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Jayson Orlando

I am so not good with scary movies lol I kind of stay away from them because I'm too scared to be scared 😂😂😂


all of them are good😭

David Blake

100% IT (both parts)


For the love of god people let’s do hereditary lmao

Brian - DocHikes - Hall

A quiet place 1 and 2 are such a TRIP! You'll love almost all of these though. IT isn't worth the journey since the pay off is so lame


AMAZING choices!


You should watch the older version of IT first though.


I hope people know how good the descent is, and just how scary it’ll be 😋 I love hereditary but the descent is easily the scariest movie on this list!

Ben Wheeler

I’ve never seen Descent or Hereditary so I went with Hereditary.


This is a very tough choice.. A Quiet Place is incredible but I absolutely love the newer IT


A Quiet Place is the perfect movie for reactors. And besides, it's a great movie!


Definitely the quiet place movies though they aren’t that scary other than jump scares but hereditary is definitely a different take on horror!


Anything but the descent anything underground in caves, buried alive etc it a NO from me, seen it once never again lol 😱😱

Randee Carreno

Happy Saturday, Natalie! 😊 Definitely going with "IT" with this one! 🎈 If you do the newer one, remember there is a sequel "IT: Chapter 2" that closes the story. Have a great day today! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛

Valar Dohaeris

I'll like to propose "What lies beneath" for another time you might want to see a tense, not gory, but somehow scary movie.


Agreed! Scariest by far! Don’t think she can handle it though ;)


a quiet place is my choice but I think dont breathe should be considered at some point Stephen Lang is fantastic

Robert C

A Quiet Place might not be the best movie for a reaction since the most natural reaction I've seen people have to that movie is to be completely silent. It was a complete trip to be in a full theater of people who were all dead quiet. You could hear a pin drop. That said, it's a great movie.

Steven Valle

Not into scary movies but I really enjoyed World War Z.


For someone who scares easily (or has "Nat-mares,") some of these titles are going to freak her out! Hereditary freaked me out, It was amazing but also scary. The Descent - wow - talk about capitalizing on multiple "phobias" and then layering in horror - THAT was one movie I couldn't sleep after! So excited to see what wins.


Hereditary pleaseeeee

john collins

The original It was good and scared me as a kid but the newer ones (especially the 1st one) was a great film

Cory Silver

It Follows was a fun one, but I put my vote on The Decent.

Daniel Luna

Hopefully a quiet place wins, that movie is fantastic! and the sequel just as good!

Chris H

I was just thinking It Chapter One would be a good one to do, the kids are pretty charming and it's fun scary. Haven't seen A Quiet Place yet though..


You should watch both Hereditary and Midsommar. Midsommar is so gorgeously shot!

Brandon Ralphs

Hereditary is definitely the ‘scariest’ of the bunch. Would be SO fun to see you get absolutely shook by that film. It’s also probably objectively the ‘best’ film on this list

Nick of Time

Hereditary will stay with you

Darryl Low

I'm up for watching Nat turn A Quiet Place into A Loud Place 😄


Ooo all solid choices, hoping to see more a24 films on the poll next week


I hope hereditary wins, its definitely the best of the bunch


Honeslty tho and its also shot very well too, something Natalie might appreciating as a film person


Jacobs Ladder


For me, the glaring stupidity of A Quiet Place ruined it for me, and Hereditary just wasn't scary in the slightest. Descent is my fave here as the acting, atmosphere, gore and emotion all rank high.

Eric Janssen

You really…DON’T KNOW any scary movies from the 290th century, do you? 🤔 (You know, back when they weren’t trying for artsy critical validation in being “metaphoric”, “unique” or “disturbing”, and just had one Friday or Saturday nigh to scare the crap out of you?)


Shame that It Follows is coming last, its an exceptional one

Justin Credible

The Conjuring for the next scary movie


A Quiet Place wasn't scary at all, so hopefully one of the other four wins


Please do Hereditary at some point even if it doesn’t win now, please :)


React to, "Death Becomes Her" it's a Halloween worthy, dark comedy starring Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn and Bruce Willis

Game Wizard001

First IT film was great, part 2 not as much but still a decent finish to the story.


