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Okay, sorry for being silent for the past weeks, we've simply been trying to wrap up this update (which turned out to be quite big). Art side of things is wrapping up (2 tasks left which will be done this week) and writing is also about to wrap up. Posing is right behind us and will work with code to wrap up the loose ends. Bug fixing is always a toss up, could take a bit of time due to the size of the update, but they've also been fixing tons of issues with the flow already so it shouldn't be too bad. 

 I will also be catching up with all the dms/pms tomorrow for those wondering why I haven't replied yet!  

Once the last art assets are done for 0.19, I will be resuming daily streams and begin work on the following content update (0.20).

Soon! ^-^





I just realized that her car crash scar is gone


Omg I SEE THE GLORY!!!! *crying*


I'm so fucking excited I reaaaallly hope this one doesnt dissapoint she the one I wanted to fuck the most except maybe annie


Cant wait! Is there an estimated time of upload? Sometime this week I imagine


Will you still be doing the one male x male romance?


extremely excited for this update


Can anybody help me with Fetishes? i see many type of fetishes and in last seen Vanilla M/M means? Man on Man?? mean a gay scene?


yeah annie update should be next. Or Judith. Nevermind it should be Judith.


theyre gonna make one eventually with kevin, but it hasnt been made yet


Looking forward to the release of this one.


"wait for bugs". lmao okay see you in November


Love your work... Looking forward to the new release


Being almost done, do you have a release date estimation?


oh man, lovin the art, Eve's gonna be my new favorite, lookin sexy af




Awesome, don't be afraid to take breaks here & there, it would be terrible if you ended up working yourself to death. I hear working one's self to death is an actual thing over in Japan, but I forgot what it was called. Anyway, I'm appreciative of all the things you and the cookie crew do for us, and I I'm excited for the release :) 🍪


i'm sure its worth the wait


Hellz Yeaaaaa!!!! Luv ya DC!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :D CHEERS (c)


I believe you and your teams content is always worth the wait.


almost a entire mounth, really ?


can we have some Roxxy wallpaper? pleaseee


Waiting patiently. I know it's going to be good.




Can't wait for the new update!

Patrick Daoust

Awesome i cant wait lol but take your time. Makes perfect :)


Take your time and do it right; especially the testing. As I have been following you for some time and also watched most of your streams, I am sure that it will be worth it.

Woody George

You are doing great man!!!


Great work


"Good things come to those who wait " so we can expect a HUGE update coming. Better clear out my hard drive!


godawm 3 months for each release.......wtf???


Só na expectativa aki no Brasil

tee galaxy

Love the new wallpaper. Gonna enjoy it. Great job, though I do like a little hair down there lol.


Ahahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHA! No. We’ll be lucky to see it by the end of October.

Alex Taylor

I'm looking forward to Annie's mom and more from the kinky nun the most, but Eve's cool too. Keep up the good work!


Hey, probably fed up of answering this sorry, but are old saves compatible yet?


Still miss the old Eve with her Piercing :(


not yet. i think 0.20 is the update that lets you keep saves


D.C. I know I tend to be the quiet supporter, but I do want you to know that I really do enjoy your work and I am always excited to see what you come up next. I look forward to this update, and regardless of what anyone else may say I always prefere to wait to play a more polished version rather than hurrying it along, so take as long as is needed. I believe good work deserves support and I'm a supporter for the long hull.

Adm Trd Ferg

So is Jenny's quest in SS borked? can't get any of her quests to kick off


what does borked mean? i play it on a windows system and don’t have any trouble at all. i played all jenny quests without a problem. if you can identify what’s going wrong you are more likely to find answers on the discord site help channel. good luck


Add more dp scenes


Holdin' out for Maria, and agreed more anal/DP


Would be great to see these busty thick women get DP'd with large breast hanging and swaying


Oh yeah! Great job, DarkCookie and team! Definitely looking forward to this.


Hoping Debbie have a pregnancy option in future


Wish the teacher could had option to


wish the nurse had option and will the research doctor have option or task


will the sea girl get options in the future


will there be future option for Mrs Johnson


Last stretch? Damn, I forgot to do my stretches. I hope I don't hurt myself playing this update.


Please Please Please give Eve back her piercing ??!!

Jordi Ale



Is there going to be options added to characters in the game that u cant do u things with?


is there going to be way in the future the beach house has option ?


So like, does Annies mom have a story?

Syahmi Haziq

Darkcookie, gotta ask, when will the full game be done? Can I know like a tentative year? What are your plans like?


