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Hey guys!

Here is my reaction to episode 5! Can't wait to wrap up this entire show with you tomorrow and be able to read all the comments without the fear of spoilers! Woohoo!!

The intro starts at 1:51. As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/GMXIkluguRE 

DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q5FDSa0pxoXJQw8SMGcv83UfKQ68Cc5T/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

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MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Christopher French

Welp, here we are. The worst episode of the show. Yeah don't bother debating this I'm not going to read it. But if you agree--you're awesome.

Darryl Low

The final Westeros Wednesday Nat. This episode annoyed me the first time around, and I think it annoyed me more second time around. After the bells toll, logic gives way to blood thirsty spectacle. Perplexed, I think, was the best way to describe your reaction today Nat. It was just so similar to the way I felt when I watched this episode when it was first shown. I await your final verdict tomorrow, and look forward to hearing yours and Tyler's summation of it all. Thanks, as always, for today's video Nat 💛

Randee Carreno

Happy Westeros Wednesday, Natalie! 😊 Getting this downloaded right now so that I can watch it later tonight. Looking forward to watching this reaction later this evening. Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛

Petteri Ahlberg

We have arrived to the point of no return. I remember having hope, a fools hope...until this episode aired. Don't get me wrong, THE moment could have been an epic scene of tragedy for a beloved character, but as it stand now...it feels so un-earned and rushed that it slaps the viewer right in the face. Damn shame.


Daenerys has not always been pure of heart, good and gentle. She has qualities but she also has her flaws. She would have been a bad ruler if her advisors (Jorah, Tyrion, Ser Barristan) hadn't been there. She only wants the throne and now that she has it on her grasps, she cannot bear the idea of not getting it. I agree the evolution is pretty badly written, I think we all can agree to that. Making her a villain on the two last episodes making the shif of character so sudden was pretty lame. But the overall arc makes sense when seeing it in retrospective.

Obie Brown

Here we go folks, this is gonna get nutso


Arya's scene at the end of this episode, no meaning, just vibes


This is where the fun begins* * for variable definitions of "fun"


Take a shot every time Jon says "She's muh Queen!"

Jayson Orlando

People gotta realize...grief does some crazy sh#t to people inside! She lost Jorah, she lost Rhaegal, and then Missande...that's a whole lotta grief in a short period of time, and then Jon rejecting her, mixed with her hatred for Cersei, and throw in all the people around her failing her and some turning on her...I was NOT surprised she snapped like she did at all..."Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". She sure brought that saying to life!!!

Jayson Orlando

Don't forget Missande...I feel if it weren't for her at times, Daenerys would have been far over the edge than she was.


Yeah those poor evil children causing her grief I feel soo sorry for her, I would have burned them alive too.

Jayson Orlando

Honestly....I will definitely admit her transition was certainly rushed in the laset season...but the signs have always been there...her decisions were always immediately to "eliminate" the problems she faced...the only one EVER to tell her to "light it up" was Lady Olenna ..."Be A Dragon!"

Navjot Singh

I believe that's the best way to go through these last three episodes.

Jayson Orlando

OMG... Totally hate that Natalie was so disappointed at the beginning already begging not to hurt innocent people... I kept saying to myself, "Girl you got no clue what's about to go down!" I almost felt bad for Natalie that she was that stressed already lol


"It doesn't make sense, the Dothraki are killing inocent people". Of all the nonsensical things that happen during these 2 last seasons, that's one of the few ones that makes sense. That's what they do tbh. I could understand even the Unsullied just going all out. As for the northmen.... yeah, that doesn't make any fucking sense. Killing Lannister troops okay, but civilians? 0 sense.

Jayson Orlando

When the burning started, the look you gave the camera was priceless Natalie absolutely priceless... That was like the most shocked in disbelief look you gave the whole series!!! Amazing reaction!


I can't imagine what the actors felt when reading the script for this episode.


When most of Nat's comments are "It doesn't make sense"...

