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I'm curious to check out the new Dune movie, but do I need to watch the original first? Would love to know your thoughts! 


Tay Schumaker

You definitely don’t need to watch the original. If anything I’d read the book first, it will help keep things straight for you.


The original will spoil the new one. Plus is pretty crap (the old one). Ignore it

MIchelle Porter

I never seen the original but just watched the new one and loved it


Start with the new one. You don’t miss anything by not watching the older ones


1984 is the whole book series. 2021 is the first half/third and makes more sense logistically


Ignore the original. Its not great and the new one is a whole lot better

Brian - DocHikes - Hall

For content, the 1984 film would do, but it's really a wacky, borderline insufferable film after the first 40 minutes or so. The new one is *chef's kiss*


I would assume anyone under 30 said the new one, when you should really watch the original 1st and compare the the 2 lol

Zack Wallace

I am a purist when it comes to film adaptations. So, in my opinion, you should read the book if you haven’t before you see the film. I doubt I will be the last person to say this on here.

Tom Fehr

dont watch the old one. just do new one

Casen Jamvo

Couldn't finish the old one


I love the 84 version but the 2021 version has alot of the missing parts of the 84 if you want true perfection watch the 6 hour sci-fi channel miniseries .


Without spoiling anything, I love the original. But I really thought the new one outshines in a lot of areas. I’d think of them as different interpretations of the same myth or legend. **Also, as much as I’d like to see your first time reaction, I do think you’d benefit from a theatrical viewing for the new one.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Cool, I was waiting to watch it, was hoping she'd react to it (the new one).


Tough choice! 1984 is more campy and covers the whole book. 2021 is a very literal adaptation and covers half of the book.

Andy Crawley

You don’t need to watch the David Lynch 1984 version, it tried to fit the whole first book into 2 hours, whereas this new version is I think just the first half of the first book, so it has more time to do the story justice.

Sam Kimpton

The original Dune covers more of the story, but it isn't executed nearly as well. The 2021 film is a much better work, but it ends earlier in the story, so it definitely feels like the first part of a trilogy. I'd suggest watching the 2021 film, and visiting the original if you want to see some "interesting" performances. But it's not necessary.


Watch the new movie, then read the books, then watch the 1984 movie and have a good laugh. (I love the 1984 version btw., but the new movie is so much better!)


Start with 2021, and leave it at that.

Cole Crouse

Dune (1984) is an adaptation of the Dune (1965) novel by Frank Herbert. Dune (2021) is a new adaptation of the same novel, so there's no interconnectedness between the movies other than being adaptations of the same novel.

Elisa H.

Actually a tough choice they almost seem like very different interpretations of the same material.


I know nothing about dune but I would be interested if you did a spoiler free review on it.

Daniel Goldberg

The 1984 Dune is terrible. No need to watch it. I agree it’s a good idea to read the book first, if you’ve the got time. It’s long, but maybe the best sci-fi I’ve ever read.


Go with the new one

Patrick Egan

Skip the 1984 version until they make the sequel to the new one, that way you'll avoid spoilers. The new one is SO much better. Even if it's only half the story, they picked a decent stopping point.


The new one will give the Lynch’s version better context for you.

David Portnov

Normally I'd recommend reading the book before seeing the movie, but I think it'll be good to read it after the movie this time. There are a couple of scenes from the book missing from the movie and character thoughts that give some more depth. Or you could read the first two parts of the book before the movie so you marvel at how well they adapted the book. I'm just thinking that it'll be better to go in blind from a reaction perspective.


What if you read the book first?


They are both different adaptations of the same story. The 1984 one covers the whole first book, while the 2021 one covers about half of it. I still recommend the 2021 one. Especially considering they are planning on doing more of the books.


Having seen the original David Lynch Dune adaptation, I recommend skipping it and going for the 2021 version.


Just watch the 2021 version.


You should definitely watch the 84 film at some point. It's an iconic film & I love it. But as a story/ adaptation it's a confusing mess.

Randee Carreno

Happy Monday, Natalie! 😊 I didn't even know that there was a 1984 "Dune". I got my vote in for the newest 2021 one version just because of the great cast. Have a great day today! 😊 I'm getting ready to check out today's "Ted Lasso" episode reaction. Stay Golden! 💛


The original was good for what it was but it would be redundant to watch both. It would be redundant to watch both.


