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Mask and 16 Candles are TOOOO close for me to call it in the last poll!




Please watch Mask... Such a great story. 16 Candles is a classic, sure, but Mask is different... Ashleigh needs a little different on occassion.


16 candles is the BEST!!


These were so close because they are both such great movies. Please watch the runner-up next. :-)

Kenton Kruger

Yeah this runoff poll didn't exactly widen the gap by a whole lot. 49-51 in the other poll, 48-52 in this one.

Echo Moon

16 candles is ok, just another john hughes film. But Mask is sooooo much better and it's based on a true story. Cher does such a great job in it. She won the Cannes film festival best actor award for her performance in Mask. I know it's lagging behind a bit but please watch Mask. :)

Mr Marvelous

Better be watching Footloose first


As much I want to see the 16 Candles reaction, I have to go with Mask, cause I kinda want to see an ugly cry reaction...in a good way.

Mark Kelso

Then give her "The Elephant Man". If we're going to go different, let's go David Lynch different.

Mark Kelso

OK, I'll go "Mask", because, Cher. And if she hasn't liked the John Hughes movies she's already seen, "16 Candles" probably ain't gonna change that. (Didn't she like "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles", though? Then again, that one actually has heart. "16 Candles"? Not much heart.)

Danika Silva

The mask is the first movie that Camron Diaz stars in 💯 opposite jim

Danika Silva

Your entire patreon list are just picking sad and terrible movies that you are going to cry through....I try to recommend movies that are awesome and make you giggle,

Jacob Colson

I think she'll really dig Punch-Drunk Love! Quite a fantastic Adam Sandler film about a love story. Very beautiful movie to look at too. Highly recommend purchasing the Criterion Collection Blu-ray!

N1nth Sh4dow

I'd say the antidote to Jackie Chan is: Yojimbo and Sanjuro. They'd make a great lead-in to the remakes: A Fistfull of Dollars and Last Man Standing. If February is all about St. Valentine and love, maybe March should be "Manly-Man March", and we pick a set of movies with or about a stupendous badass.

Kevin Mowery

For an antidote to Police Story, I'd say Enter the Dragon (1973) with Bruce Lee (and Jackie Chan in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it early appearance). And then The Last Dragon (1985), decidedly *not* starring Bruce Lee.

Kevin Mowery

Adam Sandler is so much better in dramas, IMO. I really regret that he passed on playing Donny "The Bear Jew" Donowitz in Inglourious Basterds.