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Sooo The next two Mondays are Robo Cop and Animal house sine the votes where so high - I figured why not do both? 😂

All New Choices!

What's coming for for after those though?



I feel like you won't enjoy Never Ending Story so I voted for the rest as I haven't seen those either

Nick of Time

The Neverending Story is such a classic from my childhood! Still holds up!


Please, the never ending story. Such a great childhood movie.

Ali D

I don’t think Ashleigh really likes these 80s puppet-filled nostalgics, even though it breaks my old little heart!

Brandon Royce

If we're talking "New Era" Bill Murray movies-For me, Broken Flowers is where it's at. Although I'll still gladly vote for, Lost in Translation.

Nick of Time

I’m trying to remember what she actually thought of the Star Wars movies...


The NeverEnding Story, the movie that was put on when teachers didn’t want to teach.


I really want her to check out The Frisco Kid with Gene Wilder and Harrison Ford.

Birdie Num Num

Hope Broadcast News, Midnight Run, Butch Cassidy make it to a poll someday.


The Sting is one of the best movies ever made. Crazy People is a very funny movie. Only saw Neverending Story as an adult while watching it with my child. It was OK but I can understand why younger folks feel so strongly about it. Never saw Lost In Translation so can't comment. Hope we get more love for The Sting because Ashleigh would love it.

Andy H.

The low votes for Lost in Translation is pretty disappointing.


🎶 Turn around Look at what you seeee-eee-eee-ee-eee In her face The mirror of your dreeee-eee-ee-eeeams 🎶


I get a similar feeling but we won’t know if we don’t try. :)

Thane Greyhaven

If you end up watching The Never Ending Story, have some tissues at hand. It's well worth watching. When you laugh, you'll really laugh. When you cheer, you'll really cheer. But when you cry, you'll really cry.

Tyler Foster

Crazy People is a real unexpected pull -- I hadn't even heard of it. I would've guessed Ruthless People over Crazy People. I think The Sting is great and really like Lost in Translation, although it's not my favorite Sofia Coppola film, or my favorite late-period, serious-ish Murray movie (I would think Rushmore would be a good entry point). I haven't seen A Neverending Story since I was kid, if I've seen it at all.

Nick of Time

🎶 Maaake belieeeve I'm everywhere Giiiiven in the liiight Wriiitten on the pageees Is the answer to a never ending stoooryyyyyyyy Ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ah ah-ah-ahhhhhhh🎶

Kenton Kruger

Sadly Crazy People will not win this. I honestly think out of these 4 it's the one she would enjoy the most.

Jose Rivera

It’s gotta be The Neverending Story. I grew up with this movie. I love this movie. Doesn’t matter how old I get; when I watch it, I’m instantly a toddler again overjoyed by the film


Great decision to watch Animal House and Robocop! I hope at some point you watch The Sting, a classic Redford/Newman film!


The Sting is a light hearted documentary about the founding of the rock band The Police by Gordon Sumner (aka Sting) which details how he wrote “Every Breath You Take” and how he starred in “Dune” and….what? …oh, never mind.


It is definitely one of my happy place movies. It's one of those movies that when it came on tv (back when I had cable), I'd stop everything I was doing to watch.


Never ending story is going to destroy her! That’s why I picked Lost in Translation

Eric Janssen

I had one reactor react to The Sting (first one ever, I think?), and he LOVED it: Didn't see any of the twists coming, and...there are a lot of them.


Lionel Hutz : Mr. Simpson, this is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against the film "The Never Ending Story".


I really think "An Officer and A Gentleman" would be right up her alley!


Hello, Crazy People

Eric Janssen

But don't be afraid to get back up on the horse and watch the rest of the movie.

Eric Janssen

I literally can't decide between the necessity of knowing Robert Redford/Paul Newman movies from the 70's for The Sting, or the necessity of knowing the 80's Fantasy-Movie Summer of Love from Neverending Story, so I'm hoping it'll be a close call and she'll decide to watch BOTH. But if it's just Neverending...at least she'll still have done the right thing.


Of the four choices, I feel never ending story is the most classic must watch for pop culture references followed closely by the sting.


Oh well nothing that really grabs me here but I picked "The Sting" hopefully you will like Robert Shaw in it and eventually discover the film he was in between it and"Jaws"

Ali D

Ruthless People is so much fun! It’s so silly!


