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Yup, this is a wild list haha...Looking forward to seeing what y'all pick!



Galaxy quest with a bullet

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Damn, Highlander must really suck, it got NO love lol. To be fair it was up against some tough competition and, thinking on it more, I kinda doubt Nat would like it anyway. I love it, but that's just me, and full disclosure it's probably also the soundtrack by Queen, the same reason I love Flash Gordon, despite the fact that that is a ridiculously bad movie. Hey you love who you love and what you love, 'tis what 'tis.

Logan Kerlee

I've got no damn clue why anybody would dislike the soundtrack for Highlander! I recognize that I'm being salty saying this, but I'm really disappointed that this community voted this way. I'm cool with Highlander not winning (even though it had my vote) but I really dislike people's takes on it.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I decided to rewatch it, I feel vindicated, and the opening credits aren't even over yet. It's possible people just don't like the franchise, which I understand, to me it's a stand alone movie, I'm not a fan of any of the sequels.

Francisco Barata

watch the mission impossible series!

Eddie Green

Unfortunately, of all the movies that might win this poll, there can be only one.


I never get what t want. 😂

Richard Maurer

If Galaxy Quest wins can we not do all the "you need to watch the Star Trek series/movies first" noise that seems to happen on every patreon reactor channel. All Natalie really needs to know is this movie's premise is based loosely on the drama that happened behind the scenes between the lead William Shatner (Capt. Kirk) and the rest of the cast. Watching the series/movies isn't necessary.

Philip Davetas

Holy chin-nuts! Wick and Quest are neck and neck!

Eric Bogerd

Definitely, especially for a film insider like Nat who gets the behind-the-scenes stuff in the entertainment industry. You only need to know the stereotypes (about actors, fans, basic Sci-fi/Star Trek plots, etc.) to get the story. It's so good!

Thomas Richter

Never give up! Never Surrender!


I was an actor once...

Thomas Malley

When are you gonna watch back to the future part 2 and 3? If you haven't seen them you owe it to yourself to complete the trilogy. They are really good.

Ben Wheeler

Maybe we’ll get a John Wick/Galaxy Quest doubleheader?


it is 1 of those rare trilogies worth completing for sure. But it is Speilberg...


galaxy quest is production meta and i love it. Its set in space but its more about the drama of the actors behind the characters. Youl love it. Also if john wick 2 wins i may lose all hope in our species future


Cinebinge is going to watch it. It actually tied with Running Man of all things so they watched that first on a coin toss. Yeah, I don't get it either. I wouldn't put it on the level of The Thing, Alien, or any of the A-list old sci-fi films but it's a great B movie IMO.