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Hey folks!

It's time for another movie! Been waiting to check this one out and I will say that it was better than I expected, although it had room for improvement. I really enjoyed the performances and the overall plot. I just wish some things had been clarified or better executed with Snow's character progression. 

Per usual, for these extra nattiegold reactions, I will be filming the intro and outro later. I did end up chatting at the end of this reaction, but decided to cut my thoughts out because I wanted more time to think about the film. 

I also made a filming mistake so this reaction kicks right off with me rambling about my dog's licenses lol...

As always, thank you so much for your support here on Patreon. Until the next one, have a great weekend and stay golden!

LINK: https://youtu.be/ts0Eixj2yZc

Original Movie: Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



I loved this movie sm and also the book so excited to watch it with you!

Darryl Low

Happy Thursday Nat. Hope you are well. Any video that kicks off with a Nattie ramble is always a winner! 😄 Going to save this movie and watch it at the weekend with you as there is football, sorry soccer on tonight😄 Look forward to seeing what it's like 😊


"I did end up chatting at the end of this reaction, but decided to cut my thoughts out because I wanted more time to think about the film." - NOOOO what a crime, never cut content :D Hope we get to see those initial thoughts at another time

Ariana Mitchell

the book makes snow’s intentions 10x more clear since you are in his perspective. he never ever likes sejanus, he sees him as someone who stole his and his father’s legacy. after sej’s death, when he’s crying looking at his things, he’s crying bc he thinks he’s getting hanged next. every decision is made to benefit him and only him. he doesn’t love lucy gray, he wants to own her. he thinks of her as “too pretty” to be district even though she is not district, she’s romani. it’s such a great book

Ariana Mitchell

rachel zegler sang everything live except the song in the arena. if rachel has 0 fans, i am dead. i’ve loved the girl since her youtube cover days, she is a crazy talent. no one could make me hate her.


Nat, I don't want to sound like a grump, but are you going to do ANY movies that are available on regular streaming services? Or are you exclusively going pay-to-play now? It seems like every movie for weeks has been a rental, and now this one is a $20 purchase to watch? I can't afford this! Why you do me like that, girl?

jamie jones

Kill bill is on netflix, planet of the apes is on disney+, saltburn is on prime, wolf of wall street is on netflix

Alvin Everett

Nat, I actually like how Snow is portrayed here. He starts out as bratty just trying to get his family out of poverty (the only reason they're in the capitol is because they always lived there) and he becomes villainous by being humbled, constantly pulled in different directions, (by Highbottom, Tigris, his Grandma'am, Sejanus, Lucy Gray & Dr. Gaul) and becoming more human. Most villain origins like to use sympathy which derails the entire point of them becoming a villain, and here they use understanding. You understand where Snow is coming from, there is no sympathy but we understand why he is the way he is (The whole world's an arena) and why he hates Katniss because everything she does reminds him of Lucy Gray (rebel spirit, hanging tree, mockingjay, willing to die in the games and leave no victor, etc; aka "It's the things we love most that destroy us" said by Snow). Also, Katniss and Primrose Everdeen are both named after flowers and are from the Covey too.

Ariana Mitchell

the "katniss" scene is a little nod to the books, yes. katniss's father knows the lake in the book and hunted katniss root to keep him and her mom alive while she was pregnant with our mockingjay. the lake is the reason she's able to swim in the 75th arena. her dad would take her up there a lot, teaching her to swim and hunt. she visits it a few times in the series. that's why there's a working theory that katniss is a direct descendent of the covey, not lucy gray but someone else. only the covey and katniss's father knew of the lake and the cabin. and her and her father are musically gifted in the books, specifically able to memorize a song in one single listen.

