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Some may have noticed I didn't stream for a week and it's due to catching a bad flu. I was bed-ridden since Tuesday night last week and I just now feel good enough to work full-time again (brutal).

 I didn't get tested for COVID-19 so I can't confirm if it was/wasn't - I simply stayed home, avoided contact and got better. 

SS art was delayed a bit due to it but I'll do my best to catch-up!

I will begin streaming again but my lungs are still sensitive and lost my voice, so mostly likely  have my mic turned off.

See you soon! <3



Hope you get better!


Glad your doing better ig

iLirr Lobeaa Art

health first man. take a lot of vitamin c for your immune system. get well soon.


Hope you get better!!

Raymond R. Searles

Take care of yourself and your family first. We are all fine


Get well soon. yeah like everyone said and will say. Worry about you we will be fine.


So long as your safe and well. We care about that more

Timo Hannemann

God bless YOU &amp; all YOUR loved ones 🙏


Patch yourself up King we’ll be awaiting your return


Take care bro


Get well


Your health first.


I hope you feel in top shape soon. At least where I am Flu is extremely active right now so it very well could just be flu or a bad cold.


Get well patience is virtue 👍👍👍

Jon Snow

I love the game and it can wait. And I understand about not getting tested because they already have a shortage of tests I hope you get better for you and your family... And when you're ready all of us fans will be eagerly awaiting your work


Get to feeling much better soon!! :D CHEERS (c)


Getting to feeling better!! That’s the important part the game will be here before we k ow and we are all looking forward to it. Importance of Good health can not be over stated!!


DC, those sounds like Coronavirus symptoms. Please make sure you get tested ASAP. Wishing you well.


Get well soon DC


release please




First of all. Take care of yourself. Nothing is more important than your own health.


Papa nurgle has blessed you as well I see.


Take care and hope you get well soon enough. 👊

Gray Metal Fox

Happy you have recovered, though not fully, yet. Health, first! Especially during this wold pandemic. Thanks for the update, hope to catch your next stream.

Joseph Fils

Get better big bro and your health comes first


It would be nice if you took a team of translators into Russian.


Get well soon man! Health always comes first!


heal up


Not getting tested is a bad thing. But good to know you are back in action.

Biff Edwards

No idea what country you are in, but as others have noted, those symptoms sound like Covid-19 symptoms. If you are in or near a geographic hotspot, it might be wise to get tested.


Get well soon :) Taking care about health is always the most important thing!


good luck


Get well soon friend!!!

Patrick Daoust

Hope you are much better. Hate the flu...


take your time...no need to relapse back into illness. :(


Get tested! That thing can go quite even when being alive and haunting your body. That's what made Italy what it is today. People who has it, have no idea about it cause its being friendly with their body so they spread it to others who might not be lucky enough to befriend it and survive its stay. Most of the spread is happening unknowingly and unintentionally. Please be well. Take care and stay healthy.


Melhoras aí pra ti Mano, saúde em primeiro lugar 👍


I hope u feel 100% soon... I hate getting sick... good thing I'm not a ppl person, I rarely get sick...


Help me, im stuck in Church (Late Night) coz want bring the"whip".


Glad you got better


We don’t care if u need to take a few days off it’s cool we love your content get better


If you need rest then rest we could wait till your feeling 100% well


Take care of yourself, DC. Work can wait. Times like these you really gotta prioritize your health. Thanks for the work by the way! I'm a new patron!☺️


Bummer !! I hope you get well soon. Take some vitamin C and stuff!!


Make sure you Feel better I don't know where I would be right now without you,you're the reason I wake up everyday seriously just take care of yourself and stay sanitized


As long as you where taking care of your self

Nick Snow


Justin Kemmling

Get well soon. Glad you are feeling better than before


Glad to know that you're feeling better, DC. I too can't wait for the update of the game, however, I think you should still get tested in order to be sure. Always remember, health should always come first. We were here during your ordeal, and we will still be here even after you've fully recovered. Get tested man.