Calo Grsf

Hi Nat, and thanks for this penultimate day in Westeros! 😄 I loved your reaction, especially with the little reference to SW haha, but the scenes of the soldiers massacring civilians, these are unfortunately scenes that make sense in the way that they are things that can be explained by the side "we follow the movement, it's messy, we can do what we want" and they are simply war crimes (rape, murder, theft, etc) like it happened for all wars in the history. 🤷‍♂️ I'm curious for tomorrow haha I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Sam Kimpton

I think above all else, the accelerated pace of the last season is what makes this episode so hard to fathom. Dany's irrational madness could have been -- I think -- much more accepted if there had been more time to see it played out. But things moved so quickly, it didn't have time to develop. On the other hand, the tight timeline did mean that the horrible things that happened to people close to Dany (Jeorah, Missandei, and Jon's true lineage that threatened her perceived destiny) occurred so closely together in the show that all of that stress/trauma piled up and made her snap. I can see it both ways. I always imagined that the "when a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin" saying was implying that Targaryens had some kind of hereditary disorder that gave them a high chance of having a psychotic breakdown under the right circumstances, and being corrupted by power was one of those circumstances.

Jayson Orlando

I really feel what Arya went through in King's Landing really gave her more humanity and value for life that she was missing... Up until then it was just anger and vengeance, and people's lives didn't really have value to her especially those who have crossed her or her family. But being caught in that seeing so much death and seeing it caused by one person that had an angry hatred agenda.... Really gave Arya a huge dose of humanity!


This was actually a super entertaining watch on the second go around. I let the salt distract from the sheer scope and beauty on my first watch.


I think these last 2 seasons suffered dramatically from the longer episodes. If we had gotten the exact same story but just chopped up into 8 55 minute episodes (while it would still be poorly written) it would feel a bit better I think. SO much happens in each of these 1.5 hour episodes that even though we're technically getting 1.5+ episodes worth of story it makes it feel even more rushed than it already is experiencing it in one sitting. Particularly with Dany's progression, imo it actually makes quite a bit of sense for her character to end this way, but the last 1/3rd of her development happened in 2 episodes. However, that being said, Dany has always shown these tendencies but Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah tempered them a lot in Mereen. After losing 2/3 of her children in front of her, Jorah in front of her, Missandei being beheaded in front of her, Jon pushing her away, AND finding out that her entire "Destiny" may have been a lie since there is a male Targaryen with a better claim to the throne than her, I think it's understandable that she snapped especially if its true that she has some of the genetic predispositions to mental health issues that many Targaryen's have. For me, Dany's story was not the worst of this season. The nonsensical killing of Rheagal, Dany "forgetting about the iron fleet", the stupid episode 3 plans, Jamie's story, etc. etc. there are MUCH worse plotlines than Dany's imo.


You are correct, the saying came about because of how common incest was in the Targaryen family. As we know these days, incest can lead to a multitude of mental and physical disorders which is why so many Targaryen's had them.


here we go boys


The Bells meaning surrender is a retcon. In Season 2, during the Battle of the Blackwater, Ser Davos says that "he's never known bells to mean surrender". But in this episide they make it seem like it's common knowledge to the people in King's Landing that the Bells mean surrender. The writers didn't even watch their own show. Jon has become a complete moron. He's been reduced to spamming the same line over and over again. "She's muh Queen!" Yes, Jon is honorable, but he's never been about honor above common sense. That's something D&D came up with. Another ruined character. Vary goes out like a true idiot. Nuff said. Tyrion is just out of character. Canonically, in fact (books are the source material guys, remember?). Tyrion HATES Cersei. He wants to murder her. It's his goal in life. But for some reason, he cares for her now? Wants her to live? What? Dany says no one loves her even though realistically a lot of the North should be thankful for her help in defeating the White Walkers. Not to mention, once she becomes Queen she would have the rest of her life in order to gain friends in Westeros and get the smallfolk to like her. Jaime saying "I've never really cared for the common folk" literally invalidates HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER ARC throughout the show. He literally killed King Aerys, sacrificing his honor and good name, to save the people of King's Landing. Jaime has no reason to go back to Cersei. She's tried to kill him. In the books, Jaime has already abandoned her to her fate. The show directly contradicts this. Why is the Golden Company standing out in the open in front of the gates? Instead of being protected BEHIND the walls of the city? Why do cities have walls to begin with? For protection maybe? In the last episode, Euron's fleet hit Rheagal 3 TIMES in a row in a matter of seconds. And that was with less ships. That's hyper accuracy. But in this episode, they can't get a single hit on Drogon even though they have literally hundreds of scorpions shooting at Dany simultaneously, both from the ships and from the walls. Also, the term "fire!" comes from "give fire", a term that was first used when firearms started being used. Before that, people would yell "Loose!" because they used bows and arrows. A minor nitpick but I thought it was a funny error. Dragonfire is extremely inconsistent throughout this season. Jon in episode 3 is able to hide behind walls and rocks in order to avoid Viserion's Dragonfire (which took down the Wall in the Season 7 finale), but in this episode Drogon's dragonfire is basically a fricking laser beam that can obliterate entire buildings. Meanwhile, also Dany this episode: "Hey I got everything I wanted, might as well go on a killing spree to celebrate." What the fuck were the writers smoking? They never explained how Qyburn brought back the Mountain basically from the dead. They completely ignore the prophecy that one of Cersei's brothers is supposed to kill her. Instead Cersei and Jaime both get taken out by some bricks. Euron swam for 30 minutes straight to get back to shore and just happens to run into Jaime. It's clear Cersei has lost the war and yet Euron still wants to fight him for some reason. The show completely ruined this character. The writers are trying desperately to get us to care about Cersei when she has been completely irredeemable the whole show. She was never meant to be the final big bad. In the books she gets taken out by the Faith.  They made Arya have no relevance after episode 3 when really she's would have been the person with the best chance to take out Cersei with absolutely no bloodshed. The characters ignore this fact completely and Arya never tells anyone her plan despite it being vitally important and could potentially save everyone's life. Also Arya should've died like 3 times in this episode but the plot armor is super strong with her. And then we get "Death rides a Pale White horse" symbolism because that's deep or something LOL who knows what the writers we're thinking, what a mess. I could go on but that's enough I think.

