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This is a topic I've discussed on multiple occasions during my streams and on Discord, so I wanted to make a poll and see what players tend to prefer at this point in development.

There's 2 ways we can handle character stories and how they unfold:

1- The character story is mostly linear and no matter what dialogue options you choose, you will always unlock all the content/ sex scenes in one play-through. You don't have to worry about missing out on some scenes due to choosing different dialogue options.

2- The character story is linear for the first half, but as you progress there will be unique dialogue options you can choose that will determine the outcome and ending of that story. Depending on the choices you make, some sex scenes become available while others may be locked out (which you can't access). However, you can start a new game and choose the other options to try them out (adds replay value and variety).

Please choose which of those two types of stories do you prefer!



Couldn’t you also just save before you choose and then go back and go the second route?


Thats why there is the save feature. When in doubt it’s your game and you ought to do what you think is best.


I personally always prefered the linear content because with multiple, you still have to replay the rest of the characters afterwards.


What’s a visual novel without its multiple paths?


That is a tough one. If multiple endings then would be good to be able to go back to that pivotal moment after and choose something else rather than playing through all over again.


I personally like the multi path. Especially if there’s a new game plus.

Daniel J Gonzales

I like the opened ended feel of the game, that I am free to explore the town and characters without fear that I'll get a bad ending or the game will end too soon. However, I also understand that having multiple endings makes for a better storytelling experience.


2 but have all the cutscenes in the end. Or post about the missing one we didn't make, I want to work for my meal. If that makes sense


Multiple endings would be ok if there is warning before scene. So you can save, look at both paths and then continue.


Definitely would feel more real with some content locked out. However, could make an option at the beginning to make both options available. Would require a lot of work though.


I really like working my progress with each character, it shows how in depth development has gone and shows us the hard work and thought you put into it giving us gameplay value. I really enjoy having the option to enable cheats and unlocking stuff automatically as well.


I feel like any good game gives you choices and tbh you can just pull a Skyrim quicksave if you wanna see the other path


i really like the way sts is right now. being able to just pick whatever i want. i get theres a main storyline and some things might have to be locked like who you pick as a date for the dance or whatever.... but that should be the only real thing thats locked. thats what i imagine the save point being the most important aside from saving progress


They Never played the Witcher DC prefer replayability


Multiple story endings means replay value


We already have a plot where you choose between Mia or her Mom so.... Make it multiple.


I think choice is always important in a game like this, but I understand the need to make things linear in order for quicker updates. Even though I do understand, I personally like the multiple endings which adds more weight to a playthrough's choices


Aint no way I’m sitting through all that for another ending 😂


Either way doesn't bother me, but I would like to have access to a complete guide so I know where I need to go back and change my decision.


This is true and has happened before (save before deciding). I'm simply reinforcing that idea.


It makes since to have the multiple paths because its realistic but if you get locked out of content just to start over is a bit much. Just saying


This is true and has happened before (save before deciding). I'm simply reinforcing that idea.

dehydrated monkey nipples

i mean, you can do the multiple endings as long as you warn them to save first, basically what you already do, plus not to mention that there is already elements of that in the game with mia and her mother (i chose mia btw) also like someone else said, if there were a menu about which scenes were missed and roughly where they are at in the game that would be stellar


Esto es difícil de elegir, por un lado es un elemento fuerte el de tener todas las ecenas desbloqueadas sin temor a que nos perdamos alguna, para los que no led gusta el jugar mas de una vez un juego esto es efectivo, pero por el otro lado la intriga de que va a pasar si escoges una opcion de que tienes que hacer para obtener el final que quieres es emocionante, creo que si TODOS LOS FINALES ALTERNATIVOS SON BUENOS(que ningun personaje tefmine mal) estaria bien


I always imagined this game's ending would be decided on who you take to the school dance. Kinda makes it easier to decide who you would take if every girl wasn't an option.


I think its better to have multiple outcomes to different stories for the games longevity sake. If it encourages multiple play-troughs then its good.


I think the only one we had in the game that actually worked was Eve, because you will definetly have a preference between the two options, like choosing between being sub or dom in a relationship, choosing between male or female partner, choosing between be cucked or cucking someone, stuff like that.


while the second option would be appealing to have the full extent of authority to view all scenes in an entire playthrough — because it makes the efforts to achieve the scenes easier, and generally delivers quick-n-simple aspect to a more general population of the community —, I, as an individual, prefer to replay the game for a variant version of story endings, as it would provide the realistic aspect to the game — and ultimately more fun to (re)play


Multiple Endings. That's what walkthroughs and multiple save points are for... to get to all the content.


Wow, I got an email 18 minutes ago saying there was a poll up, and it's already over :( My vote would have been the multiple endings option....


Honestly I hate that Mia and her Mom's endings are mutually exclusive. I like the element of choice but my recommendation would be to have the decision force an alternate route to get to the same H scenes with the relevant character(s) while still making all scenes available on one story line.