Get well soon buddy


take your time DC &lt;3


Hope you're well ❤


Take good care of yourself; work can wait, your health is your priority


Boy don't overwork and wait until you are well again! no one here will take it against you


Take some rest please :)


Don't get it tested if you rely on public transport, because if it is covid-19 you could spread it on the way. Self isolate for a few weeks. Get well

James Young

Glad to here you are felling better, there are a lot of viruses out there, you might have not had COVID-19, look up symptoms see if you had any of them and get tested if you did.


Omg I'm so relieved don't worry no pressure your fanbase is sorta reasonable


If you recovered from your illness without much of an issue, then chances are it was not CoViD-19 (Corona Virus, December 2019). It is a lower respiratory disease meaning the organs you use to breathe which are located below your larynx, not above it. It has a tendency to fill your lungs with fluid which results in pneumonia and bronchitis, which is why they are in such dire need of Intensive Care beds. Most people who come down with it need help breathing. Whatever, you have/ had I hope you get well-rested and feel better soon. Really looking forward to the next update! Much love all, and take care!

james steele

with the corona virus scare going on some things to know: 1. the corona virus has a huge incubation time, if you caught your flu from someone within a week then it is not corona virus. 2. if you fully recover on your own then it is not the corona virus. 3. if you are also sick (throwing up, or diarrhea), then either you have something plus the corona virus or it isn't the corona virus. 4. the corona virus can kill, but so can the flu, in fact they have about the same lethality, the corona virus just doesn't like to go away without meds and it doesn't get better without meds (so if it will keep getting worse over time without medical help, the rate of which depends on how well you take care of yourself). so don't over react, just go to the hospital when you figure out you have it. 5. not enough people have gotten over the virus yet, so we don't really know how potent overall it actually is (unless you live in china, then you tend to get burned alive or some other horrible fate due to shitty government practices). so now you know enough that you shouldn't panic.


It can show symptoms within 5 days to 24 days so a week is definitely enough time. There are plenty of cases of people 'recovering' and then testing positive and showing more symptoms afterwards. Those sick with Coronavirus definitely can diarrhea and throw up. Flu has existed for millenia. Coronavirus has existed for 4 months. You can't compare lethality by yearly when it hasnt even existed for a year yet. This is a process that is currently unraveling and tons of misinformation about this disease is coming out. Don't go to a hospital EVER unless you call them ahead of time and need immediate medical assistance. Look for dry coughs and shortness of breath and call your health provider/local or state health department to get tested.


I'm glad you feel better. I write from Spain and right now we are living under coronavirus lockdown. Everybody at home. Stores closing all over the country. A nightmarish zombielike situation. So let's keep calm and try not to think about Dustin Hoffman and Kevin Spacey in hazmat suits. Greetings from this side of the ocean and happy apocalypse.

Philippe Autier

Prenez bien soin de vous. C'est le plus important.Amitié


Glad you’re better


I hope you're better DC. All the best to you and your family.


Hey we all want this update, BUT we all want you to take care of yourself more. Do what you gotta do to stay healthy.

SuccubusSyndrome 18+ art

Covid19 symptoms are like cold symptoms, not the flu ( which is digestive issues and puking ) It's mainly respiratory issues. Sore throat, runny nose, fever, and in severe cases difficulties breathing. don't know if headaches or disorientation are symptoms, but i often get that with regular colds too. I've had minor sore throat, more like dryness with a little discomfort, and slightly runny nose in the cold air, not much but more than usual, so i'm not sure if i've got it or not, mild symptoms if i do. I stupidly ordered fish online and the seller bought them from Indonesia so idk. We only JUST got the virus where i live and there's only 1 confirmed case near me, but again i got a package from Asia priority 2 day shipping so who knows, i just feel dumb because i hadn't really heard much about the virus until after they arrived, which was less than 2 weeks ago and that's the general incubation period. :i

Adm Trd Ferg

Don't die dude. This is the only game left worth playing. The rest suck ballz


Hey, take care of yourself first. I appreciate that you even thought to make an update.



Jenna Twerk - NSFW

Nice to hear you are feeling better! ❤️

Dante Fantasy

Glad you are doing well. Stay strong.


Stay safe dude.


stay strong the content can wait :)


Be safe and take some zinc and chlorella.


there is always health first and then there is work


Take care




Glad your feeling better :)....Stuff is nasty.....Keep it out of your lungs. Great job on Summertime.