Nathan Swapp

Northmen are just people and soldiers have always murdered, raped, and pillaged cities taken by storm, especially in medieval warfare. After years of warfare amongst each other, the dead, and now southern folk, they would absolutely pillage the city for all its worth.

Sean S

Jamie going back to Cersi - love is irrational


Happy Wednesday Nat the penultimate episode dany throwing her toys out the pram on a grand scale like it or hate it isn't going to change anything so I prefer not to comment instead to just enjoy your reaction and find out your thoughts on the madness that comes to pass, got a snack and a drink so let's begin 💛


This was so hard to watch a 2nd time because of HOW INCREDIBLY STUPID THE WRITING IS OMG 🙄😒


"A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing" Maester Aemon

Sean S

she said it flat out before the attack "here, all I have is fear" .. that's why

Sam Kimpton

I don't think Tyron wants Cersei to live. He wants Jamie to live. And he knows that Jamie is going back to Cersei, so if he has to keep Cersei alive to save his brother, then so be it. Also, I don't think the writers want people to feel sympathy for Cersei. It's just that in her final moments, Cersei is naturally afraid for her life. I agree about the Euron/Jamie fight. I really wanted Euron to be eaten by a dragon. Also disappointed that no one on the show even once pronounced his name like "urine".

Paul Gibbons

Yes, actually, but like Wildfyre it isn't easily contained.

Sean S

that drinking game would have us all in serious trouble during this vid

Erik Stevenson

The writers realizing they needed to insert a random line of extremely direct dialogue to try to literally tell their audience why a character is taking specific actions kinda sums up why people have a problem with it though.

john collins

I agree that the change in Danny was a bad writing choice. But I believe that it was the death of her dragons that caused it not Jorah. She started to change after the first dragon was taken by the Night King and when the second died she started falling more into madness and became very cruel. It parallels Cersei's character change as well. Before Joffrey died she was calculated and cunning but all from the shadows, after she openly wanted to kill all of her enemies. After Marcella died she openly became cruel and even tortured her enemies. After Tommon she snapped and became the crazy tyrant queen.


I love how flabbergasted you were at the end. It's pretty much how I was.

Sean S

great point about how her descent into madness was very similar to Cersei's. and both literally lit the city on fire.


Already dropping truth bombs while the show's intro is still playing. I'm going to love this!

Erik Stevenson

Great reaction Nat, looking forward to hearing your thoughts when it's all said and done tomorrow!


I mean Dany was abused for a long time, sold of and raped in the first episode. She got strong and went far but take away her dragons, her friends, her home, her love(Jon), even her claim to the throne - take everything away and yeah, madness in the blood gonna come out. It's not pleasant but it does make sense.


