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Hey guys!

Wanted to update you real quick on the month of March. I'm going to be traveling a lot throughout the entire first half of the month. I was really trying my best to work ahead so that y'all wouldn't even notice I was gone, but I'm not gonna lie...this month was just too busy.

I was only able to get about a week ahead instead of the three weeks I was attempting to do. Because of that, I likely won't be able to post any content from 3/7-3/18. I wanted to let you know before Patreon charges folks on the 1st so you can decide if you want to stay pledged for the next month or not.

This year has already been so hectic and crazy (some good things, some bad, but mostly good). There will probably be a couple times this year where I need to step back for a few days or a week or so and take a break. I don't plan on doing this often, but for big events like my wedding.

One lesson I've learned this year is that creator burnout is real and sometimes working ahead just isn't possible. Thanks for hearing me out and, whether you stick around for March or not, I really appreciate you! Hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves out there :) Until the next post tomorrow, stay golden!


Figured since the content will be a bit sparse, I'd could throw in an early release of a video I'm posting on my second channel, just nat, later this week: https://youtu.be/EGymeR9keWw


Guillermo Antonio Ricci Alvarez

soo...the video is still private so won't let us watch it, will wait a bit maybe I got here too early...also this is really good, you need to rest and not be working all the time so always take time for yourself


It’s all good, go take a break. You deserve it! 😎


Hey we know you’re doing your best Natalie, don’t stress about it and take care of yourself! We’ll be aight :)

Xenic Mark

Well, it is what it is. Have a great trip. Looking forward to seeing Arcane when you get back 😄

Calo Grsf

Thanks Nat for this little post! Don't worry, we all have our little worries, the main thing is that everything goes well, I wish you to spend good moments and to recharge your batteries to come back in good shape with your golden smile! 😄💛


No worries


Honeslty you're great at keeping content flowing,you've been doing great, flying through series and movies. Take your break before the burnout just makes things not fun anymore


Don't worry, we will be here when you get back! Have a great time, relax, recharge, and know we don't expect super-human levels of outstanding output, even though you have been providing it settling for so long! Any days you have to miss won't tarnish the Gold, they'll just make the return more exciting!

Ian Cano

Thanks for the heads up and good luck with your wedding!


Quality over quantity. Take the time off, enjoy the travel, and don't worry about not posting anything. Movies and TV should be fun, there's no point forcing yourself. Everyone needs a break sometimes.

Darryl Low

We definitely don't want you burning yourself out Nat. Everybody appreciates the amazing amount of content you put out here on Patreon, but not to the detriment of your health and wellbeing. I think we all know that you really enjoy making these videos, but don't let that enjoyment turn into being a chore. Take a step back, enjoy all your time away with your friends and your Mom, and come back to us refreshed and with a reduced schedule. However you move forward, we are all here for you, and support you Nat 💛


Thank you for letting us know. It’s good that you are listening to your body and taking breaks when you need to.

Daniel Drew

No worries at all! : ) you gotta take time for you. 💛💛


We’ll be here when you’re back. Enjoy your time off❤️

Lisa Tosti

Actually this works out great for me because I am so far behind and haven't watched any of the Spiderman reactions or Deadpool 2. Definitely go take the time off. And also I will happily continue my Patreon subscription next month because you put out such amazing stuff. Thank you so much for everything you bring us!


No problemo Nat. Just take your time. No pressure. Burnout has to be taken seriously. Speaking of which: Your videos helped me a great deal keeping spirits up during those crazy C19 lockdown times. Not only because of this you're definitely one of my favourite youtuber creators. Reacting on classic movies, spinning in the chair ^o^, or recharging your batteries. It's all fine. It's so important to enjoy what you're doing in life!

George Baxter

I am fine with waiting when Reactors take breaks. I just wish we could know a more long term schedule. I didnt vote for the Amazing Spiderman films and Ive been waiting for Hawkeye. Is that show coming out? If I wait for 2 weeks and then Nat starts watching the Venom sequels...

Matt Gwinn

No problem. You charge half of what most reactors charge and often provide twice the content. We can suck it up a couple weeks.


I’ll stay pledged because I’m ✨GOLDEN✨ 🤣 Nah but seriously, enjoy your break. You deserve it, Nat. ❤️ PS Ryan George made a new YouTube channel where he’ll be posting Pitch Meetings to. It’s appropriately called Pitch Meetings and it’s super easy, barely an inconvenience to subscribe to it 🤗

Darryl Low

It's to avoid problems with copyright. You need to have your own copy of the movie / show and sync it at the start and watch along with Nat.

Lisa Tosti

Wow wow wow wow! I want Nat's second channel to be here just reacting to Pitch Meeting videos. And I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about that!

Logan Kerlee

No worries Nat! As long as you're watching stuff that I enjoy, I'll continue subscribing and from the look of things, you'll be stuck with me for some time. :P


''video unavailable'' loool

john collins

Take as much time as you need! I'll probably just skip march and come back in April with some extra stuff to binge watch! Stay golden o7

Al Baughman

You give us so much good content on here, taking a couple weeks off is no big deal to me. Enjoy your time away, chill out and have fun!


Take breaks any time you want! Thanks for the heads up!

My Toasty Toast

Thanks for letting us know! I hope you have a great time off!! Not to be problematic but I can’t access the video, the link just tells me it’s private


Definitely take burn out seriously. I see so many YT creators suffer from it. The YT algorithm is an unforgiving boss and you just should ignore the fear of the unknown impact. Just repeat the saying “the best ability is availability.” Paying attention to self-care will increase your long-term availability.

matthew h

I appreciate the heads-up. Those 2 weeks might be a good time for me to go back thru things I'd previously missed, like Ted Lasso.