The Descent is excellent. Wouldn't mind Hereditary either, would give me a good reason to finally watch it. Quiet Place is good, but not scary enough *evil grin*.

Valentin torres

Can I add “The Strangers” to the list? Or have you already seen that one. Please tell me you haven’t seen it and you’ll be watching it this Natmare season 🤞🏽


I’m watching Hereditary tonight for the first time, wish me luck lol

My Toasty Toast

Picking A Quiet Place because it’s the least scary of those movies (for me)

Eric Janssen

The problem with watch the newer versions of It, is that if you watch the cool and genuinely scary first half, you have to watch the off-topic gay-Pride second half. But, if you’ve been through the early X-Men movies up to this point, it won’t be unfamiliar ground.


Please go with IT, like a quiet place is decent but it’s quite boring and very serious like I’m trying to watch a horror film I don’t won’t loads of over the top camera work and cinematography, also a quiet place isn’t particularly scary it’s more of a thriller sort of tense film where as It is more proper horror


Attack the Block!!!


It follows is bloody fantastic. It’s freaky as SHIT but with very little gore and very few jump scenes

The Goateed Geek

The Descent for me, scared me more than A Quiet Place. And be honest with you watching a horror it ain't gonna be a "quiet" place. 😀

Sam Kimpton

I voteed for A Quiet Place because it's such a good horror film that is more than just horror. And the performances are amazing.


For real, I think it’s a love letter to the best horror that the late ‘70s and ‘80s had to offer.


The Descent is exceptional. More than just a horror movie, lots of girl power; can you figure it out?

Patrick Egan

The new adaptation of IT(both Chapter 1 and 2) are excellent and genuinely scary.


Hereditary out of all of these will get the best reaction from Natalie so I’m going with that one.


A few horror movies I enjoyed were: Constantine, The Wicker Man (the original version not the terrible remake), both of these are on the lighter side of horror.

Zack Wallace

It Follows is my favorite out of all of these. But I love the other choices as well. I just don’t see how it is getting so few votes.


Hope you can watch Hereditary at some point if it doesn’t win.


I would love a IT reaction... I really liked the book and the old and new movies. I only wish that you would also watch both versions, old and new, of IT. When you just decide between the old and the new it would be sad for the other.


A quiet place is good but think it’s a little overhyped (IMO)…hoping you get to/the community votes for Hereditary at some point in the following month


Maybe for the next poll, Stir of Echos is very good and, in my opinion, just scary enough.

Lisa Tosti

I don't do well with scary movies and It scared the crap out of me and I had trouble sleeping for a long time. A Quiet place was great and to me was more of a suspense thriller than full on horror and I loved it! Highly recommend! The second movie was fantastic too!

Jay Robert

A Quiet Place is good but Hereditary is on another level.


A quiet place is more thriller than horror IMO — I think we should go with hereditary


It appears that the public has spoken, A QUIET PLAAAACE

Adam Vialpando

Constantine is fun but not really horror. I don't really know what genre to put it in really. It is all over the place.

Eric Janssen

Does anyone else see the irony in screaming “A QUIET PLAAAACE!!!”? 😂

Adam Vialpando

Me neither. It is one of the most unique and scary movies I have seen in years.

Adam Vialpando

And even the jump scenes are great. Especially THAT one. You know which one. But besides that the movie had me tense during the entire runtime. I never truly felt a sense of calm during it and was constantly torn between watching the foreground and background of every scene.

David Sumner

I want Sleepwalkers (1992)! Not enough people have reacted to that movie!

Adam Vialpando

All of these movies are great but It Follows for me is an incredibly great and scary film. Plus compared to the other choices It Follows doesn't get talked about as much, which is a shame.

Robert Reichle

People suggesting Hereditary are trying to scar you for life. I've never regretted watching a horror movie as much. And I'm not squeamish in the slightest. Might as well start reacting to snuff films. It's a horror alright.