Do you think she would enjoy On Golden Pond?

Tyler Foster

I was going to reply that someone else was also rooting for Robert Shaw in The Taking of Pelham One Two Three...until I reread your comment and realized that person is you!


The Frying Dutchman lied to Homer about the all you can eat buffet


Crazy People! Boxy but nice!


THE STING is plain and simply one of the great movies of the 1970s. Won Best Picture of the Year Oscar™. A catchy musical score, first class performances from two of the biggest, handsomest movie stars ever, a great supporting cast, and an endlessly twisty plot leading to one of the best movie endings ever. Don't read up on it before you see it or you'll ruin the twists!


First off all...You've Never seen The Never Ending Story? OMG this will be a great reaction!

Adolfo Acosta

Oh man. She's going to lose it during.... THAT part...




The sting is so good! Watched it recently again. Now the never ending story... feels like a never ending story. I feel like I was the only kid who wasn't vibing with that movie

Joe Blankenship

Hmm, I guess Neverending Story.

T.J. Gengler

I've no real horse in this race but I find THE STING to be my most personally interesting film of the four. NEVER ENDING STORY is going to win but I hope that STING shows up on the poll again.

Vicky phillips

Lost in translation is a snooze fest in my opinion

Nathan Swapp

Of these I've only seen Never Ending Story.... and I never liked it.


I've seen the Neverending Story sooo many times.. it's was my favorite as a kid and I still want a Falcor of my own.


The Neverending Story has nostalgic appeal for me but not sure it holds up if you didn't grow up back then. The Sting is a fantastic film, highly recommend. I am not a fan of Lost in Translation, found it trite and boring. But many loved it so to each his own. Never even heard of Crazy People, I'll have to check that one out myself!

Gio Vidrio

Well she already chose Robocop as a follow up to Animal House, so perhaps she’ll do the same with The Sting. I like her new method.

Gio Vidrio

Don’t get it twisted Ashleigh, the little boy actor is in no relation to Anne Hathaway (even though that would be a fun Easter egg moment). You’re gonna enjoy that, and here’s to The Sting getting some love the following Monday.


Lost in Translation AND The Sting, please !


The Never-ending Story was the last book suggestion of mine that won in our bookclub, probably back in January.


I've been suggesting that movie for a year now. Very funny movie and Wider is great in it.


Lost in Translation Ashleigh! I sent you a super chat on YouTube a couple of PO Box unboxing ago and suggested it.


No Country for old men

Kenton Kruger

That one is entirely dependent on her mood going in. Great movie that she will like all of it, but it's pretty slow so if she's not feeling "it" going in, she might find it too boring.

Elliot Nesterman

"The Sting" has the advantage of having several members of the "He could get it" squad. That Ashleigh has never seen a Paul Newman film is a condition that must be remedied.


Wild Things!!!! 🤷🏻‍♂️😂 would be a great and hilarious reaction video!


The Sting features two stars that would be in your "could get it" category. Just sayin. ;)

Tara M. Wilcoxon

I can’t wait to watch your reaction to “Robocop”! I hope you love it!


I can't wait to you seen neverending story!!!!!


Of those choices is say the sting. I want crazy snot any of the others.


Lost in Translation or Crazy People.

Tyler Foster

I haven't looked at older polls to see how much this would skew things, but maybe any that receive 100+ votes gets a watch? (This is my way of hoping for The Sting.)


Crazy People. The Sting was good but not as funny. Neverending Story is confusing.

Brett Delbridge

I have no strong feelings about any of these


I really think your first Dudley Moore movie should be Arthur, not Crazy People.


Who the hell suggested Crazy People when they coulda/SHOULDA picked Arthur !?!


If any of you haven’t watched the Sting y’all need to. It’s amazing!

Kenton Kruger

I agree from a film history standpoint, but I actually enjoyed Crazy People more.

The Guy on the Couch

Seriously: the never-ending story is winning!?!? The ONLY thing that redeems that movie is the time Family Guy made fun of it.

Eric Greenwood

One of the few films that made me cry, you ALL know the scene still havent recovered

The Guy on the Couch

Agreed. Could be one of the best movie's of all time imho. Its an older movie, which when it was made was a period piece of an even older time. The sets, the 30's cars are amazing, plus great acting by some of this era's greatest and Scott Joplin's music thru the whole thing was great.