Honestly I hate that Mia and her Mom's endings are mutually exclusive. I like the element of choice but my recommendation would be to have the decision force an alternate route to get to the same H scenes with the relevant character(s) while still making all scenes available on one story line.


Awesome poll DC. LOVE the added value of having to play more than once to get everything. Kinda do that now, just save at certain points before moving forward with progression. Easy is not always fun or fulfilling. Keep up the great work DC happy to support you and the great interactive game you and your team puts together for us.


I know this would be a machanial nightmare but both having the choice in he beginning to choose linear or non linear

Marc Hernandez

I feel like it would boil down to story over gameplay, in RPGs multiplayer endings are indicative of how you played your character, because of what type of game this is, linear would probably work best, less restrictions on what players could do and more freedom into what could be put in, itd work if it was based on pregnancy and how far some characters stories are, like how Fallout endings are


The only thing I would add is something that lets you know which options change the outcomes/paths. Even a walkthru would do. Otherwise I'd second guess every single option (which I often do with save scumming anyway). Multi-paths seem more fun... (tho I have been known to use a mod to get to everything)...

Joseph Westfall

A third option, where every path can still be accessed is what I would have voted for. These paths are the Mrs. Johnson/I forget her name type of paths. I would love to be able to, with some challenge or "secret path," be able to unlock both in one playthrough. Other paths and choices, such as the Mia/Helen choice, don't make sense to have access to all paths in one playthrough.


I prefer different endings. We can just save and replay certain points to fill up cookie jar. Also if it's possible, ending that allows orgies (where players can pick and choose who gets in). Know this might be a hellish request to work on but that's the dream


Multiple story, it gives so much more replay fun :)


Not a fan of being locked out of anything- I would prefer option 3- multiple endings with no lock out


Dark cookie, do what ever you want man i dont mind. ive been playing this game since late 2018

Ulises Gonzalez

I prefer mulitple cause it gives the game re playability and makes choices impactfull


I just want to have sex with everyone 🤣😎👍🏽


Looks like things are split down the middle. I am fine with either choice, but I must say I am not really a fan of chosing one woman or the other choices.


Es una dificl desicion cada uno tiene sus ventanjas y desventajas, a mi me gusta tener todas las ecenas desbloqueadas, por otro lado esa sensación de escoger entre un camino u otro es también emocionante si todos los finales alternativas son muy buenos y no termina mal ningún personaje estaría bien, yo creo que se deberían combinar varias historias en un final, nose un final donde puedas casar con las chicas o mejor aun un final harem, yo solo espero que no dejen de agregar chicas nuevas :D

Allen Lewis

I just want to get the nun pregnant.


the second option seems to be what's been done with certain storylines n choices so far, wouldn't it just be right for the main story to get the same treatment?


Do either of these options have a Harem Ending route?


The reason why I would prefer multiple endings is because I would prefer to have a different ending for, say, being in a long term relationship with Mia than I would with Eve. Both should be happy endings, but I feel like there should be some variants other than, "He chose who he chose and he was happy." At least have some unique artwork or something, I guess, for ending the game with a single (or multiple) partner/s. On the other hand, the harem idea is nice.


Maybe do both? Like, for the Mia/Helen split, you could have a third option that allows you to have both divergent lines active (ie, have Helen remain married to Harold, and make Helen available as a partner only during certain periods when Harold isn't around (Harold working overtime on certain days for Night interactions). You could even give restrictions to making a divergent-joint path. Going with the Mia/Helen storyline, maybe having a good relationship with the Chief (which you could do during Evie's storyline with the drug bust maybe?)


Multiple endings. The more branching the better.


I think thats dependent on where they branch from and as long as the two branching paths feel opposed and that they cant exist simultaneously


I like the idea of multiple endings, but it'd be great if we didn't have to pick either or on so many women. Like, Mrs. Johnson and June. I'm okay with doing new game/save for sex scenes that were locked out, but I still wanna fuck everyone no matter what lol.


While a linear story is longer, I'd rather have a little replayability and gameplay in my game.


Maybe a form of Radiant Historia/Time Mechanic, would be nice. Different endings (good one, bad one, special... ) and when you are unsatisfied you can "warp" back to the crucial moment of the storyline to choose another decision.


I know its cliché and probably complicated to do, but i love the submissive/dominant dialogue option with Jenny. Would be cool to have more option like these, that way you dont have to animate new sex scene, but the dialogue variation would make it fun to try again (of course multiple sex scene and branching path left and right would be amazing, but I want this game to be done one day lol)


Or maybe both. Just let there be an option before starting which kind of game mode you want to play?


multiple story endings

Snow Goon

I see that I'm in the minority, but I do like having certain plot lines locked off based on decisions I make while playing. It's not going to make or break a game for me, but I really prefer the ability to get into the MC's choices rather than running through everything on the same playthrough.


