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While making this comic, I was fueled by a weird cocktail of stress and excitement because we went to see Avengers: Endgame Wednesday morning at 00.01. So I had to make sure this comic was done before I went to the theater and at the same time, I had to focus on Game of Thrones and don't think about Avengers too much. It was a weird day. I almost didn't make it, but I cut some corners here and there and Nina helped a lot, so I finished just in time.

Here are all the Hidden Details in this week's zombie-riddled comic!

In the background of the second panel, you can see silhouettes of the zombies surrounding the blue fire. Among them are the wights and White Walkers that appear later in the comic, but there's also a giant wight:

In the background of the third panel, you can see a few things. Decomposing Dean is chasing his head and even in the Night King's camp, there are Bran cutouts (see previous week's comic).

In the background of the fourth panel, Decomposing Dean is picking up his head. Or so he thinks. He's actually picking up a Cleganebowl while his head is watching in dismay.

The child wight next to Lifeless Leo is an actual wight in the series. He's seen in Hardhome:

In the fifth panel, Lifeless Leo is still singing. He managed to mix a few actual lyrics into his zombie groans. Michael Jackson's Thriller, to be exact.

In the background of this panel, Decomposing Dean seems to be perfectly happy with his new Cleganebowl head.

The cup that the wine-drinking White Walker is using is a severed head from one of the Children of the Forest. White Walkers love cruel symbolism.

If that Davos in the final panel looks familiar: it's because I've drawn him before. I hate my older comics, but I still think I nailed his look in Davos Seaworthless:

So I copied his pose/expression in this comic. His face is becoming a running joke, just like the Cleganebowl and the Bran cutout, I guess.

In the final panel, Tormund is eyeing the Night's King arm suspiciously, since it's embracing Brienne. Very much like Star-Lord, Gamora and Thor in Avengers: Infinity War! I might have even drawn inspiration from Star-Lord's expression while drawing Tormund's.

And that's it! Next week, I'll have drawn a comic about episode 3, which is promising to be a very intense one. Can't wait! See you all then!


- Abel



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