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Welcome to the one-hundredth-and-twenty-fifth episode of the Hidden Details blog!

Have you found some obscure reference or detail in this comic? A JoJo reference? A sneaky little Loss? A callback to a previous comic? Let us know what you've found in the comments! Every detail that has been found will be added to the list below. Once everything has been found, this comic will officially be marked with "all details found".

Link to the comic for your convenience

Please only comment with ONE hidden detail or reference!

There is ONE Loss, ONE Balthazar, ONE crewmate and NO JoJo reference. Bonus panels don't count.

1: Yep, Isabelle is reading a Sonic lore book and looking very distraught. I don't know who Chris from Sonic X is (I don't even know what Sonic X is even) though, Michael Ederer! And yes, the fact that Sonic is lying in the background might very well be foreshadowing, Jake Lyde...
2: Isabelle is drinking her much-needed coffee from an Animal Crossing mug, as pointed out by Carlos Mendez!
3: Dr. H. Brewis (hbomberguy) is the writer of the Sonic lore book, which is indeed a reference to his Serious Sonic Lore Analysis video. He noticed this and expressed his admiration in my DMs, Chj92!!
4: A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends got it: the foreword of the Sonic lore book is written by someone called "Chris", although we can't read the full name. This was indeed a reference to Chris Chan.
5: There's a little Dark Samus drawing by Kirby in the background of the second panel. Good catch Zach. It's also a reference to the last shitpost comic I did. And Kirby isn't very good at writing apparently, Tejayes.
6: Pac-Man is visible in the background of the second panel as well, as pointed out by edmg7.
7: The bird in the plane panel is indeed the same bird as the ones that carry cages in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, but since A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends already earned another point, I'll leave this one Italic.
8: Yes, Kirby swallowed an airplane to fly the gang to the Lands Between, Cherry! Or, as you put it, he mouthfulled an airplane.
9: And yes Phloxiana, the airplane happens to be a DAL airplane from Animal Crossing!
10: I think those are corpses on crosses (that's dark fantasy for ya), but they indeed spell out YMCA in the large panel, Praetors.
11: There's a Brand of Sacrifice from Berserk on one of the banners of the gate in the big panel! Can't believe no one noticed this!
12: Trigger once again claims the loss this week: it's in the branches of the big tree (I don't even know the name of the tree yet) in the big panel!
13: There's a Rabbitgaroo in the background of the fourth panel that looks a lot like Balthazar, as pointed out by Shelby Kinkead. It hops away in the panel after that.
14: The Tarnished is using a Moonveil Katana, which is a pretty popular and high level sword in Elden Ring.
15: He also leaves bogus messages like everyone in the game does, as Fighting Master pointed out. He uses a severed finger to write it, as one does in the game.
16: You're right Daniel Myhre. Elden Ring is the first Soulsborne (excluding Sekiro) in which you can jump. That's why the random Tarnished hops away as he does.
17: Link is snacking on Rowa Fruit (a common material to gather in Elden Ring) in the final panel. Good catch, Lady Shine.
18: Ha, glad you noticed the little crewmate leaf in the tree in the final panel, Jon Brouse!
19: Hahaha yeah, I wondered if anyone was going to notice this, but King Dedede has Isabelle listed as "DOG" in his contacts, apparently. Good eyesight, Generic Hero!

The details that haven't been found are written in italic.



Jon Brouse

Sonic X was essentially a Sonic anime/cartoon series, and there was a human character named Chris Thorndike in it who a lot of people hated.