"I never really cared for them, innocent or otherwise." And with one line, the noblest thing Jaime ever did, which ruined his reputation forever but he did it anyway, was wiped from history as if it never happened.


"It's kinda surprising Arya didn't use a face" Since returning to Westeros she used a face exactly once: Walder Frey's. And that was to murder his whole family. Back when mass murder for revenge was still okay, you know. What was that training in Braavos all about, actually?

James M

GoT will never give you what you want.


Natalie: "Why?! this doesn't make any sense!" Literally everyone watching: "We know girl..." Sad to watch it a second time. Already afraid for tomorrow. Thanks though! it's been a blast reliving it again with you. The first 5 seasons still make it worth. From there on out the only good thing about it was watching you get more and more confused and having the same doubts I had.


I guess the training was about becoming an expert sword-fighter without ever training with a sword.


It absolutely made sense. Every bit of it. It has been telegraphed since the very first season, when she almost jizzed herself over hearing Khal Drogo say he'd burn down their stone houses and kill the men in iron suits. Dany was always gonna go mad, and for every one of her closest friends that died, it just became more and more clear.

The Golgothan

Perhaps now you finally understand our anger, our hatred. True story, I was so infuriated at this point that I didn't even bother watching the finale and still haven't seen it to this day.


He didn't kill the Mad King to save the city. He did it to save himself, and help his father take the city.

john collins

So the white horse at the end of the episode is symbolism for the god of death. We have heard in Arya's story that there is only one god in this world the god of death. A white horse has been considered an omen or symbol for death since it appeared before the end of times in the book of revelations in the bible. It is theorized that this horse appearing to save Arya was the god of this world helping her survive.

Jakub C

I always forget how "the GOLD CLOAKES" look like. I'm dying.

Jayson Orlando

I do accept what was done, do I agree with the way the writers wrote it No but what's done is done and as powerful as fans think they can be writers and authors and artists are funny people if it's their vision it's their vision and we have to accept it if they spell you because it was just that their vision not ours


Natalie: Daenarys, why?! D&D: Bacause fuck you, that's why.


"That was completely unnecessary". That's a nice summation of the episode.

Steve J

Remember when it took Arya 3 seasons to try to get to Winterfell from Kings Landing and she still never made it? S08 it took one 60 second scene to get back...


Quite a bs episode…but the last ep…Oye vey!


There's a video on YouTube of a cast script reading and you can see some of them cringing. It's kind of funny.


David Benioff actually said to a reporter: “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports.”


This could have all been prevented if she hadn't listened to Tyrion and Jon in S07E04 when she said she was going to fly to the Red Keep and take it. Given that it took her 30 minutes flat to take the city with one dragon, I'm sure that attack would have caused casualties, but no destruction of the city and no mass slaughter. No Golden Company to deal with. No dozens of scorpions to deal with. No Lannister army to deal with (as they were still making their way back from Highgarden at that point). She has had some terrible advice in these last two seasons. If she had only listened to her impulses.


All of the smart characters get turned into dufusses in the last 2 seasons.

Lisa Tosti

So strange, I didn't get the email for this one today. Glad I came here to find it!

Nathan Swapp

Daenerys was always a self righteous tyrant who believed in her own greatness. She needed Jorah there to whisper "Remember Thou Art Mortal" in her ear

Brian Jones

Yeah, it's really the pacing, not the character arc. Even with the show as it stands, one more scene on the battlefield showing Daenerys being triggered, possibly a wound of the dragon fired last minute after the bells rang or something, just something that sent her into that final rage, would have made the turn a bit easier to swallow for casual viewers. You never see Daenerys again after the moment where she does snap, so there's no way for the audience to emotionally process what's going on in her head throughout the slaughter. Personally I thought that her "All right then, let it be fear" pretty much made it clear what was going to happen. The amount of episodes were limited by budget though, so I see why they made the choices they made.

Valar Dohaeris

Psss indeed Nat. Psss indeed.


Bro who tf is everyone?? Speak for yourself instead buddy.

Steve J

gmail started dumping my Patreon notification into spam folder a couple days ago...


I can't wait until George hopefully finishes the books. When a lot of these same events and plot points happen, it's gonna be hilarious to see pretentious book people have the nerve to act surprised and try to blame "bAd WriTiNg" for a lot of things that were hinted at since the start.