I don't just want multiple endings, I want branching paths in the story. For example, if I've already maxed my physical stats(STR w/ Kevin & Dex w/ Master Sumrak), Then when I encounter Dexter in the hallway & he tries to sock me in the gut, I want to whoop his ass RIGHT THERE, not wait until I'm far enough down Roxy's path. Or in science class, if my intelligence is maxed, I would prefer to NOT be treated like a moron. It's just kind of annoying to max out my stats & STILL be treated like a weak idiot.


If there are multiple pathways, i'd want more concise dialogue 😅 Also, keep the CookieJar cheat available


I think it would be cool if you could put names on all the characters, and get all the girls pregnant.


I would love 2 different endings also love the idea of a gay relationship


I suppose that if there's a prom ending, where you have to pick just one girl to go to the dance with then that would fit nicely to the multiple endings category, but with things like Mia/Helen and Erik/June/Mrs. J I much prefer to have access to all those scenes through out play. In fact, one way to give access to all the ladies is to continue on those branches and have them meet again, so that you have to unlock the other girl/scenes/scenarios by going further. That would definetly encourage replayability. Trying to corrupt Helen after Sister Angelica "purifies" her, or helping Mia come to terms with her family disruption and getting to see that tattoo again. And if this approach helps get Angelica involved some more then I AM SO IN!


Maybe that's why Kevin is on the to do list 🤔🤔🤔


I like the non-linear story but I also would wish to have access to all of the characters in some other way. Such as Mia and Helen. This option is not listed.


The only split that makes sense is Eve. All the others can be resolved into linearity.


Multiple endings


I am a lil torn but once the game is actually 100 percent complete what do we have left after years and years of just waiting and playing it over and over? So I think for simply the replay value of it I choose multiple endings so that way its atleast not a one and done play through. After waiting for release after release for years its kind of a letdown to know that there is nothing worth playing for anymore. Atleast with multiple endings if we are interested enough to ho back it will give is another play through or two to see those other story lines. Hope you are well and safe 🍪 :)


Yes, but if you make it Mia AND her Mom it can be linear. Multiplicity is a bit of a cop-out, as though the author doesn't know how to resolve the problem.


Also there should be the option to change the characters' names during the game when you want.


Multiple endings losing 😒


Multiple endings give the player a sense of agency -- that is, a sense that their choices matter. I'd argue that it also make a game a game.


all the sheeeeeeeep


If there is multiple endings, at least give us the option to start at the divergent points we want after reaching them once (some of us do forget to make saves or maybe saves get corrupted, an option is always nice) and/or include a cheat to unlock it all.


That's exactly why I chose linear. I simply don't have the time to play through multiple times, and this game already takes a while to play.

Kota D

I am for multiple endings, as long as we still have the Cookie Jar cheat or we keep getting a heads up when a significant plot point shows up.


There's no reason not to do multiple endings. If you save often (like you should) you can easily go back and choose different dialogue.


Multiple endings give the game more appeal in terms of replayability, also allowing more overall content to be included by developing different storylines separately.


I prefer to have a single story and a single play through, however if there is a possibility, and are willing, can there simply be an option to turn it on or off? As that would appease both camps, and I feel would be minimal work from my own coding experience in that it already has a divergent path, all that would be needed from my perspective is a flag to combine the paths you are given options for into a single narrative. The only one that doesn't make any sense for is Eve, due to how the story goes with that character.


Single endings. I say this because currently multiple endings makes some characters exclusive, which is not fun.


Of course I like sex, but some fun is always welcome - as we say: sea, sex and fun ;-)


I do wish they would fix the new font size,, it is so small that when you try to touch an item on second line it triggers item on first line,, really sucks when you want FASTER and it goes to CUM the first characters have a bigger font, but the newer ones in the last 2-3 updates are really small font , don't understand why they would change it,, it made an extra change for them instead of using the same program line from the older characters.


I want the ability to "choose" certain girls and see where that takes me. For instance, I'm really fond of Eve and feel bad about cheating on her. In a linear game, this is a necessity. In a game with multiple endings, it is just one option.


Just another way the game could work, the MC should be able to pay for more things with the characters, like helping with the new born , expenses, or pay for getting rid of baby , or helping pay fines, or even help pay the house mortgage Since the MC can make the money ,, and there should be able to report muggings, to either Tony or Police..

Jake McHugh

Could there be a way to reset storylines for specific characters ?

Asterion Del Toro

You can always do multiple paths, then offer the option to unlock all on game completion.


Linear stories could be bigger and number of it are higher :)


All female characters should be able to perform blow jobs and get pregnant... they should also be able to do different sex positions...


As long as there's a possible harem ending I'm happy.


I agree with Michael Paerion all characters should be able to do blowjobs, pregnant and multiple sex positions!!


Ugggghhh people are voting wrooooooong (currently have the everything available option in the lead). We ALREADY have branched paths in the Eric storyline, and the Eve storyline, so why not embrace it? You can always unlock the other paths through multiple save files whenever there's a branch.