I never liked the 1984 version and it didn’t age well. Really enjoyed the new one. I’d prefer Mulholland Drive or Blue Velvet if you’re going to do a David Lynch film.


Saw the new one today in the cinema. It is a much better interpretation of the book than the David Lynch version. If possible watch it in the cinema, I’m thinking of going again to an IMAX.


There is a mini series too that's really good.

Darryl Low

If you want to watch the new one Nat, I would just go straight to it. As good as the original is, it covers the same ground, so watching it would just spoil the story for you 💛

Stephen Woods

I have just got in from watching the new Dune and it is so much better than David Lynchs version, for a start it makes sense.


Lynch's Dune is more of a caricature of Dune. It's wild, weird, gross and fun but it's not true to the book. The 2021 movie is as close as it comes. I'd watch that first so you get a very basic idea of what Herbert was aiming for then watch Lynch if you want it to get...weird.

Ilsuk Yang

Dune (2021) is a visual and auditory marvel!


The 1984 version will spoil the new one for you as it goes further in the story, and is generally considered to be not very good as an adaptation of the book (especially compared to the new one). Plus the new one is just so good.

Anakin Starkiller

The new one you get half the story , the older Dune would be spoilers because of Part 2 coming out.

Eric Janssen

Yes, the '21 is good, and the '84 is a bit of an amazingly good-looking mess. But you didn't ask "What should I see?"...You asked "What should I see FIRST?" And the '84 trying to jam the book into one 2-1/2 hour movie at least provides a good Cliff-Notes, so you go in with some prior book-knowledge of Frank Herbert, and don't come out of the movie 21st-cty-fangirling "OMG, that was the most amazing movie in history because I never heard of the story before!" And yes, the 00's cable miniseries would be even better than that, less cluttered and more modestly produced to focus on the book events, but you didn't ask that either.

Stephen Woods

I would recommemd that you start by reading the book though, you will pick up so many more of the subtleties

Inhuman Paradox

New one. The old one was okay on its own, but it didn’t represent the original novel at all. The new one GETS the original novel.


I really don't like the old one, I would rather see the Sci-Fi (SyFy) mini-series, and I'm not a fan of it either. The new one is something else, beautiful adaptation, sadly but understandable is just half of the first book. Villeneuve a master as always.

Calo Grsf

Hi Nat! I'm not against a reaction to the new version but HBO Max is not available everywhere as Dune 2021 is not available in every country (Mine), I think you should wait as you did for Black Widow

Jason Dolan

You should watch DUNE 1984 until AFTER Dune Part Two has been released or otherwise it'll spoil the second movie for you. You gotta thinking about this like the old animated Lord of the Rings movie. You want to watch Pater Jackson versions first if you've never read the books. If you have READ Dune and already know how it ends then you can watch Dune84, but I'd rather you just watch Wonder Woman 1984 :)


I had a blast watching it a few nights ago after I watched the new one. There's no argument which is better but Lynch's version gets weird but that makes it the perfect palate cleanser.

Connor Alexander

If you're totally new to Dune, I say go with 2021. If you like it, go back and read the book AND watch Lynch's version ('84). My two cents.


Stay away from 1984 Dune. Dumpster fire that is. Most boring movie ever.

Ken Schneyer

My actual advice would be, "First read the novel, then watch Dune (2021)." :D

Matthew Periolat

It’s the same story, just ‘84 tried to do it all in one go, modern take is divided between movies to let the story breathe. ‘84 has its fans, modern is appealing to a more current audience. Either way, the spice must flow.


If you can find it, the SciFi mini series Frank Herbert's DUNE (2000) and the mini-series Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (2003)

Lisa Tosti

I honestly recommend seeing the 2021 version but NOT watching it on HBO Max. I know you want to do reactions but it really needs to be seen in theaters. Please just do X-Men movie reactions instead. I really miss those

Nicholas Hentges

And considering the wait for part 2. See part 1, then if you want to know more, read the book while you wait for part 2. The book is pretty dense so if that is too intimidating, the audiobook is really good too.

Brian Jones

Don't get me wrong.... The 84 version of the film, especially the extended edition, is worth the watch. It's a product of it's time. But the 2021 version is the definitive visual masterpiece that the novel deserved, and is the place to start. Just know going in that the 2021 version is only part 1.... The 84 version is the whole story, but it was also pretty radically altered from the source material.


