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I couldn't help but jump on this bandwagon and check out this new show! 

I hope y'all don't mind that I made the executive decision to dive on into this one. I promise that after this series wraps, I'll do a poll for you guys to help pick the next show. I'll also likely go back to doing just one series with more of a focus on movies again for a while. 

I just couldn't stay away from this viral sensation and I feared that if I waited any longer, too much would get spoiled. Looking forward to going on this ride with you! As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon. Until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

For syncing purposes, the intro card for the episode plays at around 10:26. I will be including a little text overlay for that in future videos, rather than here in the post. 

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/3xi2rpLzJzQ 

DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fiP88FMnbadCpUH3I8fb9Ape1KeccMBb/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Squid Game

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Squid Game S1E1

MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Squid Game *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Sweet! I've been looking for an excuse to watch this one.


Oh neat, good call. Executive decision warranted. Just check to be sure you've the right Subtitles. The English [CC] is using the Dub script which is badly translated. A few people I know have been caught out as they are sometimes defaulted to. Leads to much worse characterisations/sometimes nonsense lines being spoken.

Joe Blankenship

Nice. I'm about halfway in but I'll gladly jump back and watch with you.


Ah yeah really happy your doing this show - I loved it!

Darryl Low

Awesome Nat. Keep the surprises coming. Haven't watched this show yet, so am super excited to watch it along with you and see what it's all about 💛 After Parasite, I knew to expect the unexpected, and I wasn't disappointed. You have to admire the Korean way of storytelling. Completely non-linear, and the way that the visuals and audio seem at odds with one another, somehow impacts all the more. I really enjoyed discovering this first episode with you today Nat. Thanks for your great reaction today 💛


Great choice. I’m in the middle of watching it now.

Daniel Luna

Natalie you have no idea how much you’ve made my day today 😂 I’m at work, I see a notification from Patreon and my day just went from good, to better. 😂 I can’t wait for you to get into this show! What an amazing surprise indeed! Keep it up!


OMG WHAT A surprise i simply love you STAY GOLDEN


Just a quick heads up, You are not watching with the Korean subtitles, those are the closed captions for the English dub which are different. So some of the lines you’re commenting on, or repeating are not the same. This might cause some confusion.


Glad you made that decision. Squid Game is a show that's made for reacting and the memes and jokes that have been made cos of the show are just amazing.


Wowwwwwwww! :)


Hmm. Another show I've already watched. Squid Game is an understandable choice, but it would have been nice to know that this was coming for the new pay period. So, as a suggestion for future months, new shows should be started (or announced) before the beginning of the new month pay period so people don't get stuck paying for content they don't really want. I enjoy Nat's content, but I don't want to watch shows I have no interest in, or have already recently seen (I love Squid Game, but like many people I literally have just finished watching it).

Navjot Singh

+1 to that. Netflix should have removed the [CC] ones by now. Simple English ones are better.


Her channel took off because longtime fans of Star Wars and LOTR enjoyed her reactions to them. It's why she and most "big" reactors pick classics and/or popular movies and shows: They have a built-in audience. Maybe it's just me, but I'd never watch a show for the first time with a reactor talking my ear off at the same time. Different strokes.


Happy Wednesday nat your clue few posts ago gave it away so was expecting but now I'm kicking myself for binging it two weeks ago its going to be a chore going through it again but your reactions are so good I can't help myself 🙂 so on that note lets get this puppy started 💛


Oh no, that was what I feared. Hopefully this gets to her before future episodes are recorded.

Steve J

I can respect some executive decision making. Though if you had put Squid Game in a poll with some other contemporary series it probably would have won anyway. I watched the version in Korean with English subtitles, curious if most others did the same or watched the English dubbed version. I felt like the acting comes through a lot better watching the actual actors speak the lines (even though I understand none of it) but know subtitles throw off a lot of people. Also "I feel like I've missed the boat" says the girl on the internet reacting to movies we all watched decades ago... lol :)


As a couple of others have mentioned, definitely make sure you're watching this with the "English" subtitles selected instead of the "English [CC]" subtitles. I have actually watched the entire show with both sets of subtitles and the normal English ones, while not perfect, are substantially better.

Aaron Chandler

I'm sure I'll be judged very harshly for this, but I don't care. I watched with English dubs, not subtitles Because if I'm reading the subtitles then I'm missing the performances of the actors on the screen. And these actors are so good in their physical acting and facial micro expressions, it's a crime to have anything distract you from experiencing it. Yeah, the voice over work was hammy in places, and it took a bit to get used to. But once I was used to it, it became second nature. I did go back and watch a second time with subtitles. Some of the translations were better, some were worse, but I don't really feel like I missed out on the experience at all,

Cory Silver

Am I up for a third re-watch? I guess so! Although at this point I could probably watch your vid alone, without the show, and have it all in my head anyway.