In a game like Summertime Saga, you're going to want to see all the content. Locking content behind "choices" therefore makes the choices meaningless. Players need to mechanically choose B instead of A in order to unlock the missing scene. Do it depends on whether DC wants to create an interesting story, or a series of mechanical tick boxes to check off. You can have meaningful story choices without locking off content.


just have seperate saves for the other choices. thats what i did with all of the others and now i can watch them all in the cookie jar or go to the save thats left at the choice screen


Why not both? I wouldn't mind having both even if it means the game would take longer to finish up.


In that case, it's only a visual novel and not really a game, IMHO.


Definitely. Without multiple paths to explore, replay is reduced.


Though it felt really professional, when I first encountered a path choice, It hardly encourages a new play-through. You simply do the opposite path. Then load the game and have your preferred path in your Main Game, as you can go to the Cookie Jar, and relive the alternative.


Locked out is probably a bad term. It means that certain scenes are not available for that run through. One can always play the game again for alternate paths.


I know. I'm disappointed that it's losing at this point. Surprised based upon the conversations. I guess the people in favor of multiple branches are a bit more passionate.


Exactly. If choices do not matter, it is only a Visual Novel.


IMHO, branching outcomes based upon choices makes for a better game. Looking at the comments, it seems that although slightly more people are voting for linear, the people in favor of branching are moved to relate their reasons in greater numbers. Those of us in favor of decisions meaning something seem a bit more passionate about it.

Matthew Truesdail

Option 2 is better because the final version will be more replayable.


The idea of Multiple ending is interesting to me, but when i missed out on mias mum and the nerdy girl i was kinda pissed... so i rather keep the linear type

Brandon Shane

If branching paths mean better scenes (I'M LOOKING AT YOU GRACE) then by all means branch out all you want!


Please, no forks in storylines.


Branching paths usually means more content per character which usually means less girls to chase. Maybe some people like a deeper dive into individual characters, but quantity beats quality for my buck with this kind of material. Particularly if the feature character isn't your cup of tea. The Roxxy update was fairly linear but the best for content imo.


I prefer the multiple path option. If the story were linear, then your satisfaction is entirely dependent on DC's story design. For example, if you don't like Gay or Lesbian interaction, and DC puts that content in the game, then you're not going to enjoy the game as much. With multiple paths, you can choose.


Having said that, there are some diverging paths I'd like to see merge back together later. Choosing between Mia and her mother is the only one I can think of right now. It would be nice if the story evolved more so that MC could tag both of them. (Though, I would feel sorry for Harold if his wife cheated on him, he seems like a good dude)


maybe he can do both? so choose an ending with just one girl or something like that, or with all.


I personally prefer choices that tweak more than change the story, like Eve and Maria, you can choose a version of basically same scene, just one with one more penis in it and one without. I don't mean, that this should be the only deciding factor, being dominant or submissive with Jenny is another decision that I like. Choosing Mia or her mom on the other hand kind of forces replays, same as Mrs. Johnson and the Orc girl (can't remember her name right now). Which I personally don't find that comfortable, but still would not stop me playing and supporting.


multiple endings is better


I'd be down for multiple endings. It's fine if it isn't every character, or if divergence for some characters isn't radically different from their main story. Not every ending needs to be super dramatic. Roxy for example I don't feel needs multiple endings, but Mia's branched ending is fun too. Also I'd be interesting to have some ending being much harder to get than others and possibly be harder to achieve, Like figuring out how to get Jenny to your actual girlfriend could be an interesting branch (maybe not something the character might actually want in the end, but interesting)


I like the idea of multiple endings/choices if it means we get the same amount of final content, just accessed differently. But it would be necessary that the divergent points are clearly noted as recommended save point so we don't need to go through all prior game play to start at the proper divergent point.

Paul Beck

Multiple paths with the option to save before your locked into a given choice to allow for enhanced game play.


Can't say I'm really for or against in either direction but it more comes down to execution. If the split path is really well done and it feels enticing enough to answer the 'what if' questions then it could be fun and provide more reasons to go back to the game. However if it's either not enough content or not intriguing then it ends up feeling like missed content just to add a slight bit of 'choose your own adventure' in the back half of the story. Ultimately I've enjoyed everything so far so I'll trust what you think fits the story best in the end, typically for these style games a singular narrative works best but if you feel you can tell your story best through player choice then by all means go ahead.

Nobilis Reed (personal)

To me, it depends on the story. If there's a good place for a branch, do it, if not, go linear. --N


I chose multiple endings strictly because it allows for more creativity for DC. With a linear design everything has to fit together neatly and it takes a lot of work to make it make sense. Multiple lines can have any part of the story go off however he wants, however you chose. That being said I mostly enjoy being able to accomplish everything on a single playthrough


I definitely prefer an ending related to the MC choosing a girl at the very least. Developing all these relationships that end up not mattering because the MC has to leave or there is a 'canon' girlfriend would make for a downer ending for me.


I really hope its multiple endings. And hope there is an ending/epilogue where you can see unique scenes on which girlfriend or Girlfriends the MC chooses.