This patreon costs less than a latte from Starbucks... So it's no big deal to stay subscribed. If you need to take time off, take time off. What's most important is you. Because this channel is....YOU. Focus on yourself first. Do what you have to do, spend some time with family and friends, have some fun. Come back when you're recharged. Don't try to push anything. Don't try to stretch yourself. Relax, and we'll be here when you get back.

Andy Jordan

Your well-being always comes first. Take all the time you need. Have a great trip. Cheers!

Philippe Dessaints

Seeing as how varied your content is and how much this community grows nonetheless, there's one thing we can be sure : the people here aren't necessarily here because of their favorite show or movie, but because of who you are. People are here because of you, so we surely don't wanna see you become a victim of creator burnout ! Take time, take care of yourself (and of doggie, and of Tyler of course) and we'll still be here to support you, whether it's here on Patreon, or on YouTube.


You do you, Nat. Create when you can. Take a break when you need to. Keep yourself happy and the rest will follow :)


💛 💛 💛 it's all good Nattie no worries! 💛 💛 💛

Thomas Malley

I was always worried you were going to burn out by the rate you were going. Only do it when you feel the passion.


It’s all good. Have a fun break! Also just a head up, I don’t know how active you are on social media but right now they just announced the release date for Now Way Home on home media and they released a few pictures that are heavy spoilers so I would be off on social media for a few days to be safe.


Omg this preview is incredible! :o


Everyone is entitled to take a break/vacation from working. Enjoy your time off.

Isaiah Mesa

I want to support your creativity. There are always peaks and valleys. I am on it for a the long haul. ✊️


I think the main thing is to find something sustainable. Content four times per week (in excess of 6 hours!) is a LOT. I think you’ll find that we’re satisfied with 2-3 releases per week (perhaps MWF or TR) or just one if it’s a long movie. We’re showing up because we like YOU being you. And that means you need to find a balance where you are able to be you for us while also being you for yourself. And if that’s a little less for us, that’s totally ok. I remember when you used to occasionally (rarely) screw up a recording and felt silly on the re-record and you feeling a little silly was part of the charm. If you aren’t giving yourself room for screwups, then you aren’t giving yourself enough room. We want you to have room. We care about your well-being (as parasocial as that may be) and want you to have a life. So if after March you need to dial things back, dial it back. And maybe you lose a few folks at the outset. Others will come and take their place. Your channel will continue to grow.




the editor of the hidden video must love undertale :D kudos

Brian Jones

Totally fair and I think everyone here supports your decision. Do whatever you have to do to keep it enjoyable for yourself. I certainly don't speak for everyone, but I'll continue to support you regardless. Stay golden, and most importantly, stay sane. :)

Julian Calzada

i didnt want to say anything, but you looked and sounded pretty burned out yesterday in that avatar video. glad to hear your aware of it and are doing something about it. hope you feel better.


I'm here either way. No worries. Take what time you need.

Fredrik Larsson

Take the time you need and to do what's best for your health. I'm not going anywhere. I will always be a member of your patreon no matter what. <3


I've been very busy at work (I got burn out there...). Anyway, I'm SO far behind. Take some time off. Get your energy back. Recharge.

Matthew Periolat

See, I don’t see this as paying for a service - I’m investing on an individual. The money is a sign of faith and I’ve never not had a return on the investment. If you need to recharge, fly and be free. You have so much going on, it’s not a shock. Besides, I’m behind on videos, I see this as catch up time. Ah Wordle. I don’t play but am aware. Feels like a game of Jeopardy to me - you should know the answers but feel incredibly dumb when you don’t. It’s all good.

Anthony Campbell

Take care, we'll be here when you get back....plus you'll return just in time for the digital release of No Way Home!

Chris Gronau

Take the time you need. We'll be here.


Take care of yourself and have a great break, we understand!!

Ilsuk Yang

To me, "just a week" isn't a "just." I see it as, instead of 3 weeks of no content, it's only 2 weeks. Anyways, enjoy your trip!


The main thing is you let us know what's going on. So many creators just disappear or stop their regular posting schedule without any updates at all. We all need to take a break from time to time. Nothing wrong with that. Take care of you first.

Edward Of DOOM

So..... what I hear you saying is after March we will start getting a "Natalie and Hubby" reaction stream, right???

Joe Blankenship

No worries, Nat. I'm still sending $5/month to a podcast that I've fallen months behind on--but I like the guys, they're hilarious and I want them to keep going. And with this little break, I'll be able to get up to speed on Avatar. I really gotta be in the right mood to sit and watch a kids' show.


I’m looking forward to more great content after your break


Nat, don't worry - take the time you need, we will be here when you get back.

Mr. Avatar

It's all good, I'm not going anywhere, enjoy some life!!!


Take your time Nat. No hurries! Have a good trip and see you when you come back. God bless!

Jürgen Bauermann

Take the time you need and take care of yourself. 😀

Randee Carreno

Take as much time as you need, Natalie! 😊 We don't want you to get burned out. Take some time, and enjoy yourself with your family, Tyler, and Koda. I'm planning on keeping my Patreon subscription for March. That way I can catch up on "Avatar" episode reactions. And by the time you get back, "Spider-Man: No Way Home" should be available on digital. Take care! 😊 And Stay Golden! 💛


gives me time to catch up on hours of wonderful unwatched content😁 enjoy your break


Yay Wordle video - that was a fun watch. Nice palate cleanser and I'd totally watch more of it, aha. I love word games.


Never forget to take time for yourself and your loved ones ; that's what is most important.


Big supporter, I have no plans to cancel/reduce my Patreon. Enjoy your time off!