Basically all three versions, the 1984 feature film, the straight to tv miniseries in the 2000s, and the new one, are all different adaptations of the original novel by Frank Herbert and so I'm my opinion it doesn't really matter. And to be clear, I'm a Dune fanatic from way back, I love them all. I'm just of the opinion that its important to kind of view them all as their own thing, interpretations of the source material, and not try to tie them together in any way. Hope that helps, keep up the great work 🙂👍

David Portnov

I second the recommendation for a theatrical viewing. IMAX added a lot for me when I saw it a couple of days ago.

jose giron

I mean if you have read dune don't torture yourself with the 1984 adaptation, not knowing dune though its 45/55 for the 2020 since its just better in every way, especially the effects

Mike Adams

Make sure subtitles are on. Some of the dialogue is quiet or mixed with sound effects so you can miss a lot

Myles Away

Just watch the new one and then watch the 84 version for academic reasons. Unlike Blade Runner these aren't connected. They are just different interpretations of the same book.


I would second this. It was well done. The 1984 version has a certain appeal for a certain audience, but really fails to do justice to the story. The new film is astonishingly great, but you really shouldn’t rob yourself of the opportunity to experience it for the first time on the big screen. The mini series is great for the small screen. I understand, however, that you may not want to force your patrons to purchase or rent it.

Adolfo Acosta

I vehemently disagree with the results thus far of this poll. 1984 Dune should be watched first. 2021 second. Both are good. 1984 is a wonderful fever dream. 2021 is a faithful adaptation.

Myles Away

I second this. As much as I'd like to see your reaction this film is made for theatres. The sound design alone is worth going.

Brian Leonard

I have no interest in Dune at all.


It's a re-adaptation, they basically have nothing in common beyond being based on the same book so you'll be fine going straight for the new one.

Brian Jones

The problem with this approach is that by watching the original first, you're spoiling much of what will inevitably be in the sequel of the 2021 version. And in regards to visuals and authenticity to the source, the new film blows the 84 version out of the water.

codenamewitch xx

I love this book so much!!! The movie didn’t really do it for me though… cool visuals and action tho.

Navjot Singh

There is no need to watch the 1984 version. 2021 is a reboot.

Sammy Rebbo

I've never watched either but I've only ever heard the original isn't good. But I definitely think that just because a movie's not good doesn't mean you shouldn't watch and react to it. Hmmm, maybe start a list of what people consider to be "bad" movies and have a bad movie to watch poll?


I'm not so fond writing this, but I didn't enjoy Dune 2021 that much. Although Dune 2021 is the objectively better movie, it simply didn't manage to pull me into Frank Herbert's scifi universe in the same manner David Lynch's version did. But, admittedly, that might be just the personal nostalgic look of a 80's teenager who joyfully watched Dune 1984 in theatre back in the days! Or, to put it simply: Sting! :) In any case, I would definitely recommend watching the likely best fan-edit of David Lynch's Dune out there: Dune: The Alternative Edition Redux (available on youtube, btw), which fixes some of the original movie's problems.

Raven Dark

I say just watch the 2021, but go into it being prepared with two pieces of knowledge. 1) The first movie is only the first half of the book, and as such, will feel like an incomplete story. It's supposed to, as part two is the other half. Parts one and two are like a movie in two parts. 2) If you don't read the book first, Dune 2021 does a good job of explaining things so you aren't lost, BUT, it is a lot thrown at you, so when the expositiony parts happen, you HAVE to pay attention or you will get lost. Pause, rewind, rewatch parts that you miss if you have to. It's worth it. Because the problem with reading the book first is that if you aren't into hard sci-fi, it might be difficult to get through. If, however, you love harder sci-fi (lots of world-building, heavy descriptions, slower pace), then disregard what I just said and read the book first. The 1984 version is a mess, it's not very well done, it has terrible special effects, and it might put you off Dune entirely. I say pass on that one. Also, since the 1984 version tried to do the whole book of Dune in one film, watching that one first will spoil the sequel to the 2021 film. Oh, also, also, if you read the book first, you'll actually need to read book 12 of the series, not book one. It's just called Dune, and don't worry, it's written so that you don't have to read the others before it to get it. (If I'm wrong on which book, someone please correct me. The book series is a bit confusing when looking at the numbers).

Scott Lindsey

Start with the new one. The new movie covers about half of the first of the 6 books. There will be many more movies to come I imagine if it does well.