Ruben Rodriguez

If you want up to date information about covdi-19, look up Dr John Campbell on youtube. He's a retired doctor who has been following the cases from almost the beginning. He talks about how to adapt day by day to infection and about how to protect yourself. Two good videos were about how vitamin D can help reduce viral infections and and the other is about if you have covid-19, to NOT reduce your fever with over the counter medicines. Fever is a normal way your body fights infections and he said its been shown that individuals that use those meds increased their chances of death. Also, while young people should recover from the infection, others with underlying health issues should isolate themselves. Btw, I'm not a doctor but I do work in a hospital and many of the things hes covered in his videos have been talked about on the several news stations. Hope this helps not just you but everyone on here. Take care of yourselves.


take care of your health first :) we can wait ...


Take care of yourself


NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.1 (Spoilers): https://pastelink.net/1ck8d


arts can wait, not health !


don't worry just take care of your health


Stay healthy dude. If it was a bad, long-lasting flu, there is a good chance it was COVID-19, so be safe and don't get anyone else sick. Health is paramount right now, or the NBA wouldn't have canceled the entire season lol.

Cinnamon Cookie

Just because you got sick, doesn't mean other members of the team should stop working and this is how it was, wasn't it? Eh. This project will never change.


Yeah, I'm sure the coder can do wonders without art nor scenes to work on.

Mr Wayne

Do not push your self, my cuz had some sort of flu and thought she was better (she was not) sill in hospital since Feb 17. So please take it slow.


You probably didn't have the coronavirus. Did you suffer extreme difficulty breathing? Like you're lungs are in a vise grip and feeling like one ton of something is sitting on your chest and continue to struggle for air even after you recover? That's what coronavirus is like, it attacks and damages your lungs and leaves you extremely suspctable to bouts of pneumonia.


Greetings sir, im just gonna tell you that everyone responds differently on Covid-19. the symptoms ur reffering to here is more rare cases of the flu. Not everyone experience these kind of symptoms. Be sure to be 100% about the information your putting out on the internet. A friend of mine was tested positive on Covid-19, his symptoms where just a running nose and a sore throat, hes fine now.... But that in mind DC could also be affected by the rhinovirus ( which is one of the more common seasonal flu). So just keep in mind that not everyone experience the same symptoms :) stay safe these days and take care for eachother!


Stay safe D. C. We can wait .. I just saw YouTube of some more b s policy changes that might affect the game teams are cracking down on anything anime related art styles and all


Health first, dude. We can wait.


please be safe


I like the work you did with eve an innocent pretty girl with a great body i love those kinds of characters the innocent petite girls you really did i great job with her and here story she’s beautiful i hope you can someday pick her to go to the cliff and makeout or the prom i mean theres a lot of possibilities like banging in th tree house she my new fav character. On another note hope you doing well be safe


i would LOVE more scenes with her sister, Grace...that whole thing about Grace knowing it's wrong, but she can't resist it, is really hot. So it would be great if they sneak off or they meet up here and there, outside of the threesome


I'm italian and I understand your fear..stay safe DK.


Would be great if we can start playing the new update while we are all staying home now... *hinting*


I went through all the phases 9f heartbreak in the minute it took to read this


I see the art work is almost done. After that the code should be done in two or so weeks hopefully. Then a week for bugs. Can't wait.


I'm confused on what posing is on the progress bar. what exactly is posing?


Your health first dude... We can wait.


straight off the wikipedia site. Pose to pose is a term used in animation, for creating key poses for characters and then inbetweening them in intermediate frames to make the character appear to move from one pose to the next. Pose-to-pose is used in traditional animation as well as computer-based 3D animation.


How are you currently? Are you feeling better?


Hoping they release in 2 weeks


I hope you get better! I'm also staying home and isolating. I don't have covid-19. But I am taking precautions just in case. Lot of stores and movie theaters are temporarily closing, including dine-in restaurants. This is gonna be a crazy year with Covid-19.


Can we still add new character in the game? I want to see Miss Universe Pia Whrtzbach in SS. :)


Just lol, final bugtesting phase will take longer than that alone

Attila Acar

Geçmiş olsun ...


NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.1 (Spoilers): https://pastelink.net/1ck8d


Lies and clickbait. Be smart, don’t click links from Spoiler art.


Sick and tired of seeing that Spoiler Art. He has nothing else to do, but scam people.


Take care


no we cannot wait....... we all will die soon by "Coronavirus".... and i want to play next Update before i die... 😡😡😡


hendicks means Christina Hendricks???😋😍😘🥰🤩🤤




Since we are all trapped at home with nothing to do, I think they Gov should give you a grant to fast track 0.20-0.25 so we all don't lose our shit working from home? If you get those done soon I'll write my congressmen to get you the Congressional Gold Medal.


Stay safe man, you're an honest godsend in these weird ass times.


when release the .20v ?


Why the status bar it s frozen for almost a week?


The true is that they are not going to finish this any time soon. they are making too much money monthly to want to finish and risk losing their patreons. There is no chance that a visual novel like this with this amount of content take that much time and resources. The truth is that the more patreons they have more time is going to take, and only when the amount of money they get start to decrease is when they are going to finish the project to try and get some more. Look at the amount of money per month. Do you really think is really necessary? You think they are going to ever finish the game and risk losing the patreons? Visual novels with immense art quality take so much less time and resources. The progress is going to get slower and slower the closer to the finish they are. Theres no way any updade they ever made take that long in a visual novel like this. If youre a patreon and still haven't realized that you're being deceived, you're the one making the game take even longer. It's been a while they have much, much more than the necessary amount already. What I want to say is: basically it doesnt matter if there are patreons suporting or not, they are going to take years to finish anyway. Actually, theres a higher chance that the game will be finished faster if the patreons start to drop, cause they will see that for the patreons to come back they need to actually deliver content.


I agree with you, I don't think a game like that takes that long to be produced. And when the update comes it's not even as wow as you were waiting for the amount of time it took to launch


I think the game is already finished and it is now trying to gain time. I don't think 1% progress in over a week is realistic. ultimately, the new witcher 4 is not being worked on here


sometimes 1% progress take 2 weeks. There are a lot or more complex games made by only 2 or 3 people using so much less money. I dont get how there are people believing that they really need more money and time, that cant see they are taking all that time to continue getting the patreon money. What takes the most resources in a game is literally the 3d animation, motion capture, actor for the motion and dubbing, none of that the game has. Even more so, by the size of the team, there's no chance that their payments will need that amount . That just dumb. People can't be that dumb not realizing this. They get 600k by 10 months. They are already years into that. Make a little search and see for yourself the level o games and projects made with olny 600k (that they get in 10 months) here on patreon or kickstar. What I want to say is: basically it doesnt matter if there are patreons suporting or not, they are going to take years to finish anyway. Actually, theres a higher chance that the game will be finished faster if the patreons start to drop, cause they will see that for the patreons to come back they need to actually deliver content.


Stênio, you are partly right; finished main story is not important because they can keep the project going for years, if not decades, just by adding new lady's and improving existing stuff, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's clearly in their interest to be as slow as possible as long as a shit load of patrons are willing to donate 60K each month for free, no stings attached. Obviously it's their project and they can be as slow as they wish, but lets not be hypocrites about it. And BTW, for the record, I would gladly sign up as top tier patron right now, if I could only get what they are clearly not willing to offer, more updates more often,


Hey Stênio, you were asking me of a visual novel that required less resources than SS, since I said there's no way all that time and 60k a month are required to make a game like that and still releasing just that amount of content and you didn't agree. well, I think I found one. Theres a horror visual novel (with some porn on it) that was funded via Kickstarter with $33.946. They had a big team, which means having to pay more people, a extremely better art style, animations, some 3d, gameplay mechanics (beyond just choosing options), gore, bloody wounds (that has to be more detailed than just the body) AND VOICE ACTING. FOR ALL CHARACTERS. that is what they got on Kickstarter, $33.946. And still made the game. Now you come say that DC need even more time and money than they açready got to finish that game? The gameplay from The Letter even take around 15 to 20 hours to finish the game. Heres a link where you can see how the game works, the quality of the animatios and in the end of that video you can see the credits, where you can see the size of the development team and the voice acting team. https://youtu.be/dBygzGW2Dfc?list=PLOKj7WqQOMGeXPTYS9m-G4w9Rx8AyMVsA&amp;t=4576 You can search for "the letter game budget" to see more for yourself, in wikipedia or other sites.


