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Hi Folks! 

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! So I'm in the process of filming ahead for the holidays and had a question for y'all. I'm going to be taking a week off to be with my family and do some much needed recharging. My plan was to take just a little time off here on Patreon (about a week's worth of content), but there's two different ways I could go about doing this:

1) Take a full week off from posts (likely at the beginning of January since folks have already paid for December)

2) Split up the content so it's spread out. Basically, posting 2 videos one week and 3 videos the next, rather than skipping a full week. This would likely be for the last week of December/first week of January.

It will be the same experience for me either way, so that's why I'd love to know what you guys want. Thanks so much for your support over here on Patreon and of course, stay golden! :) 



Take your time off whenever you want. We’ll still be here.


Voted for whatever you want. Just do what's easiest for you. I'm just excited for the return of X-Men hopefully 🤞


As long as you have an amazing time with family and friends that's all that matters, whatever way you go is cool 💛

Darryl Low

Nattie - Your school, Your rulez 😊 Whatever is easiest for you at this most busiest time of year and gives you the most time to spend with your family. Enjoy your weekend too Nat 💛


Whatever fits your schedule and other plans the best - I have such a big backlog of Nattie reactions to get through anyways so I should be covered even if you took several weeks off xD

Whovian Prakash

I voted for the third option because it is up to you. Your decision. However, if I were you, I would take the whole week off. But that's just me. And like I said, it is your decision.

Connor Alexander

As a person who works from home, I cannot understate the value of taking a full week to unplug and focus on you. My suggestion.

Travis Starnes

Either way is fine by me. You put out a ton of content and I am a happy patron. You deserve a break and I don't think any of us could complain. Besides, gives me time to go back and rewatch content :)


Hi Nat.. Raymond here.. This is very simple vote.. "Number 3" for me. Why.. because its also importend to recharge, and spent time with family. Ofcourse love to see content.. but spending time with family, and fully recharge your energy is importend too... So yea. Number 3 for me all the way😁. ❤❤❤ Raymond.

The Golgothan

Ultimately the choice is yours but breaks are absolutely necessary to prevent stagnation and I recommend you take as much time off as needed especially if it's to spend time with your family. *Apparently I misread a few key points of the post so I change my vote to do whatever you want.


Its the holidays go with what you feelz maaaaan.


Why just one? Take two !!


In the nicest way possible, went with don't care! You deserve some proper time off over the holidays and shouldn't feel obliged to keep active here, unless you want to of course. 😀

Frank Rosales

Your content is worth waiting for take as much as you need.


Do whatever is easiest for you and makes you happy. Your content is worth waiting for, no matter when it comes.

Bruce Bromley

As you wish, Nicole. Just, have a great holiday season and enjoy the time with family and friends. 🕎

Alan Kobb

The Mandalorian takes a whole year break between 10 episode seasons, yet you obsess over spending 1 week with your family after putting out content 5 days a week for months on end! I think I speak for all of my co-patrons when I say, enjoy your time, recharge body and soul, and we will be here to welcome you back! You can't get rid of us that easily. 😄 Yours truly, The Nattielorians


💛 whatever you want +1 💛 my suggestion is take 1 week off also I'm lowkey wondering what show are you filming ahead of time im not gonna lie :D


Do whatever you feel is best :) chag semeach 🕎


You’re never going to wish you’d made one more video, but you might wish you’d spent more time with those you love. Please take as much time as you like, we’ll be here when you get back!


i dont't care at all, as long as you keep producing videos it's all fine! Even if you need 2 weeks, do what u want :)


Wheres the option for no breaks?

Darryl Low

Boooo You taskmaster! You get the vote for this year's pantomime villain 😂

Aaron Lovik

Always love your content, but you have every right to take holidays! I'll be waiting patiently for you to finish the X-Men franchise and Deadpool. I've been wondering if you plan on visiting other past franchises like Spider Man and Fantastic Four.


Spend your time as you see fit. You're the driver, we're just paying for the gas. You control the destination and speed. <3


Take a break and recharge.

Dave A

Do what works best for you. Maybe take a week off of Patreon content, but let your YT content keep flowing to get through backlog. Just a suggestion though, don't work yourself or your editor too hard ;-)


It's your time to spend as you wish. Can't speak for everyone but I'll be here when you get back, lol.

Joe Blankenship

If you don't ever feel like editing down for Youtube, you could just post a "Patreon exclusive." Just a thought. For something more casual that you want to watch.


whatever you will do, I'm in!!!!

Ken - Kendo161

I do care though you should do whatever you want it's your channel. I can wait. I'll be sad 😪😁but I'll get over it. 😉💙💚🌺 lol


Do what's best for you. We'll still be here.

Michael Mammano-Cheydleur

Love your content, Natalie! I'll take it as it comes. Enjoy your holidays however you like!


You should have a break at some point. I know content creators are always trying to grow their channel but I think yours is growing organically so I say take a break!


Do whatever is easiest for you Nat

Lisa Tosti

I have a few things I haven't been able to catch up on your channel that I want to watch so I'll have content to watch even if you take a whole week off. Do whatever is best for you Nat!


It's really whatever you feel up for. If you feel that you need a week-long break, take one! It's not the end of the world if you don't post for a little while. Remember: it's your channel and your content. Even though viewers and subscribers are helping to support the channel and its content, we're still just along for the ride!


Feel free to share sporadic content from the holidays. Restaurant reaction etc...


