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The update development is coming along. Two animations are left to finish (out of the 7 planned, each with some variations), along with the remaining quests/story parts (9 left). 

I took a short vacation last week but I'm back full-time and streaming daily. Will focus on finishing the remaining assets and push the release as soon as we're done. This is definitely the largest release to date, so things are taking a bit longer to complete but it will add a lot of new content!

If you have questions/suggestions, join the daily stream on our Picarto channel!





The save files fixed yet?


Yeah love you DC


Does Patreon allow this kind of public posts now or is it a mistake?


He would still need to update the old file system on Mia and story. Also at this point I'd rather have him add more content than try to "fix" the cross update save file and the nany inevitable bugs that are to pop up


Thx for the status update DC! I'll drink one for you!


Thank you DC for the update. Please take your time with the release and give your testers time to do their job too. I know that is your intent. When you think you are ready please take an extra day or two to let those testers do their jobs. We can wait for the game to be released until it is ready.


Wow, Eve is really looking sexy! :) Can't wait for the update <3

Matthew Truesdail

Looks like she doesn't have her nipple piercing anymore :(


NOOOOOO, where is her Piercing? I loved that :(


The hype I feel for this update is getting out of control


Looks like it. When I opened the post from my email, I wasn't logged in and it asked me if I was 18 and allowed to view mature content. Looks like they made provisions so long as creators/ posts are labeled as mature...?

Marty McLean

This render of Eve makes me want to see her cosplay with some small devil wings and go as a succubus.


No piercings?!? Noooooo!


Do I keep my current save progress when the update comes out or no?


what a nice little present Excelsior


No piercing, GREAT. too slutty with!






OMG that's Hot


Glad there are no piercings!


Hope there is an option for piercing.


Annie has nothing, nice bait


I would like to know how I can help translate the game into Spanish


Aww, too bad about the piercings.

William Pierson

Hi, this will sound goofy, but do you have a walkthrough for this game? The reason I ask is because I have memory problems and tend to get lost in games of any real length. Eventually I get frustrated and quit because I cannot make much progress due to my memory.


There is, but it so far doesn't include this level. Believe it is up to 18.5.

William Pierson

I feel like a dummy, where wold I find it?


This is going to be amazing! I am looking forward to the release. Its truly one of the best games in the genre.


For all those who say no to the piercings. I say you have about 8 girls in this story without so hush! Piercing = YES YES YES


It looks like the tree house in the background. Maybe a little running away and having a good night with MC? Give the tree house some shine! Lol.


I love the Art work


Dope dope !

Dark Kuno

DC has mentioned on stream that translation options would be looked at once all the major story lines for the girls and main story were finished

Dark Kuno

besides Grace has piercings, so that should cover the folks who miss Eve having them

Dark Kuno

actually it's a tent on top of the tattoo shop. You should check out DC's streams occasionally ;)


This game is amazing, It'll be at .19 soon T.T


My heroe

Alex Taylor

Hope there's more pregnancy and some pregnant sex in these updates soon!


there will more pregnancy, but not a word of pregnant sex so far

Donald Abbott

What happened to her nipple piercing.


When is the men from the warehouse gonna show up, that should be thrilling.


quick question, when i try to confront the thief at Erik's house it tells me i can't go there at night. am i missing something or is there a bug in the 18.6 version?


Never mind it was something painfully obvious, I'm just slow sometimes

C. Dominic

So, at this rate, i guess we will see the game for x-mas :v


I love Diane's business. It would be great if it grew into more human cows. With the help of Weronica, of course. But thank you for all the work you've done.


Eve sings for MC and Eric in the basement, removes her top, MC gets a boner, Eve does not notice his boner, WTF!


Here's a thought about the pregnancies, Diane should recruit the other characters into her milk business...bahaha! I mean its kinda messed up but whatever


Nice work!


What happened to her nipple piercings?


Just hope y'all release it soon


Nice, you're the best man!!!! To work ...


I've literally just been waiting for Eve to be released. Soon, SOON


Roxxy is a crazy good girlfriend. After those sweet weekend nights on the beach, she could bump it up a notch by getting Missy or Becca to get in the locker with MC during the school day.


Am I the only one that finds Missy so damn hot.


I'm newer, but not seeing many conversations. Will Mia be a possible pregnancy in the future?


I just wanna impress Rhonda thats all.


best place for conversations on this game can be found at their discord site. also some good spoiler pictures from time to time.


I hope that this long scenes will be worth to wait...


What about Debbie and Diana? Is there anything new with them?


