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Hey guys!

Hope you all had a great weekend :) 

So... I didn't really love this movie very much haha. Figured we'd start off the week with this so we can end the week with a movie I DID have fun watching! Plus we got some incredible episodes of Avatar coming this week as well!

Here's the schedule for this week for all those who are curious:

Mon - The New Mutants

Tue - Avatar S2E9&10

Thu - Avatar S2E11&12

Fri - Venom

Thanks for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/QmbXdWgthuM 

DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14k7DaoyMjDPpafmHYFyPsqQDF-UW2lHt/view?usp=sharing 

Original Movie: The New Mutants

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Movie: The New Mutants *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



yeah no


I forgot this movie existed.


Most people felt the same way. FYI I’ll be watching venom for the first time with you. Kinda glad I avoided it now lol


I am so sorry that you put yourself through this, haha

Darryl Low

Always great to get a surprise to start the week Nat. Hope you had a great weekend too. Haven't seen either of the 2 movies you're watching this week, so will be fun to check them out, and Avatar too. This movie definitely had the feel of something shot during the pandemic, with a lot of socially distanced acting going on. I couldn't figure out if Maisie William's was Scottish, Irish or American 😄 In the end, this movie was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest meets Dungeons & Dragons. A lot of cool imagery, but a messy narrative. There were some good ideas in there, struggling to get out. Thanks for an entertaining video today Nat, and for your honest summing up at the end. It's only Monday. Onwards and upwards 💛


Ooh she's watching Venom after all. Hope she doesn't get burnt out from all the Marvel stuff, but I hope she likes them. They are enjoyable.

Dan Careaga

I have never been able to finish this film... looking forward to Friday!

Randee Carreno

Happy Monday, Natalie! 😊 I'm downloading this right now so that I can watch it tonight. Looking forward to watching this reaction later this evening. The schedule for the week looks good. Definitely looking forward to your "Venom" reaction on Friday. Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛

Steve J

"guessing this is about those kids that fled to Canada at the end of Logan" yeah, they probably should have gone with that.

john collins

I had no idea this existed until you mentioned it a few movies ago.


Cant wait for Friday.

Joe Blankenship

I'm ready for a break from superhero stuff. Except when No Way Home hits Starz.

George Baxter

How has it come to this? I remember Nat saying she was going to take breaks this month but I figured after February we’d be getting back into good movies… Amazing Spider Man, New Mutants and Venom?! I can’t watch these movies again!! As a Marvel fan I’m embarrassed they exist! That and they don’t contribute to the MCU whilst somehow cheapening the good stuff… between that and Avatar there’s really nothing on this channel I can watch right now. BTW I’m not criticising Nat; I appreciate people wanted her to watch these movies. I just wish I could relate to those people and enjoy this.


What a trooper, watching some of the worst of the worst, the xmen is a very jagged series to say the least


Who thought this was a good idea? 😆 Sorry Nat you shouldn’t be put thru this Ohhhhh!


Nat, when are you gonna watch hawkeye?

Steve J

Does watching the Pitch Meeting count as having watched it?

Steve J

I was feeling the same way, then binged Peacemaker. OMG what a fun show... :)

Erik Stevenson

Glad we're getting this one! I liked it more than initial reviews led me to believe I would but it's definitely a weird offshoot of the broader X-Men movies.

Lisa Tosti

This movie was delayed for years by the studio. Because they knew it was bad. I'm sorry you didn't like it. But at least we are all there with you on that!

Chris H

I don't know how anyone had fun watching Venom.

Calo Grsf

Hi Nat and thank you for your reaction, although it was not a great success hahaha, it was still enjoyable to see your reaction and hear your opinion, a negative one it's not necessarily a bad one. I didn't like the film and a lot of people didn't like it too if it can help you 😆 On the other hand, it's sad to hear you were bullied when you were younger, it's something that shouldn't exist (as a lot unfortunately) I just hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

john collins

Seems to me this is one of the few movies that would have been better as a series. they could have taken an episode for each characters exposition and throw in some spooky stuff with their fears leading up to the reveal that it's Dani's powers causing the nightmares. Then a few episodes of them helping each other beat/get over their fears and better learn their powers. Then have a couple of episodes beating the doc and escaping. I imagine the writers who made this movie could've made a much more compelling story in an episodic format but it was all rushed and crammed together.

