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It's official my DUDEESSSSS. Friday was my last day at the university and I'm now full time creating.  I have been so overwhelmed with your positivity, encouragement, understanding, and everything in between during this time.

I have kept an entire notebook full of ideas that I've wanted to work on and have not had the time to dedicate to researching how to do them properly, looking into equipment, and just so much behind the scenes stuff I need to do. (like live watchalongs with you here!)  I am beyond excited to get started and make even more entertaining stuff, see even more amazing movies, and whatever other ideas come to mind.

Hubben and I have not been on the same schedules in almost a year and half. So I've taken the past couple of days to really be with him and reconnect.  Focus on each other. Just be together and not being working constantly. It's been so damn special I am excited for that part of this change as well. 

I'm still working on a special announcement video that I hope to complete this week so I can officially announce to EVERYONEEEE. 

I'm in tears as I finish typing this - gotta pull myself together.   I got filming to do!!! Until then , what's next?


Jason Nunez

I haven’t seen any of these.I take that back. I’ve seen stir crazy

Brett Delbridge

Literally seen none of these...

Luis Torrefranca

Congratulations on your new adventure!


Amadeus is EXCELLENT but buckle up, it’s long


You should get what about Bob in your next poll, bill Murray movie that fits the theme


What about Bob for sure


Mad World is also excellent


I'm so happy for you and Hubben!

Mark Finley

If you watch Amadeus, don't watch the extended version. Great film! I agree what about Bob needs to be this month for sure

Jason Nunez

Girl Interrupted definitely fits the theme for mental health.


Omg The Dream Team is brilliant but Stir Crazy is a true classic and to be honest better than The Dream Team but The Dream Team is brilliant. So I'd say pick these two lol to watch. They're both great films. I've never been a fan of it's a Mad Mad world etc and Amadeus is a very different kind of film.

T.J. Gengler

If you're up for something much darker, watch MISERY.

Christian Rennie

I think you will enjoy Amadeus the most out of all of the choices. Best movie Oscar 1984 too. Yes it’s long but worth it for sure. It is so wonderful and heartwarming to hear that your success has given you freedom enough to spend more time with your man and that we, as a community of supporters, have a small part in bring you both more happiness, is truly a joy.

Vicky phillips

The dream team is so great! Funny and mystery it hits every button


This is gonna be a close one


My husband was in radio and then television news before becoming a SAHD, so I know what you mean about the totally different schedules. Enjoy the reconnecting.


What about Bob would be great!

Bill Staley

Mazel Tov on last day of University. I hope that means you are graduating. If you want to watch a movie about madness I would recommend "Eraserhead". I'm not saying it's a great movie or even a bad movie. It's more of the WTF did I just watch movie and won't be sure if you loved it or hated it. Taxi Driver is another classic movie about someone slipping into madness and has some very famous quotes. Being in sales most of my life I do love the movie Crazy People.

Elliot Nesterman

Amadeus is one of the really great biographical dramas. Tom Hulce was nominated as Best Actor for his performance as Mozart, and Murray Abraham won Best Actor for his performance as Salieri. And the film won Best Picture that year. Peter Shaffer adapted it from his Tony Award winning play. "Considered one of the greatest films of all time, Amadeus was nominated for 53 awards and received 40, including eight Academy Awards (including the Academy Award for Best Picture), four BAFTA Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and a Directors Guild of America award. As of 2021, it is the most recent film to have more than one nomination in the Academy Award for Best Actor category. In 1998, the American Film Institute ranked it 53rd on its 100 Years... 100 Movies list. In 2019, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant"." -Wikipedia entry


Ooh. I always forget about this movie. Great suggestion.


Discord may be the best bet for live watch along


I'm familiar with any of these.


The Slience of thebLambs would fit in with this month's theme.


Honestly would be happy to see the reaction to all of these. My biggest question is Why hasn't anyone brought "A league of their own" to your attention?


I'm glad you and Hubbens got to spend more time together. I voted for Mad, Mad World. It's a crazy movie but would be a great introduction to classic actors and comedians. A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of Leo Gorcey because he looks like Hubbens (Ashleigh gave it a like) and he has a cameo in this movie as a cab driver.


