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Thanks for all the get well wishes, I've been much better in the last 2 weeks after getting a really bad flu. Healthy now!

0.20 status:

Art is done! Writing is almost done (small dialogues to finish for pregnancy), posing will be done this week which leaves Code to wrap up and make sure it's stable for a release! It's getting close!

I will be moving onto the next update in terms of art and streaming.

Some news:

We just had our baby cookie #3 so I had to be offline for a few days (in case you wondered why I wasn't streaming the end of last week)! ^-^

Private messages:

I will be catching up with all your private messages today. :)


I know everyone's excited and anxious about a release, so I appreciate your patience and support!





Brandon Cheatham

Baby cookie dough is here!!!, Congratulations my guy.


Sounds good and glad you are better




Thank you for your work, and stay safe .

Starless Sky

Congrats on the little one! Glad to hear you're doing better

Gray Metal Fox

Congratulations! Cookie jar is filling up. 😉




Glad to hear you are now well also, for the arrival of your new baby. Looking forward to the release. Cheers DC


Congratulations !

Jay Pettus

Congratulations to the new addition and glad your feeling well

Celtic X

Congratulations, hope good fortune for the future


Congrats DC




With all that money any girl will have your bb men.


Congrats and all the best to you and your family. Stay save and healthy👍






You probably can't wait to see him/her starting daycare next week. Congratulations!


Congratulations DC!!


Congratulations my man. Can't wait to see what this update brings us. I always have fun whenever a new update comes out.


My Congratulations!


Congrats my dude. Remain safe and stay healthy




awesome news ...congrats and stay safe!!!


Congratulations man, this is nice!!!

S. D.

Do not force your fragile health, lad, we can wait a couple of extra days. It's worth it!


Mazel Tov on your new baby DC. Thanks for the update mate.


Congratulations 😭






What would we do without you 😱


Mazel tov!!!


Congratulations to you and your wife.

John C. Finley

Cookie# 3 LOL, I named mine Allison Marie, Erica Lynne and David Mark. My you and your wife be blessed.




GREAT NEWS! Was starting to get worried that you HAD caught Covid-19. Congrats on the new cookie!




hey guys please keep up the awesome work. have been a fan for a while now but last year we have seen fewer updates than the year before it's almost 5 month since the last big update I don't get why no new animators, artists or codders are being hired with the budget the game has to make updates faster and as well finish the game and move on to newer projects or making a sequel to the series because the game has been in the making for more than two years now.


Congrats to your family




congrats with cookie n3






Congratulations on the new addition to the family


Tiny cookie! Congrats!

kiyori anoyui

So how does it work, in two weeks do you get a message on your phone and then the baby gets sent to a day care, or.. 🤣


mazel tov




Congratulations DarkCookie 🎉👶


Congratulations! Thanks for all your hard work!


Congratulations to DC and especially to CC.


Thanks! Looking for ward to playing!


Congrats DC!

Ranma( Matty)

Congrats on Baby Cookie #3 being born


Congrats Dark Cookie






congratz and stay safe




Congrats DC and thank you for all the hard work. Can't wait for the update.


Dude they're not carpentering together a table here, games take time



Sam Mann









Probably wasn't the flu...


Congrats on the little one and brightest blessings


Congratulations from a father of 5 and grandfather of 12


your personal computer, an android phone, etc. go to discord website to get details. good luck

Arnim Sommer

Having just read Doctorow's "When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth": is this 2.2? ;-)


Merci et attention au COVID19!!!


Congratulations on your new addition to your family


Congratulations, DC! Stay safe!


Congrats !




Congrats on junior cookie #3! Stay Safe.


So from these updates forward DC is gona have a child per update irl. Lol, glad your better be sure to take time for yourself and family


félicitations, j'en ai 3 aussi. prenez soins de vous


Congrats! ❤️


Our congratulations! Happy for you! I hope you have already recovered from the flu, do not be sick, take care of your health

Allen Lewis

Congratulations on the new baby, and I am glad you recovered from the flu. I just have 2 questions, When can we fuck the nun and how do I interact on your Picardo TV Channel?