I am a little confused on the question as there are already at least 3 branches I can think of with in game warnings - Eve storyline choice, Eric/Grilfirend and Mia/mom. Is this question in reference to those or other choices?


Let’s get a 1.0.0 before sweating multiple endings. I’d rather you have time to produce 2 single endings than 1 double ending

Kyle Phillips

Dude. What if Eve had a twin that was trans?! 🤭

Chevalier Azur

Aaah the replay value of visual novels (replaying four hours of game at full speed to get to the one 5 minute scene we've missed)... I've never understood that... For me one game all the content in one go.


I've been playing this game over and over for a long time now. I just want to get to the end with all scene. I feel like I deserve it with all the time and money given. And for an ironically funny ending Erik should be able to knock up all the ladies in the end!


Great poll. I can always save at certain points. I like multiple ends.


What I liked about the game, was the teasing. I mean.. I was pulling my hair out when Diane just kept on teasing. But as in real life, it just multiplies the experience. I really felt like it was a AAA-game in that regard. If you want to keep it pro, you should branch off early. It will be a lot more meaningful and teasing, than having a single dialog exchange to determine the branch, as with Eve. This would mean a TON of work though, as it would probably be an ingame hour of content each way. THIS would make it replayable like a AAA - game though. What really puts me off, is something like...wait.. I'll have to look up her name...that's how boring and ugly she was... TINA. 1. No teasing, just straight to sex. 2. the MC breaks character to suddenly be someone else, than this teenager . I mean..Take that slut, You like that huh!. It is so out of sync with the main game. 3. I haven't clicked that fast in my life to skip that part. Even Roz was 200 times naughtier and sexier. My advice. for not ruining the game 1. the MC should stay that teen boy that the game portraits him as. 2. Make the school interesting. I'm not saying that you should go to school 5 days and then work in the weekend. It just seems OFF, that suddenly you havent been to school for a 100 days, since you work/play all day long. DC opened up for the Mafia/Pizza/Dealership/Industrial - so by all means stick to that at first, and COMPLETE it. Then I would suggest, to do some heavy work on the school after hours/cult/Principal thing.


I think multiple endings is the way to go to improve the game, makes your choices actually matter, don’t listen to the nerds that just want all the pictures DC, make your game the best it can be


I think it depends on the character, not every one needs a branching story. There's already mutually exclusive branches in Mia's and Mrs. Johnson's paths, and they are fine. But do, say, the teachers stories need branches? I don't think so. For the future, does Annie's story need a branch where you either get some sense in her or take over Mrs. Smith's sex cult? Yes.


What would be nice is that DC does not change the storyline at every update; it gets a little tedeous beginning from scratch, everytime there's an update. For DC to focus on the continuation of the enthralling story. Awesome job, you're doing DC, keep up the good work, if I haven'tmetioned it before.


I would love DLC content your doing a great job on this game. The multiple endings would be awesome, hopefully maybe a harem ending.


I'd prefer the multiple ending one, with one of them being the biggest harem ending Patreon has ever seen.


I prefer multiple endings, not only does it offer more replayablility but it would give players satisfaction and closure on that specific girl the player chooses, just like in a typical japan visual novel. BUT if The DC crew does want to make one of the heroines the main girl, you could also do a true ending once all the girls have been played through.


I feel that multiple endings adds nothing to replayability as you have to grind each new release to where you were before hand and that bores the hell out of me to the point I want to not even look at the new stuff.

Cres Hallo

Generally I like to get all in one. Exceptions would be something like Katawa Shoujo where it's so substantially different that each playthrough is worth it.

Dark Kuno

The thing about this question is that path lockouts make sense for some character stories more than others. Eve Bulge vs no Bulge is a perfect example. Same for the Helen or Mia decision. Having to make a choice between the two just makes sense given the specifics of those characters' stories. Where other stories, (Roxxy and Jenny for example) there isn't really a story based situation that requires an "Either-or" decision. I think having those decisions where it makes logical story sense is fine. I think this question (like the various character stories) is a little too nuanced for an "Either-Or" answer as well ;)


With the way you are building the game up to this point, it feels like it should be like a do it all in one go kind of game (with minor exceptions). Doing it with mutliple endings where each route will change the story substantially kinda feels like it will require building from the ground up again even if using the existing assets. If hooking up with Eve for example is a separate story on it's own (locking you out from sexing the other main women in the game), that means that that story specifically should be deepen a lot more than what it is now where it is just one of the many substories you can complete. If you ask me in general not taking the work you have done up to this point, yeah I prefer multiple endings and a chance to replaying the game from the start. Maybe have random choices unlock different paths (instead of just if you pick girl A, you lock girl B), maybe if you boost the stats of the protagonist differently you unlock the girls' story. If I focus on strength I could only go for the black girl (sorry can't remember her name) or stuff like that. Make the path a bit more cryptic to allow trial and error, like good VN games.