Take a week, two weeks, 3 weeks off if you want! Anything you need to unwind and relax. 🙂

Kevin Mowery

If it's genuinely the same for you either way, then as someone whose holiday weeks looks remarkably the same as non-holiday weeks, I'd say spread the content out. If it's even slightly more trouble to do that than to just take a week off, though, take the week off. You've earned it.


Think you’ve more than earned a full week off, you’ve given us some great content this year. Hope you enjoy your holiday!!


Whatever's easiest for you. Enjoy your time off!


Happy Holidays!


Do want you want, please! You bring great energy to your channel. Don't get burned out by trying to fill a "quota"... your sub's will still be here. Cheers.


you what you want - we be here either way so enjoy the Hoildays - keep in mind that we all won't be able to watch everything when it 1st comes out during the hoildays too - Enjoy the time and we meet up when you post if not on the 1st day maybe on we do on the 2nd day -- Happy Hoilday Nat & to you all ! (FYI I like to see if you could do some old good ones like Animal House or Smokey and the Bandit or Stripes- for us older folks lol)


NO BREAKS, NATALIE. EVER. You must take your camera with you everywhere. We demand content from every event in your life, no matter how insignificant. We will require reactions to your trip to the grocery store, the long line at the post office. your dealing with traffic, how good or bad the weather is, your bad hair day, running out of your favorite snack and debating with yourself for ten minutes whether it's worth going BACK to the store just for that one thing, that mouse you're almost certain you saw darting along the baseboard in the kitchen, and how you just can't seem to find anything to wear today despite going through your entire wardrobe. So pick up your camera and get crackin'! The masses are hungry for content, and they care not from where it comes, so long as it comes fresh and fast! They've all coalesced into an insatiable collective intelligence that feeds on reaction content! A monster of your own making! AHRAAWR GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!!!


Natalie, it's your channel. Do what you want to best accommodate your life. We'll be here when you get back.


Spend time with family ;)

Sammy Rebbo

Since you're recording ahead you should be able to schedule your videos on youtube which would allow you to take a week off from posting on social media. But even if you don't post anything and don't schedule videos I still vote to take a full week off. PS I dunno what else to call the schedule upload thing but for anyone that hasn't uploaded to youtube, when you upload a video you can choose a date to "schedule" when it is viewable after being uploaded.

Chris Gronau

Do whatever you want. It's called a holiday for a reason. Take some time off and enjoy yourself. We'll still be here.


do care! do what you want :)

Thomas Malley

You don't need to ask us permission to take a vacation. :)


Jesus Christ the Simps in this fuckin piece, I tell ya. Ya it’s tough I get that, but what isn’t is having 10gs comin in a month…if she takes a week off I’m outtie. No because I don’t think she should have a week off but if you think I’m tryna pay for a month of content with 2 (that’s what it’s gonna be) weeks content gone. Come in the fuck on, she knew what she was signing up for. I ain’t asking for blood here lol

Jenny Tolls

I mean it’s only like $5 lol if it’s that big of a deal that you can’t watch someone react to movies and shows that you’ve most likely already seen then maybe you shouldn’t even be here? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just do whatever makes you happy, seems most of us don't mind


Take some time for you Nat. You give us plenty of content, spoiling us really. Have a break, recharge and we will look forward to your return in the new year. Stay golden😁✌

Casen Jamvo

It's the holidays, do what works best, but spending time with family is priority one


You killin it I’m definitely fine with whatever you want to do and hopefully your break is awesome!

Timo Paul

Take you all the time you need. We are here because of the quality of your content and not the quantity.


You do you Nat, don’t worry what other people want.


You do you queen, we’ll still be here when you come back xx

Logan Kerlee

You're doing a great job Nat! Love your content. Please enjoy your holiday with people that you love. 😀

Marty McGee

Given the choice I would rather have it spread out, but not at the expense of you having to work during your week off. I say do whatever is easier on you and I hope you have a wonderful break!!


I write horror novels so I know hw difficult it can be to create content on demand. I've only just recently signed with a publisher and we share the same goal of turning my 9 book series into an online streaming series. What I want to say is work at your own pace. Your fans, your true fans, will be right here to support you just like they always have. Hopefully one day i'll get to watch you reacting to my work. Happy Holidays!


I'm super appreciative on Battlestar Galactica getting put in a poll. Thank you. Don't give up on it! It's one of the hands down best written sci Fi shows of the 2000s and for me nothing has come close except The Expanse since then. It's also an early bridge between story telling styles of the 90s and modern, each episode having a self contained story line, and also contributing significantly to the season arc. And the 3 hour mini series pilot is an excellent way to wet your feet and decide by way of fan reaction if the we your fans would support and enjoy a 4 season venture into that series. I'm a big trekkie but honestly, star trek, it's a hard show to just episode after episode watch because the writers and directors change so much episode to episode, sometimes there is a good one sometimes not, techno babble isn't always consistent yadda yadda, point of that is to show I'm not just fanboying over BSG, but BSG really is a early 2000s king of sci Fi television imo in terms of quality. I love your content. Bummed that Ted lasso is apple tv exclusive, but if I ever get access to it I'll go back and watch with you!

Julio Morales

you could take a whole as week off. its your channel.. if you need a break go for it lol. i know youtubers that took off straight up a month before


You do you Nat, we can wait, get through whatever you need to. Happy Holidays!


Literally just joined the patreon squad I don't mind at all enjoy the holidays I just looking to support you are a great reactor loved your Marvel content