Guillermo Antonio Ricci Alvarez

Your reaction is the same as everyone, this movie had a lot of issues postproduction, they kept making reshoots , the release date changed too much and finally came out when COVID was all around the world about 2 years later, was originally supposed to be more horror movie than anything else as well


This is going to sound bad...I'm glad you covered this movie before the end of the month; I was waiting to watch it with you because it is the only X-men movie I have never seen before. And now that I have...well...I don't regret it...don't think I'll watch it again and at least I'm glad I never spent the money on buying it like I do with most Marvel flicks. But at least I got to see it for myself now. (I'm glad you got to cover it before month's end because I'm going to have to sit out the month of March. My income is ridiculously tight to begin with and although being a Patron is normally not an issue, I am about to launch my business that I was SUPPOSED to do in March of 2020, but then the world ended two weeks before the venue was to take place, and it got cancelled...and STAYED cancelled until now. I am a starving artist that makes chalk portraits of pop culture icons. And I have a table reserved in Artist's Alley at Toronto Comic Con from the 18th to the 20th. I am SO excited I'll finally get to show the world what I'm capable of! It just means that every penny of my already insanely limited budget has to go into prep for my big break. Not to worry though, I'll be re-joining in April. I've been a subscriber here for over a year and even on months where I don't engage much, I still wouldn't rather give my money or attention to any other reaction channel. I'm still a fan - whether I'm here or not.) So anyways, keep pumping out the great content and I'll watch you again in a month! Stay Golden. ......I'll still check out the shortened YouTube videos to hold me over.

Thomas Malley

Can we get the schedule posted more often. I love to know what to look forward to, although sometimes it's nice with the surprise.

Daniel Vezina

Funny the double standards here, it's ok for her not to like this one, but God forbade that she didn't TFA.

Michael Cruse

How the movie depicted Illyana was my least favorite choice made in its production. Cold? Emotionally distant? Social skills of a potato? Yes, Illyana has always been written that way. But having her go full-on racist just felt like a lazy shortcut by the writers. And so the chaotic, sometimes brilliant, sometimes awful, run of Fox's X-Men movies comes to a close with a whimper. We shall see what Marvel Studios chooses to do, or not do, now that they have the rights to all these great characters.

devin flynn

I found New mutants painful to watch personally.

Lee Gannon

Roberto's character Sunspot is also in X-Men Days of Future Past and Illyana is the younger sister of Colossus. There is another Fox made live action X-Men movie 1996's Generation X.


This movie is such a shame. It's a real disservice to some really great actors and some good source materials. It's not horrible, but it's also not great. I think your reaction to it is about the norm.

Edward Of DOOM

The Marvel Universe has an Ebb and Flow. You watched the MCU, which was clearly a FLOW. Now we have to finish the EBB. The next Marvel movies after Venom, we will FLOW again. So have patience. That being said, I had never seen New Mutants before this, so watching with you was an experience. I grew up with X-Men, and the story of Ilyana was one of those ranked up there with Dark Phoenix and Wolverine losing his adamantium in terms of memories. TBH, this movie tried to include about half the original New Mutants origins, which actually surprised me. In the comics Ilyana was a badass, which explains why they threw in the Buffy reference for her on the TV. She was one of my favorite characters in the 90's and the end of her storyline is still one of the best in the X-Men universe. I am not happy they made her a (as Nat put it) "C-word" in this movie. Oh, and for context, Essex Corporation is run by Nathaniel Essex. He will probably become a major plot point in the MCU sometime in the next few phases.

Kevin Mowery

When it was delayed before Disney bought Fox, and then they announced reshoots, I was hoping that they were going to put in some stuff to make it the introduction of mutants to the MCU, because I think some of the casting, especially Maisie Williams and Anya Taylor-Joy was fantastic. But, no, it was apparently just that the movie was kind of a mess.

Ben Violette

I could have sworn I finished this movie but after watching along I don't remember anything about the end. Might be the most blah movie set in the Marvel universe. If you want to check out something cool and weird with Teenage Mutant Mental Patients in the Marvel universe check out FX's Legion. Available on Hulu.

David Bourgeois

The character of Roberto (Sunspot) was in Days of Future Past, he was part of the X-Men in the future.


I forgot this movie existed


I mean, TFA is objectively much better than this movie, but I get what you mean.

Sam Kimpton

I had not seen this movie, and after watching it, I had the same reaction as Nat: "Whatever."


This film had a budget of at least $67 million yet looks cheaper than what you might see on a television series. Compared to something like The Green Knight which had a budget of around $15 million and actually had more than one location, is way more epic in scope and is a far superior film. And if I never see another speed- or fire-based super hero again it will be too soon.

Jayson Phillips

I loved it. Magik (reminds me of Witch blade) is and has always been one of my fav characters, that's why she is so mean she was a sex toy to all those men and they were always clawing at her and she always sees their smile.


So the thing about this movie - it was shot in 2017. And cut together, it didn't really work. Fox kept pushing the release and planned a ton of reshoots and additions - but then Disney bought Fox. So more delays and the teenage cast is visibly aging and no one wants to pay for reshoots so they just finished what was already shot and dumped out the film with no fanfare in 2020.