Gotta politely disagree, it's perfectly fine if you're paying attention. Subtitles take your attention away from the screen, especially the character's faces right in the middle of their delivery, it's a real disservice to their acting. Instead of watching & listening to a movie, you're reading and listening.

Douglas Baker

I've seen some clever folks mentioning here that the 2021 Dune is incomplete as a tale, and the 1984 Dune will spoil 2021 Dune's sequel, if it's made. I suggest 2021 Dune, and wait for its sequel before watching 1984 Dune.

codenamewitch xx

That’s how I felt. As a film fan, I understand that Dune was super impressive in its visuals and auditory. However, a Dune fan, the plot is dumbed down to a few key points and removes most of the political intrigue, scheming plots, religious important, mysteries and tensions built. Also didn’t really hit any of the metaphorical meanings and bigger picture which made Dune so beloved.

Brian Jones

Highly recommend watching the 84 version at some point. Just know going in that it's the entire novel crammed into a 3 hour film, and it's very much a David Lynch film. It also is a product of it's time and does change some of the source material. The soundtrack for the 84 version is pretty amazing though.

Peter Yocum

oh god please don't call it book 12. That legitimizes ... the... things... those things.

Peter Yocum

I'm not sure why she's drawn to the Dune movie(s) in the first place, which makes this kinda confusing. I wish the poll had another option for "not at all" or "wait for the sequel to the new one then watch both together". The new movie was ok but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It's half of a story. It's technically very proficient and polished, certainly. It's acted well enough. I just felt very little emotional engagement watching it, and the feeling of stopping halfway through the story arc was not gratifying. If you've already seen the first one or read the books, there's some interest in seeing it put on screen with great skill (perhaps not in storytelling but in the other aspects of filmmaking), but again it's half a story and didn't grab me emotionally at all.

Tony Johnson

I absolutely love the 1984 David Lynch version of Dune, but it is by no means a good movie. I'm recommending it above Dune 2021 because the new movie really deserves to be seen on a really big screen (and I've already seen it twice this weekend).

Ricardo Pomalaza

Start with Dune (2021) because it is a nice introduction to the world of Dune with modern visuals, and the 1984 film might spoil what's to come for the rest of the new films.

Rick Runge

The new one is visually stunning, and a great piece of science fiction.


1984 Dune is more for the hardcore/people who read the book and want to see how Dune was represented at the time/compare versions. The film is pretty bad in some ways, especially the second half, but it *is* very meme-y and filled with cheese (which in some ways is more memorable than some of the dialogue from the new one IMO) but it's not really essential unless you want to see how far the film has come or see Sting with his shirt off.


No read the book. It’s practically required if you want to understand anything.


Same. I wasn’t too fond of Zendaya as Chani either.

Inhuman Paradox

Of course it's half a story. You can't shove Dune into under 3 hours. The novel could fill a 14 hour TV season honestly. Complaining about Dune for being half a story is like complaining about Fellowship of the Ring for being 1/3 of a story.


I had my lass watch the intro to 1984 before watching 2021. The 1984 version uses an unorthodox way to hold viewers hands to provide more context, while 2021 just throws you in and accepts that there's so much content you can just view the movie as is or look into the book to get the nitty gritty. The 1984 version somehow manages to incorporate more quotes while changing many details from the book to create this very strange movie that I personally find wonderful. I'd say both movies are worth watching and I'm going to suggest 1984 first because it's just so strange it shouldn't be lost, and it also has an amazing sound track by Toto. I do not care for the 2021 soundtrack but suspect it is being actively used to convey specific emotions that aren't overtly covered in the script, and to me parallels another large sci fi movie released released in the last couple of years and feel it'd be spoilery if I specified.


I would say start with the Sci Fi channel's Dune miniseries... It was great and did a better storytelling job. The hard part would be finding it 😕

Inhuman Paradox

The problem is the "original" was a full adaptation of the entire novel. They crammed the whole novel into one film. The new adaptation is only the first half of that novel (Which is good because Dune is a very dense novel). So if she watches the 1984 film, she'll have spoilers for Part 2 of the new one.

Adam Slagle

Read the book. Seriously.

Inhuman Paradox

Also the 84 film butchered the tone, characters, and atmosphere while the new one gets the novel just right for the most part (Simplifications for people who aren't hardcore sci fi nerds aside).