Judging by how much money he's making, and by how much time it takes between updates, this game isn't going to be finished for at least 10 years, and that's a legitimate estimation.


Hope it'll be a great story ^-^ can't wait for the update. I'm hyped


A week To Go.. still also 2 more days for Testing the update.. so Can count 10 Days approximate for the release..


No clue where your math is coming from. DC said art finishing this week (looks done) and everything else to follow. End of Oct is an optinistic guess.


Can we have MC's sister love him unconditionally somehow like his mother? I mean, she was quite mean to MC. Maybe she changed her mind?.


siamo arrivati al 4 ottobre ma non vedo aggiornamenti


when can we have 0.19 ? i want download pls

Gray Metal Fox

I can now smell those delicious cookies baking in the oven. Won't be long now. They are about to pop out the oven and I got a tall glass of milk waiting. So close...


90% 🤔


While I'm excited for 0.19 to to be released soon, (possibly at the end of October), I'm really excited for 0.20, because I want to know more of MC's father's murder. Not only that, I want that piece of ass of Maria, from that Tony's Pizza joint. I also want to know if MC's will hit up Iwanka. Maybe he already did, in 0.18.6. I haven't got that far yet in the game. Maybe I should. Anyway, I want to see Mayor Rump with girls in 0.20. He'll fix the town for us. Maybe hire hot girls and screw them? MC will be in luck. IF Mayor Rump runs.


Who wants to see MC get with Mayor Rump's daughter? I want to see how that ends.


Anyone want to see if MC can get his sister to be his actual girlfriend other than be his fake girlfriend? Call me insane, but she's hot. Her bust is hot. I want more of MC being more dominate with his sister.


Hope we get Judith soon


Me too! I upgraded just to vote for her 4x. I hope all the judith fans do the same!!!


Am I the only one who wants to see more Becca? I went to the voting page and didn't even see her listed. Becca Becca Becca.


I'd be fine with an additional tier of loyalty beyond what amounts to prostitution. Unconditional love wouldn't seem in character for Jenny to me, but an additional level of non-transactional affection would be cool, and it's already been hinted at anyway.


Becca is with Roxxy, and Missy. So, Becca is actually listed. It's probably listed as just Roxxy, meaning the trio is included.


I would like the villa to become a place where sex will take. "See you at my place" refers to the villa. The villa has no significant role.


I need judith completed story ASAP.Cuz I like her so much I wish 0.22 will be her part.hahahah


I'd love to see Principal Smith


She is awesome


Whens Consuelas turn?

Sparks McDougal

Pretty excited over Eve. Lub me a goth woman.


Need annie's mom soon too please


need Mrs.Smith soon plz


I want to collar Eve myself ;) such a hottie


wow ...she looks very nice n bitchy ;)

tee galaxy

a poll for fun...Is it me or does Eve's personality from earlier versions give you the impression she'd go to the trouble of shaving or am I bias because I don't like shaved. But with Eve I'll accept anything because she's been the one I wanted to ask to the dance from the beginning since we probably can't ask the teachers when the dance update comes.

tee galaxy

my favorite two besides Eve are Ms. Okita and Ms. Ross


can't wait to see what's behind the storage closet in the school.


Yea I am curious what's behind closet number one


Also its 93% finished can't wait

Patrick Daoust

I feel its going to be done this weekend :D


Maybe they could incorporate having a "movie night" with Diane in a future update.


I’m looking forward for this but I’m kind worried about the trap hopefully we can either have them male or female. 😂😂😅


96% !!!!


Debiee pregnancy??

Jordi Ale

Xq % marca??? Me sigue saliendo 58% 😢


98 we almost there everyone


98 fuck jes 😁

James Young

38/41 coding Bugs/Issues and then Q/A testing usually takes a little time hopefully by Sunday.

Simon Quinn

on the edge of my seat woot woot almost done


Hopefully it’ll be done by Sunday!!


Almost there!


Ive been waiting for this update. Im so excited


98% please by to this Saturday or sunday!!




By Monday this update is gonna release


99% !!!!


Why when I work?...... I have already make a ritual ( Candles and the frame pic of the dev's) to make this as a flash


Tomorrow I hope



Jordi Ale

Almost ready 😎😎😎


99% !!!


soo closeeee


Will it be released on monday or tommorow?

Patrick Daoust

There working mostly on bugs and errors so there finalizing the game give them time its going to be sweet

Dillion Washington

You keep thinking the QA is final. You forgot that the bugs issue is part of the major QA. There is 20 so far that they have to address, and possibly more to come.


