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Kind of a random list I know :) Help me pick one please!


Lucky Dragon ‘She.They’

Dang, looks like Man of Steel doesn’t stand a chance. Been wanting you to get into the DCEU for a while


Damn this is one sided lol

Andy Crawley

Interstellar is amazing, but I think for the moment you’d enjoy Into The Spider-verse so much more.

Grady Jaymes Smith

Please do Interstellar. One of the greatest of all time.


One of the first times I felt like saying “none of the above”.

Ali D

Interstellar is the best of the bunch, but I think I’d like you to experience Henry Cavill as Superman. A lot of the current DC stuff is messy, and underwhelming, but he was the perfect Superman.

Randee Carreno

Happy Saturday, Natalie! 😊 "Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse" got my vote for this poll. Such a fun movie! Have a great day & weekend! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛


I love Interstellar, but for this list, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse 1000%

Casen Jamvo

Yes! I've been asking for Spider-verse for a while now, can't wait!

Lucky Dragon ‘She.They’

Also, it would probably be good algorithmically to watch a Rocky in the next weeks since the Rocky IV recut comes out next week

Justin Credible

Jesus, Spiderman had better not win.

Steven Hok

Damn lol. Man of Steel has a special place in my heart but looks like it’s not winning this time

Michael Ford III

INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE is legit one of the best superhero movies of all time.


Yes! I hoped this one would follow pretty closely after Far From Home so I'm happy it will be next/soon. :)


Natalie it’s Spider-Man season. There is no shot Spider-Man ITSV is not going to win.

Ben Wheeler

Haven’t made my vote yet. It’ll be Planet but my guess without having seen any results is Interstellar wins. Edit 30 seconds later: I was incredibly wrong and happy about it 😅

Stephan Davis

You will love Into the Spider-Verse. I guarantee it.


I voted for spider verse but I’d love it if you closely followed it up with Man of Steel to start of the DCEU!


Damn... thats a solid list of movies that are all 100% worth watching. Hope the ones that don't get picked show up on future polls

Jon Hoover

She really needs to watch the other Spiderman movies before ITSV.

Music TheMadness

Spiderverse is a fun experience. Great voice acting and innovative animation. Sound design and composition are top notch. It was an unexpected gem for me, glad it's in the lead.

Ali D

Also, do we not think maybe Nat should start with the 2002 Spider-Man and work her way up to get the full impact of the Multi-Verse in general?

Ken - Kendo161

hope you'll keep planet of the apes on your list


Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. :D


I love into the Spiderverse, but I voted everything else because I'm so burned out on Marvel stuff, it's never ending


Into the spider verse is amazing. One of the best animated movies of the last 30 years, IMO


I don't really like animated movies, but Into the Spiderverse is THE exception, excited to see your reaction.

Ken Schneyer

This was a very hard choice, because I think all four films are stunning. But Spiderverse is mind-blowing and paradigm-changing, on a number of different levels at once, so I picked that one.

Tiger Chu

Don't forget the after credit scene for Into the Spider-verse

Isaiah Mesa

Interstellar would be my 2nd choice. 😊

Ken Schneyer

I will say that Spiderverse is more of a slap in the face if you're familiar with the Spiderman comics, especially the late Silver Age, but I don't think it's necessary.

Darryl Low

I'll continue to live in hope that one day Apes will rule the world 🐵


I suspect the only reason the 1968 Planet of the Apes isn't getting more votes is because most of the audience haven't seen it; they're too young. It was such an influential movie that cemented itself as a lasting cultural and cinematographic influence in ways that none of the other movies on this list ever will.

Eric Janssen

For every new kid who nags you to see the Apes, quote, "trilogy" he remembers from his lifetime, we will continue to push for the '68 movie.


You can always tell which one is going to win before you even vote lol.

Connor Alexander

Spiderverse isn't just one of the best animated films ever, it's one of the best superhero films ever.

Harry Reece

Ooo this is a tough one. Obviously spider verse is going to win. But I have to watch Interstellar as I’ve previously suggested it.


Well, these are popularity contests. So the movie that everyone knows is always going to win. It would take creative list making to even out the odds (unknown movies versus other unknown movies, or popular movies versus other equally popular movies).

Dan Careaga

I mean… you really need to see Planet of the Apes before watching Shang-Chi… :)


All 4 are great. Even though one will win, I definitely suggest watching them all


You'll have to hit the DC films eventually!! Also....Battlestar Galactica 😁


waiting on the WHAT IF series ?