I've been playing summertime saga for a long while now even though I like the playing of game that you would still get the girl at the end but I really think it would be a great idea to have multiple endings so that your actions would have consequences and that it would allow you to wonder what choosing a different route what would happen/ play out.

Jon Snow

It's not too much work you should put the option in 4 different styles of game play


What about a combination: Multiple endings, with a “seek redemption” path that finally allows you to unlock the blocked content. The redemption path would use a special or unusual quest chain to unlock what you normally wouldn’t get. Let’s say that the Mall contained a secret/invisible wizard’s shop with special items (love potions, time-stop watches, body-changing pills, mind control devices) that he would sell you at a very high price which when used on the blocked content would make it accessible to you...


What ever you decide is fine darkcookie, been with you for awhile and I'm sure you'll make the right decision!!

John A Benson

I don't mind the multiple endings either, but I would like a possible decision tree showing what my choices will cost as far as the amount of content/scenes. i.e. a warning saying if you choose this route you will get ## scenes but loose ## scenes.


I would love diverging story-paths with an "NG+" kinda way to unlock all the content once you played through the story.


I like the re-playability factor built into multiple endings. Regardless, as long as I can see Jenny no longer being a bitch and some pregnancy endings from my Saturday nights at the beach, I will be happy. It would be nice, though, to be able to choose who you want to stay with, whether within a harem or an individual.

William Jackson

It seems to me that there is already content locked out of a single playthrough with characters like June and Helen, so doing the same with the main story makes sense to me.


moar muscle girls


I personally enjoy games with branching narratives, where decisions matter and can influence the characters and my own. It's more engaging when I have to think about dialogue choices, ensure my skills are where they should be, etc. and I feel like I have more agency to impact the story and ending. I'd prefer a branching narrative, especially since we're talking about finding out the family secrets, mob involvement, and numerous other influences that could come about from a story such as this. That said, I'd like to know how much longer this will add to the dev time for the game? The content added has been great and worth each release, but at some point we need to be careful about Feature Creep too.

Savage in North

I am kinda open to both options soo


I like the different dialog leads to different interactions. One of the reasons is for the replay value


Multiple endings is good if there is some indication of where to save so go back and try the other branches without starting from the beginning


I like the idea of multiple endings. Gives a good option for replayability and a multitude of saves. As long as the cookie jar can have all the sexy content to rewatch if needed, then I don't mind


Just no depressing or bad endings!


can i take back my vote? i like the multiple endings as long as the game provides enough save slots


Multiple endings are good and multiple sex acts are good, Eve & Consuela being good examples. Selection of oral after sex would be nice.


I vote option 2 as long as u include, how currently u let as know save here because the story will change based on choice. (don't have to replay the whole game)


I’m just like and maybe this is ignorant but, if he means when he says all sex scenes, would it be possible to beat erik’s mom in and in a way go behind his back and give June the unh uh? Same with Helen and then snatching up Mia v card like she ain’t depressed I kept her family apart? But then the multiple endings like what I could have like only eve or odette or grace or like only my “mom” or my “sister” or in terms of school it being either eve or roxxy or Mia or Becca or missy or Martinez( doubt it)


I just to follow up w the last one feel like God(DC) blesses us! And I believe that the meat belong to the streets! Shit teachers and car dealership bitches and gilf receptionists at a hospital like come on slay the town same time tho I wouldn’t mind individualized ending just to re run the game bout a strong bitch from massaging the “mom” to determine eves gender shit take a swole minute so tough choice


Usually I'm open to the idea of multiple endings but i prefer this linear approach so far


If all stories are linear, then this is just a graphical novel.


Multiple endings make it an actual game


Multiple endings mean this game is never gonna finish or we will never play a full game at least anytime soon maybe by 2025 who knows


I prefer all the content in a single story, I'd much rather have access to Mia and her mom BOTH at the same time for the fantasy of it than having to pick :%


It can go well either way, just a good save routine that clearly defines our choices so we can go back a complete the other choice


i prefer a linear story in this case as it is a very long story with huge amount of content. Since i have been following DC for a while i had to replay the game over and over again over every update so having a final product being linear would be more beneficial IMO.


Multiple endings. Even if 1 ending is more preferable to others, nothing is really lost with the others being there if the ending that players are closer to preferring is available as a potential.


This might be one of the hardest decision I have to make in my life.


I really don't want to have to have multiple saves just to see a different choice, and if that choice then affects the further content I'd have access to, I'd just not want to play any more for the simple fact of, it will become a chore to me to see each and every path and how they play out through the entire game. I much prefer having all content available to me in a single playthrough, or at the very least the OPTION of having all that content in a single playthrough, or actually making the choice to fully branch. I want to have both Mia and her Mom as my MC's lovers, I want to have both Mrs. Johnson, and the girl from the computer room as my MC's lovers. I absolutely HATE having to choose between them each update, and actively look for someway to make it so I can have them not diverge, and combine both into a single path. The only one I'm okay with is Eve due to the fact you aren't choosing between two people, just Eve's appearance.