Travis Starnes

I second this. Stir of Echos doesn't get the appreciation it deserves (maybe because it's a suspense and not a straight out horror)


title ideas are "talkative girl watches A QUIET PLACE"....."watching A QUIET PLACE and talking the whole time..." etc. etc. 😂


Why not all of them lol They're all so good


The descent is one of my all time favourites. Shame it did so badly but a quiet place is fun

Richard Flores

I really love this movie, and for quite a lot of the same reasons that I love John Carpenter's Halloween.

David Crabtree

A few classic movies that I think would fit in great for Natalie and Natmare season: The Burbs, Clue, Monster Squad, Scream.


Bro, Hereditary shouldn't even be on a list like this LMAO. I voted for it 😒

Neil Silverman

Really a shame that It Follows never gets the attention it deserves. It's a brilliantly put-together film that really explores a few common tropes in a really interesting way.


Hi Nat! can't wait to see you react to A Quiet Place, would LOVE to see you watch It Follows too at some stage. such a unique change of pace for a horror movie, definitely a breath of fresh air into the genre. All these movies are fantastic and should be watched eventually! :D


Poltergeist or Silver Bullet.


I've never seen The Descent so I was hoping for that one. But A Quiet Place is a great movie so that's fine.

Gary Giaimo

This was like Sophie's choice. Personally, I think It Follows is the best movie of this bunch, a near-perfect horror, but these are literally all great.


A Quiet Place was my choice from those but please consider these for more horror choices - Quarantine (2008) Train to Busan (2016 and Korean so subtitles) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978 version) Christine (1983 based on a Stephen King book) Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010 comedy/horror with Alan Tudyk from Firefly)


I write horror and I'm not scared easily but It Follows creeped the sh!t out of me!


Still waiting for Friday the 13th.


The first three Saw movies are fun if you haven't seen them, I also like Cube and Escape Room.


Not sure if Shutter Island would count as a horror film outright, but it does have quite a few horror elements


I'm placing a request for "The Cabin in the Woods". A scary movie that pokes fun at scary movies.


Now GOT is done. TO replace Should check out the Witcher. Another good one is Spartacus but very mature

Paul Gibbons

Treat yourself it ticks off so many phobias : The Dark, Enclosed spaces, what's in the dark...

Paul Gibbons

Is it just me but although Quiet Place might be the best of these I really want Nat to see the other ones as they are all scarier... Sorry Nat.


you should watch the conjuring

Justin S.

A Quiet Place is very good for being PG-13. The only other films of that rating that would give Nat anxiety would be Arachnophobia or Insidious. The Descent might be my favorite on this list. That film exceeded my expectations. Hope to see some more classic horror films from the 80s as well such as Christine, Fright Night, and Child's Play.


A Quiet Place is fantastic. I was skeptical going in but I loved it.

Richard Maurer

It Follows is the best of these movies, so of course it's in last place. Hereditary is a close second. Quiet Place is fun but highly over-rated.


The Shining :)

Richard Maurer

No, she needs to toughen up. We'll have her laughing her way through Human Centipede in no time /s


Yeah It Follows is for sure the best. Sadly not the most well known


All the above lol


You should watch Legend 1985 it's one of Tom Cruise first 💛


Im down for any of these really, but good ol pennywise is dear to me, so hes got my vote. after reading through the comments there are a lot of really good suggestions on more titles to watch, i really hope we get to see reacts to alot of em, as its spooky season, iffin you want to break up the spooky with some "thrillomedy" check out the 90's Arachnaphobia, underrated gem. srsly.

Adam Sandoval

Will there be multiple polls for horror movies or just this one?

Angelina Sargent

Instead of the descent you should do the cave... it's a similar story line with better actors and writing. And it's pretty good. Cersei lanister stars in it too. Lol


It Follows is an interesting low budget film. Not sure it would be great for this venue, but watch it if you get the chance. I'm pulling for the new 'It'


I’m surprised you still haven’t seen Halloween with us. I think the potential of seeing a couple of those in the series and seeing the start of the slasher genre is ripe for solid reactions


Where is Candyman?


Solid choices Had to go with hereditary since it’s the most unsettling one up there. Would love to see a paranormal activity reaction from you pretty tame movie but I could see it getting in your head lol happy Nataween!

