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This right here.. is the time about 2.5 years ago where Tocci requested I watch "Spiderman 2" and my friend gave me the "The Amazing Spiderman 2" and I didn't know the difference.

I included the intro and outdo of this watch along because you see how excited I am to continue the Toby Maguire story and then the end where it's just me confused about everything. 

and damn how did I ever fit in that attic. lololol


SpiderMan WRONG wa



Omg my friend did this with Batman Begins and Batman Returns.... Idk how but maybe she missed the dates the films were released and just assumed Returns was the sequel to Begins. It was very confusing for her as Nolan's take on Batman is more rooted in hyper realism removing the more supernatural and Metahuman abilities aspects of characters while also depicting a more everyday looking Gotham City. While Burton fully embraces the surrealism nature of Batman and depicting a more Art Deco meets Gothic Gotham City creating a massive contrast between the two films. So she experienced massive whiplash going from Nolan's Begins to Returns with it's VERY Tim Burton opening and more stylised art direction. But yeah 100% it's funny seeing you go into this film like "Omg cool we get to see his parents backstory" only to be met with a whole new Spider-Man, someone called Gwen Stacy, and not to mention Norman Osborn being back and dying again.

Mike G. M.

The slow look of realization in the last few minutes that everything she thought she knew was entirely wrong~