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Hey $5 and $10 tier Patreons!

Recently, Elias (intern) and I gathered all the names of Patrons who are eligible to receive a custom portrait drawn by us. You unlock this reward once you've pledged $50 in total or more. It was quite a shock to discover that there are a whopping 193 current Patrons in this list. That means that technically, I have to draw 193 custom portraits.

First off: it's so amazing and humbling that there are this many people supporting us this royally. And I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. But this is definitely a "suffering from success" situation as well. The portrait reward is a relic from a time when my workload wasn't as intense and when we were getting a LOT less traffic on Patreon. These days, I don't have any free time to pick up jobs like making portraits (as evidenced by how long some of you have been waiting on one), so we've decided that we're going to replace this reward with something else. Something that's just as nice, but doesn't require as much time. We're not sure what this new reward will be, but we'll let you all know as soon as we do (suggestions welcome!). I'm really sorry for having to ditch this reward, but I hope you understand that the portrait reward just isn't feasible anymore. I'm stressed out enough as is and the longer I wait with announcing this, the longer the list will become.

However! A promise is a promise. So everyone who is eligible to receive a portrait at this time, and wants to receive one, will get one.

I will send a link to a Google Form to everyone who has pledged more than $50. If that's you, make sure to check your Patreon DMs! By filling out this form, you can give me instructions on what to draw and upload reference pictures. We'll gather all these entries into a database and use that to decide how and when we'll create the portraits in an efficient matter. Maybe we'll need to hire some help for this, but we'll see. Much depends on the amount of responses we get. We will accept entries for two weeks (until April 14th). After that, it won't be possible to request a portrait anymore, so be sure to fill in the form as soon as possible!

I'm already aware of a bunch of portrait requests. Some are even already finished or nearly finished, but it's still nice to get your request again through the Google Form, for consistency's sake.

Again, thank you all for supporting us, it means the world to us. Sorry for taking this long with these portraits! And also sorry to everyone hoping for a portrait once they've pledged $50, but I promise we'll come up with a cool replacement reward!





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