You should think about watch the prestige by christer Nolan. It will keep you guessing to the end with amazing cast.

Andrew Howard

All solid choices, but Into the Spiderverse is just so much better than it had any right to be.


Cool another popularity contest. Why even have the poll?

The Golgothan

1968 Planet of the Apes is the best movie up there but Spiderverse is probably the most fun. I also think the DCAMU would make better reactions than the DCEU.


Eh. What If? Really isn't important and some (if not half) of the episodes are hit or miss at best.


The best movie here is also the one with the most votes at this time (no surprise) but all are worthy. I'd agree that Planet of the Apes is a classic, but may not have aged so well...another product of its time.


Spiderverse for sure!!!

Matthew Jaszyn

Interstellar is overrated.


Easiest vote ever. Spiderverse is the best Spiderman movie so far.


Just watch em chronologically. Warning! there have been many parodies of planet of the Apes that you will remember and finally get and will be funny!


Interstellar is one of my favorite movies ever. Much substance to it than a Spiderman movie.

Troy B.

I'm just glad Man of Steel isn't winning. I saw it in a packed 3D IMAX theater and it still was somewhat "okay", so I can't imagine a small-screen watchalong would improve it. Though I will admit I'm curious to see what Natalie thinks of it, but that's not enough reason to make her watch it...

Brandon Scott

This was one poll that I was sure of the outcome before I voted, lol.


I agree. All 4 are worth watching. The one I was hoping to watch with Nat the most is Man of Steel. As a dad, I loved the line they took for this origin story, of looking at the moral and values challenges faced by a very differently abled child, and the choices he made as he grew. And I was disappointed at how lukewarm the popular reaction was to it. But I am thinking Nat might appreciate it. However, I agree Spiderverse was surprisingly wonderful, Interstellar brought abstract conundrums we face in the prospect of distant space travel into a very human and emotion filled story, and the 1968 PotA is a cultural icon, and while fun in its dated movie tech, still massively pertinent. We should watch them all.


Interstallar or Man of Steel both have amazing Soundtracks from the same Composer :)


Id really like to see Natalie react to the 1994 movie "Stargate", with Kurt Russel and James Spader

Cris S

They should just have the DCAMU people run the DCEU. Those movies are sooo much better.


Easy pick this time. Into the spiderverse is a masterpiece


Natalie, your content is helping me get thru long shifts at work. I'm stuck in an ambulance for long hours. thank you. Also, may I suggest James Gunn's Suicide Squad for the future.


Scream franchise? New film drops Jan

David Crabtree

My pick is for Man of Steel.

Darren Penuliar

Definitely put interstellar in another poll tho!


I just think Zack Snyder is a hack, and whoever hired somebody who doesn't like comic books generally or Superman specifically to actually direct a Superman movie is a moron who should be fired. The movie isn't just a bad Superman movie - there's no Superman - it's just a *bad movie*: the scenes are out of order, the main character has no agency, and it shows a pretty stunning lack of imagination or wonder or hope. (It's ostensibly a Superman movie but without hope or Superman. Pass. Pity; I think Henry Cavill would've made a great Superman.)


Planet of the Apes is the best movie on this list. Man of Steel is straight up cringe in comparison.


I mean, if that substance you are referring to is "heart", then I strongly disagree.

Brian Jones

Man of Steel is an amazing film, and I'd love to see you finally work your way through the Snyder DC movies, but Spiderverse is great as well, and it looks like it's getting the majority of the votes regardless.

Vincent Valentin

anyone voting for anything other than Spiderverse is delusional.

Logan Kerlee

Personally, I'd love for you to watch Man of Steel but it looks like Spidey is coming out on top this week. I'm hoping that it'll be included in future polls!

Logan Kerlee

Scream franchise? Eh.. the first was okay but the rest not so much. That's my take on it at least.

Logan Kerlee

BIG YES ON THIS! Holy crap, Battlestar would be so worth it! Though, it's a LONG series, especially if we decide to watch the old stuff as well. I'd love it so much if it happened though. :)

Jenny Tolls

Damn man. I’ve been wanting her to see Interstellar for like over a year now 😩


Disappointed more people dont want interstellar :(

Eric Janssen

Not EVERYONE has a psychologically compulsive obligation to subject themselves to every Chris Nolan movie ever made just because they thought Dark Knight was wicked kewl.