In my opinion you won’t get much from either without reading the book

Scott Greene

The new movie is only the first half of the story. It may take a few years, but you might enjoy them more if you were to see parts 1 and 2 close together.


Neither. Go for Frank Herbert's Dune from 2000, it's a miniseries that is much more true to the source material than either of the other adaptations.


You must watch the glorious hot mess that is David Lynch's Dune. A nice little 80s mind bender

David S

With the new version out, there is no real reason to watch the 1984 version (other than out of curiosity), If you watch the old one first, it will spoil the story if you are unfamiliar with it. However, as much as I would love to see a first time reaction, this really deserves to be seen in the theater on the biggest screen possible. It doesn't matter how big your TV might be... you will lose the sense of awe and scale that you get in a good theater. I've seen it on both now, and the experience is completely different in the theater.

Obie Brown

I just want Nat to watch 1984 and her go WTF for two hours..lol


I would start with this version, then if interested check out Lynch’s version (a bit more back story in the Lynch version) but if you’re familiar with his work it’s um on brand I would say maybe even more so 😆 but more fun than this current version imo.

Joe Blankenship

I've never had any interest in Dune. Aside from that Jodorowsky's Dune documentary because of all that art from Moebius and Gieger.


Read book one and a bit of book two of the first book, then see the 2021 movie


Boy, a reaction video of Natalie reading an 800 page book is sure to light up YouTube.


1984 Pro: It shows Sting in a speedo. 2021 Pro: It doesn't show Sting in a speedo.

Raven Dark

LOL That would be interesting, however my fear is that the 84 version is so WTF that it'll make her not want to touch the 2021 movie at all, and if that happens, she'll miss something that's truly wonderful.

Wu Sha Ling

go in cold with Villeneuve and let the spice flow

Phil Stubblefield

As other have said, definitely watch Dune, Part 1 (2021). Then wait for Dune, Part 2 (202?). If you want a bit of no-spoilers background, watch this short video: "The Politics of Dune Explained in FIVE Minutes" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cli2PU03u3A).

Brian Jones

The part that covers the original Dune novel is available free on YouTube. That production value though..... eeeeesh..... It was dated even when they did it.


I suggest either you take some time to read the novel first or go into the '21 version cold and do your best to sort the story out on the fly. Yes, Dune is a somewhat complicated story and the novels have a TON of background material that you're not going to get from a film (any film) but the '21 version makes a decent enough try at including the essentials and making it digestible. The '84 version is a bit too cramped imo, trying to do too much too quickly.


New one in a theatre


The Dune and Children of Dune miniseries are far better than 1984, besides the strange costumes for the first miniseries. You get to see a talented young James McAvoy in the second miniseries. But I'd recommend sticking to 2021.

STFU FFS (Martín)

Here's the thing. I watched the new Dune last night and I can tell you, without having read every single book, i would have been somewhat lost. But, since i read the books after seeing the Dino Delaurentis 84 Dune, i can say at least 84 gives you a good foothold to get some of the context the new one skipped over. BUT, and this is a HUGE but, the 1984 Dune is a complete story. It WILL spoil the Dune 2 (and maybe 3 considering how far the new one went). So, fly blind and judge the new one as a bottle or get some context and potentially ruin the next one... But IMHO, no extra context could ruin a story as perfect as Dune. And if you skip 84, you will miss Patrick Stewart's brilliant portrayal of Gurney and you'll miss Linda Hunt's brilliant portrayal of the Shadout Mapes.

STFU FFS (Martín)

Oh, and Sting in a plastic thong and the band Toto's soundtrack and the 25 square miles of Sonoran desert that Dino spent a giant chunk of his budget to clear of weeds and Sean Young's brand of Batsh*t crazy... 84 Dune is just a joy start to finish

Amy Hanson

I have seen the original and it was BLAH compared to the book. I have high hopes for the new one and really hope to see it soon too!

Marty McGee

Your question is "do I need to watch the original first?" No. You can if you wish, but they are the same story. The new film isn't a sequel. Given that you are already a Denis Villeneuve fan I would watch the new one. Also another reason: Hans Zimmer!


the original is better

Robert Reichle

1984 will always be my Dune. The new one has amazing visuals, but I like literally nothing else about it more than the older version. The old one is amazingly weird. Don't like weird? Never watch a David Lynch film.