Jason Voorhees

Congratulations on Baby Cookie #3






Congrats on the newcomer! 👏 Keep up the good work. It's a wonderful and exiting world you're creating. 😊


If you want, I would be proud to translate the whole game into Spanish, without any price, I would be very happy to do a translation for EVE .... who was the girl that I fell in love with in this game ...... juansebastianb80@gmail.com I know you will never see this comment, but trying does not hurt


wish you all of luck @DarkCookie i would be still there if you would like to have somone to translate everything into the German Language^^

James Young

Congratulations on the brand new addition to the DarkCookie family, looking forward to devoting too much time to playing the update.


I am curious if he ever plans to give us the ability to get the teachers pregnant. That would be awesome. What does everyone else think?


That option will come in a future update when people vote for it. EVERY girl in game will get preg eventually, we just have to wait


I wish he would just get the principal pregnant


I would like an option to choose to use or not a condom it should be mour simple than switching pills


Yay! Baby cookies! Congrats




Make Jenny a slave for anon I would love to and have a nice day


NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.1 (Spoilers): https://pastelink.net/1ck8d




Lies and clickbait. Be smart, don’t click links from Spoiler art.


When do you plan to release new update?


I was wondering if you were going to post another dashboard on the status.


Its be 6 months..... 6 fucking months since the release. I know at least 2 indie games that have that development time for a whole game with a around100k budget. I get he was sick, I get having children. Its life, this is his job and getting paid 70k+ a year is absolutely absurd for just drawing art and not delivering on enough updates. I've been supporting since .8 and I just can't believe this guy has been just destroying any integrity he has.


Bob, I am sorry you feel this way, i know we will all miss you, you have been such a important part of the development of this game. Please Bob stay safe with your Indie games and supporting other developers. maybe you bitching about what others do and how much money they may make will open up doors for you in the democratic elections coming up. or because you say its just drawing art maybe you should do your own game.


Omg 6month without an update I have just join this m on the but Bob make a point I'm not going to support something is take forever


So much for 2022 release i guess


is 0.20 reasled yet or still waiting for it to be relased&gt;


almost a month stuck at 87-89%, almost half a year for one update, and almost always finished from DC XD


Posing will be done this week? i don't think the posing bar has moved in a week scamazed as usual LUL


"posing will be done this week" HA-HA-HA.


Maybe next month

Simon Quinn

con grats on baby DC very happy for ya


Waiting for the .20 update

Biff Edwards

People are frustrated and complaining, but for me, the issue is not how much money the game creator is making, it's the price/value ratio I'm getting for the money I give him.

Biff Edwards

Always forget I can't do paragraphs on this platform - hitting "enter" submits the text......

Biff Edwards

As I was saying - People are frustrated and complaining, but for me, the issue is not how much money the game creator is making, it's the price/value ratio I'm getting for the money I give him. I don't care if he makes 2 million USD a year as long as I'm getting enough enjoyment for the money I give him. And I am; I feel like I'm getting my money's worth. Am I tired of waiting for the next big update? Yup, I'm impatient and like most people, I want everything, like, yesterday. But, I get tired of waiting for lots of things, BUT, I do wait, and the wait is almost always worth it. It's not a sin to make money; I don't care what the developer is earning - I only care about getting commensurate value for my money. And I'm good on that count, I'm still happy with the value I get from the game for the money I spend.


2 things : Shift+enter does line skips/paragraphs. And you can click the "..." below your posts to edit them instead of posting 3 wihtin 2 mins

Rick stanaway

Well things seem to be moving right along again. Good deal!... 92% more than likely pushing 93-94%?!?!?) if we should be so lucky by tomorrow morning.. And I don't mind the wait, I've plenty of things to keep busy...


Besides didn't he have some health issues? Although dealing with issues myself does make me more sympathetic.


Holaaaa he/she wanted to know if some form exists of donating $100.00 to summetime saga from my position, since I am Cuban and in this country it doesn't exist payment mechanism neither donations for internet, if they know some form they tell it to me, he/she wanted coperar with this great game and its work team, greetings and blessings


100 USD

shane wilson

Congrats darkcookie

J T Jones

Keep up the good work DC. This game is well worth the money and to the idiots complaining about how long it's taking and how much it costs them, they can go ahead and cr@p out $70 or $80 for the newest Xbox or Playstation game that is nothing more than a rehash of the same game they bought last year for $70 or $80. I will keep pledging because it's a small price to pay for a game with good story lines, good character development, and a fairly interesting progression through the game. Take care of yourself and your family and let the whiners drop away like they will do anyway.