Brian Jones

As many have said, they are all great movies. Dare I say excellent movies. Any chance we could just make this entire list the lineup for October? Just do one a week or so? Honestly Nat, you really couldn't have picked a better lineup. I could certainly think of other movies you could add to the list, but there is absolutely nothing I would take off this list.


Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Brian Jones

Agreed..... I really wish "all of the above" was an option here. This would be a great lineup for the month of October.

Ahmad Zain

Natalie! love your reactions, could you please do just X-men first Class movie before jumping into scary movies. I've been waiting for it for a while, please.

Brian Jones

A24 has been absolutely KILLING IT in the horror genre. I love their choice of directors. The Witch, Hereditary, The Lighthouse, Climax, Green Room, Saint Maud, Under The Skin.... I could go on and on singing their praises. Every single time they release a film I'm guaranteed to be at the theater for it. Truly a production company that cares about the artistic side of film, as opposed to someone like Blumhouse, where it's just a cash grab.

Brian Jones

If this were a competition based on artistic merit alone, Hereditary would win this hands down. But honestly, I wish she would just make this the list for October and watch all of them. There isn't a bad film on this list.

Brian Jones

Considering this was 7 hours ago, hope you enjoyed it. It's a great flick, and well worth a second pass for the cinematography alone. Ari Aster is a modern treasure.

Brian Jones

It's easily the most artistic film on this list. The cinematography is to die for and Toni Collette should have been nominated for an Oscar for her performance. Calling it a "snuff" film is being ridiculously hyperbolic though.

Brian Jones

Agreed. Should just make this the entire October lineup. Great mix of styles of horror, and not a bad film on the list.

Brian Jones

Personally thought this should just be the full October lineup. Great mix of styles of horror and there really isn't a bad pick on the list.

Brian Jones

Very good film as well..... I would also suggest Cabin in the Woods for the comedy/horror vein.

Timothy O'Hara

Please watch Misery (1990)!!!!! It’s fantastic


Took your advice and just got done watching The Cave. Very solid film. Had the villain from Pitch Black in it (another movie we should watch), along with the guy from Lost and Cersei Lanister. Thanks for the recommendation.

Brian Jones

Great movie as well.... Especially the black and white version. Covers some of the dated CG effects.

Brian Jones

The first Paranormal Activity film would be good, if for anything for it's historical status as being one of the most profitable films of all time. May still hold the record actually. It's a great example of what can be done on a shoestring budget. The sequels are just a very bland "more of the same" unfortunately.

Brian Jones

Well technically Black Christmas would be the start of the slasher genre. Halloween was just the first one to really break into the mainstream. You can even call films such as Psycho the true beginning of the genre, or at the very least proto-slasher films. But yeah, Halloween should make the list at some point if she hasn't seen it.

Brian Jones

I would second, third, and fourth this comment if I could..... Actually just about anything from A24 productions is a win. The Witch, Under the Skin, Saint Maud, The Lighthouse, Killing of a Sacred Deer, Green Room.... I could go on and on regarding their output. Best production company doing films in the genre at the moment.

Adam Vialpando

I'd say it is more of love letter to horror and the tropes involved in them. Kind of lovably poking fun.

Edward Of DOOM

I would suggest the 'Paranormal Activity' Series for a good old fashioned scare.

Timothy O'Hara

If you are in the mood for a perfect mind-bending movie you should watch Midsommar (2019) it's so good and very scary.


I would seriously suggest poltergeist


I’d add The Witch and the Japanese horror film Housu (A movie everyone should experience at least once) to that list.


Forget horror. Just watch Casper, the Adams Family and Beetlejuice. LoL!

The Golgothan

I've never seen any of these so I can't in good conscience vote on any of them. That said, Natmares doesn't have to be strictly horror movies so here's a list of spooky comedies to mix in. The Addams Family (1991) Beetlejuice Dark Shadows Death Becomes Her The Frighteners Ghostbusters (1984) Gremlins Monster Squad Tucker and Dale vs Evil What We Do In The Shadows (the movie, which you should watch before the series)

Amos T Fairchild

Not a horror fan, so no help. lol.