If you had read the books, you'd know that it is literally impossible for the books to play out like the show.


They could literally have kept the same major plot points and events, but stretched the show out for a couple more seasons (like one entire season dealing with the White Walkers final battle, one dealing with ousting Cersei, and one dealing with Dany's fall into tyrannical madness) and allowed it to keep some internal consistency and it would have been fine, great even. The real answer as to why everyone turns stupid and nothing makes sense in the last 2 seasons is that the Producers no longer gave a shit about the show and just wanted it to end as quickly as possible, so they burned it all to the ground and scampered off to ruin Star Wars some more instead. But even Disney realized Benioff and Weiss are clowns, so they let some other people do that instead.


My opinion, I understand that others have different. I think the main problem with the series is poor pacing. The first 6 seasons was way to slow and the last two way too fast. I remember falling asleep to many of the earlier season episodes. I had no idea about what happened behind the scenes at the time so I was not coloured by that. It feels that some people decided to just hate everything about the show. A lot of the story arcs made a lot of sense. For Denearys (spelling) it has been hinted that she had kind of psychotic way of dealing with things and we have heard this about dice-roll and Targearyans (spelling). The show made a good job of keeping us guessing and hoping that it would end good. So she always wanted to burn things for the "greater good" and hoping that people would love her for it. Her advisors stopped her but failed in other ways. So she thought that she had to do it her way because the advisors "sucked". Adding to this people in westeros didn't love her and she lost 2 of her dragons etc. Add to this sleep and food deprivation which doesn't help the brain to function. So it made sense. A happy ending for Daenerys would have been stupid honestly. All in all, Im not a fan of series that just drag out forever and ends because people stops caring, Im glad it ended. I wish the pacing would have been better.


Agreed. I don't like the direction the show took with Dany's character. I hope the books don't do something similar.

Matt Camburn

at this point im sadder the got reactions are coming to an end, than the actual show coming to the end lol. Look forward to see what new stuff you react to. If i had to throw a show into the mix it would the expanse, there's tons of seasons already and from the few seasons i've seen its been really good. Plus i think jeff bazos had something to do with amazon buying it so it could have the richest funding source lol!

Joe Blankenship

I could maybe understand if she just flew up and burned down the castle where Cersei was. But flying around the city, torching everything, it was ridiculous. They wanted to shock us, I guess. But all they did was flush 7 seasons of Daenerys Targaryen down the toilet. I feel bad for Emilia Clarke to have to end it like that.


I agree the ending and the steps leading to that were mostly nonsense - there were so many better theories out there! - but GRRM determined these plot points, and the showrunners had to keep to them. I agree the pacing seemed too fast through the last episodes. But logically speaking: not so many and not so surprising plot points + a show that airs 1 episode a week: had they tried to stretch it out further, everyone would've had a different complaint: predictability. E.g. cut the episode when the bells rang - everyone would have been like "oh no, Dany will surely ignore them". For the same reason you couldn't have split up the Battle of Winterfell into 2 episodes: after a certain point everyone would have guessed it might be Arya to take out the Night King. I agree with the majority of the hatred against S8, but purely from a showrunning perspective you have to surprise and impress people every week, so you can't just expand the plot with so few plot points without getting predictable - and the plot points were laid down by GRRM unfortunately. What I feel from the pacing of E5 and E6 is that they still wanted to suprise the audience despite not having provided the best plot & ending by GRRM.

Obie Brown

I personally think if all the books had been finished, things would have ended differently. GRRM had 10 frickin' years to write. And one could argue the show worked best if it had book material to fall upon. I agree, the showrunners alone had an almost impossible job in the end.

Jenny Tolls

Idk why people were so surprised that Dany did this lol this was not out of character. She's been talking about taking the throne with "fire and blood" since Season 1. This is what taking a city looks like. It's not pretty. She's been known what it takes. This was her original plan except she was gonna use 3 dragons but decided to take a different route due to her advisors like Tyrion and Jorah. If they had not been there for her when she got to Dragonstone in Season 7, this is exactly what would have happened. Also keep in mind that she lost the bulk of her army, two dragons which are like her children, Jorah and Missandei, and the throne she's been working her whole life for and sacrificed so much for could potentially be lost because of the people who would most likely support Jon's claims. And she feels completely isolated from everyone. To be fair, she had no right to come take the throne anyways. People were living their lives and she created a war just so she can be in power. I know the show writers confused the audience by making it seem like she's been a hero all along especially with all the music and emotional scenes but I never saw her as someone who's like a hero. She talked a lot about breaking the wheel but how you gonna do that if you just make yourself in charge? She presented no plans to change how things would work or how the "wheel" would be broken. All she focused on was "claiming what is mine by birth right." So yeah I saw this coming a long time ago and wasn't surprised. I was still upset but wasn't surprised and it's completely the writers fault for making everyone confused.