That was honestly the easiest decision I've ever made.


I really want her to watch man of steel but into the spider verse is good. But so is interstellar. Ugh 😭

Paul Gibbons

Yes, i knew too it was almost a disqualification list, Interstellar out because few vote for a film you've seen, Apes won't win as the average age here seems to be young and no-one votes for pre millenium films and few like Synder.


Well it's not going to win this poll but I'm really excited to see Man Of Steel on here.


Matt Reeves' Planet of the Apes trilogy should also be considered if you haven't watched it before.


Into the Spiderverse has a great story, and an even better soundtrack.


Into the Spiderverse is just fun.


I don’t think I’ve seen her react to Clue yet- that would be fun.

Richard Maurer

For once my vote isn't a protest vote against the majority - I voted for Spiderverse. I almost feel dirty, voting for a movie that's actually going to win.


I would say watch Spider-Man into the spider-verse because I really enjoyed that film. I still say that particular movie with the animation and everything is the best Spider-Man film in a long time for me.


I would also like to see that you check out Man of steel and see how you feel about entering the dceu. Personally at first I do like Man of steel but there's a lot of problems I have with the film. and you know everyone's different but I would like to see you see that one as well


This is hands down one of the best trilogies of all time. Also a cinematic masterpiece given the MoCap technology used is so well done.

Kevin Maguire

I'd rather see you do 1978's SUPERMAN-THE MOVIE before Man Of Steel.

Kevin Mowery

I think Henry Cavill could be an amazing Superman with better material, but Christopher Reeve is absolutely the best.


Spiderverse is a masterpiece - and crazy fun. I also suspect that it is very important canon for the MCU moving forward!


Hey Nat! I made this bc I like your channel and to practice editing: https://youtu.be/vMJcYxeTMd0 Enjoy!


One of my favourite movies. Has that original Mummy / Princess Bride "good 'b-movie'" energy, and so very quotable.

Obie Brown


Myles Away

Easily the best Spiderman movie ever.


That was easy


Dude. First three would be epic. Man of Steel should begin your DCEU run

Anthony Campbell

this is an easy one. Spiderverse is one of the best animated movies ever. Arguably the best Spiderman movie. It will also kinda get you prepared for the future of the MCU

Anthony Campbell

have you ever thought about live streaming your viewing and have us be able to answer questions you may have during a movie...maybe via chat on Discord or Youtube

David Crabtree

I've never been a fan of that. It would take away from her reaction, she could miss parts of the movie while trying to read and answer questions. I'd be all for a post-reaction live-stream to discuss the movie though.

Joel Palenychka

Into the Spiderverse is fantastic! Way better than the other three choices. In my opinion you could skip the DCEU entirely and not miss anything worthwhile.


Man of Steel is worth watching just for the music and cinematography imo


Please do First Man with Ryan Gosling one day, thanks


Nat's take on the 3 DC #Snyderverse movies would be pretty sweet.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Okay, I voted for Interstellar because I love really cerebral sci-fi movies, but Into the Spider Verse is actually fairly cerebral, if you think about it 🤔🤓 and it's great, SpiderMan is still my all time favorite superhero, not nearly the most powerful but Idk maybe it's his relatability, I'd want to be SpiderMan, Wolverine is awesome but SpiderMan seems more fun to be.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Damn, but Planet of the Apes was just noped out by the folk, one of these days I would not mind Nat making another executive decision (love when she does that) and she just watches it! Really I'd love it if she just picked a day of the week, like Wednesday, WhateverTF I Wanna Watch Day 🤣💛


Spiderverse and Spider-Man 2, I can never choose

Ellis Hugh

This was actually pretty tough as each has their appeal for a variety of reasons and they're so different. Nat will need to get around to the 3 decent DC movies (or 4, if you count Aquaman), but at the moment I have to go with Into the Spiderverse. It's so different and so well done...

Red Claw

Seems there's no regard for the classics this time.


How can she watch Shang Chi without having watched any Kung Fu movies?


Despite it being a Sony made Spider-Man movie.


Interstellar the best science fiction movie in the true spirit of the 21th century.

Lucifer Moon

I love the Classic Apes films, especially the first Planet of the Apes and Conquest for Planet of the Apes. I also really liked the new Apes Trilogy actually.