Obviously, earned money will rise up if some people appreciate their works and pledge to the team, not only Dark Cookie owns that money. Some are giving for donation. It is not their fault why the money is so high. Remember this game is free access to public and for those people, esp. not patron, that complaining to their works and money, you should make your own game to see what is like being blamed by your slow progress and being complaint. If the game restricting release to the public and only for patron, goodluck then.


Good boy! Take a bone... For cost... N-not now (after half a year).


I love your game plz continue the same route :) and would you make a link for android also if u be so kind for 0.20


I wish people would realize that DarkCookie hand draws Every, Single, Scene. Sure he may not get updates out as quick as other developers, but they are using graphics they have paid for and downloaded. They aren't drawing those fancy backgrounds and people they are using in their games. So quit complaining about it. If you want a game to come out faster, make your own and see how long it takes if you hand draw everything. Besides, real life happens with these developers. I doubt most people on here would be working if they were really sick and couldn't go to work.


2 problems though. There’s only 1 artist, which makes no sense when art is the bottleneck and needs to be completed before posing and coding and bug fixing can proceed. Further, they’ve clearly had to go back and fix structural coding issues due to poor project management, as well as more superfluous updates to character and background art.

Adn700 - NSFW

Wow very huge work :) Great job. i enjoy playing ;)


I'd like to start off by saying thanks to DarkCookie and his amazing hardwork on his drawings and his team as a whole. You are creating great stuff and amazing content, albeit a bit slow. What I think has annoyed the Summertime community the most is that the money being invested in this game has gone way past original target of £30,000 and now there IS no target for improvement/incentive in you're product. £60,000 a month. Where is that other £30,000 going? Straight to your pocket? Or perhaps employ another artist or someone who can do the colouring, to perhaps pick up the slack when you're not very well (hope you feel better by the way!) and to get the content out faster. This isn't a swipe or dig at you it's just an observation.

Allen Lewis

Is the nun getting a sex scene?

James Kimball

do all the girls have a scene before they pop the baby out and how do u get to them plz and thx


Nope, they only send you a text message telling you they went to the hospital and then nothing. They got the baby in their arms and that's it


Just wanted to say that I just started playing this the other day after looking for something... saucy with story and this totally nails both very well! Awesome job with the characters and sprinkling the world with events to make it feel more alive.


im hoping youre going to be releasing this at the end of the month THAT WOULD BE AWESOME


Awesome, maybe &gt; hyper wetdream, totally. You still got 6% for 12 days. Then you got the last 1% for bugtesting that'll last over a week ....... Have fun waiting and moaning though, the rest of us will wait till at least mid-May, June


Bro release date summertime saga 0.20


Classic DarkCookie releasing few updates before or after the start of new month to secure payments. The progress suddenly jumped when near the end of the month damn. DC is a talented artist but a consistent progress content creator? i don't think so. Just an opinion.


Hi guys. You know that Darkest Dungeo was created for $ 313,337 And what do you get in a six-month update worth 300k $ Stop paying you kill the project


If the amount of support is reduced to $ 30-40k, updates will start to be released twice as fast. (Wisdom Patreon)


Anybody who donates more than a dollar a month is an idiot.


He has 22,490 supporters, that is how much he should be getting per month.


You should all change your donations to a dollar a month and then you will see how fast the updates start coming out.


Have you ever tossed coins or money into the cup or case of a street performer? Did you complain about the performance and take your money back? Did you make a special request that was fulfilled? I see the Summertime Saga process as a lot like that. We all get to stand around and be entertained...for free. If we donate, hey! a request we make might be considered, if we don’t donate, we still enjoy the complete show. Not trailers, not advertising, the whole show. It just so happens that the Dark Cookie and his crew have a large audience (by word of mouth) I might add. That’s usually a sign of a quality product that people really like. It’s how I learned about the game years ago, someone showed it to me and I’ve been a fan ever since. Socrates is credited with saying: Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and weak minds discuss people. Let’s enjoy and discuss this phenomenal idea of Dark Cookies’ and leave the coin counting to the unimaginative.


We are discussing the "idea" that if this project gets less money, the developer will be more likely to release faster updates. I guess that gives us strong minds.


the update comes out in may, as always grinding for money


How many hours of gameplay do you have?


