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Tormund doesn't appreciate boob armor.






Prince Unsmoothtoes

Poor Tormund couldn't take all that hottness. Yes, I do want me some ugly babies with Brienne and him. Well I take that back, a ginger I was geeking out with said they won't be ugly, just tall and hairy. Just like his daddy. Damn gingers, sucking away your soul, one day at a time.

Neo Ultra Mike

THANOS: You were also killed by a Stark correct? NIGHT KING: Yeah bitch stabbed me right through the chest. You? THANOS: Used my own snap and gauntlet trick against me. Oh well at least we were both part of epic incredible endings that people will adore for generations. NIGHT KING: Uh... yeah..... people sure loved how I went out and uh... felt it was the best part of our story for sure. THANOS: Hmmm on second thought maybe you should be glad Hose of the Dragons interested folks again in your world. NIGHT KING: Hey at least people are still excited to see my TV shows not rag on them for having overly meta endings. THANOS: Hey our next special has Kevin Bacon in it! Because apparently the love of my daughter's life idolizes the guy from Foot Loose.... and here I go making myself sad again.