Yeah I think this might release by mid week next week or possibly next Friday. Cant complain though patience is paying off.


Will DC make a Mexican Restaurant in the game? I think he should make one up for MC to get food. We have a pizza restaurant in the game, but I think we should add taco/burrito joint. I know we have some latin characters. The idea that Consenula's daughter could work at a Mexican restaurant, that could build more intense character developments with MC.


Does anyone think we should have more houses and fast food joints in the game? And add another map to the next town?


How about a Chinese restaurant or Sushi place? And of course a daughter who goes to the school works the counter.

Mark Johnson

Damn, two days ago they killed 3% in one day and now people are saying they’re gonna need a week or two for the last tiny percent? This is worse than a windows update... lol

Mark Johnson

But better wait on a good update a while longer than get a bad update right now

Dillion Washington

You will have to wait longer. The bugs went from 20 to 23, which means they found three more bugs to fix. I am sorry.


How do i get version 0.19? where is the download link?


For the people that thinks the update 0.19 is going to come this week or next weekend? Please stop. All the OG people that been here since the beginning knows that the update is going to release NOVEMBER 1ST or the first week of the month but if DarkCookie releases it early? Then that would be AMAZING but be real...we talking about DarkCookie here (no offense).


Hey how do you guys get this info? Discord? Just wonder because I'd gladly follow this more closely since I'm quite hyped


Hey, when the update drops do we have to start a new game?


yes, but they sometimes also drop a 100% up-to-date save of the old stuff so you can just do the new stuff


It'll probably be released mid week


After 4 months it needs to play like a whole new game. I know it won't but seriously, there needs to be a ton more content then what was added in the last update.


It may not. It might release in end of October or 1st of November. If it does get release early, then great. But note, it may be release at a later time, like end of October or 1st of November.


What's the likelyhood of seeing a threesone between MC, Jenny, and Diane?


0-100% likely. We know nothing about the future of the main story, but something like that would make sense. I would like to see the main story progression have objectives 'locked' until certain progression is made in other character storylines... 'cheat mode' could bypass this, offering a simple 'suggested storylines to complete' notification. I haven't played in months.. is Diane the mom or aunt?


I cant wait for it

Alex Taylor

This is the longest 1% I've ever waited for. XD


Hello, can somebody with a high enough level tell me how far things are going in the bug fixing. Very many thanks <3


just 1 more day..dude.. then it will be released hopefully.. coz bugs take 3-4 days always


please be today I don't have more time I can't take it anymore


I will be glad when the update comes out no matter how long it takes


The suspense is suspenseful.


somebody said at the end of October and im starting to believe it


It'll be out on thursday night. The bugs are being fixed in groups of 3-4 at a time.


im excited




When is the new update coming out


For anyone that's been here for awhile how long did you guys say it took


This is more a 97% completion at this rate of work and seems to decrease


Wait wait wait


Usually another 2 weeks once it hits 99%. The bug fixing takes a long time. As they fix bugs more pop up. The total # of bugs is increasing a couple times a day.

James Young

looking forward to this great game being finally completed, so far every update has been great.


OMG guys, noones there who can plan and test a software? :) Maybe need learn some methodologyes...


Anybody who donates more than a dollar a month is a tool.


32 more bugs come on dc you can do it you can get rid of them all we believe you

No one you know

That's not how it works. If you are watching the progress bars, you can see they keep adding more and more bugs to the to-do list every day, and they're going to keep adding more until they get to November. The sooner you stop thinking DC will release at a time other then the beginning of a month, the sooner you'll stop being disappointed.

Patrick LaPorte

It's like HYDRA, fix one bug, two replace it.


When is the release? Been at 99% for days!!


Bug Fixes are a pain, so do not rush them. You might fix one bug, but 10 more come out of that fix.


Guys this delay is agonizing.

Mark Johnson

Lol imagine, he released it today but you can’t play it because it has too many bugs... no thank you. I’d rather wait. We’re all in this comment section because we pay money for this game. Y’all should be happy he makes sure everything is working instead of delivering garbage.

Leslie Keleman

For me the biggest question is this: Where the hell is Spoiler Art? Has someone finally got rid of him for good? :D


Errors found: 32. I fix error 1. List errors: Errors found 46. The programming is like that.