Rod Reavern

Ugh... I watched this movie in the theatre with (for) my fiancée... I don't think I can watch this whole thing again for Natalie's full reaction. I'll watch Natalie's YT cut instead because it'll be mercifully shorter than this nearly 3-hour over-indulgent anti-blockbuster. Milking the Hunger Games franchise for more $$$ didn't work out, I'm guessing because the fans outgrew this YT franchise and mainstream audiences don't care because Jennifer Lawrence isn't in it. Only the HG fangirls truly care about Snow's origin story. The Snow actor was a vacuous Ken doll and Rachel Zegler's southern drawl was excruciating! Apparently, some people enjoy her singing, but I'm a symphonic metal fan and any of those classically trained female vocalists can put any Grammy-winning autotune-corrected pop product to SHAME, especially Zegler. I predict this Hunger Games prequel will be strike 2 for Zegler's box office bombs (Westside Story being her first), and Disney's doomed live-action Snow White will be strike 3: Zegler's OUT. I read Natalie's message about doing more reactions and that's great news... I sincerely hope she chooses a better movie next time. I watched Napolean the same night as the Hunger Games prequel, and while it wasn't the most accurate portrayal of Napolean's life, I believe that Natalie will appreciate Joaquin Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby's performances and Ridley Scott's direction. Napolean is available on streaming now; I'd prefer to watch Natalie's full reaction to that movie instead. Godzilla Minus 1 is my #1 anticipated movie reaction, but I don't think it's streaming yet. Perhaps a poll for 2023 films that Natalie hasn't reacted to yet?

jamie jones

I do not. Which ones dont apply? Disney owns the apes movies, amazon owns salt urn. Is kill bill and wolf not on netflix? If not Vpn is cheaper than renting everything

Paul Gibbons

I'm sorry but what has Rachel Zegler ever done to you? And this was much better than Napoleon.

Rod Reavern

Didn’t you read? Zegler’s southern drawl in the Hunger Games prequel was unbearable. The worst I’ve ever endured. Also, her singing is just pop product; it’s fake and nothing special. Singing is Zegler’s gimmick, however, the past two “blockbusters” she’s sung in have bombed. It seems obvious that Zegler’s stardom is entirely artificially inflated by Hollywood access media, whereas mainstream audiences don’t know or care who she is, and don’t pay to see her movies. And if you think the Hunger Games prequel was better than Napolean... well, there's no accounting for taste.


Where I live, in the Pacific Northwest of the US, Kill Bill and Wolf of Wall Street are most definitely NOT on Netflix and none of the Planet of the Apes movies are on Disney+. The only one you're right about is Saltburn, which is an Amazon produced original so of course it'll be on Prime no matter what. Right now, the first Planet of the Apes movie is a rental, the second one is available on Max, and the third one is a rental. I have a VPN, but it is set up where each of my many devices has the client installed instead of the VPN being installed on my router and everything else going through there. I'm watching TV through a Roku 3, which doesn't give you any kind of access to the router settings like a PC does. I guess it might be time to look into installing it on the router. Whole thing sounds like a pain in the ass.

Ariana Mitchell

folks from Appalachia have said her accent is accurate, since district 12 is located in the Appalachian Mountains. and the music is heavily Appalachian inspired. i agree i didn't LOVE tom blythe as snow but suzanne collins wrote this book for a reason. it's glaringly realistic of our current world.

Rod Reavern

I wrote (twice) that Zegler’s southern drawl was PAINFUL to hear, not that it was inaccurate. Regardless, wasn’t her character Romani and NOT from District 12? Her having an “Appalachian” accent doesn’t even make sense. None of the people from District 12 spoke with Appalachian accents, so why would Zegler’s character? The real world may be spiralling into dystopian authoritarianism and possibly civil war… but I don’t see many parallels between current events and the completely unnecessary Hunger Games prequels (movies OR books). It’s a clumsy allegory at best. It’s just an example of a post-pop culture author going back to the well to desperately draw more money, but the bucket is dry. But Hollywood execs are utterly bankrupt of ideas so they greenlit the Hunger Games prequel anyway.

Ariana Mitchell

we are literally watching children in Gaza be starved to death on our little screens. the war ended when lucy gray was eight, she was sixteen at The Reaping. you're incredibly condescending my guy, it's painful. have a good one. i get that this movie isn't for everyone

Rod Reavern

The movie is set 10 years after the end of the war, not 8. Regardless, If Zegler's character spent 8-10 years in District 12, her accent would naturally change to the regional dialect -- which has no accent, apparently, because none of the actors portraying District 12 characters have had accents in any of the HG movies. The Hunger Games isn't some prescient allegory. Starvation has been a problem in the world for decades. Have you ever heard of Darfur? Or Somalia? North Korea? Burma? CHINA? The worst famine in human history occurred in China during 1959-1961: 30 MILLION PEOPLE STARVED TO DEATH. You only know and "care" about the Palestinians in Gaza because they are the fashionably "oppressed people" that ignorant Zennials are obsessing about in their simplistic "Oppressors vs. Oppressed" worldview. Normally, I'd support anyone reading anything longer than a tweet... however, the Hunger Games novels aren't that deep. They're the most simplistic stories of any YT novels I'm aware of. The core conceit of the series is that each district only produces ONE export! It's beyond preposterous. I strongly recommend you watch the YT video "Civilizations Too Stupid to Exist: Panem".