Matt Gwinn

Most, if not all of it was filmed before the pandemic. They shot it in 2017 and ended up changing the tone of the film and reshooting a bunch up through 2018. Then it sat on a shelf waiting for a weak slot where it would do the least amount of damage. Fox really dropped the ball on this one.

Tony Johnson

You had pretty much the reaction I was expecting. The New Mutants was one of my favorite comics when I was a kid and I was really looking forward to this... in 2017. In 2020 when it finally made it out, it was not so great. I think the initial idea was for it to be a YA/Horror mashup and what we got just did not work, due in part to all the delays mentioned above by @abz. Originally the movie was to be set in the '80's, which probably explains 'Berto's popped collars and a lot of the Breakfast Club-esque dialog. After X-Men Apocalypse came out, they switched to current time. I also think it should be known the Lockheed is primarily Kitty Pryde's companion (in the comics) and only occasionally joins Illyana on adventures. And if no one has mentioned it, Illyana is Colossus' younger sister.


I’m so excited for more ATLA and I hope you enjoy Venom! Tom Hardy is much much much much much much better than Topher Grace. ❤️


Fox messed up the X-men all around. I’m excited for Marvel Studios to handle the franchise especially since Patrick Stewart aka Charles Xavier seems to be in the new Doctor Strange coming in May. It’s sooo close. And I hope it’s just as good, if not better, than Spider-Man No Way Home.

Thomas Richter

Ilyana is the most interesting character, they could have done so much more.

Ben Gilshenan

the thing about this movie was it was delayed and got reshoots for so long that it was still in post production/reshoots when disney bought fox so they just kinda finished it with what they got dark phieonix was in a similar boat was getting made as the fox buyout happened and they just rushed it to get the movie out (apparently no one wanted to really finish it but that could be just rumours)

Keith Jacobsen

Don't fret Nat, New Mutants is a piece of shit. I always enjoy your reactions whether you think the film or series is good or bad. It's ironic that the X-men series closed out with such whimpers as Dark Phoenix and New Mutants, and Avengers closed with an amazing trumpet blast like Endgame. PS I'm sure somebody else has mentioned it by now, but Illyana is Colossus' (Piotr Rasputin) little sister.

Keith Jacobsen

PPS You've GOTTA watch the Pitch Meeting for this one too, please.


breaking bad pls!


So.. this movie was filmed a long time ago and was apparently shredded multiple times in the editing room.. Not very good.. but I don't hate it :shrug: I like seeing mutants on screen, differing mutants powers etc etc.. Most of the cast does well with what they were given, it's unfortunate the script didn't give them anything to work with.. hope they are used in future projects as the mutants they portrayed in these films.


She has already seen Breaking Bad before started doing reactions :)


I followed you on Twitch! You should try Elden Ring! I bet so many people would watch!


Elden Ring is kinda a hard game with difficult bosses that you have to defeat but with your reactions it’ll be GOLDEN!

Myles Away

This is one of the worst scripts ever. Absolute trash. It's unfathomable how this was ever green lit.

Eric Bogerd

Pretty sure it was green lit as 'super hero movies are huge and we need to do something with these characters or the rights will revert, so just get something on the screen and I'm sure it'll be fine.' (Morgan Freeman Voice-over) "It was not fine."


To be fair, they didn’t get to shoot 1/4th of their script or do a single reshoot because of the Disney/Fox merger.

Mister Lou

being an indigenous person, I love that this movie is based on Native American lore and your instant hate feels like a spit in the face. I feel like you're too nit-picky and made up your mind from ten minutes in.. and reading your comments I can I see that I am in the minority, like always...


The sad thing about this movie is that they never really got to finish it. This movie was supposed to come out in 2018, with reshoots scheduled for 2017/18. They had always intended to go back and flesh out the villain more, make Essex corp more prominent and shoot scenes that fleshed out the connections between the characters and how they come together more. Unfortunately neither Disney nor Fox wanted to spend money on what would be their final X-Men film so they basically lied to the cast and crew and kept pushing off reshoots and the film’s release until it was basically impossible for any of the actors to return and once Covid-19 happened they dumped it into theaters during the middle of a pandemic. Josh Boone is a talented writer and director and I think he had a much more character focused version of this film on the page but never got to lens that last 30 minutes and so the story barely feels coherent. The characters don’t have any real change or drama and in the end it just falls apart. It’s a shame because I think there’s something here. I like these characters and I especially like the chemistry between some of them. Shame we won’t ever see it how it was intended.


This film really is the definition of missed potential. There was so much here that *could have* worked, a superhero horror movie, but it just missed too many marks. If it had a chance for reshoots and a new edit, it could have been great.

Jayson Phillips

Another great comedy is Fanboys! you should watch that one because now you know a lot about Star Wars =)