Lucifer Moon

as for Man of Steel. It is not bad but there are honestly better Superman Movies, not a lot but some.


Interstellar is great Spiderverse also very good and kinda figured that would win


finally! spiderverse is happening - really hope you will also get around to interstellar.


Sadly, most of the people voting have probably never seen it. I tried to show a gen z person the film and they couldn't get 10 minutes into it before complaining that it was old and boring and dumb. Lol. They seem to prefer spectacle over story.

Nic Benham

All of these would be a fantastic watch, but Spiderverse must take priority.

Ginge Tomassi

The Prestige is a much better film than Interstellar that I think would also probably be more to your taste.


a beautiful mind is such an underrated film. not one reaction channel has watched it yet!!!

Lucifer Moon

does anyone know if she has watched the Pirates of the Caribbean movies yet?


This channel is more trend follower than trend setter.

Green Nolan

I mean... Into the spider verse won like ALL the animated Oscars... Other than interstellar nothing else comes close


There’s only two in the category. 🤨 Best animated feature and short film.

Green Nolan

@dooly noted I bet you are very popular at parties


I voted Planet even though I knew it wasn’t going to win. Classics (I use that term lightly here) will never have much chance when up against new blockbusters. Spiderverse is great but it’s also been done to death in my opinion. I’d also be curious to see the DC movies too though. See the opinion of someone not steeped in the lore and background of the characters.


I mean technically it did win all the animation Oscars within its category. 🤔

Ulrich Unterbrunner

Into the Spiderverse is a great movie, but Man of Steel also has a lot that makes it worth watching. Henry Cavill, the score, Henry Cavill, Superman, Henry Cavill,... Did I mention Henry Cavill?


Man of Steel would have been better with John Williams score.

Eric Janssen

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not, but every viewing of Into the Spiderverse makes me want to go out and beat up Pixar’s Incredibles 2 with a baseball bat: “Fifteen years for a @#$&in’ RACCOON!…Who cares about the stupid BABY??…Oh, thank you Disney, for putting the Frozen director in charge of the studio, we always WANTED to see Elasti-Girl take over the entire PICTURE!!! 🤬🏏 “


man shut yo ass up, that movie is great u just straight hating


Man of Steel is awful, please don't waste your time on DC. The only half decent film they made was the more recent Suicide Squad.

Ellis Hugh

Suicide Squad is awful, please don't waste your time with it. The only half decent films DC made were Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman, Wonder Woman and - depending on your tastes - Aquaman.

Hairy Potter

Interesting...I didn't know the reception to Aquaman was split. Frankly, the writing & acting on BvS is so crappy to the point that I don't even think it can be considered half decent. The only way for me to stomach it was to watch the extended cut. But the extended cut has more useless scenes in it as well... Synder seriously needs better script writers...some of his ideas are above average/good...but he can't stretch them enough to make two hour movies.

jose giron

I honestly think the Snyder DC movies got panned so much because they were made to be seem one after the other and in terms, so I would not suggest man of steel if you aren't planing on seeing BVS and then ZS JL. Man of steel is better than what some people say imo, I love that movie, its the superman I wanted to see more of and its very heavy in themes of gods, religion, superheroes, responsibility, etc. but seen as part of the snyderverse they're all excellent

Ellis Hugh

For all the hate they get, I really think that Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman and Wonder Woman - in that order - are a very, very solid trilogy. Follow it up with the extended cut of Justice League if you want, either way, and maybe throw in Aquaman too... but that trilogy is rock solid. Not flawless, but solid, and an especially effective foil to the lighter, cheerier MCU films.


The Amazing Spider-Man is a must!!


PLEASE WATCH THE CROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tucker & Dale vs Evil


Highly recommend Man of Steel; one of my favorite D.C. movies and definitely my favorite Superman movie


The random pics are probs not great for your youtube clicks. But that's why we love you nat. Integrity.


Man of Steel is an Incredible version of "The Origin". It builds the mythical character up by showing his most impressive power. His Heart! It is a great examination of the character and the follow up movies tried to come close but never quite hit this. One of my favorite movies. I "Hope" you give it a chance.


The Planet of the Apes Saga is always pretty Great! Haha


Definitely need to do Interstellar, i bawl my eyes out everytime i see it so it would make for a really good reaction vid.

Vince Ledezma

Man of steel is great would love to see a DC universe reaction don't listen to the people hating on these movies watch react and make your own opinion