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Edited the post with some changes.


Summertime Saga now supports crowd sourced translations, allowing fans to help translate Summertime Saga into their native language.

The translation feature will be available to everyone, however the access will have to be requested. This is done to prevent abuse, fake submissions  and keep a clean platform.

For those interested, all the information you need in order to begin translating is on this wiki page here:


If you have trouble with the translation process, message us on our Discord server where we can better assist you.


I'm behind on replying to all the Patreon private messages (again), I know. I'll try and get through them asap.

-DC  <3




russian please


I see that only Simplified Chinese is listed. Can I still help out with Traditional Chinese?


I've always found your French lessons hilarious :'D [Yeah, I'm a Snail]. I'll definitely give a hand [the other one is busy typing on the keyboard atm] Good luck translators :D

Miroslav Baják

How about Czech or Slovak language


Im gonna be honest if i should translate this in german, then you will probally lose some german fans because some words combined in german sound just hillarious or just disgusting compared to the english language.


I know ukrainian lang. better than rus


Frankly, I'm a bit icked out by the idea of talking to sam9. I feel like he'll want me to translate a bunch of butt stuff.


Lol @ having people pay to do your work for you. I see you Mr. Krabs.

André Almeida

I can not translate, why? I do not understand.

Doctor Viper

Well its oure language. English is simple to under stand German just sound a bit hillarious. If you can do it, just do it. It may sound stupid but for some other germans easyer to understand.

Cesar Zuniga

I could translate it in Spanish its my native language and my wife knows French lol

Filipe Medeiros

It was the first thing I thought. "so let me see if i get this right... I pay a monthly sub for an unfinished product to get made really slowly and now I can continue to pay for the honor of translating it... Yeah right"


And how do I talk to him without Discord? I'm not using Discord and I'm not really interested in using it... :(

Alan Lopes da Fonseca

Hello! I'm a patreon menber and I want to help, but it says "no privileges to save"... how do I get that "privilege"?

Jon Snow

Are they doing sign language and Klingon?

Light Giant

I can translate to English (UK) or Ye Olde English


Yall need mongolian?

the maZe

my native language is german and i could imagine to help for the translation, but i'm really not interested to use discord for the registration too. is there any other way for it?

OniBaka's BonesArt

if you need someone for italian , I'm here


You can probably write some pretty hilarious german sentences if you really want, but yeah some of this may sounds like a caveman is talking if you translate it into german


I can translate from usa English to Canada English

Filipe Medeiros

hahahahahah not that I`m accusing you of cash-grabbing intentionally, but in the middle of a world crises with most people living on benefits and stuff, it sure looks bad to have a developer still making 60k monthly with a small team not offering a cent for people to translate your game, wich will increase revenue. It might not be intentional, but it looks bad nonetheless. You guys have created a great game with a solid number of supporters and even higher number of players and that`s no easy feat this is just my opinion as a fellow creator and entrepreneur.


Wish I could help, but I don't speak my language unfortunately.


I can probably help with some of that Spanish


I understand, but Discord allows us to veto serious translators and makes it easy to communicate with others who may be helping each other. You can share ideas/methods/tips/etc...


It was honestly more about reducing the amount of spam and keep serious translators. But we opened it to public since some fans who are committed to help translate can't afford to Tier 1 pledge. We will still screen and veto access, obviously.


I can do the Spanish (LA) section :)

Alan Lopes da Fonseca

I don't know very well how to proceed... I liked very much the game and I really want to help... if you let me, of course....


I can do french if needed.

Humpy Hack

You can‘t just translate English sayings to German. You need to know what‘s behind it and if there is a German saying for the similar thing. Otherwise you’ll lose the whole humor, tension or sexiness. You probably should hire an expert.


I'm not a translater but i will do what i'm capable of because i love this game ^^

Rodrigo Sarri

Hello, I can try to translate to Brazilian Portuguese

Michi D

I can help to translate in german


Hello, I can’t record the translation

Marek Pfeifer

I am fine with english


What about translation to Persian?