This is terrible. Allowing multiple endings expands the game’s lifespan, so it will make it better to play. You just think about fapping, which is respectable, but you forget that this game has to be good too. If this game is crap, you won’t play it, because you don’t realise that the story is the reason that you like this game so much. I’m so upset to see so much people voting without thinking. I’m also glad to see that 44% took at least the time to think what is the best, a multiple ending that will make the story more coherent, that will make play it again to unlock every scene and so expand its own lifespan ? Or just a visual novel that you go through without thinking, just trying to reach the last h-scene to satisfy your hand stuck in your pants. I’m upset. You guys pay to vote, so you actually decide what’s better for the game. Then make a good decision for fuck sake


Something simple could be to add scenes, just as very short "side stories". For example I'd like to have another sex scene with Mia. No need to do big changes or rewrite the game, just add, beside study ion her room, a night walk in the woods ending ...


Different endings is fine, but this game has been in development for a very long time. I would like to see it finished, with a clear ending. Different endings can be added in post.


I missed the chance to cast a vote, but my vote wouldn't have counted anyway, apparently. Multiple story paths and endings for the major characters would be preferable, as it both enhances realism of the character's lives, and (more importantly) allows for greater replayability as you work to uncover all scenes. Player decisions decide what path is followed, with some "romance" options locked out of that playthrough by your choices. Maybe deciding to be Mia's boyfriend reduces Roxxy to a booty call and Roxxy hates that, for example, or choosing Roxxy causes Mia to barely speak with you. Just my belated opinion.

Tao Dude

I missed out on this poll as well: looks like I would have been outvoted anyway. Most of the games I like best have branches with multiple outcomes, but that is more difficult with episodic releases, as updates have to either concentrate on one path, which will hack off people not on that path, or you progress an increasing number of paths just a little bit, which risks hacking everybody off slightly.

Kyle F

Dang I missed too. Would have gone for the multiple endings.


I too missed out, would also have gone the multiple outcome way


Crap, also missed. Also would have gone multiple endings.


I prefer a more linear approach


Red, blue, or green; just go with the Mass Effect 3 ending.

Dartanas Blackthorn

I see that lazy option win, i realy prefer multiple endings. :(


Why have a poll that only lasts a day? I don't login daily, you don't even post updates weekly sometimes!


Sadly missed out on the poll as well. Also would've wanted multiple endings.


Interesting to see how narrow is the gap between the two votes. I voted "one play through" but if the choices were "moral" or "character based" I'd vote for multiple endings. What I mean is if I had to choose between a "bastard" and "generous" MC, I'd stick with one and follow it through, knowing that I didn't miss content I cared for much. However, in the current configuration when I have to choose between two ladies, I want both so multiple paths means backtracking and god knows that with all the "sorry mate, you *still* can't carry your saved games from one version to the other", we have enough backtracking thank you very much.


As long as the game currently is, I think I would prefer the linear path. I like variety and replay value, but it's already such a labyrinth that I think it's easier on the players to just give them one path.


I don't have anything against a few decisions like with (st)eve or the current mia storyline but I think you shouldn't overdo it and keep most of the storylines and the mainstory linear. You have so many characters and content that the difference between "replay value" and "pain in the ass to unlock everything" is rather narrow. I really like the game (and not only the h scenes) but I don't want to play it like 20 times only to see everything.


If the game did not *encourage* new saves with each major update, I would have been in favor of different paths that required multiple playthroughs. I voted for a single playthrough for this reason.

Les Perdants

Let us do everything in one save! imagine having to unlock everything again just to try to impregnate somebody different lol


If the game does not have multiple endings, then why do you get to a certain part of the game and it stops you and tell you to "choose carefully". I took that to mean that the story could go in different directions.


2. Option. playing multiple times is more fun


But it does. The difference is that the character's story changes, not the main story.


please make your polls longer I don't login all the time im very sad to have seen option one win but it is what it is.


I didn’t get to use the Internet for a while, I would’ve picked option 2


If the choices I make in game dont matter and theres no replayability then what's the point? Would've gone with 2.


I'm with the people who would have voted for 2, had I seen the poll earlier.

Les Perdants

why not give the option on every new save to choose one of those? I prefer the option to fuck everyone in one save but some ppl might want a "realistic" save where u can only be with one girl...


For re-playability, it should really be a branched approach. You should end up with one storyline or the other. Exploring them all in parallell is confusing, and not as rewarding. Really. What good is the Mia route when I am already involved with Diane and Debbie and Roxxy and Eve? Best if you make it so one choice excludes others, that gives us reason to come back and try againd. Didn't see the poll in time.

Nathan Weber

Agreed, this also makes the game different each time it is played to a degree. Thus expanding on its replayability.


To quote Queen: "I want it all."


really this should be a menu option, like having cheats enable


After reading all the comments, I can see both sides. Replay value, versus wasting 85% of a replay just to unlock the remaining 15% seems wrong too.