Maybe the game is also on Lockdown.. and maybe DC should make an update on that too..

John Msia



Star Citizen will finish and come out before this game sees another update, shit developer


Dude. We're 96% done towards the next update. Check out the news section of the website if you wanna get more info.

nicolo giacalone

for all those people who say it's a waste of time, and we're throwing money at the toilet, I say one thing. everyone has their own opinion and it is not for me to say what a person should do, but if you or others do not want to support with the patreon you do not. if I want to donate it's my business. nobody should judge other people's choices, if I want to pay I do it. Patreon is a free platform. (Google translator)


Si puedes cooperar, escríbeme al privado o pásame tu Instagram


Keep up the great work! Happy u are feeling Better!




Hey DC, why dosnt sam\ve complet stream?? Its just 1 min


the lastes stream

tee galaxy

do we have any news on how many scenes are getting added in .20? On Picarto, I saw Maria, Rhonda, the bank teller all drawn without clothes or with babies so are we going to get scenes with all of them? I thought we were getting the female mob boss too. So who all is included in this update?


Update Fast Plz


We'll have Maria, Josephine and the big breast redhead woman (forgot her name) Rhonda will have her own update (0.3) 0.25 will introduce h scene with Iwanka, Melonia and Nadya (mob boss daughter) As far as I know watching streams of course.


Do you plan to enter the Steam market in the future?


How many day need to wait


I can't wait for 0.20! I'm still doing 19.5. Lot of things to do. In 0.20, I want to find out about the warehouse, and what happened to MC's dad. I know the code bit takes a bit long to do. But I'm not complaining! There are other things to do. Like finishing up the game 0.19.5, and whatnots. i bet in 0.20, there's a lot of new stuff to explore, and the upcoming 0.20.5! I can't wait!


il y aura-t-il de nouvelles routes pour la 0.20 ou c'est juste les routes déjà existante qui vont être développé ? Je n'y vois pas très clair avec les sondage ^^" merci


96% yaay soon soon soon 1 or 3 weeks more &lt;3 &lt;3


can't wait for weeks Plz Update Fast DC


Honestly the money he gets should only be donated for per update. It actually makes me sick to my stomach that he has nearly a 400k gross income for these 6 months without an update just for probably an hour worth of gameplay for what is essentially an intractable porn comic. Absolutely horrendous that he cant be mature or responsible enough to hire the correct people to produce what he needs in order to push an update in a timely manner, let alone "half of an update". What a joke.


I'm honestly at this point probably going to stop my support and only support for the months you do update. Unfortunately I cannot afford to continue to pay for a subscription when I'm not getting any return on said subscription.


It's been a full 5 day work week with no progress whatsoever. What's going on? For the past 5 days Code has been at 28/32 Bugs/Issues has been at 130/163 In the past 5 days totaling 40 hours of work, nothing has changed?


It is actually disgusting that this guy does this to his supporters and i see the amount of donations just go up. I don't get it. We are essentially the reason he can even support his children and wife and have all the things that he does and makes us wait 6 months for half of an update. What a god damn joke. In my opinion if there is any better of a time for karma it is now. It is despicable what this guy is doing sucking all his supporters dry of all their money for such abysmal and lacking updates.


give him some time it take a while to code and debug


We only have to wait until the beginning of May. After the next payment, the update will come, if not then June.


Dark cookie's patrons have lost all their brain cells by fapping too much.


I'm like you, i want DarkCookie release the next version asap. But each time a new version was released, it was necessary to wait for a patch to rectify the bugs behind, I prefer that it take more time and that it be playable. In addition to that, he just had his 3rd child, give him a little more time than usual.


normalement il y aura des nouvelles routes (présence de nouveaux personnages et aussi nouvelles scènes avec des persos déjà existant mais avec qui nous ne pouvions pas interagir.


0 Changes in last 24hrs...


5days gone still 96%.well let's just say this month update won't done.


Coding shouldn't take that much of time...


a workday (friday) goes by with no change? not even a video? or update on the tracker? *facepalm*


They did nothing for 24 hours. Nada


Dude, I know it's frustrating after so long waiting for a new update, but wow, how excited am I for the game's potential. One of the things I would love to see is a second big story mission for the characters that have few hot scenes, like the teachers, Eve, Roxxy, and the other characters that will have their development, with this sequence new hot scenes could be unlocked. I would love to see the main character develop as well, get older, the body undergo changes, be able to change the hair, the clothes. But more importantly, that the investigation into the death of the father, the payment of the debt and ending the mafia (I have no ideia if they will end, or just have another end) do not be something quick. Again, it is frustrating to wait so long, even unjustifiable, because they have staff and resources, but please do something quality. Something that makes it so worthwhile the wait.