STFU FFS (Martín)

Toto's soundtrack was slightly better in my opinion but i liked that Zimmer paid homage a couple times.


I know people will "come for me" but I finally watched the original DUNE during Covid lock-down. Really slowly paced, and while I love science fiction, it just didn't do it for me. I have a friend who is determined to read all the books before seeing the remake. I thought, "GREAT IDEA - I definitely need to read more."

STFU FFS (Martín)

The only canon is the source material, not the films. So if "They" come for you, my sword will be at your defense.

Erik Stevenson

Gonna act as a chaos agent and say you should start with the Syfy miniseries. That said, it's not available to stream anywhere so my second choice is Dune (2021) which is what I voted for above haha.

Harry Reece

Despite being a huge Cinephile I’ve never seen Lynch’s Dune (just wasn’t part of my cultural world in 84). And then from critical and peer slating, never bothered. Now, new one is not a sequel nor a remake of Lynch’s. It’s simply a new adaptation of the book. Villeneuve (IMHO) is one of top 5 directors of past 5 years, perhaps last decade, I would watch him direct paint dry. So yeah, go and see new one, in IMAX.


Check out Hoopla. You might be able to check out a digital copy from your local library.

Ulrich Unterbrunner

While many perceive the 1984 adaptation as cult, it is incredibly hard to feel love for a movie where the director did not read the source material. The better "old" version is the Dune miniseries from 1999(?). The 1984 version has A LOT of whispering exposition with incredibly slow pacing, lackluster effects for 1984, and then some shards of very good acting. The slow pacing in itself is weird as the movie condenses a book worth way over 600 pages with its own huge glossary into a bit more than two hours and did not even stick to it in most parts. Best part of it are Patrick Stewart and Toto (I can never get enough of both). The 2021 is also rather slow paced, but with purpose, as it covers only about 45% of the first book (or was it 55?). But the acting is great and it puts focus on the backstory. Also: It is said to take place in the year 10,191, but this is not 10,191 CE. The years in Dune are "after formation of the Spacing Guild" which itself was founded around 15,000 to 20,000 CE (lots of Dark Ages in mankinds future :))


Don't you want the intro of the faithful adaptation before that wild ride?


I watched the new Dune a few days ago. I'd never read any book and I'd never seen any of the old movies. I wasn't lost in the slightest. This new movie did an amazing job of providing the needed exposition and to leave me curious about all the additional stuff I could find out by reading the books. Whatever context you believe is required to understand Dune (2021), it's there in the movie itself and the extra things are just that... extra.


.....Read or Audio Book it, done.

Obie Brown

Not reading the source material is not always a bad thing for directors. Some like to divorce themselves from the books so they create something that stands on its own rather be a page by page copy. And rather let the adapted script guide them.

Kevin Mowery

I say just watch the new one but be aware that it's only about half the book. This is mostly just me wanting to see the reaction to the new movie of someone who doesn't know the story up front, though.


I think you'll have more questions than answers with the 2021 film. Even two parts won't illuminate Herbert's text, as part one had greatly abbreviated its lore. The 1984 one, by contrast, is too expository, and burdens it further with its own deviations.

Jeff E

There is no reason to watch the original really. The new one provides virtually all the same info but everything is better realized, more stylized and more creative. It's also 100x more epic, with absolutely stunning visuals. The acting, and the cast, is also immensely better.

Logan Kerlee

Dude, ack, no. The original's story is more realized and many things are explained more in detail. Yes, the visuals are out of date. That doesn't make it any less good, though. Unless you're a child that needs things to look pretty, of course. The new film takes a lot away from what makes Dune, Dune. A lot of it won't be fixed by adding a second part. Much of my complaint about this new one is that I can't stand what wasn't included. The acting is very well done and the score is beautiful. The visuals are AMAZING! My issue as I said before is with what wasn't included (or even mentioned). I hope that she watches the original first.

Logan Kerlee

Well said. I feel that the 2021 version didn't include some important details that likely won't be added (and really shouldn't be added) in the second film. Most of my complaint with this movie is that. Everything else about it was spectacular. It's VERY beautiful to watch. It's a gorgeous film. While I'm happy that the current generation will be able to experience Dune I'm disappointed that it'll be with this version of it. I'm hoping that the next film fills some of the holes that this one left.

Logan Kerlee

VERY WELL PUT! Holy crap, that's the best description. xD I'm with you 100%.