Savage in North

would be silly to Icelandic in it hehe


I'm not translate but if someone can translet Italian,I'm very happy!

summertimesaga (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 21:43:11 There's quite a few helping already but they can always use more help! Join our Discord server and message Sam9! &lt;3
2020-06-04 20:14:39 There's quite a few helping already but they can always use more help! Join our Discord server and message Sam9! <3

There's quite a few helping already but they can always use more help! Join our Discord server and message Sam9! <3

summertimesaga (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 21:43:11 Join our Discord server and message Sam9. Join our Discord server and message Sam9 if you want to help &lt;3
2020-06-04 20:15:28 Join our Discord server and message Sam9. Join our Discord server and message Sam9 if you want to help <3

Join our Discord server and message Sam9. Join our Discord server and message Sam9 if you want to help <3


We can add any language that is missing. Join our discord server and message Sam9 about adding the language and giving you access

summertimesaga (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 21:43:08 There's quite a few helping already but they can always use more help! Join our Discord server and message Sam9! &lt;3
2020-06-04 20:16:50 There's quite a few helping already but they can always use more help! Join our Discord server and message Sam9! <3

There's quite a few helping already but they can always use more help! Join our Discord server and message Sam9! <3

Eduardo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 21:43:08 I'll help with spanish! I love this game! And I would like to have it translated into my language &gt;:)
2020-06-04 20:19:03 I'll help with spanish! I love this game! And I would like to have it translated into my language >:)

I'll help with spanish! I love this game! And I would like to have it translated into my language >:)


I can try polish


What about arabic language?


If you ever need a Persian translation, I can help

Nahuel Lopez

El español estaría increíble


Yes we have arabic enabled, if you are interested join our Discord server and message Sam9


I'm thinking about Thai language


So you'll just add "eh?" to the end every other sentence?


As much as I would hate a delay, this is definitely a worthy cause and would justify a delay.

Jon Breland

日本語が少し話せます、でもまだ上手じゃありません。I'd be happy to help out though! Plus, my girlfriend is a Japanese native, so I can always ask for her assistance

Oindrila Saha Fan Club

I cannot send messages in discord....Can you help me??They are saying that channel verification is too high or somethin' stuff like that.....please....


Hi, I can help with spanish. I already got into the registration process. I culd not find sam9. The few translations to spanish I could see are really bad. I wanted to correct some but do not let me in save or edit. I found basic mistakes. My eyes hurt. ha ha.


Vietnamese is already








German hihihi

Cadu Black

Portuguese - Brazil?


I can help too but I can't save anything on Kompas Translate ??

Fabio G.

To find translators who are serious is not that hard, as long as you are willing to pay for their work... matters of "seriousness" only present themselves if you're not. Asking others to work for free is not a custom I agree with, especially in times like these. I'm only a low tier patron but the moment I played your game I was glad to pay for it, cause I respect other people's work. I'm sorry to see that you don't :^(


Can you add thai language ? Im good at english enough to translate this language


Since Portuguese is clearly marked as Brazil I'm afraid there'll be no distinction between any Spanish variant. Shame




Russian, if you need?

CV Nigga



Je veux que des français traduise s il vous plaît les FR traduisé

Robert Maxwell

Me: I'll help with the English translation. DarkCookie: The game is already in English... Me: My work here is done *Drops Mic*


If you need someone for Dutch translations let me know.


how can I fix the "unexpected error has occurred " when i try load or save the game I cant play at all currently :(

Metal Dragmire

I need some help with the Aqua quest! I got the crescent moon solution from the hollow tree at Raven Hill but I still can’t click on the stone in the center of the Forest. How do I fix this?


I can do some french but this f... machine tells me I'm not allowed ... So what the fuck ? I don't have Discord so have a look and allow me to work on Kompas Translate ... if you need my help.

Tan Andrew

what about chinese language


Make Português (Portugal)


Polish 🇵🇱😁😎

Kennedy C

I can help translating into chinese.


Guys im new to this game..I would like to know,if developers plan to make more sound in that game?


If I recall correctly, in the stream, DC has suggested sound-effects/voice is not a high priority and might be something added at the end when the game design is finished. Maybe for cut scenes. It was more likely that there would be more in-game music (again at the end of development). But none of that was set in stone.


what about Traditional

James Helterbrand

I should be able to help you translate to German if you wish.

Fabrizio Merotto



I can do spanish...


German please 😎

Nqmph .

Bru y'all be taking forever with these updates :-!

Muhammed Ak

How can I upload SummerTime Saga to iPhone? Is there a deb file?


muhammed. program does not work on iphone. does work on android and pc. good luck

Felix 7

will the next update come with all translations?

Philippe fangang

I could translate the game in french if hou want to.


I can help with Filipino translations since I know it's popular back there

daniel christensen

I will be happy to help with Danish translation. I'd needed

Abhhishekk Jindal

If i download latest update do i have to start the game as new???

darkass0 .

i'm from thailand i would support you. plese thai Languages.


hey is it possible for me start a translation to portuguese portugal ? thanks






the more the game will be translated into several different languages, the more players there will be ..... (and you should start with the languages most spoken in French, Russian, ........)

Juan Ulerio

I can do spanish


español plz 20.5

matt stone

As a viking I can help translation in to runes if need be

Andrey Drey

portuguese please (br or pt)