you were really in a moaning about bullshit mood this episode. damn

Paul Gibbons

A. I don't think we'll see them and B. GRRM has said himself that if you think this will have a happy ending you haven't been reading it properly.


Well it is later seasons GOT so there is plenty to hate. You can't expect someone to pretend like the show is still great still.

Paul Gibbons

Funny they took 2 years of their life making this season that they didn't give a shit about why not do it in 1 then! Officially all films were shelved after the last trilogy even this Patty Jenkins film that was announced at the AGM hasn't been written or commited too yet.


"I've never known bells to mean surrender" - Davos, season 2.

Paul Gibbons

Well shit just look at the money for LOTR series $465m for 1st season.


So Dany has a history of cruelty if you look at her actions through the seasons. But before she was only cruel towards people who deserved it, people we didn't care about. But now she's in westeros, and she lost jorah and missendei. She's always been cruel. She's always desired attention and to be the one everyone looks at. Losing those two has now began to unhinge her.

Kenneth thomas

not only did it not surprise me but I was hoping for it since I started watching the show, and caught up on all the books around season 2. Dany is Darth Vader was the play all along and honestly I was cheering when it happened lol. not for people dying but just because I always thought it would be a cool story. And yes it could have been a whole lot cooler with way more episodes to develop it, it's a shame


And losing Jorah and Missande meant losing two of her closest confidants and advisors who might check her worst impulses. Add to all that losing two of her "children," losing the bulk of her armed forces, getting rejected by Jon, being let down by Tyrion over and over, and then Vary's betrayal. It was just too much. She snapped. She'd had enough. No more Miss Nice Girl. Time for some Fire and Blood. After watching it many times, both myself and via other people's reactions, I finally get her fury. I don't blame her.


Well, I now see why everyone I knew said I had made the right and smart choice by not watching any episodes beyond the battle of winterfell. Now I'm just expecting Jon Snow to fake his own death and become a lumberjack. To know that D&D refused all the money and extra time HBO was happily willing to give them, kind of puts a smoking gun in their hands when it comes to knowing where the issues really lie.

Ellis Hugh

Stranger Things has gotta be next!

Ellis Hugh

I feel like the little montage at the beginning reminding us of the madness that often infects Targaryens was a particularly brilliant touch.

Myles Away

It is painful to watch Tyrion become so stupid. He is not written as the same shrewd man he once was. He now has 21st century morals and zero brains out of nowhere.


It's baffling how people defend her here. She was always flawed and had an angry side but she's spent years fighting for the weak and innocent. You don't go from fighting slavery to slaughtering millions over a lovers rejection and losing your best friends. Big things to be sure but not nearly enough for this Character assassination.