On discord he wrote: Stream got cut-off due to internet dying here. Sorry!


Checking his IG to me seems quite a step-back on the quality of some characters, just personal taste. Some girls are totally bland now(changed body-type,hair,face,etc..). I hope he'll keep the old models.

Steve Frederick

Just checked the update page, it's at 99%, 1 more code to go!!

John Msia

It’s at 99% 💪🏼


Finally some progress🤗🤗🤗


He might release it in this current month.. I remember reading the comments section about the other update coming out next month so he can collect the money but he went and surprised us all by just releasing it. I think he's gonna release it when it truly is ready


Does anyone know how long it would take to get at 100


They also hold their breathe waiting for these updates, killing the small amounts of brain cells they have left.

Adam Ghost

Yeah this content creator knows he has a unique niche so he 100% exploits the loyal follows. Honestly dont hate though people dont mind, and the ones that do still come back, just have to accept he scams his audience because no one can challenge it.

John Msia

45 changes in last 24hrs 99% now🔥👍🏼


Yep, i Will stop supporting too, five months without update


I ended The support 6 months without any update, sorry :(


I'm probably going to withdraw my support, he's getting more in a month than i make in a year.


After this month support will be discontinued. Will only give my donation when an update comes. I hope others will do the same, otherwise there is only one update per year ...


Did you peep the bugs/issues bar tho? Doubt he'll put out an update that has an unplayable section. Which is a good thing!

Thomas S

How exactly have you been scammed? The game is 100% free. Some people choose, completely voluntarily, to support the creator. You're not paying for upgrades, you're supporting the artist because YOU feel like it. If you don't feel like it, don't support. What's the scam?


Hire more people bro you killing me


the content creator should really launch the update for free this time bcoz of COVID-19.... Just Saying.


DC just wants money. Becouse of that the game will comes out in May


3 changes my man, coding went from 28/32 to 31/32. What do you mean by 45?


if i was the creator i would have created it fast and released it sooner bcoz of COVID-19 its literally The End of the World.....Content Creator should release the game Fast 1 last time for Fans.


TF are you talking about? Let's go back to 2012 with Maya and their apocalypse wooosh


Bob Sagget is like a domestic violence victim, he hates DC, he hates everything he stands for, but deep down he still loves him and keeps coming back to check on the update lol


Last 1% need again another week maybe 😂😂😂


Cara to doído pra jogar esse jogo


Six months later...


e vai ficar mais ainda mano, o jogo ja ta pronto faz tempo, mas como as pessoas aqui ficam satisfeitas apenas com o mexer da barra de desenvolvimento indo de 96% a 99% agr ele (DC) vai levar 1 ou 2 semanas até lançar essa merda, e tudo isso de tempo levado (6 meses) para apenas para nos dar meia atualização


Sites at 99% which means we’re on the final stage of we need 2-3 weeks for bug fixing 2-3 hours of gameplay if your lucky that amounts to nothing really since there are always some issues because we get a hotfix every update anyway. Said it before I’ll say it again you’re outta your mind if you pledge more then 5 bucks a month the scamazed train rolls into May boys.


99% we're getting close! Get ready for another month boys!


i stopped pledging months ago, i feel like it was the biggest scam i ever faced, with money he makes per month he can hire a crew of 20 members that can work 12 hours per day - 6 days per week, if you go look for some Chinese talented drawers you can hire over 60 members , but all of this for money, he will maybe make the story even bigger with no end to guarantee more money for the future , seriously 4 to 5 months of work for a 1 or 2 hours gameplay , you all of you get scammed, in my opinion if you guys stopped pledging at the same time a new update will come out each month with 3 times the content he make in 5 months , you can critique this post but remember, that's the truth, if you want it or no, you my boy get scammed x) ...


