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I am still waiting for the watch along to finish uploading, and I'll post that as soon as I can!

I AM SIMPLY UNWELL.  How do we fix ANY of this?!  And the first time I see all of them together, they are fighting EACH OTHER?!  

chatty moment: 00:22 - 1:22
preview review starts AND BEANS: 01:23 - 4:35
Watch With Me: 5:13
My Review: 26:30


Captain America Civil War * FIRST TIME WATCHING * reaction & commentary

I AM SIMPLY UNWELL. How do we fix ANY of this?! And the first time I see all of them together, they are fighting EACH OTHER?! IMPORTANT TIME STAMPS: chatty moment: 00:22 - 1:22 preview review starts AND BEANS: 01:23 - 4:35 Watch With Me: 5:13 My Review: 26:30 Full list of Movies received/watched: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYAmfdnT4HQxTyfV8EbkSbiG5QkteNFnwNSMrUc2XBY/edit?usp=sharing (THANK YOU SO MUCH TYLER FOR MAKING THIS!!!!) Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc25Xlj45n8 📨 PO Box 3303 Knoxville, TN 37927 🎥 https://www.patreon.com/awkwardashleigh 👕 https://teespring.com/stores/awkward-ashleigh-2 ✨Let's be Friends!✨ https://www.facebook.com/AwkwardAshleigh https://www.instagram.com/awkwardashleigh twitter.com/awk_ashleigh REALLY COOL INTRO DONE BY KELLY GREEN: https://www.youtube.com/c/KellyGreenPRG/ Hella Cool Logo by Barnes and Co: barnesandco.co *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of f


James Falato

And the Plots Thicken - Like a Homemade DC Stew!!!


Sony actually owns Spider-Man and Narcel had to borrow him. So the Tobey Maguire films are not part of the MCU. Think of it as an alternate universe. But the first Spider-Man was probably the first time we got to see a decent live action Spidey.

Kenton Kruger

I really hope Ashleigh either has people screen the comment section or skips it entirely on these MCU movies. So many non-spoilers but actually spoilers.

Michael Tocci

Important timestamp, 13:47 Beans needs new batteries

Echo Moon

Looking forward to the remaining MCU films. But, I hope Ashleigh watches the other Spiderman films (Tobey and Andrew). Andrew is my fav spidey!!

Mark Finley

She has said before that she does not read comments off of YouTube for the MCU Saga

Kevin Mowery

Because I am an Old, I remember there was a live-action TV show Spider-Man in the late '70s, The Amazing Spider-Man. I loved that show as a kid, even though it was trying to do Spider-Man on a late '70s TV show budget and special effects.

Jill Peterson

Such good BEANS footage!

Kenton Kruger

And are we going to just ignore Fight Club winning the poll then? Don't get me wrong, I think The Karate Kid is a good choice for the channel and that the late 90s is too recent for "your older classics", I just hope the Adult Colouring Book Crowd in the comment section didn't get her to ignore the fact it got the most votes.

Lynette Cummins

She will get to it, Fight Club clearly won the poll. Don't forget, get she's moving and has a lot on her plate. I can't wait for Ashleigh to see it, it's a great movie.👍 It will probably be after Spinal Tap (maybe May 16th).

Joe Blankenship

Roll that beautiful bean footage. Remember that Bush's baked beans commercial where the dog says that?

Jill Peterson

Yep! Someone sent Ashleigh a shirt from them with that slogan on there. It's super cute to have a whole new meaning to Beans Footage!


First off, Stan Lee was a pretty funny dude. I was extremely lucky to meet him at a comic-con before he passed away and his panel was so entertaining. He told great stories and had a great sense of humor. One guy said he knew that Stan was ordained to be able to perform marriages and asked Stan if he would marry him and his fiancee right then and there and he agreed! I mean, Stan told them that it wouldn't be legally-binding without the proper formalities and they should have it done properly later, but that couple gets to say that Stan Lee married them, which I think is so cool. Second, I don't know how people are giving you shit about your Spider-Man review. There's nothing wrong with that Spider-Man movie exactly. It's basically the level of superhero movie that we were getting back in the late '90s/early '00s - entertaining, great action, but not much more than that, IMO. When Iron Man came out in 2008, it kicked off a whole new way of telling superhero stories that, to me, is so much more what it's like to read the comic books. With the way that they've taken the time to build everything layer by layer across the course of all of these movies, the audience can grow more attached and invested in the characters and in wanting to know what's going to happen next. That's what keeps people buying comic books month after month and gets people to buy a title that they don't normally read because the hero that they do read ends up in a crossover in another comic book title. All the questions that you keep having at the end of one movie just makes you want more and more. And while Civil War is a fantastic movie, if you hadn't seen the movies that came before -- so you could be invested in Iron Man and understand where he's coming from, the responsibility he feels and the PTSD that he suffers from; the backstory of Bucky and how what he's done in his past isn't his fault; how Steve has lost everything he ever knew and loved except for Bucky -- without all of that, Civil War is still a good movie, but it's everything that comes before it that gives it that depth that elevates it into a great movie. That's what the original Spider-Man movie is lacking -- any sort of depth or connection with the character. Which isn't the fault of the movie, it's just how it is, given what studios were doing with superhero movies back then. I am, however, very glad that Tocci had you watch Spider-Man last week because it did set you up to understand the character's backstory in this one, considering that the MCU doesn't really go into it. Given that there had already been 5 Spider-Man movies between 2002 and 2014 and the fact that Spider-Man's origin story (radioactive spider bite) is pretty widely known even among people who don't read comic books, I think they wisely decided not to re-tell the origin story and just jumped right in to him already having his spider powers. As far as the recasting of Toby Maguire goes, when they made Civil War, Toby was 40 or 41 years old and couldn't possibly pull off the role of a high school student.


This movie has generated a lot of good conversation.


since you are a patron you should know better than to question the process. either there is a good reason it wasn't on the slate yet or it will be done in due time. Also, it is kind of bad form to go insulting fellow patrons and insinuate ill-intentions on their part. SMH


she mentioned she trusts the patron members that comment early on youtube but, yes, once it is circulated among the regular crowd she avoids the videos altogether.

Kenton Kruger

I don't even understand where you think questioning things is wrong. The movie won the poll, and here we are a couple weeks later with the next couple weeks of film announced an it's not in there with no word why. And the "bad form insulting fellow patrons" was targeted at the ones that were insulting to the character of people who enjoyed that movie. Yes I know "they did it first" isn't a real solid argument, but go hassle the ones who cast the first stones, then come bother me.


So, are you saying you DO have an OnlyFans page, just not here?


I thought I was the only one who liked Andrew Garfield as Spiderman! I mean, Tom is my favorite, but I can't stand Tobey. I'm sure he's a very nice person and all, he just annoys me for some reason and I can't explain why.


Time Bandits needs to be soon. I'm just saying. :)


Because we have had precedent for how she's handled this in the past or she's later explained it. At the very least change the tone of your questioning, it isn't hard. Yeah, be the better person. Treat others how you want to be treated. You are an adult, act like one. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And I have every reason/right to get on you for your insulting comment without needing to hassle the other party, just as if I saw their comment I could reprimand them.