Wait how do I apply the update to the game again?


you just download the new version. They usually release a save file with everything completed except the new content


I gotta ask, are the wallpapers good enough for the $10 tier, like I pay $1 for another game and get art assets, which are pretty much wallpapers. Just wondering.


Who are your favorite characters? That will help answer the question. Short answer is probably. There are some good ones, but there are other perks that make it "more worth it".


Cant wait to fuck eve and her sister


Eve looks great, but I want Judith. I hope all the Judith lovers up their patreon to vote for her for .21! I will!


If we have a lot of fans for Judith, then great, let's vote. Otherwise, she will be buried. I think she has a potential story to let out. I think she should be involved. Plus, she has a thing for MC.


I love all the characters so looking forward to any and all updates we get :)


OMG haven't been playing for a long time , anyone a walkthrough ?


DON, There should be an up to date wiki page if you do a Google search. It will show you all paths, secrets, etc. for the game.


Donsergio. go to summertime saga website select wiki on menu to find a walkthrough that will take you thru the current 18.6 version. or go to the discord site under the help channel you can find all your questions answered. good luck


So excited


Sigh...Eve looks so different. Not the same vibes. Looks like almost any other attractive girl on a game now


I like it


I want to know why you can't keep having sex with a girl who's pregnant, most pregnant girls love it

Starless Sky

Perhaps as it is sometimes seen by people as unhealthy for the fetus.. I have no clue if thats the reason but it could be.. also it could just be a punishment, so you have to wait for a while as a consequence for having a weak pull out game

Starless Sky

That moment when 0.19 is giving us a big tiddy goth gf and we can also immediately get her pregnant *face starts emitting holy light*


I'm starting to think I'm the only one that wanted to see Missy, Becca and Roxxy pregnant. Would've liked to see the drama unfold after the consequences of the bottle spin game.


Agreed MrWhite cause I think Becca needs to be pregnant. :)


im so excited. this is legit the best porn game of all time, and thats not an exaggeration. nothing holds a candle to this game


It might sound silly, but it's my first being patreon, how do I install the .19 version


I want to see the dark path of Mrs. Smith and Annie!!


I agree with you. Love this game. But Patreon has another game by Uber Pie called Taffy Tales. Very dark... WARNING!! but same story line and goals


I've never understood the appeal of the whole "get girl pregnant" fetish (in fact, I can't even see from what angle it even qualifies as a fetish). It definitely has a lot of followers, though, and since it doesn't really interfere with any of the material I enjoy, I tend to just shrug and say "Well, if it makes other people happy".


I agree. The original did more for me. The nipple piercings were awesome too!


Quick question Is Mia and Helen’s route finished or will they get new parts to them


Boobs! Nice :)


Unsure but, I personally feel like old Eve looks cuter

Joe Hawkins

Old Eve was cuter, but new Eve is sexier. And now that she is going to get nailed... sexier is better.


I cant fuckin wait DarkCookie


How long before it will be ready


Mothman go to Kompas website, there they answer that very question. But to answer for you, no unfortunately whatever you have played will not be transferred to the latest update. So you will have to start from scratch, But hey at least the new update will have some more paths to certain characters.


I been waiting since JUNE 2019 since I started playing and became a Patreon. So be patient. SIMPLE. The update will be soon. But if you watch the live streams you can watch DarkCookie working on each character. It's not easy and for the amount of newer content that is being pushed when it's really done by 1 main person. So be patient


Bring back the piercing please


want do more with june and judth


Omg I hope for intense h scenes and alot of details.....and pounded..


When you have any questions about what has yet to be added to the game or if there will be any more of something, check out the Development Roadmap. That'll give you a good idea where things sit. Right now, the Roadmap shows that Mia's overall development is only 75% done. So we can safely assume more Mia content is coming whenever the majority of the community votes for it on a poll.


Is Debbie's pregnancy in roadmap yet?


Pls bring back the piercing


Maybe it will be part of her arc, similar to Mia and her tattoo.


i miss the nipple piercings. :(


kinda hope they do something with the beach house, might be a good place to expand Jenny's CamSlut shows. that and curious how Debbie, Roxxy, and Jenny meet Daisy?


DC! Odette looks so great skinning out of that little black skirt! That scene is getting hotter and hotter. today’s stream was great


Espero que essa atualização seja top e que tenha português BR.


hi i stuying English to play this game

Biff Edwards

Who knew that porn was such a strong incentive to learn another language? (smile)


I'd love to see more Becca and Missy content


Oooooooooo Eve, yessss


Is there content for grace!?


do we have a guess date where the release might come out


is there a guesstimated release date


Eve, best girl FTW. Been waiting for this update for months.


