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Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-seventieth episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There's one Loss, one Balthazar, one Miep and one crewmate. Bonus comics don't count.

1: ???
2: ???
3: ???
4: ???
5: ???
6: ???
7: ???
8: ???
9: ???
10: ???
11: ???
12: ???
13: ???

Next week around this time, I'll reveal all the details. The ones that have not been found will be marked italic.




Quaxwell is covering his ears because of Sephy, Kazuya, and two female Pokémon trainers are chewing out at each other in the 3rd panel!


I see a sleepy Miep in the window in last panel

Generic Hero

There's an amogus in panel 2, in the mountainside above Incineroar.


Meowscerada is healing incineroar with a max potion or a full restore


The Slaking in Panel 4 references the Bigfoot pose.


You can see loss in Skeledirge’s flames.


Is the Friends Forever Stone a reference to the Pokemon anime when Dawn saw her Pickup was trying hard to not evolve because he didn't want to give up the bond they had. So she was given an Ever stone to stay as a Piplup


Balthazar is among the silhouettes in panel 4


The loss is located in panel 5 on the tower

Fighting Master

Penny is confused about nemona appearing suddenly when it comes to battling

Calvin Barbanell

Incineroar is now serving as a translator for other Pokémon, thus making him even more similar to Meowth from the Pokémon anime.


The gang gave Penny a good sack of Poké for winning


The crewmate is on the side of a mountain in panel 2.


There's what looks like an orange liquid spilled on the soil in the first panel. No idea what it is. Motor oil?


You're right. Incineroar isn't wearing uniform anymore so makes total sense. The pieces of fabric from his white shirt and orange shorts are there

Jon Brouse

Sephiroth got sent flying after the double evolution, and is nursing the injury in the last panel


In panel 9 there is a Dunsparce in the tower's window