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Hi, welcome to the twenty-first Pokémonday voting post!

Last week's prompt was:

Ideas for the early game Bug line!

As usual, way too many good ideas to eliminate down to four options. A few ideas already existed as actual Pokémon and others seemed too hard to design to me but even then it was hard to choose four favorites. Hope you're not too disappointed with the ones I selected! 

And now it's time to reveal last week's winner!

Prompt: Ideas the villainous team grunts!

Winning idea: A team of overenthusiastic LARPers (by Panini Cupcake)

2: A team Nature vs. a team Technology (by The Wesinator)
3: A team of pious/zealous followers of Arceus (by Gomi_Protoplasm)
4: A hacker team using Rotom technology (by FoxdocDylan)

Panini Cupcake's LARPer idea won with ONE single vote, giving them the first three-week winning idea streak! Congrats!

Fun to design! Excited to design lieutenants and a boss based on D&D classes!

Thank you all for your creative ideas and good luck to the ideas in this poll! May the best idea win!

Here's some pictures of the critters in the poll:

Stick insect

Ants with gender differences





Get stickbugged lol


Wait, have we not had a stickbug Pokemon before?!