Jeff E

It would have been brilliant if everything else wasn't SO LAZY. They had to do an extremely heavy-handed montage to try to get the audience to think about Targaryen madness and then they also had Varys say it to Jon because the writing had come nowhere close to indicating that Dany was "going mad" until a couple rushed moments in the middle of the final, and shortest, season. Then they made Dany LOOK mad in her early scene with Tyrion where he tells her Varys betrayed her. Once again, too little, too late, so they tried to bash the audience over the head with this idea of Dany's sudden madness in the penultimate episode. The fans and critics who have gone to great lengths to tie themselves up in knots trying to defend the horrible outcome for Dany by pointing out one or two moments in other seasons are kidding themselves. There's a reason the very large majority of fans HATED this episode and the final episode of the show. It was nothing short of pure character assassination. As Nat has said so many times the last 2 seasons, there was absolutely no logical reason to shorten the final 2 seasons to this extent. HBO was willing to spend whatever was needed to finish the show. They would have gladly given full-length seasons with longer episodes. Hell, they would have ADDED seasons if that's what D&D said they needed to finish the story. Instead, D&D were feeling lost as showrunners of the best show on television because they no longer has the source material to write scripts from. They also had their eyes on what they saw as a much bigger prize: a Star Wars film and likely a full trilogy. They rushed through the final seasons, throwing away the amazing character development and almost everything else that made the earlier seasons so great. The only things that remained were the visuals (VFX & cinematography) and the score, neither of which they are very directly involved in. The actors themselves didn't like the ending, except for one actor (I bet you can guess who that is). Bottom line, they didn't earn the ending of this episode. They didn't come close. They didn't earn any of it but they especially did not earn Daenerys' sudden "descent into madness." Saying Targaryens are just born that way and being good or evil is fate and they have no agency is the biggest copout ever. Even the script called it out when Jon told Varys it was nothing but riddles. Despite the show building up Daenerys for 7 1/2 seasons as the breaker of chains, destined to rule the Seven Kingdoms by breaking the wheel, they still had at least two full seasons to really illustrate and make the audience believe and understand Dany's "descent into madness." They had more than enough time but had no interest in using it. As a result, they botched it horribly, along with many other rushed and unsatisfying endings for other characters. Karma got the last word as Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilms understandably didn't want people willing to butcher their own product, in order to move onto the next chapter in their careers, handling their multi-billion dollar IP. D&D very quickly lost their opportunity to even participate in a Star Wars project, let alone make their own trilogy. Karma's a bitch lol. [End of rant] 😂

Jeff E

Death by Dragonfire is not at all more painful than beheading. The fire from a fully grown dragon incinerates everything it touches instantly, as we saw during the loot train attack. There was nothing left of the soldiers but ash, immediately after being touched by Drogon's 🔥. I'd bet it's LESS painful than a beheading.

Tom Fehr

there are many ridiculous things about this episode, but soldiers needlessly killing innocent people when sacking a city ain't one of em!

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

No comment. Ok one comment. I'm just going to point out the fact that "Rome" was abruptly cancelled and had to wrap up in a very forced second season. And that show was great and would have been Fucking Great if it had been renewed for the seasons it was intended to run. But from a production stand point it was also fucking expensive. Fun fact and relevant: many of the same people who made Rome learned how to cut corners by working on that ambitious project, and went on to make Game of Thrones. That's also why if you've seen the Rome series, you see some familiar faces on Game, including in the credits, one of the true stars of both shows, Nina Gold, the casting director.

Jeff E

Just when you think it can't possibly get worse, or disappoint you more, it does all that and then some!

Marty McGee

Yeah I get the fact that she goes mad, has a psychotic break, snaps, or whatever you want to call it. And I get that we've seen glimpses of her cruelty and desire to utterly destroy anyone who gets in her way. I mean the satisfaction and righteousness on her face watching as her brother died, as she burned the witch who brought Drogo back, as she burned the Khallessi Temple in Vaes Dothrak, or basically anytime she uttered the word, "dracarys," definitely reflected the madness in her. It's just that this still doesn't feel right. Yes, a lot has happened to her in a very short time, but every time before this she has loosed her madness on "deserving" targets. Maybe it's the pacing. Maybe it's the writing. But it just doesn't feel earned like Natalie said. The fact that we never see her again after the bells I think is part of the problem too. If we could've gotten some reaction to the horror as she is causing it, tears, hatred, even mad laughter or glee, it would have helped. Anyway, one more to go! Can't wait for the next reaction lol! A few people have mentioned The Expanse as a suggestion for next series. I also enjoyed the first 3 seasons of it (haven't seen the rest yet). Another sci-fi suggestion I would make is Battlestar Galactica. The 2000's reboot not the 70's. Like The Expanse it has a lot of real world social commentary peppered throughout. Not to mention Edward James Olmos is just a beast of an actor in the show.

Jeff E

As dumb, rushed and laughably bad as Dany's story was, so were the stories of basically every main character. No satisfying endings for any of the best characters. The deaths of characters were lame. All the build-up for nothing. And then next episode, the worst storyline of them all. The single dumbest decision ever made on this show. One that NO ONE wanted or asked for or ever expected because it's ludicrous. We just spent multiple seasons hearing "I'm not a Lord. I'm not Lord of anything. I can't be. I'm not Brandon Stark. I'm something else now. Bla blah blah. And then, " why do you think I came all this way?" 😂😂😂😂 I laughed out loud watching it. I was so over the finale at that point but that was the 💩 icing on the cake. The worst possible choice and one that went against what the character told everyone for multiple seasons and it was made clear to the audience too.