Mr Marvelous

Am still waiting on naked gun


For cryin’ out loud! It’s almost 11:00 pm and I see this now?! Never Ending Story theme is NOT one I want in my head until bedtime! 😜Will probably go into my dream, too. Though, I’m ticked about the ear worm, I’m happy it looks like that one will win. Is it an amazing, landmark movie? Eh. But it’s a rite of passage, and gets rated a couple extra stars by us 80s kids for the nostalgia factor. 😊 No clue what you’ll think, Ashleigh, since you didn’t like Gremlins much, were “meh” about Ferris, and HATED E.T. You don’t seem to like the 80s as much as all the teens I know do right now.


Fingers crossed we get another crack at Death Becomes Her. One of the few films in which Bruce Willis can NOT get it, but Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn more than make up for it in terms of gitability.


I KNOW. That scene is forever imbedded in my brain. I'll be 80 with dementia and I'll still know what everyone means by THAT scene.


I think TNES is something that 80s kids either still hate, are indifferent to (HOW? THAT SCENE WOULD MAKE GOD HIMSELF SOB), or love. It may not have been an amazing movie, but it's still one that I think about a lot, even now.


Neverending Story, no contest. It's a "must-see" film if there ever was one.


The Sting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Also, I've seen any reactions to that movie! World love to see Ashleigh react to this one.

John Williams

I saw Lost in Translation at the theater. It was good, but I am not anxious to see it again or watch Ashleigh's reaction to it. The same with TNES. Crazy People would be the same were it not for the comedy.

John Williams

Yes. There is a huge hole she can dive into with classic Redford films and Newman films. I think that she would enjoy Newman films more. Other than with Newman, Redford's characters then to be very introspective and serious. Newman's characters then to be extroverted and gregarious.


The Neverending Story and Labyrinth were the first movies I can remember seeing. I can't wait for Ashleigh to experience both of those. When I've shown people who hadn't grown up with them, their mileage kinda varies so I am curious what she'll think.


Voting for The Sting, an all-time great and possibly the best “con job” movie ever. But...it’s very plot detail oriented. I’m not sure how well it will lend itself to the YouTube review format.


Well said, Brian. I would love to do the watch along. Ashleigh would have to really focus! ;)


Can I throw one more into the mix? How about "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" It's an amazing film with Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio before they became film stars, and it's positively sublime.


"Cool Hand Luke" and "Slap Shot" spring immediately to mind


I have been waiting *forever!* for someone to react to The Sting! Let Ashleigh be the first!!!

Eric Janssen

Sorry, somebody else was first., thanks to my request-tier on another channel. He loved it, but hadn’t put it on YouTube, so Ash would be the first THERE, I guess.

Kevin Mowery

Thinking about Animal House, and how it might be perceived in the 21st century, got me thinking about Revenge of the Nerds ... and that got me thinking Ash should react to "Real Genius." It's one of the only "slobs vs. snobs" comedies I can think of that still holds up without being too cringey.

Tyler Foster

I think the nature of the channel and the allure of curiosity is such that there is not really any avoiding this. She's been sent three copies of Animal House, and Revenge of the Nerds is a pretty major '80s comedy. Some of these kinds of movies are going to get watched no matter what; knowing that they may make modern viewers uncomfortable is more useful when going into the actual reaction video.


YES! Real Genius! Damn, it's been a hundred years since I've even thought about that movie. That and "My Science Project" used to be my favorites.

Eric Janssen

I think of "Snobs vs. slobs" as Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and "college-hijinks" comedies--of which Animal House, Revenge/Nerds, Police Academy and Real Genius are the best--as a separate genre.

Mark Sylvester

I haven't thought about My Science Project in a while. I liked it a lot as a kid. It would be a good watch for Dennis Hopper and Fisher Stevens both having a ball with some wild characters!


I think I have only seen the sting out of all those movies but it is years since I last saw it




I haven't seen "The Never Ending Story" in SUCH a long time! So I picked that one.


Falcore!!! 😄

Danika Silva

Finish up the Lethal Weapon series 🙌👏💪👌😤


Another movie that I have not seen any reactions for is Toys staring the late great Robin Williams. It is a great comedy that is one of my families favorite comedies.

Christina BD

I heart Bill Murray?? Lost in Translation is a must.