Hard push for Scream


I'd love to see you take on Hereditary (and/or Midsommar), but it doesn't look like I'll be getting my wish. On the plus side, I'm one of like three people who haven't seen A Quiet Place, so this will be an interesting experience, watching a movie for the first time along with your reaction.

Marcus Carter

heck yeah, going in for a quiet place!


I would suggest doing big hollywood blockbusters and smaller films in separate polls so smaller films actually have a chance to win one of these.

Shannon Turner

You should watch A Quiet Place AND It! I think you'll be doing yourself a disservice if you miss out on It

Mike LL

As a big fan of the original Dark Shadows TV show of the 60's, there should be a special place in hell for what Tim Burton did to that property. Campy, OK, comedy, never. Unless you mean the original Dark Shadows movie from the early 70's that the cast and crew made. Even I would prefer the TV show over the movie. I generally second every other pick you have here.

Chris H

Plus would talking through out A Quiet Place take away from the atmosphere of the movie where noise means you die?


This poll has so many great choices. The Descent and It Follows are two of my favorites. Same with the new It movies.


The VVitch would be amazing. One of my favorite movies of all time.


Honestly those are all great choices. Some just for the horror and suspense, some for acting and deep storytelling, and all conversation provoking.

Ben Wheeler

The Babadook creeped me out

Brian Jones

You should give the book a read/listen, it's far more encompassing and WAY better than the movie. The film isn't bad, but they totally screwed with the source material. Basically a totally different story (compilation of stories actually).

Brian Jones

That's another one that should make her list at some point. That's a great flick.

A Vicarious View

but also...Doctor Sleep: The Director's Cut


Nota horror fan, not even a bit... But "It" was watchable

Justin S.

List here is good but I'd just like to see reactions to more of the classic horror films because of the nostalgia, especially many of the Stephen King adaptations, which I think Nat would enjoy. The Dead Zone and Christine being two of my favorites, as well as Misery.

Justin S.

I definitely agree. Many of the classics or older films have small chance of winning against films that came out after 2000.

Justin S.

How about Slither (2006)? An outrageous flick that blends horror and comedy and stars Nathan Fillion from Firefly.


And it's directed by James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy). 😊


wow another night wasted - none of these movies are my taste as a good scarey movie -don't know who telling which movies to pick none of these movies would make my list as good when there are lot better to choose from - 1 - Queen of the Dam 2 -World War Z 3- 30 Days Night 4-Zombieland 5- Halloween

Paul Gibbons

Tell you what mate your attitude stinks and quite so do some of these so called better picks, Zombieland is a comedy, World War Z isn't scarier than any of those and if you mean Queen of the Damned its pants. 30 Days is Good however but I wouldn't include it over the others. Halloween is a classic but I'm under the impression she's seen it.


Would love to see a reaction to the original Halloween (1978), especially with Halloween Kills being released in cinemas this October. Also, if you have seen Halloween (1978), then I would love to see your reaction to Halloween (2018). It's a direct sequel to the original, ignoring all other sequels. :)


Surprised to see Hereditary getting such little love in the poll? Regardless, a lot of those are fun :)

Sean Novack

None of the above, sorry Nat! John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness The Prophecy The Sixth Sense

The Golgothan

I definitely like the idea of Nat continuing Carpenter's Apocalypse trilogy.

The Golgothan

Has Nat seen The Shining? If not, she should absolutely watch that first

Dwight Everhart

I highly recommend Get Out, if you haven't seen it. It's a very intelligent film, and it's not too scary. It's more of a suspenseful mystery / thriller. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Out


I hope she only whispers the entire time when she watches A Quiet Place for full immersion haha


IT is just the best character driven movie. She'd love it, especially after The Goonies.


I just watched Hereditary for the first time, yeah I am 100% NOT ok

Rime Pendragon

IT character driven ? Please.... It's just your bog standard jump scare movie... I hate modern horror movies so much....

Checo Lara

All 5 are incredibles movies, hope you could watch all of them at some moment in the future


Hereditary is a great movie for reactions, please please please keep including it in polls <3


If 'A Quiet Place' wins (looks likely) it will be first full length reaction I'll be watching for a movie I've not seen. Should be interesting.


holy fuck the decent is as creepy as creepiness gets.

