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Logan Kerlee

Super enjoyed this reaction! Though, at the end I our end credits didn't line up. :/ Guessing that you watched another version of the movie? I don't know. I used the Disney+ version. I'm VERY excited to see your reactions to the next few Marvel films. :)

Thomas Yanez

To answer your question about how they came up with so many bad guys... remember, most of these characters you're meeting go back to the 1960's, and some go even further back to the 30's and 40's. They have a HUGE collection of heroes, side kicks, bad guys and military/civilian characters to draw on. They may have changed some aspects of the characters, but pretty much everybody you meet that's given a name and a speaking role comes right out of the comics. AND, the same accumulated history is also giving you the heroes/villains/secondary characters that feed the non-MCU movies, too : the whole X-Men series (including Deadpool), the two previous Spider-Man series, the Blade trilogy, the various attempts at a Fantastic Four franchise, the many Netflix/other TV series (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, etc) and more.

Kenton Kruger

Do you mean the end credit scenes? She doesn't sit through the whole credits, she skips ahead to each of the scenes, which is why she does the 3, 2, 1 countdown for each.


This, this is the movie I've been waiting for you to watch since you started. And this was the reason I hoped you wouldn't check movie posters/ cover art. Disney has a bad habit of giving away to twist with the cover art for this particular film. :-)

Logan Kerlee

Yeah, no I understand that bit. I guess that I didn't see the other scenes in the end credits. 🤔 Not sure. Either way, all good!


This is peak MCU for me. The Nick Fury car chase, and Winter Soldier fights (pre Bucky reveal) have fantastic stunt work, and whilst no doubt use CGI - it all feels real. Could have done without the usual big scale CGI fest in the final act, but that's Marvel movies for you.


Never looking up a movie pic. for any of the marvel - definitely don't want anything to be given away!


I guess when I say things like "How did they come up with so many villains" I really mean like WOW These imaginations that created the comic books & movies and everything are just WILD.

Thomas Yanez

Agreed. Though Stan Lee does often get lots of credit (mostly well deserved) for creating a lot of the heroes and villains himself, 60+ years of comic-making staff gives you a lot of imaginations pooled together. What I think is a little sad is how many of those creative minds are long gone and never got to see the amazing creation that their worked eventually spawned : the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Thomas Yanez

This really is one of the things that make many MCU movies so good - even though they obviously use a lot of digital effects, they do it really well and the fight scenes have a solid feeling to them despite the fact that you know people can't do the thing you're seeing on screen. Unfortunately some of the later movies cut some corners on the effort to make the fake physics look as grounded as possible and there is some uncanny valley to be found in the combat scenes. Having read most of these comics voraciously through my childhood and into my twenties, I used to eat up the "big scale CGI fest" because these things happened in the comics and it was amazing to see them finally brought to life. But, more recently I'm finding them to be my least favorite part of some of the movies now as they can get tiresome on rewatch. I kind of wish they had kept the epic scale, yet just not had them last for so long. There are a few exceptions where the epic battles (and their duration) were earned and welcome, but some movies just don't warrant it. I'd love to have been more specific in this post, but it would all be spoiler-ish.

Thomas Yanez

While there are different versions for different countries, I'm glad that so far (as far as I know), Marvel has avoided the "extended cut" releases that plague so many other movies on reaction channels. Don't get me wrong, there are some "extended cut" or "director's cut" movies that I love, but it can be like navigating a minefield sometimes in the reactor-verse.


They didn't need to see the movies, they were already building a perfectly fine universe in the comics. Sure, the MCU is great, but like all adaptations it's ultimately the source works that deserve the highest praise.

Thomas Yanez

I agree that they must have already had some sense of accomplishment, but imagine if they could have seen all of their combined works being brought to life, in live action, for a mainstream audience, not just the kids (including the grown up ones) reading their comic books.


I love how into these movies you are Ash! It’s so much fun to watch with someone who’s really excited. Can’t wait for more!

Nick of Time

Indeed, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is one of my two favorite MCU films. The other is… next. 😎 And I’ve got a feeling the next film will be Ashleigh’s new Number One in her MCU ranking.


Stan could have at least given an inkling of credit to Bert I Gordon whose "The Amazing Colossal Man"(1957) features an origin of it's title character that is almost identical to that of the Hulk in the comics 5 years later...okay I know Glenn Manning(Colossal Man) was in a plutonium bomb explosion and Bruce Banner was in a gamma ray bomb explosion but still...

Florian Hoyer

what is this loud white noise in the back ?

Thomas Yanez

Near as I can tell, Ashleigh has some sort of auto-gain enabled on her microphone. You'll notice that the white noise builds when she's quiet, but then immediately goes away when she starts talking... and then slowly starts building up again when she's quiet again. It's been this way for a long, long time. I've mentioned it before, but for some reason, nobody else acknowledges it.

Lorenzo Baxter

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Cap is NOT defenseless without his shield. Have you seen him fight? He is anything but defenseless. That's like saying Tony is nothing without his suits or Thor is nothing without his hammer. NOT true. Thor has god level strength and durability. Tony is a genius with or without the suit. And Cap is a super soldier with enhanced speed and strength and is a monster in combat. I hoped you'd see that this movie but I guess not 😔