For the longer movies, Ashleigh, you might want to consider splitting your reaction into two parts. That's what other reactors do. I also like the fact that you are sticking with older movies. Hope you don't go the TV show route. Other reactors I followed started doing TV shows and now, because they do every episode, it dominates their channel. If you do, just do one show at a time or just check out some classic TV shows. Your channel, though, your choice.


I vote Amadeus so that when you do inevitably watch Last Action Hero, you'll get the F. Murray Abraham jokes. :)


Robin Williams BIRDCAGE! It's outrageous...


Amadeus, of course! Hi! Yes! Hello!


I agree that this is a great movie but I don't know about being "historically significant" because the film was inaccurate in the depiction of the relationship between Salieri and Mozart. I won't give anything away here but just say the movie portrayed them as rivals when in reality, they were friends and even collaborated together.


With Hubben being on television, why don't you watch Network? It's brilliant and fits the theme of the month. I voted for Stir Crazy. So glad you are fitting into your new work arrangement.


While I love Amadeus, it's a great biographical film, it is not a fun film. It's a wonderful music appreciation film. One that should me watched in Music class in High School or Junior High. I saw It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World in the 1970s. Yes, I'm that old. I still love it and want to see it again. I also want you to see it.

Michael Buhl

Oh how I love Network! The one criticism I've heard about it is that there is too much business talk, but I think the point is that television is a business. Maybe since hubben is in broadcast journalism they should watch it together.

Michael Buhl

I voted for It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, but thinking about Amadeus makes me think of the time when I was in college and some girl told me that I looked like Tom Hulce.


Oh, Amadeus all the way! Hell yeah. That movie really got me into classical music.


Man, this is a tough one - I went with "Stir Crazy" as a comedy after "Cuckoo's."


I’m the one who watches with my older parents. After watching Cuckoo’s Nest and your love of Christopher Lloyd, my dad said, “She should watch The Dream Team”. Not a favourite of mine, but I voted for that for Dad. 😊


This one can be for March Madness or Mother’s Day: Mommie Dearest (1981)

Robert Reichle

At times, I have considered Amadeus my all time favorite movie.


Every year my wife asked me what I want for my birthday, and every year I ask her to watch It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World with me. She refuses by saying that movies made before she was born (1981) are no good. So if it loses the poll, make an executive decision and watch it anyway!


Congrats on your escape from the work life unfulfilling!

Rebecca Monk

Amadeus.... oh, yeah! That's amazing. And unlike most of what you have watched so far. Btw - while yes, it may not be a "fun" film - I would argue that it's one hell of an experience, and a must see. Beautifully done. Highly recommended. And Drama does have its place.


I would love if she did a Robin Williams month The Fisher King, Dead Poets Society, Good Morning Vietnam and The World According to Garp

Ken - Kendo161

if you've not seen it's a mad mad mad world it's a must at some point I think the running time is 3 hrs 30 min.. though good Sunday after brunch movie you can nap at intermission Most of the actors have all passed on now so a great classic has Sid Ceaser dom deluise Ethel Merman Spencer Tracey to name a few. so i vote for stir crazy but they are all winners.


I’d like to see your take on Madhouse from 1990. Not very popular but I find it an underrated comedy


as far as mental illness goes I'm surprised not to see Rain Man, Sling Blade and even Forest Gump not listed...


Dude. Amadeus. You will not regret it!


Amadeus has a little more Vincent Schiavelli for you (subway ghost guy),

Cristina Collins-Armstrong

So happy to see Dream Team on the list!!! It's a forgotten comedy that stars Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, and Peter Boyle. So funny and touching. Hoping if it doesn't win this time it is given another chance.

Autumn Bough

What About Bob? is such an obvious choice. I feel like it is already on the books and we just don’t know it. 😉

Mark Kelso

Amadeus is superb. Just commit to the fact that its a bit long, don't fight that, and let it tell you this really interesting, beautifully done, and crazy story.


Amadeus is a good pick. Hopefully MMMM W will win eventually

Mr Marvelous

I'm gonna suggest Logan Lucky for the list. It's got Daniel Craig who is playing James Bond right now Adam Driver and Channing Tatum. Amadeus will be good though

Eric Janssen

I have to recommend Amadeus to anyone who's never seen it in their lives just on principle, EVEN THOUGH Warner has now done a George Lucas and permanently defaced it on disk and streaming with the "Director's Cut" that the director hated. Feel free to watch, especially considering we won't see the ruining scene on YouTube anyway. (And yes, I'd say this fits in with the "madness" theme, even though I was recommending an all AFI100 Classics month coming up, since we didn't get Casablanca for Romance Month.)