Edward Of DOOM

AFTER watching Dune (whichever you pick), you need to watch the documentary "Jodorowsky's Dune" which explains what happened when they first attempted to make a Dune movie in the 70's. It was epic and I am still sad.


As a huge Dune saga fan i would have to say Neither (Yet) 1984 Dune had the Buget but the story stuffed and is rushed, the new version I haven't seen yet (seeing it next week) but for a true representation then I would suggest the 1999 Scifi channel mini-series it might not be as lavish looking as 1984 version but the story is as close to the book’s. I know that this isn't going to be popular but I know My Dune novels. Let's not forget Dune is the seventh story, 16 that have been written that come before the DUNE Messiah. It's a lot of catching up for one movie to deliver, but if I had to choose id go with the most recent version.

Bryce Carlson

If you're going to watch any of the previous iterations of Dune, then go with the SyFy miniseries as it is far more authentic to the novel than the David Lynch version

chicks dig me

(Dune IS the greatest science fiction novel/series ever written) If you're looking for a primer read the book first. But it's 500+ pages. There is so much to unpack IMO no adapted screenplay can do it justice, it needs to be a 10-20 episode series with a GOT budget. People who think GOT was complicated have no idea. When i read the book i had to go back and reread EVERY CHAPTER before moving on because so much happens and it goes by you so quickly it makes your head spin. I didn't watch the entirety of the previous series, it seemed okay but lacked budget. I just watched the new movie an it's quite good but I don't know if someone who didn't read the book is going to get all the nuances. Understanding the Bene Gesserit alone would take several episodes. Someone did a YT video on the BG, I'll see if I can find it...... This is a quick one that for 5 minutes does a good job. There are quite a few depending on how much time you want to commit... * https://youtu.be/ijVrnTtioIE *

Al Baughman

It's funny to me seeing people talk about the "stunning visuals" and "epic shots", seriously these people must have never seen Planet Earth the tv series. Go watch S1 E5 Deserts on Discovery+(free trial) the shots are twice as good as anything in the movie, and it'll be more informative too. But if you really want to watch the movie bring a blanket & pillow.

chicks dig me

BTW if you want the quick version of understanding Dune this is it...DUNE IS GOT IN SPACE. They're basically the same story with the same structure and characters. Martin almost completely lifted the entire structure of his story from Herbert.


Dune strikes me as a movie/series that requires having read the book first. No matter how much money they pump into trying to make it a movie... there is just too much lost that frankly can't be translated well onto the screen for it to easily make sense. I do like the "Game of Thrones" in Space comparison... I'd recommend after "Foundation" series on AppleTV+ at some point... based on Isaac Asimov's Foundation Novels. (Foundation is to SciFi what LordOfTheRings is to Fantasy... no StarWars or others without it.)


Don't watch the 1984 version until after part 2 comes out. It will spoil the next movie!

David Brown

Please watch them in order 1984 movie, 2000 miniseries, 2003 Children of Dune miniseries (a direct follow-up to the 2000 miniseries), then the 2021 movie.


seen the 1st one and wasn't into it so I don't think I would the new one either - so up too the rest to pick because I don't want to saddle others to a pick that would be bad


Both Dune films are beautiful-looking (I’d say the 1984 has much better or at least more interesting set design and the sandworm’s “mouth” is better-looking) but both are rather ponderous films. I still like them both, however.

Garrick Smalley

After I watched the 1984 version in the theater I walked out going WTF! I then read the book and fell in love with the story. The writing is a 6 of 10 but the story is 11 of 10. All this being said You should watch the 2021 version in the theater. I would love to see your reactions but I think since you have a chance to see an epic on the big screen you should take it. After part 2 comes out then I think you should see the '84 version for a sort of compare and contrast type of reaction.


Haven't seen either. Hope to soon!


I assume you've already seen it in theaters? My question is if you're assuming it's going to be epic in theaters, or are you speaking from experience?

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

How? With a Snackenadrink. Definitely has no rum, maybe some Kahlua though, I imagine a s'more with alcohol


I saw the 2021 movie in the cinema having not seen anything Dune related before and loved it!

Alex Vazquez

If you're going to watch another version to compare, go with the 2000 SYFY mini-series which is much more accurate to the book. Lynch's "Dune" is more of an ambitious cult oddity best reserved for people who are already knowledgeable about the source material.

