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Watch along: Christmas Vacation



You'll have to watch the original National Lampoon's Vacation next!!!! The rest don't compare.

Lisa Bowman

Agreed. The original is by far the best of the Vacation movies.

Leaf on the Wind

I think you can watch this movie without seeing "Vacation." The only benefits you get are a few things you can infer from context in this movie. It explains cousin Eddie's relationship with the family a bit and it set's the Murphy's Law premise that controls every "Vacation" movie.

Jill Peterson

"That guy" (Clark's boss) is Bill Murray's brother, Brian Doyle-Murray. He's in 5 or 6 movies with Bill.

Joe Blankenship

Well, if I had known this was coming, I would've waited and watched along with Ashleigh and Natalie Gold at the same time.


Someone may have already said this but the older red-headed lady in the movie is Doris Roberts. She played Raymond's mother on the sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond". Just FYI

Kevin Mowery

I wasn't in the mood for Christmas Vacation when Natalie posted her watch-along on Friday, so I think I'm gonna try that when I get the chance. UPDATE: That worked surprisingly well. Nat and Ash rarely talked over each other so much that I couldn't follow both.

Kelly Marie

This was my second watch-along, and it was so much fun! Thank you for making these. I love seeing your reactions, even though you do miss some jokes. You really need to see the original "Vacation" movie. The European (2nd movie) was okay, I think this Christmas one is the best. I know a lot of people don't like it, but I also really like Vegas Vacation too. The whole series is hilarious. :)

Kelly Marie

Also, just had to share: My husband isn't a big of Christmas movies, like I am, but he does like this one, and I told him that I'd save this one to watch with him... well, I went ahead and watched with Ashleigh first...LOL. So I'll probably watch the movie again with him, then watch her edited review version on YouTube with him (b/c he's a fan too) and act like I didn't see it so he doesn't know. 🤣😂Shhhhh, just between us, girl, I got you! ;) LOL

Kevin Mowery

Telling Beans dinner wasn't for two more hours struck a chord. They say if you need to remember to take a pill, feed your cat at the same time and they won't let you forget. In my experience, though, if you rely on the cat to tell time, it's going to be pill time at least every hour.

Thomas Yanez

While there wasn't a mid- or post-credits scene, there kind was a during-credits bit, where Clark had a moment with the dog (which he'd avoided through the movie) while the credits were rolling.


all men knows when women are lying,,,, they're mouths move


Okay that makes so much sense because I’ve seen him in other things but never with a mustache before. For some reason with the mustache, my thought was “Wow he kind of looks like Bill Murray!”


A couple of thoughts I had during the watch-along. I too am afraid of ladders, I know it’s silly but I’m also happy to hear I’m not the only one! And we have one of those water dispensers in one place because the tap water around here just tastes nasty. Most people I know buy bottled water, it’s rare for someone in my area to drink tap water. Lastly, I hadn’t seen this movie since right after it came out, so thank you for bringing it back into my life! Such a classic.

Kenton Kruger

Don't think of your fear of ladders as silly, I'm now permanently disabled because of a ladder accident. I wish I had have been more trepidatious in my dealings with them.


Okay thank you. While I’m very sorry to hear about your injury, it makes me feel a little better about my own phobia. I even get nervous watching others climb ladders. I hope this message finds you well!

Kenton Kruger

Doing great, thanks! Like most things, after a few months you get used to the new normal. Should clarify, that made it sound worse than it could have been. Just can't walk more than a few steps without a cane, and have to limit the amount of distance I can go without it getting really sore. Thankfully it's not like I was an athlete or anything before this ;)