Oh my good god please watch mad mad world. It’s absolutely my favorite of all time. I am always in line with your opinions on reviews. You will LOVE it. If not this time please keep it on the table

Snow Goon

Awww, I'm super happy that you and hubben have gotten the chance for quality time! I'm so happy for you both.


Amadeus is a classic. I hope you enjoy it!

Thomas Monk

Listen, I don't care what they're all saying. You NEED to watch "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." It's the first large-production comedy. It is absolutely epic. It has dozens and dozens of Hollywood giants from its era, and it's a crazy romp. You'll really enjoy it. I'm a teacher, and every Friday night, I have "Movie Night" with my students. We all join in a Google Meet, and I show them movies. (We're still in remote learning here.) It's NOT a kid's movie, but a bunch of 13 year olds LOVED this movie from 1963. Watch whatever movie that wins the above vote... but dear god, make sure you watch "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" at some point.


If you do watch Amadeus keep in mind it's long and pretty much fiction.

Michael Atakpa

I find the lack of Dr. Strangelove for the month of March as disturbing...

T.J. Gengler

I kicked it around a bit earlier. It didn't seem to gain much traction but I fully support this.

Jill Peterson

I'm happy for you and Hubben.

Thomas Monk

Just wow. Sir, yell at her for me. I probably have some SHIRTS older than your wife. My 13 year old students loved this film.... and my son watched it 2 days in a row when he was 9 years old. The first time we saw it, it was MY recommendation. Then the next day, HE asked to see it again.


It's not on the list, but I highly recommend "As Good As It Gets."


Hi there! For March Madness, I suggest "Gaslight" (1944). The term 'gaslighting' originated from this movie.


I know...it came in 2nd last week! I was hoping that would carry through this week...gonna be bummed out if no IAMMMMW this month oh well


For movies with "madness" or "strugling with sanity" themes I highly suggest to watch: Shining (1980) with Jack Nicholson, Nightwatch (1997) with Ewan McGregor, Fight Club (1999) with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, Black Swan (2010) with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis


Please make sure you have following great movies on your list: Crocodile Dundee (1986) and Crocodile Dundee II (1988) with Paul Hogan, Léon the professional (1994) with Natalie Portman, Jean Reno and Gary Oldman, American History X (1998) with Edward Norton, Gladiator (2000) with Russell Crow and Joaquin Phoenix, Interstellar (2014) with Matthew McConaughey, Parasite (2019)


Anyone else feel like there's a common theme with reaction videos where they all do the same 30 movies? And because they hold polls it's totally up to the community not the creator. They're just watching them. I am happy we seem to be more open to different movies than other channels. I just don't want that to change.

Kenton Kruger

Other than the holiday themed ones (I mean how many Groundhog Day movies are there?) she seems good for doing different ones now that she's past the Star Wars/BTTF/Indiana Jones basics. I don't watch many by others but they do pop up in my suggestions fairly regularly.

Brandy Scott

I haven't seen any of these but after reading the comments I guess I better go watch Mad World (I shortened it don't kill me plz) lol

Eric Janssen

There's a classic quote by Roger Ebert in his pan review for the Cannonball Run movies: “Read my lips: Cars are not funny. Speeding cars are not funny. It is not funny when a car spins around and speeds in the other direction. It is not funny when a car flies through the air. It is not funny when a truck crashes into a car. It is not funny when cops chase speeding cars. It is not funny when cars crash through roadblocks. None of those things are funny. They have NEVER been funny." It’s something to keep in mind while watching long stretches of IAM4W.


For me, I really don’t care what movie Ashleigh is reacting to, it’s her honest reactions that are entertaining. I watch other “reactors” who try to “fake” bewilderment (you know what l mean). You just know they have already seen the movie before. When I stumbled across Ashleigh’s channel (her review of Jaws, btw), her reaction was, for me, honest as if she was really watching for the first time. I didn’t become a Patreon until she title-dropped “Big Trouble in Little China” which I simply must watch along. So yeah, the same movies are popping up amongst the thousands of reactors out there, and l watch several of them, but like those others, I am here for Ashleigh’s reaction... and Beans... and waiting for 1979’s “The Warriors” to get on the list 😁

Brandy Scott

The warriors along with big trouble are amazing and so can't wait for those reacts!