How about a compromise, after you complete an arc, then all the cookies, even the alternative thread cookies, are unlocked. Then you can look at the cookies and see what could have been.


The results were very balanced


I lost the poll sadly but I would vote for 2


Maybe should have included an option 3 of no preference given how close this seems to be.


I mean option 2 is just better imo. Makes choices more important. And I always just save before a choice, see how it plays out and load the save file if I dont like it so theres not really anything to lose there


What's the point of choices if it doesn't effect the people, town or story.


i want more development with love interests, like eve <3


I would like to see the main character be a choice to be black,asain or even Chinese if u can do tht for blacklivesmatter?


I was kind of, hehe, busy when the poll was still running. Anyway, I like the results. The way I see it, the game is so heavy in content that playing all the way through once is a very satisfying experience (and takes a long time). To have to play through it multiple times in hopes of finding slightly different content would make the experience feel more like, I dunno, work than entertainment. But then, I'm what is generally referred to as a "casual gamer". I like to do a few hours and then take some time off to attend to other life stuff. I've never been someone to sit at a TV or monitor and grind away at a game for 24 hours.


hell naw! dont bring your political shit to the game pls the original MC design is good enough. Just use your imagination if youre so eager to have em


I think this is one thing that the creator should decide for themselves, I think having multiple endings and difference ways to progress in the game, even if that means not seeing everything on your first playthrough, would make it a lot more replayable.


I don't know what the ending is. Is it the end-party at school, then i mean it is okay with multiple story endings. One of the finishquest is "Find someone for the highschool-ending celebration". And someone, with a mass of these girls are in the school. Mmh... thats my mind at the moment


More endings = more complex story telling, it'd also make the game more replayable, instead of just having one ending per character.


To peg, or NOT to peg. THAT is the question. We already have twists and turns that change who you get. What's the difference? If the question is about Eve, buy another strap on from Pink to even out the plot. Buying this same item for multiple women would open new "doors". Imagine MC and Roxxie claiming "their bitches". Rhonda getting revenge on Annie. An Eve, Odette, & Grace 4way. Bridgette giving it hard to Dexter (getting caught by MC as a sub plot for Bridgette).


More ending and more girls getting pregnant


That’s not pegging pegging is the chick fucking the dude with a strap on


My girlfriend want to see MC become a switch with eve with her bulge


I want to see Debbie, pregnant


It would be fun if post pregnant and boobs get to be big every time get them knocked up. Eve is only one who have perky boobs besides Grace.


I think anyone you have sex with should be able to get pregnant. (side effect of the pill from the lab) roz getting preg and having a chain smoking baby would be funny. robot maid havinga borg baby. lol


Some forks make sense. Harold either goes home, or doesn't. That doesn't mean Helen 'must' be faithful, and can't have a side doing with MC.


And Maria getting preggers shouldn't force MC to go to the warehouse (which essentially eliminates any pizza deliveries thereafter, pending an update). There should be a choice to pursue the warehouse lead or not, and to have a side thing with Maria, and pizza delivery revenue.


I just become patron because the poll, and it's closed, obviously the only good way to make a game like this is giving it a multiple history ending, if you can't make decisions, take routes, pass or fail situations, etc..., the game will become monotonous. If you can unlock all in the game in only one play-through the people will not have a reason to play again and multiple people will only watch a gameplay instead to play itself because that make no difference, you need to hide some things (characters that only appears once in the game, scenes that you can't see if you doesn't do something before and you can't reach unless you load a save-file, dialogues that only appears if you do something, etc...) That things make your game special, if you give easy all the special things in the game, the game will become into a kinetic novel, and the people who plays SummertimeSaga doesn't want a kinetic novel, they want a game in that they have the control of what happens next. One way to make that in a linear game, is creating a late game system, in that you, only after completing the main storyline, will play another routes, giving to the player the challenge of make itself a "name" before the main storyline it's finished, with the results of the main story you might make differences in the dialogs, quests, and others, but the results will be the same in the end, if you make different dialogs for every result, you could make a different kind of play for a same or slightly different result, if every route is independent of the other you might play and see everything in the same save-file, and at the same time you will play at your own style...


I prefer having access to all the content from a story in one play-through.


Is it possible whenever you download the new version that it picks up where you finished from previous version? This way you don't have to go through the same process over and over for each new release? It's pretty boring to go through everything for each release.


Make an ending where all the summerville girls are pregnant from mc lol


agree with Vincent. LOL even the robot baby == borg, his mom and the old lady at the hospital (baby==chainsmoking little version of her lol


I think he should be able to have sex with every female in the game and they get pregnant


XD is that i don't want to make i choise i want to fuck the mom and his girl XD

Brian Barnhill

I would love to see a hard-core mode where if you have to be somewhere on Saturday Afternoon with 2 girls, you have to choose one and upset the other, (say beach and tattoo parlor). Or if you only have one and forget about it you upset the girl and have to make it up to her somehow.