I wished there were a down vote like Reddit, for all the complainers. if you don't like the long wait, or don't want to pledge monthly, then STOP PLEDGING. Stop COMPLAINING. Go find another game that comes out, monthly.


when will it be released

Jack Belmont

Sadly, I´m starting to believe that it won´t be before 1st May. PS: I hope I´m wrong.


I think that many people often forget how much time, effort and planning goes into any creation. The creators have people they care about, family, jobs, bills just like you or me. So instead of making complaints, or negative comments, how about showing some patience and compassion. The game will be updated when it is updated and I am sure it will be amazing. Remember not everyone can sit in front of a computer all day long when they have other things to do.


The 99% are guaranteed to stay until early May


No one is asking you to pledge you dont want then get out simply. First thing why are you playing this go and play noob free fire


Yeah i agree everyone is complaining i don't know why they have option whether to buy or not if not interested then don't play.....so stop complaining


I can understand why people are frustrated at the update schedule for this game. And I guess the easiest way to explain this is looking at other creators and how they are doing things. Team Nimbus who create Cloud Meadow are on 1/3 of the monthly support and are just doing a better job at communicating progress. In the same 21 day period they've made 16 posts - a couple on votes on sex sprites, a couple of actual updates and playable downloads, and the rest on art asset updates. In the same time Summertime saga has gone from around ~80% to 99% on an update with nothing extra posted on Patreon. Now they are two different games, but when you see something getting more than double the amount of money and showing way more progress in the same time, you gotta scratch your head and ask what's going on? before I was broke I was giving $7 to Nimbus and $1 to DarkCookie, and I've never felt the desire to give more, seeing as how each update is around 10~15 weeks apart, while every month Nimbus was releasing a new build.


These debates are gonna change nothing. People are gonna say that game is free and it's ones own choice to donate blah blah because that is true. And even darkcookie knows that people are gonna support him blindly so he can work as slowly as he wants. So all we can do is wait because we can't force each and every patron to stop paying.


The people here complaining and calling Dark Cookie a scam artist or saying they are milking their patreons, there are way worst devs, there are devs that drop their games and start making a new one cause they weren't inspired to do the old one. Look at Eromancer's Patreon, they started making a game 4+ years ago and they rarely release anything as well as they abandoned their original project. Then there's devs like Darthsmut who might add a new dialogue line a month if that. Dark Cookie actually is mostly consistent and this is the first time in a long time that anyones dropped the ball, sometimes shit comes up and people going mob mentallity screaming insults at a you can demotivate you or piss you off and at most you can do is be spiteful and make them wait longer. In short quit your bitchin if you aren't a pledge, DarkCookie owes nothing to you. Pretty sure they've addressed their actual source of income on Discord and if you are a pledge you should probably get your ass on the Discord cause all the lazy broke bastards complaining isn't gonna get you any new information on where your money went.


"There are way worse devs" is not an argument. There is always someone that is worse, doesn't mean he can't be critisized.


That's not the point. With that amount of money you can hire people to do work, meaning it should be going faster, unless you don't have the desire to do so. And it's fair to say that that is their job so they better sit in front of the computer and work on the game. Patience and compassion, don't make me laugh, the update cycle is waaaay slower than it should be.


Not saying don't criticize, but jumping to the conclusion that Dark Cookie is milking (not saying they aren't) after 4 months in which the world has kind of gone to shit reeks of entitled bullshit too me. As for comparing to other devs, it gives me a bar to judge, a baseline if you will. Eromancer used to make a lot more money and the $4k but they were legitimately milking their patrons and abandoned the project and are making a new game now with lower production quality.


The "stay positive/stop complaining" arguments are ironically the most ignorant comments of all lol My perspective: Let people say whatever they want. Respond with your own opinions on the project if you want. Just don't tell people what to do or what they should think.


you can tell they're are just testing the game now to make sure it works, as the past 2 days the number of bugs needing fixes has gone up. the release is round the corner any day now. just be patient


wow, you really be having a tantrum over a sex game, and you guys give him shit for not having it on time yet you don't really pay for it besides the patron even that it is a free to download item from the internet, if youve got nothing better to do then go restart the whole story and by the time you finish the new update will have arrived


where can i download v0.20 for android


[UPDATED] NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.5 (Spoilers): https://bit.ly/2KBqplD


kos nanat


madar jende update bede dige koskeshi haromzade


nane jende


Will i have to restart my game again or will we be able to load saves this time?


one eternity later.


