the update started and waited 3 years to finally give the fans crumbs of info that they had the rights to. The sooner people realize that they should not be paying anything more than a SINGLE DOLLAR the sooner this update will be out but Darkcookie Knows he has his fan in a chokehold with the brain dead comments defending this.


This is great but I don't understand why this wasn't avalible from the begining. These updates are pretty much the standard for other projects like this.


Why are you even still supporting his Patreon then? Sounds like your feed up, and your opinion is your right. I'm not going to get into who's right or wrong but people have the right to their opinion as much as you do, so no they're not brain-dead because they don't agree with you. If you find this unacceptable, then pull the plug on your support and support a project that lines up with what you would find acceptable. But complaining about it is going to do nothing my friend, and clearly at this point with this situation....it's done nothing.


well I get to call them what I like the same way they get that right and use it as well. If you read what I said you will see that I mentioned "You should not be paying anything more than a dollar" as we have not got a single playable content update in over 10 month, so why should we still pay way more than we are getting in return? We all here want this game to succeed, we want it to come out as perfectly as the other people do, But it is clear that's not the case here and the developers don't want this out as soon as they could possibly have it all done as that wouldn't make as much money as they have made over the past 3 years. everything in life revolves around money and how fast and easily you can make it without putting much effort into the work, that's the human nature.

Joshua Thurlow

yall stop crying he doing his best the update will be out when it be out he trying make sure just right do you see me crying no bc i know he doing his best


This comment must've been generated by AI, I refuse to believe otherwise


he seems to be remaking the game from the ground up. Much like the creator of FEZ did. unfortunately the creator of fez alienated a large portion of his fans along the way because of the insane delay on finishing the game that was previewed in 2007, and nominated for 2 awards in 2008. because it wasnt released until 2012. Summertime Saga was released in 2016. So by that metric, SS wouldve been finished in 2021.


yes and that is the HUGE issue a lot of us long time supporters are facing, he told us it was an "update" to the code to make it easier to continue to make the game, not a COMPLETE REWRITE and REART, that has only recently been admitted to! Even if it is a COMPLETE remake, it has taken over 2 years to redo and that is just milking it at this point. 2,000,000$ in donations and up to a dozen devs at one point and still YEARS away from completion?


it will be completed once enough people pull their pledges, ..... so not anytime soon.


or next year, it's been over 2 years so far and pledges have only dropped about 25%, it's gonna take a lot more to get them to actually do something.


someone posted that it took the team of 6 over a MONTH to pose the chairs around the dining room table, one single still scene, took over a month for 6 devs to "remake"


GOOD MORNING EAV! Have we all had our cups of coffee with a side dish of meltdowns & titty fits? u forget its just a game no need for anger

oneil coke

Because I patron for this month to check what's happening regarding the release of a new update to see the comments and the responses but if it end and there is no update or release date I won't pledge until next year.

Gabriel Madore

Im still excited even tought they should have made it cleared that they are remaking the game.


I put it in all caps the first time I referred to it. FEZ. there's a whole ass documentary about it

James Mellor

I'm not a simp for DC or anything but it is genuinely fucking hilarious how annoyed people are getting - its a small dev team rebuilding a game from scratch, of course its gonna take time to finish 😆


you're 100% a simp, it's not a "small" team, in terms of Adult games, 9 people is pretty good sized. This wasn't sold or even explained as a FULL remake, it was sold as a 4 month update .... that was over 2 years ago. If it was a TRUE full remake, then they should have just worked on a chapter at a time not the whole thing. Also for 9 people they are moving at a snails pace, we are talking WEEKS spent on 1 single scene, each person should be able to do multiple scenes a week.