Love the list, I was also thinking of some that would bump it up a notch. Like Requiem for a Dream or Kids or even American Psycho

Eric Janssen

I watch plenty of reactors, and I'm not sure which reactors you mean--I've seen a few black reactors who tried to be "hip", but their reactions to Full Metal Jacket or The Exorcist didn't seem faked (heheh >: ) ). Care to name names? And yes, we need more 70’s in the ether, although I’m not sure if the fantasized gritty-70’s-NYC of The Warriors is Ash’s cup of tea. Somebody's got to do it, though.


The warriors would be awesome reaction.

Thomas Monk

There may have been a version that long out there, but I’ve only seen 2:39:00 minutes. That’s my version. But yes, we have to convince her to see it. She’ll really like it.

Chris Enz

I'll raise my hand for The Warriors, too!


"Leck mich im Arsch" -Mozart. 😲😲😲


While this movie has nothing to do with the theme of the month, I do want to throw it out here. "The Private Eyes" is not a movie that would win a popularity test because most people have never seen or heard of it. Part of this is because it is hard to get ahold of. The reason it might be of interest, if you can find it, is because the entire film was made just down the road from Knoxville at Biltmore estates in Ashville, NC. Filmed in the 80's it is a true hidden gem in the film world.

Eric Janssen

That's the kind of title that would show up as a Request pick. And SHOULD. :)

Christian Rennie

Yes, fun watch alongs. She needs to watch Big Trouble In Little China with a celebrity guest: Macaulay Culkin. He is such a cinephile. Or watching The Last Dragon too would work. I wonder if he’d do it. He did reviews of both movies on different YouTube channels. Hilarious. He knows those movies like the back of his hand.


Ashleigh, you must do "Fight Club" with Brad Pitt. It has many of the prerequisites for a March Madness Movie.


I love mad mad mad world because my parents introduced me too it but AMADEUS AMADEUS RoCk me AMADEUS


It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, it amazes me how some of the greatest comedians of their era can come together and make such an unfunny movie.

Eric Janssen

Most of them were like Spencer Tracy, who came in for two days and just didn't care.

Edward Olson

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is absolutely brilliant and feel free to ignore anyone with a stick up his butt about it. Some people don't understand that comedy comes in many forms, and there are no rules to what makes something funny. That aside, it's absolutely hilarious.

Jason Nunez

Troll 2 1990 would be a great April Fools movie in April. You don’t need to see Troll because this really isn’t the sequel.

Elliot Nesterman

Quills (2000) Another good one on the theme of madness, more or less. "Quills is a 2000 period film directed by Philip Kaufman and adapted from the Obie award-winning 1995 play by Doug Wright, who also wrote the original screenplay. Inspired by the life and work of the Marquis de Sade, Quills re-imagines the last years of the Marquis's incarceration in the insane asylum at Charenton. It stars Geoffrey Rush as de Sade, Joaquin Phoenix as the Abbé du Coulmier, Michael Caine as Dr. Royer-Collard, and Kate Winslet as laundress Madeleine 'Maddie' LeClerc. "Cited by historians as factually inaccurate, Quills filmmakers and writers said they were not making a biography of de Sade, but exploring issues such as censorship, pornography, sex, art, mental illness, and religion. It was released with an R rating from the Motion Picture Association of America and an 18 rating from the British Board of Film Classification due to 'strong horror, violence, sex, sexual violence, and nudity'. "Quills received three Oscar nominations at the 73rd Academy Awards, for Best Actor (Geoffrey Rush, previous winner for 1996's Shine), Art Direction (Art: Martin Childs, Sets: Jill Quertier), and Costume Design (Jacqueline West). The film was also nominated by the Hollywood Foreign Press, organizers of the Golden Globes, for Best Actor in a Drama (Geoffrey Rush) and Best Screenplay (Douglas Wright). The National Board of Review selected Quills as its Best Film of 2000." - Wikipedia entry It's an excellent film, and Geoffrey Rush's performance is especially memorable.

Elliot Nesterman

Though the synopsis might pique the interest of others and thus lead to their watching an interesting and very enjoyable film.


Only if it's the original. NOT the director's cut