How had the new update a lot of person told that we can fuck the principal ? :o


please realese it today bro, 99 procent,


It's been at 130/169 for a week if not more?


its the end of the month and finally there is some progress... what a surprise


I will stop putting my money in your fucking mouth


Ima be honest here my manz making hella money and yet he's been taking so long to role out this update but the worst part is that its gonna give us like 2-4 hours of stuff and thats a long shot. with how much time its taken him he should give us way more then he is. I feel like he works one day a week😂


You wanna know what’s so funny about the idiots who say “the game is free, if you’re mad stop supporting”? The fact that they’re so ignorant that they don’t realize this Patreon is clearly for paying to make this game. This isn’t simply supporting an artist out of love. This is a kick starter to a degree and most pledgers are here pledging because it was clearly said that it’ll increase production of the game. All of this money is for the game not any other endeavors. You’re paying every month for nothing until like half a year later. Yeah the game is “free” but not really because he wouldn’t work on it if you all weren’t paying him to do so. If all Patreon support stopped he would try his best to pull it in with a quick update. However as it is this developer is taking a long time for such a simple game no less. If you stopped paying him he would stop making this game and move on to something else


What mean by its 0.22 ?


the time is coming, the cure for covid is near...


The summertime saga 0.20 is not abble for me i dont understand only 19.5 is able To pied


To pied


To load sorry


There are some people here that are making trouble here for us to enjoy the game. The Creator of game shouldn't be banned or reported for it's creativity, but it's patrons. One of the patrons here is making troubles for other patrons, saying It's 18+ leave or be banned. That person has no control over here.


The Idiot that dares everything. That's why we even recognize them.


No, it is free you privileged simp as in you dont need to pay to play the game. You and alot of others like you (definition of being a simp) have an issue with the money he makes because you have a weak, famine like mentality. Your theory that if everyone stopped donating means he’ll produce faster shows how primitive your brain is. Most of the ppl donating 5+ dollars do so for the daily stream. Call that 5$ a month for a daily service. I stopped donating because eventually i paid an amount i felt this game deserved, and from here on out i enjoy new updates for free. If your mad that the progress bar doesnt move every day i suggest paying 5$ a month so u can fap ur chode to his drawings for the next update.


Porque le tiran tanta mierda al creador??


Solo se demoro unos dias, hasta ahora ha realizado un muy buen trabajo, tengan paciencia y esperemos a que nos sorprenda con su nuevo contenido en la futura actualizacion.


[UPDATED] NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.5 (Spoilers): https://tinyurl.com/ycp4llnj


Bangsat kau ya org² yg ga sabaran, santai aja bentar lagi juga rilis. Mumpung bulan puasa perbanyaklah bersabar.


Lies and clickbait. Be smart, don’t click links from Spoiler art.


hi indonesian fans of summertime saga. i have new group for summertime in facebook for help and sharing information. name of the group is GRUP Summertime Saga Indonesia, this is new group, and when the group has a lots of members i will make whatsapp or line group. thankss brooo....


hai penggemar summertime saga indonesia. Saya punya grup baru untuk musim panas di Facebook untuk bantuan dan berbagi informasi. nama grup adalah GRUP Summertime Saga Indonesia, ini adalah grup baru, dan ketika grup memiliki banyak anggota saya akan membuat whatsapp atau grup line. terima kasih brooo ...


El tema es que por lo general entre cada entrega se demora aproximadamente 4 meses y la gente (obviamente por ansiedad) putea... Si eso es mucho o poco tiempo, depende de donde lo mires. A mi me da igual, pero a otros no. Esto pasa siempre cuando se está cerca de la entrega y la mayoría de los que "meten ruido" no son siquiera sponsors (patreons). Creo que hay una fuerte confusión aqui entre "software licenciado" y "software patrocinado". Por el primero, pagas por lo que tenes y por el segundo, colaboras para que pueda hacerse, sin ningún compromiso salvo contar con algunos privilegios (recibir la entrega antes que el resto, ver avances, participar de discusiones, etc)... Por cierto, ni en pedo le des click a los links de "Spoiler Art". Es un bot que publica links a páginas con malware. Hace tanto que está aquí molestando que casi es parte de la familia. ;)


Ok, so I've been a backer for a while and I try not to complain, I don't back for a high amount, so the amount I pay to the content I get is pretty ok, specially for what is admittedly a niche game. But today, from midnight last night to today, there has been a single bug fixed... c'mon DC, a little more than that isn't asking too much...