Matt D

I've been meaning to check out "A Quiet Place" & "The Descent," but I voted for "It." In case you are unaware, Nat, the new "It" has a sequel. Also, are you going to get back to the Hannibal series? That would be awesome!

Matt D

Hey, Nattie! I'm excited for Natmares! However, since October is almost here, that also means Major League Baseball is about to start their playoffs. With that being said, it would be cool if you react to some baseball movies! If that sounds good to you, here is a list of some good baseball movies you could consider putting in a poll (if you haven't already watched). ● A Field of Dreams (1989; Kevin Costner, Ray Liotta, as “Shoeless" Joe Jackson [“Say it ain't so, Joe], & James Earl Jones). ● Eight Men Out (1988; D.B. Sweeney as “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, John Cusack, as Buck Weaver, & Charlie Sheen, as Hap Felsch). ● Bull Durham (1988; Kevin Costner, Tim Robbins, & Susan Sarandon). ● A League of Their Own (1992; Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Lori Petty, Madonna, & Rosie O'Donnell). ● The Babe (1992; John Goodman, as Babe Ruth). ● Cobb (1994; Tommy Lee Jones, as Ty Cobb & Robert Wuhl, as Al Stump). ● The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars And Motor Kings (1976; Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones, & Richard Pryor). ● Major League (1989; Tom Berenger, Charlie Sheen, Corbin Bernsen, Rene Russo, & Wesley Snipes). ● Moneyball (2011; Brad Pitt, as Billy Beane, Jonah Hill, & Chris Pratt, as Scott Hatteberg). ● The Sandlot (1993; Tom Guiry: “You're killing me, Smalls,” Mike Vitar, Denis Leary, & James Earl Jones). ● The Bad News Bears (1976; Walter Matthau & Tatum O'Neal).

Matt D

Hello again, Nattie! I just posted a list of some great baseball movies I think you would like. Well, since football is here, I figured I would also post some good football movies if you would like to watch, and if you haven't already seen. ● Remember the Titans (2000; Denzel Washington & Will Patton). This is my favorite football movie! ● The Program (1993; James Caan, Halle Berry, & Omar Epps). ● Rudy (1993; Sean Astin, Jon Favreau, & Charles S. Dutton). ● We Are Marshall (2006; Matthew McConaughey, Anthony Mackie, & Kate Mara). ● Necessary Roughness (1991; Scott Bakula, Hector Elizondo, Sinbad, Jason Bateman, & Kathy Ireland). ● Little Giants (1994; Rick Moranis & Ed O'Neill). ● Leatherheads (2008; George Clooney & Rene Zellweger). ● Brian's Song (1971; James Caan, as Brian Piccolo & Billy Dee Williams, as Gayle Sayers). ● Everybody's All American (1988; Dennis Quaid & Jessica Lange). ● The Longest Yard (1974; Burt Reynolds, Eddie Albert, & James Hampton). ● Friday Night Lights (2004; Billy Bob Thornton, Derek Luke, & Lucas Black).

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

She absolutely would have hated The Descent, doubtless 😆 so I voted for it. Just kidding, I voted for IT and A Quiet Place, which I've seen and are 👍 👍AND Hereditary, which I have not seen. From what I've heard, at this point I probably can't call myself a true horror fan having still not seen it.


The Descent and Hereditary are great, I do hope you get to those eventually. But I understand why a lot would vote for a quiet place, it was also very good.

William Connery

I love horror movies and Hereditary is the first movie in decades to actually fuck me up and leave me shook


After seeing how low the horror tolerance for some are in the comments for hill house It’s definitely for the best they aren’t thrown straight into the descent or hereditary 🤣🤣


I cannot wait for Nat to get to Hereditary. It's gonna be something.


Despite Hereditary not topping this list, it really should be included in Natmares. It's by far the scariest and most reaction-worthy movie on the list.


A quiet place is a must and I see further up to newer stuff Natalie has watched it yay , the descent is a must


one month late but huge +1 to hereditary. Ari Aster's premier film is a very good movie and a very good horror movie.