I made a search. Making a game that size, with that art style, with that amount of content dont take more than 10k For the full game. Those who are paying 60k thousand a month are being fooled in a level I cant describe. Basically, hes taking that long to finish that game to keep the 60k thounsand coming every month. He could do a visual novel that size, even bigger every month with that Money. No, the updates arend gona come any time soon. The more patreons donating, the more time is going to take. See for yourself how much you spend to make a visual novel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h4QyUfuIVg https://anime.stackexchange.com/questions/37330/visual-novel-profits-and-costs https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=38674


The fact is:


DC makes tons of money with the game, so hiring an artist that can replay his art, is not the hardest thing to do


I personally agree with Fields, 7 months just to launch an updates with one hour of a new gameplay and just 2 hs, that s bullshit dawg


don't worry to much about it guys the bar will start moving again once the April check clears


So in 0.20 update we dont get any woman from Trumps residention?


Get better, Heathy is more important than a game.

Dragon of Kyushu

If you're gonna go a whole month without updating your game the least you can do is not bill us for the month you were inactive. I'm not paying you 10 bucks a month to watch your stream, I'm paying you to see updates for your game. Ya put out what, one wallpaper and think "yea that's 60k a month worthy". Quite a few people on here don't bill their followers if they don't put out Jack shit. Hell actual artwork of your characters would be worth something but it's just streaming and some wallpapers. C'mon dude show some integrity.


If you read everything it says his game updates every few months so if you don't want to pay the 10.00 then leave a lot of us on here supports the people that makes the game so they can give us up date's

Jason Watson

That's why I pay a dollar. All that extra stuff ain't worth it, and updates are not consistent. Your boss wouldn't tolerate it, nor would an investor tolerate inconsistency.


I do not doubt this update comes out in the middle of April or at the end of it


For everyone on here that is bitch no one tell you to be here no one wants you here and no one told you to pay the money if you don't like the way the game is being done leave if not shut up


I don't care about updates. I just want to know if they're ok?


the game makes like 55k+ monthly, maybe its time to hire more folks to work on this game?

Leslie Keleman

The progress bar going back 2% from 87 to 85 is an April's fool joke, right?


the joke would be good if the progress bar drops to 20% or 50%


People there is like 6 or 7 people in the team. I assume they all get paid a salary for their work, plus equipment that the company has to supply AND taxes including payroll taxes for all their employees. The company makes like 600k a year, a programmer makes at least 100k, let's assume each one gets paid less cuz they love the project at 75k x 7 that's 525k in salaries alone. Let's calm down on the pitforks about wasted money ok?


There's 5 people on the team, including DC. Server dude doesn't count and the last name is his wife ...... Just pointing stuff


All patreons should look at discord to understand why the % went back


as I said .. I think the game is time consuming. but just under 5 months for a small update I think is a bit exaggerated ;) and now also the frozen progress


I'm not a Patron, but would you be so kind to say what he wrote? Thanks


Yo you ok?


What's happening with the progress


Hi, I have an idea of ​​you please put the lines of the characters dubbed according to the language of the country, it would be better for many who do not speak English. thanks for reading.


Backward progress


On their official website they said they're not considering to invest time on implementing translations before the game is almost in its final release, even with volunteer translators.


i stopped pledging this... it's really waste of money, the update is almost once a year, and with the income more than 55k per month, with so little work, that's just not fair. they were more faster when they at 8k per month... i was hoping they would hire more staff, or even hire voice actors.. but no, they choose to kept the money for themself. i only hope this game wont end up like simbro 3-4 years ago.


It makes sense to stop pledging and just wait until it's done. The ruse that your money actually speeds the development is clearly a load of shite. The polls may have some influence over the course of the development, but why would anyone rush when huge amounts of money are rolling in. At this rate, the question to ask yourself is: How much would it cost me to wait and play this game when it's done? versus the cost of being strung along month by month?