Scott S

I really enjoyed the new one, great performances and well executed IMO. Older one has a nostalgic appeal, but is a cliff notes version of the book IMO.


sincerely, you should watch this one in the theater. It hurts me cause ill miss your reaction but this one needs big screen, wall of sound experience.


Youll be surprised but actually newbies enjoy and understand the movie pretty much. Us readers of the original book tend to be picky about whats lost in the way but gilles Dune stand on its own as a movie

Adolfo Acosta

1984 would make a better reaction video, BECAUSE it's so weird.


This is very true. My wife rented out a theater for a Dune party last weekend, and I don't think my experience could have been replicated at home. Especially so for watching on a laptop.

devin flynn

I'd give it a 72/100


New patron here 😁 (signed up to watch Game of Thrones for the 4th time with you) I just watched Dune at the cinema twice, first time I've ever done this for a film (also my first film in the cinema since the pandemic started) and while I can see where people are coming from when they say watching you watch David Lynch's (mal)adaptation would be entertaining, as a someone whose read the first book (and listened to the audio book) and I'm just a massive fan of the world Frank Herbert created I really hope you get to see Denis Villeneuve's masterpiece in the cinema at least once.


I don't understand how/why people dismiss even the possibility that a film adaptation could be good without even seeing it. Books and films are different mediums so obviously it's not gonna be a 100% 1:1 adaptation because that's just not practical. Denis Villeneuve is the right man for the job though and what he's accomplished over the past couple of years is better than any of us Dune fans could have reasonably hoped for because he's had a passionate love for the Dune saga since he was 14 years old and throughout filming and editing he used the book as a reference bible. Also, Part 2 has been confirmed so the first book isn't being crammed into one film, but 2. If you're gonna diss something you haven't even seen then I'm gonna defend the hell out of it coz I've listened to the audiobook and watched it twice.


Watching a Dune movie in the cinema really shouldn't be missed. Since it's only the first half of the first book, I would advise: *Watch 2021 Dune right away on HBO Max for the reaction *Rush out to your local theatre (IMAX if possible) and watch it again *Watch the 1984 version while waiting for Pt2 to come out in theatres.

Mytheos Holt

Don't forget the 2000 miniseries! IMO, the best version.


I love your reactions but this is a must watch in the theater. IMAX if you can.

Ellis Hugh

Honestly there's no point in starting with Dune 2021 when we aren't going to get the second half of it for at least 2-3 years... why would anyone want you to react to half a movie?


Yeah! If a movie will have sequels there is no point in watching them lol

William Connery

Don’t watch the 1984 version, it’s godawful


Id really like you to watch Good Will Hunting if you havent seen it yet.


Watch the 1984 version, it's amazing! Also the new movie is amazing! I've seen the miniseries version and honestly don't remember anything from it, but the 1984 and 2021 movies are both hugely memorable. You're not going to miss anything seeing either one first, however 2021 is maybe a bit more understandable as a separate piece. They actually gave out fliers with a list of terms for the 1984 version, but I think that was what allowed people to write off the movie before having given it a chance, ie "why would I watch a movie I need a glossary for?" I'd watch the new one first and then go back and see the 1984 version.


I mean, the novel was great to me. The original movie wasn't. It was a product of its time, the technical capabilities of 80's cinema couldn't grasp the written beauty. Well, ok it very effectively conveys the putrid side of the wealthy. 80s cinema is real good at showing disgusting close-up, putrid gore.

Sean Stuart

i watched the 2021 one and gave it 4 out of 5. I'm struggling with the 1984. because it looks so 80s sci fi set design and graphics. Which makes star wars even more impressive.

Christopher Boscarino

When the Lynch version came out back when I was in college, it inspired me to read the book. That's when I realized what wasn't put in Lynch's version. The book is (now) one of my favorite SF novels, and although I haven't seem the 2021 version yet, many people like it better who read the novel. So I voted for that one.

Robert Reichle

I've read the novel three times and then read the next several books in the series once. I prefer the 1984 film (so far). Mainly because I also happen to love the weirdness of David Lynch. Opinions will vary.


You should really watch The Amazing Spider-Man, I’ll be a great watch along before the release of the New Spider-Man Film in December!!

Ken - Kendo161

I saw the original Dune after reading most of the book. I was very disappointed in the film the effects were horrible.

Logan Kerlee

I really hope that you decide to watch the original as well sometime later on.


Read the book first