Gabriel Dahley

Hey, where can i download the latest update?


go here - https://www.patreon.com/summertimesaga/about - follow the download-links in the first post there

William Elliot White

First, let me say that I am new here and have very little understanding of the history of the development and past promises. However, from what I have read and as a business and communications consultant, this seems to be an issue of expectations management. 95% of the companies that hire me to help with consumer sentiment issues revolve around poor expectation management. It usually results from over promising and under delivering (which seems to be the case here). Consumers who really like and support a product are incredibly patient and encouraging with the exception of when they feel like they are a) being deceived or b) being kicked and dimed. It seems like in this case supporter feel like they have been lied to despite that not being the intent of the developer. The developer could have communicated timelines based on what he thought the consumers would accept, or over estimated their ability to produce the amount of work in the given timeframe. Even if the developer didn't intend to lie or deceive their consumers, by failing to meet the expectation they themselves set, they in fact did just that. This is all to say: ALWAYS under promise and over deliver. Even if the original timeframe seems ridiculously long consumers/supporters will understand when you explain the rationale behind the timeframe, and will be very appreciative, if in fact you beat the deadline and deliver early. Don't be afraid to loose support from long timeframes, as you will loose exponentially more by not communicating bluntly and honestly.

Xavier Davenport

I bet money GTA 6 comes out faster. Any takers?


That's a sucker bet.

David Abbott

Thankyou for the detailed update on progress.


If the art reached 100% why is DC still doing art streams? Genuine question.

Atis Nicholson

because coding and posing is doomed, so he spends time polishing details and adding cosmetic stuff


Thank you! All these updates, when can they be enjoyed?


the counter shows the percentage completed for this update of the game. when they start working an update, they post a list of necessary tasks to accomplish (movement, coding, fixes, etc). he continues to add art, characters and storyline which will be added in future updates.

Atis Nicholson

Let's be real, if DC honestly said it's gonna take 3+ years (and it definitely will), nobody would vote for it. That's why he is obviously trying to compensate it now, as it was initially supposed to be just code and resolution rework, now it's gonna be a complete overhaul with updated UI, art, map, locations, dialogue tweaks and he adds many things that fans explicitly requested in the past (f.e. Missy content, more monster girls, etc). I guess he knows he fucked up and tries to make Tech update as heavy as it can be, so no one would say it wasn't worth it. But as you say, the biggest problem is almost complete lack of communication.


what is difference download in patreon link with public link


I figured that right after I posted my question LOL I was tired and forgot "oh yeah, there is still more art to be done for the rest of the game."


stopping by to see any updates... eav have the morning coffee and meltdown??? don't forget its just a game


Yet another bot commenting something an AI would say, This Account can be found under all past posts saying the same thing every time.


How is he a simp? He simply has common sense. It's you who don't even know the word of simps means. He's not a simp, and neither am I, because the fact is, we're not screaming our heads off for wanting a game immediately. A simp means they worship someone. We don't. We simply support DarkCookie. And that means we have common sense while we support him. If it takes a while, then we'll check in periodically, to see anything new has been updated. Like the other guy above said, it's just a game. There's no need for immature stupidity. Most of you that complain about having to wait and all that yelling, when there's other options of other games. That's common sense. And you don't have it. Most of you don't earn my respect, because of childish complaining. Are you a man or a kid?? GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF.


Debbie! Where's that mom!? Debbie need to have pregnancy!


Who wants to see Roxxy pregnant with MC's baby??!!


No difference except if you're a patreon, you have more access, not just the game, (the game is still the same, even if you're not a patreon), and the overall contents that's shown on patreon. So really, it doesn't matter because the game is the same whether you're a patreon or not. But if you want more contents seen on here, DarkCooke's patreon, just pay a membership fee, for more contents, like updates and photos or wallpapers.


I'm here on my porch tapping on my 3k$ laptop while retired n enjoying the farmlife having a maxwell house moment....truth more like Folgers, "better taste" n your belts to tite .. oh before I forget don't get your thong in a bunch its just a game. :) :) :)


Found a new game, "Milf's Plaza" by Texic. It seems to be fairly early but it's great and the devs are engaged with the fans.

Omar sanchez

Are we playing the same game? cause in my version there's no Museum, or any of the other additions mentioned.


yes. same game. the museum and many other places and characters are slated for future releases.


There will be new places like the museum, and other new places added in the Tech Update, once said Tech Update is released or dropped. So look forward to that upcoming day.


And when will that day be?...


shortly after hell freezes over. Game now is a watch the streaming content.


It will literally be the day after you unsubscribe. The sooner you unsubscribe the sooner the rest of us will get it.