Cory Silver

Another comment to reiterate, there are two sets of subtitles. You want the english ones, NOT the English CC ones. The English CC ones are the english dubs words. The other ones are better, closer to the original.


Hope my commentary doesn’t ruin a first time experience for you, Darryl! Haha


If anyone needs help syncing the reaction to the episode on Netflix you can try out this browser extension that I developed: https://www.casper.live/ You can pause and jump around in the reaction and everything is kept in sync. My recommended "offset" for this reaction is 480.9.

Calo Grsf

Hi Nat! Great reaction, it was really nice, I had the impression it went much too fast hahaha, the show let me neutral when I watched the 3 first episodes, but I think I would enjoy it more with your reactions, I can't wait to see the next one 😄 And I really think it would be nice to see you react to more foreign (non-English speaking) movies/shows I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛


So excited for you to watch this! The relationships and social commentary are so good and I’m excited to hear your thoughts ☺️

Rick Runge

Oh gosh, not this show.. lol

chicks dig me

This has already been done to death...


Awesome you're doin this, been wanting to watch it again and now i have a great reason to do so :) Also thank you for watching in Korean, i think everything is best enjoyed in their original language! Dubs take so much away from the experience in my opinion.

Ana Fox

"He's gonna die, so fast" Girl, you called it right then and there! 😅 I'm thrilled you're reacting to Squid Game. Out of all the reactors I love, you're the one I wanted to watch do this show the most! I'm so happy!

Adam Sandoval

I was wondering when you would check out this show. Thank you for this nice surprise.


Nice surprise Nat. Hadn’t watched it yet but it was on the “to do” list. Looking forward to watching it with you!

Ben Violette

Cool!! glad you're reacting to this!


Breaking bad would be a wicked show to get into next. Maybe throw it on the poll if you’re interested.


Pretty sure if you'd have put Squid Game in a poll it would have won. I know I have been hoping you'd jump on this one and am excited!

Logan Kerlee

SO GLAD that you chose this! xD I'm just hoping that you crank these out because this is a show that's high intensity and waiting between episodes is awful. xD I sped through the whole season/series in the same day. It was ROUGH. I did it like you, after the initial wow of it died down. Hoping that you do continue with the series! :)


Wow - glad I waited to watch this with Nat reacting. I was also able to put off learning anything about it (outside of seeing tons of people in Halloween costumes based upon the show. Super suspenseful but always more fun watching someone else watch it/ react to it! Even people at work were talking about it when it "first broke Netflix," and I managed to avoid any comments there (in one team SLACK channel). Excited to watch Nat react to the rest.


Can’t stand that argument that something has been ‘done to death’. The same can be said about Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. That shouldn’t matter.


Have the Marvel movies have taught you nothing? There are always after credit scenes now, lol

Justin Credible

Rocky II would have been a better surprise


RE: Gambling. If you ever decide to actually try it, I find it it best to set aside a certain amount of money and tell yourself "This money is gone. It is spent. And I will not spend a penny more than this. If I get some or all of it back, great! If not, I've already said goodbye to it." And view it as spending that money on a form of entertainment. Essentially you make sure you set a budget and do not, under any circumstances, go over that budget. The "Gambler's Fallacy" is real, and easy to get caught up in.


For what it's worth, I prefer when you pick the show! It's good fo you to be interested in what you are watching, it's good for me to watch stuff I might not normally choose, and surprises are fun

Eric Bogerd

Absolutely, there will be a strong temptation to spend more if you start winning but then lose that money. It's related to the 'Sunk Cost Fallacy' as well, where you feel like you have to spend more on something so you don't lose the value of the money you've already spent (like when your trashy old car you just dropped $500 on for repairs suddenly needs another $2000, which is basically what it's worth, but you feel like the other $500 will be wasted if you don't do it.)

James M

Love that you are doing this and just took the plunge!


Don't ever feel like you have to apologize for a show or movie you want to react to. You're the CEO here. Just keep it fun and entertaining and your channel will thrive.

Marcus Carter

I'm so glad you're watching this lol


Definitely check out Alice in Borderland if you end up liking this show.


The phone number on the card was changed. Originally it showed a real korean number but whoevers phone it was got so many prank calls that they had to go back and edit it

Lucifer Moon

the funniest thing about squid games is the people who go online and try to talk about how to legally create in IRL. FYI it cannot be done legally no matter what LOL.


When will this go up on youtube? I'm too scared to watch it by myself yet so I need your clips to let me know if it's going to be too disturbing or not XD.

michael denny

so someone probably did this but between 1100 1200 won = $1


This may seem petty but i think you're watching the English close caption rather than the english subtitles... the Close Captioned version is definitely the lessor version. Missies some great lines.


Love that you are doing this and Ted Lasso! I will recommend The Witcher and Ozark for the poll because both will be starting new seasons soon! I know you will love both!

Jason Dolan

I legit was waiting for one of my reactors to watch this so I'm ready to FINALLY get to it --- and I've avoided ALL spoilers.