Cost to wait : 0$ but 5+ years, cost to pay : whatever you want but 5+ years. Paying won't give you the game, it will give you the tier perks listed. This isn't Kickstarter : you don't pay to have the game handed to you in X months


"May seem alot"?? That is an insane amount of money. The majority of people would be lucky to earn that in a year.


And then you sink the majority of that into a free game you're developing, right?


I don't know where people on this patreon get the idea that programmers who work on visual novels get paid 100k as an industry standard. National average for game programmers this year is $80,000, with the lowest being $19,000 and highest paid being $145,000. (Speculation Below) This patreon generates $680,000 a year. He probably pays each of his employees around $75,000 a year on average. DarkCookie pays a total of 4 other people besides himself and his wife. He probably spends at least $300,000 for his employees in total besides himself and his wife. Lets just say he spends an extra 100,000 on other costs per year (which I doubt). That leaves him and his wife making at least $280,000 a year which is super comfortable. He does have taxes but he also gets tax write offs from being a small business/employer/provider for 3 children as well. I assume DarkCookie is a great guy. However you can't deny he is milking this game because there is so much incentive to. Once the game is complete or there is enough content, he will hemorrhage patrons. This will cause him to lose his livelihood if his next game is not successful. Which isn't easy for someone with a family that recently grew to 5. Still, a visual novel like this does not take this many months to develop such little content. DarkCookie can do whatever he wants because at the end of the day patreon is simply a tip jar. However I'm personally not going to donate to this page simply because development is too slow. Losing contributors might inspire him to be less complacent and work faster. While I do hope the best for DarkCookie and his company, I also want a complete product. I also have enough self respect for myself to know that I don't like it when someone lies to me (The game taking so long to develop) Here's a link to an article on games that have only one developer. It goes over how long it took to develop each game. Average time frame for a fully realized release is about 2 to 3 years. https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/the-14-best-games-developed-by-only-one-person/2900-2172/15/


1. The number of Patrons never went down for the last 3 years, even with every1 and their mom going batshit crazy everytime there's wait time between updates about declines + doom and gloom 2. You're not being lied to : there's no release dates promised. EVER. You answered yourself in your post : this is a tip jar, he does what he wants and you pay for that or not. You getting a game once in a while is pure byproduct At the end of the day : bitch he makes too much $ or not, pledge or not &gt; it won't matter. Game will still be made and you'll still get it like every1 else. Unless you can convince the over 20k peeps to stop pledging overnight (which will never happen), everything will stay the same


Guys, when release v 0.20, do you have any idea?


Hope DarkCookie didn't die.


NEWEST SCENES! From 0.20.1 (Spoilers): https://pastelink.net/1ck8d


Lies and clickbait. Be smart, don’t click links from Spoiler art.


Add hindi language in this game


looking forward to the release take ur time mate and stay healthy


Covid-19 is a multiple week thing, it sucks and I had it (tested cause I ended up in the hospital). It started light and then around day 4, it hit me like a truck and I was basically useless for the next 14 days. Don't take Nyquil or similar products can make it worse than base.


over 6 months since last update. I love your content, but this is really taking long for small updates.


Yeah, let's ignore the fact he got bed'd for over a week with a cold and/or got a baby during said 6 months. BUT, my super-entitled-manchild-self cares more about a free game that requires me to come in and whine about it .....


For those getting impatient, the best way to wait is not to wait at all. Make yourself busy and do something that will kill some time and keep you occupied for quite a long time.

Tony Teall

I hope all of you stay safe 🙏 please thank you

Adam Ghost

You know how many times this guy has gotten sick? It actually wouldnt surprise me if he has aids lol


be smart don't click links from spoiler art.


Lies and clickbait. Be smart, don’t click links from Spoiler art.


i started playing summertime saga again today but i still have al the saved content from back in the days, i once used the cheat menu on the in-game phone but i dont want cheats anymore. does someone know how to reset the whole entire game (and not just the cookie jar and stuff) it will mean the world to me, adv thanks


I can't get it to work do u all have the app version up or na