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Oops, sorry, accidentally had this scheduled for tomorrow!

Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-seventy-first episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There's one Loss, one Balthazar, one Miep and one crewmate. Bonus comics don't count.

1: ???
2: ???
3: ???
4: ???
5: ???
6: ???
7: ???
8: ???
9: ???

Next week is break week, but the week after that, around this time, I'll reveal all the details. The ones that have not been found will be marked italic.



Generic Hero

Incineroar has made a Team Star flag into a toga. Fashionable!


Luigi is buying revives for the elite 4


The mart is suspiciously named Foongus Amoongus...


I see Miep’s tail in the 3rd panel!


Crewmate on the door in the last 2 panels

Supercharged (CEO of 9-Volt)

The first question Kirby was asked was the exact first question from the actual interview


The Loss is in the Second panel, next to Incineroar's speech bubble, on its right. It''s the circles on the Pokémon Center's marquee.

Dempsey Garcia

Found Balthazar! Right between Daisy's hair and shoulder in the 2nd panel!

Miz Kriss

Kirby’s answer is his Smash taunt and also very cute. :3

Lord Circe

Not really a "hidden" detail, but you properly had Rika wearing glasses during the interview, but not afterwards.

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

The way kirby is sitting in panel 5 is exactly like his Smash 4 (and to that extent amiibo) render


What’s that in panel 2 under Daisy’s left ear? I’m not sure if it’s anything but I see a little arm thing

Panini Cupcake

Isn’t it the way he was sitting when incineroar was as talking to him about leaks?

Jon Brouse

It’s basically just how Kirby sits. It’s also one of his idle animations in a few of his own games