Rod Reavern

Constructive criticisms are fine — I thrive on debating. Whereas personal attacks like yours just demonstrate how petty and attention-seeking you are; it’s a compulsion.

Ariana Mitchell

peace and love rod, but you don’t know what i stand for and what im studying in life. you are “what-abouting” one of the most documented ONGOING genocides in history, half of which are children. that comment made me physically ill. you can debate while also showing empathy, that was disgusting. especially since this series is based off of us/middle eastern conflicts.

Rod Reavern

I have empathy for BOTH side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I find your one-sided fixation on genocide and historical ignorance to be deeply troubling. "The most documented genocides in history" as you call it doesn't compare to the empirically worst genocides in history. I care about lives lost, not what's trending on social media. Your claim that a series of YT novels featuring gladiator games and teenage romance is a topical allegory for US/Middle Eastern conflicts and provides any substantive insight or moral examination of current events is ridiculous. The same tenuous argument could be made for The Hobbit/LOTR franchise or even Harry Potter. I'm not stopping you from enjoying this YT novel adaptation -- by all means, you can have it. I stated why I disliked the movie and the lead actors. You raised these topical issues in a transparently obvious attempt to claim the moral high ground as an Easy Button "win"; the same way that Zenniels frame the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in terms of "Oppressors vs. Oppressed" and automatically side with the "oppressed" because they're desperately seeking a "righteous cause" to justify their self-righteousness. I don't buy it. You're just doing it for the Likes.


Nah this is a crazy opinion I’ve read the book for this and this movie could not have been done any better, people just don’t know how to think critically about characters inner thoughts anymore you want them to state how they feel out loud, watchers are just lazy these days

Rod Reavern

I didn’t criticize the characters or how they were portrayed in the movie adaptation; I criticized the two lead actors for being terrible. Jennifer Lawrence’s performance provided far greater insight into Katniss’ character than either the Snow actor or Zegler, and made the audience care about her character. Even Peta’s actor was better. Katniss was the superior and more relatable character because she was a good person who selflessly volunteered to spare her sister, whereas Zegler’s character was spiteful, manipulative, took no responsibility for anything, and showed zero character growth. Katniss suffered PTSD from what she endured in the Hunger Games, whereas Zegler’s character seemed completely unaffected and went right back to doing what she had been doing and behaving like a folk diva and centre of District 12’s universe, which was why she was singled out for The Reaping in the first place! Zegler’s character epitomizes modern movie’s “Strong Female Character” and Mary Sue tropes, who are perfect at everything from the start and consequently have no character arcs. That’s why mainstream audiences don’t relate to these characters, and that’s why the Hunger Games prequel was the lowest performing movie in the franchise. Great movies don’t exist without great characters.

Purple Cowboy

Dunno if this relevant anymore and/or if I have to reply to each one seperately but I managed to find Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2 with VPN (SurfShark, best VPN in my opinion with a good price value). I connected to the Canada - Montreal server and works without issues.

Purple Cowboy

Dunno if this relevant anymore and/or if I have to reply to each one seperately but I managed to find Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2 with VPN (SurfShark, best VPN in my opinion with a good price value). I connected to the Canada - Montreal server and works without issues.

Lemuel Daher

You’re probably not going to read this — but I love how Snow was portrayed in this. He is as good as his circumstances allow him to be. He grew up in war, then lived in the Capitol. He is bratty, entitled, and an asshole in the beginning of the movie. Sejanus isn’t — but Sejanus grew up in the Districts. So when you think about it, Snow is the best Capitol student they have. His hardships have allowed him to empathize with Lucy Gray to an extent. The tension in this movie is not of a good guy having a tragic fall — it’s about a bad guy seeing the light, then choosing to be what his environment shaped him to be. I totally get why you may not find that compelling, but I feel like a large amount of people really enjoyed Snow’s arc.