Will the updates be automatically installed or do we have to manually do it? Thanks


I am probably not the first person to mention this...I'd like to see a party with Roxy and her friends at the beach house. Epic!


Add more scenes with Mia!


If Judith doesn't get any love soon I'm going to scream...


How long we gotta wait?


How long we gotta wait?


WHEN!!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting forever 😭😭😭


DC said he is back working full day then this update should be om the floors next week but i think it will be released after a more month means October 2019


last update 0.18 was released in June 2019 so hopefully well be get 0.19 in October. 4 months gape..? meanwhile all recurring were pointless then.




I paid money, but I can’t download the game to play on my iPad. What do we do?


Are Roxxy and her friends getting pregnant in this update?


paid money to whom? paying money is not necessary to download the current game (18.6). go to summertime saga website and select download from the menu. options are available for android, pc, or mac. i’m not sureit was ever available for ipad/iphone products. good luck


how do I cancel to not take money out of my card


what is more difficult? Art?Posing? Writing or Code,? that takes much time? for new update?


Top right, My memberships, scroll to whatever you're trying to cancel, click edit. Cancel button underneath big oval orange update payment button.


what nice guy! looking for a way to help. don’t see much of that these days. well done ratan!


My experience following for awhile now is coding and posing are always last. Update always comes with beggining on a new month. You bet october, I bet november 1st-7th.


Please make a intense H scenes in this one.


How much longer do we have to wait? November is coming already.


I hope there is new Annie content in the new update.


It looks to be on the roadmap.. I doubt we'll see it for a couple updates though.


As I was watching the video, I thought "Wet T-shirt Contest".... need to have that added some day.


If you look at the posters DC has created, there's one of Eve, sitting on her bed, legs folded in front of her.. just gorgeous.


It got voted on, for 0.20, but didn't win. Finished 2nd.


forgotten June


Is Judith ever gonna be pluggable?


DC said on Discord: Focusing on finishing the update this week so no stream today (and most of the week) as I mentioned last week. I may stream on the odd days


how about a tranny girl? adding into saga?


Btw who thinks Kevin will win Votes if he is a contestant for new updates? i m talking about GAY fun. though i m not gay but still wonder what storyline would DC write for them? lolz..funny isn't it?


like how MC or Kevin do it? who ll say first? lemme take ur dick..and start a blowjob!!


This is heterosexual game not gay. That's why your question is out of place. Tomorrow you could have someone looking for sex with a pig on Clyde farm


Btw let me tell u.. on MC'S to do list There is Kevin's name also.. So he is also in Line..


If you had watched the stream in the past we were advised that they wanted to use Kevin and MC in a threesome in the gym with one of the girls in yoga class.I'm sorry Ratan Gadhvi but the only way to make the MC have a gay scene is for the community to vote for it in the polls if it were to ever appear.


For the love of god people, there's a lot of questions that are being asked that can be easily answered if the asker took the 10 seconds worth of effort to try and find the answer. Q: Is this character ever going to get more content? A: Look at the freaking roadmap. If there's pips missing, then it means they'll get more content in the future when the community votes for it. Q: Are we going to get content for X in this update/how soon is the update coming out? A: Look at the news section on the website.


definitely i know that for Kevin to have a GAY lots of people have to vote for him and also as something new to the game many will vote for him also. and let me clear you i m a straight guy not gay.. bt even i have some curiosity to know how the story build up for kevin amd MC thats all.. i am interested in Story not The Hscenes between them..lolz


There is like 33 things left to do for this update and knowing that makes me excited to see what is going to be there for the story of eve who else can't wait?

Patrick Daoust

Ooooh almost done want to restart story its a awesome game :D


With the last version I have got a problem. When finish the day and start a new day, there is need to wait many time for start new day (about 1-2 minute) and also for exit to the program same situatione, befor close need wait 1-2 minute. My operating system is Win 10. Do you can help me? Thanks


Domenico. Go to the Discord site and look for the Help channel. You will have a much better chance of finding an answer or someone to help you


reaaaally wish there was more you could do with judith....


when wll be ready to download v0.19?


O want to see action


You know when I was playing it free. I got more sex then now. story ok a lot of replay on same Sean, but never gives me the option to see anything. i get a black screen. so not happy. I have more story less fun stuff.


BTW This header pictures is missing on the Reward/Wallpaper site <3