Some bugs might already be fixed but they're waiting for a tester to make sure it is fixed, and that nothing else broke because of the fix.


let´s hope we will get it to the start of the weekend like tomorrow.


I'm curious about Rhona route, I was curious about her ever since we saw her at the pool and the gym class. (Still the story must be strong to beat Roxxy's route)


I would also love extra scenes with Mia. The story is big and nice but the scenes with her are kind of small and very same (ish). It would be fun if you could go with her in the shower (like with MC's sister) or just sex but where you can see her smalls boobs instead of her lying with her back to you when doing it.


No sound when watching old streams from the archive?


The bug/issue from 90 to 89 whats going on?


Man I hope it comes out tonight the end of this month. I mean damn


From my own experience, when i am very committed to doing what i love, i will do my best to perfect it. Which make me think: is DC really love this game? major version updates only 2 to 3 times a year on average, is this the best he can do? i doubt it. tbh, if DC really try to speed up the process of develop, there are thousands of ways(especially with his resources). sadly, he didnt even try. maybe SS is just a secure job for him.


Перевод на русский будет сразу?


Ну ты губища-то раскатал, я ебу бля...)


Говорили же будет сразу перевод в версии 20.0?


Не уверен, что DC работает с локализаторами. Я бы даже сказал, что уверен в обратном


need some help bro?😂😂


[UPDATED] NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.5 (Spoilers): https://tinyurl.com/ycp4llnj


Meantime the patreon income has dropped from 63-4k to 59k, but you'll see how quick it'll get back over 60k when serial fappers will explode and get through the 40-60minutes gameplay saying it's too short. Apart that I agree, it's a safe job and then why moving faster than necessary? Often here people have argued about that. It's a "support" or a monthly fee? To me 50/50, as would they work without money? I don't think so. I could list several examples of sites/devs(patreon or not) not releasing something worth in YEARS, or just teasers(see Zone and his/her endless gadgets,3dgspot and many others), so on that DC is at least releasing something twice, 3 times per year. Before there was another coder, now a new one, so looking forward to see how quick or slow he/she works, even if only DC decides the release date.


Lies and clickbait. Be smart, don’t click links from Spoiler art.


One bug finished another bug appears, just like that till the end of MAY😅


With the money this guy is getting each month you would think they would already finish the entire game by now. I seen people with way less budget make a game with more entertaining gameplay then just a visual novel.


DC creator is just a money hungry lazy asshole, i hope motherfu*ker die of Corona soon


Just hire more people i guess


DC loves money,


Finish and release fraking update! Just write fraking ONE code. This is not hard.


put your effort more to finish it, we know that you can work faster with your budget


I'm wondering why does 22k+ people pay this patreon for 4~5 months without getting releases.


I am curious, how about if this patreon is not supported with money, will it work faster so that the developers try to get more money support from the patreon (sorry for my bad english)


Bro I'm 100% sure it's gonna be done theres only 3 bugs left and he hasn't added anymore since yesterday morning I say done around 9-12 fingers crossed


Who do y'all think looked the scariest before the visual updates. Honestly for me Roxy and her friends looked stiff ass fuck they were straight thou Diane wasent really that bad either she just looked like he draw her with sharpy lol Eve was way under development no one would have thought she'd be who she is in the update. But Jenny now is top tier of the game in the way she looks she's either the best or in the top 3 in looks before the update she was so fuckin hit in the face like damn this bitch ugly broke stupid with no ass big ass nipples with no personality or friends wearing the same underwear everyday but she waaaaayyyyy different now shes to me the best character development after Eve the only reason why Eve's first is because they fixed her gravity-defying bang that bitch used to look like ah banana lol


I really do hope his patrons wake up and see that for the amount of money this game is making, DC should be putting things in place in order to speed up the development. If people keep donating blindly, hes not going to make any changes and as the game gets bigger, the development process is only going to get slower. I was once a supporter but the time in between updates is ridiculous given the funding/support he now has.


utter shit. stop giving money


NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.5 (Spoilers): https://tinyurl.com/ycp4llnj


Lies and clickbait. Be smart, don’t click links from Spoiler art.


Clickbaited bro.