I like the way DC has this game delivery set up. There are no overpaid/overpriced executives standing around doing nothing, making promises they can’t keep. No impossibly stupid management clones bothering and bumbling about. No stockholders crying about their stock and forcing pressure on the people doing the work. No government bureaucrat parasites. Just DC and the team getting it done. When they’re satisfied with the product, they deliver. If you don’t like the situation, choices are pretty clear: 1. go somewhere else and find a better game, 2. Go somewhere else and make your own game, 3. whine, cry and say awful things about someone you don’t know, doing something you haven’t a clue about, building a game you get for free. 4. Wait patiently, get the game as soon as it’s ready and have fun with it. What a gift! Thanks DC


take your time i love the game really its great and if you need more time for bug fixing etc i think everyone is okay whit it ;D so take your time we can wait :D and ty for your work


We can't name it bugs anymore, I think we should name it hydra 😂


No próximo mês sai.


o cara já confirmou que sai amanha, era pra ter saido hoje, mas teve mais erro do que ele esperava


I bet 10$ there will be 200 bugs by the weekend. Who gives more?


na espera^^


Hurry up 2 weeks waiting for the release


Then keep waiting. You're not the one making the game so shut up, go to Pornhub or something and stop being a impatient fuck.


After This Update done, i would like DC to update rest versions in 2 parts.. big updates take long times 151 Tasks..!! hope next updates dont take this much time.. or even we would love it in two parts as soon as we can play them.. like after this there will be 0.20 so DC can make it 0.19.5 and then 0.20 next.. so impatient people dont blame time taken


Who's "we" lol. He can't do that because update 0.19.5 is a patch update for 0.19. This game is good but not to the point that you're getting impatient over it. If people are actually getting mad over this then they need a reality check or something. smh


Hi Folks. Just became a Cookie Monster about 3 months ago. Still learning some of this stuff, like the Discord Summertime Saga server. The staff really abuse new comers in there. Some people would ask questions and the Summertime Saga testers, and not sure if developers joined, but they would be rude when answering questions. When i said something last night (finally after watching it for a few weeks), the "staff" all ganged up on me LOL, (Firebane, mil-o-weenies, Wayne-O-Lantern, sunday, to name a few). I even asked for help on linking my patreon membership with Discord, and they were rude too. I blocked one of the testers, mil-o-weenies, and he "caged" me. I didn't even know what it was until tonight. What a bad experience Discord....i am a tech guy, so I know how frustrating it can be...but there is no reason for these people to be abusing paying members, or anyone for that matter. Anyway, I figured I showed my support to Dark Cookie by becoming a Cookie Monster, but now I am really thinking of stopping....Any one give me a good reason why I should continue supporting Dark Cookie ?? (I was even thinking of becoming a Cookie Addict next year)


People seeing 99% and thinking release is right around the corner when in reality, new bugs crop up as soon as old ones are squished. Maybe have bugfixing be the last 5-10 percent? It's probably not that big a chunk of the actual development, but might prevent some of the anger?


To be honest, no one can give you a reason to stay or leave, it's YOUR money so yeah, no one gives af if you leave or stay and for the "staff" situation it's pretty much YOUR fault for giving a damn. Just do what the majority do: Wait for the update and when they release the update (no release date for the update) download it, it's that simple.


People are still going to complain and be angry because they have nothing to do in their lives and they probably don't have a Girl/Boyfriend to help them with their needs lol.

Randall Scott

Anyone know what the size of this update will be?


i have each update back to 13. Each one adds from 50 to 100 m. 18. 5 came out at 743m. My guess is around 850m. I’m looking forward to finding out.


people today release the version and there is little left for attentive mistakes


Its coming---100%


And there it is, now when can we download and 'enjoy' the fruits of your labors?


They're still debugging, but I'm guessing they have a final bug count now. I think that's why the percentage changed. The guy's working pretty fast now, so I'm like stuck refreshing this page haha

Simon Quinn

171 out of 175 so 4 more bugs to kill then BLISS woot woot

Aislan Torres

William Wallace: "HOLD!"


Yes 100%👏👏👏


waiting for the link (not the zelda link)


Where's the link dudes


I want to sat to the DC staff. You all have rocked the post check process. Thank you for you hard work.




172/175 bugs fixed - 100% complete - it would appear one of the last bugs is the completion counter.


might take them a few to get the files ready to go


would have thought the link would be ready to go within 24 Hours. let them do there thing so the update can be rolled out with no mess ups.


0.19 link please.


Patience all, we've waited this long another day or so wont kill us. They put out a quality product so let the great folks at DC do their thing.


i usually wait till the fix, usually the first launch after content update is flawed.


where ?


You sure about that?


How long does it take to complete the update of 0.19?


Omg Eve is so beautiful I've been waiting to get the chance to be with her can't wait!


Can you put the games on disc for home game system


is the a option to not make eve sister into a lesbian