Jeff E

Dany didn't want to burn innocent people. The showrunners wanted her to. Like you said, it makes no sense for the story or for her character. Also, if you were Dany, which part of King's Landing would you attack and take out first? The Red Keep. No question. She wanted to do it before but Tyrion told her not to. Instead she goes street by street killing everyone EXCEPT Cersei. Why? So Cersei & Jamie can get the lamest deaths on the entire show? Not poetic, not fitting. Anticlimactic and pointless. If Dany didn't get to kill Cersei then it should have been Arya

Jeff E

Even when the bells rang, Dany still should have gone directly for the Red Keep. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200. Beeline to Cersei and burn her ass alive. That's how she should have died. If not, like I already said, let Arya complete her list. In no scenario should Cersei have been allowed to escape. She deserved to die for everything she did. Dany thinks in that moment that Cersei is just playing them again and she isn't going to fall for it. Unfortunately, it was better for D&D if Dany goes mad and kills everyone EXCEPT Cersei. Smh.

Mister Lou

Arya once threatened The Hound by saying she'd stick a blade through his eye and out the back of his skull. which is how he killed his brother. Also all this that hatred started between the two brothers was because The Mountain shoved his brother's face into the fire. and it also ended with The Hound shoving The Mountain off the side of the castle into the fire... Just a few poetic things I noticed about that fight. Everyone can go ahead and keep trashing this episode, I enjoyed it. Thought I'd share one small reason why.

Colton Scott

"I've never known bells to mean surrender" - Davos, S2E9


George R. r. Martin stopped being involved in the show in Season 5.


Keep in mind that that is one of the things about the book ending that GRRM has actually told them. So that will happen. Of course it will be far more logical and better written, and most certainly not happen in this way.


Or Jaime. Given the prophecy of Maggy the Frog (granted, the specific line was left out for the show)

Paul Gibbons

Ciaran Hinds and Indira Varma too. Forgot that was HBO did that and was axed for the budget despite the fact the BBC put up 15% of it and then blamed the BBC for it.

Ahadi Gitau

Before the final episode, it's been exhilarating/nerve-racking/painful watching this series for the first time w/ you, Nat. About this episode in particular, it was the icing on the cake of poor pacing and poor character development for me. There were some aspects that I did enjoy in this episode (such as the Arya and Sandor scenes, and the parts before Daenerys started dracarysing innocent civilians) but the bad outweighs the good a hundred fold. I do not understand, for the life of me, how Dany went from freeing people to setting them ablaze. Just because your nephew doesn't wanna kiss you does not mean you need to set them on fire. But I suppose this is due to the showrunners, not the character BUT if she was really supposed to descend into madness like this then it would have been better if that started from S7, as someone else has said. Euron and Jaime's fight had me laughing my head off and crying at the same time. So pointless. He was literally going to die with Cersei in the hold even without that scene. I sympathize with Greyworm since he is one of my favourite characters. Tyrion, Jon, and Davos get no complaints from me this episode (mainly because they are also my favourite characters).


You know what, I find myself liking this episode the more I watch it.


Can we add Queen's gambit to the list of potential shows?


Euron was such a piece of shit character in the show. Which why this is a great time to point out that Euron *in the books* was a fucking interesting and mysterious character. Here's a great rundown of the "real" Euron Greyjoy of the books - Anybody, book or show fan should watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbX_ak0N1EI The show's Euron is basically a completely different fuckin character, completely neutered, and completely annoying.


Everytime I see this episode, I think about all the poor kids that got named "Khaleesi" and "Danaerys" before this season LMAO "Mommy, why'd you name me after a horrific mass murdering tyrant from a tv show?"

Connor Ellis

Welcome to how two creators entirely ruin a show because they thought they were making Star Wars, only to have Disney say "No thank you!" because of how much of a shitshow this season was.

Mike Api

lol "why do we have to have *this* moment?" "this doesn't make sense" - YEP! Welcome to what happens when two showrunners - by their own admission - lose sight of the overall story and rush to the end so they can get to their next project.

Matt D

Yes! That would be great! Since Natalie isn't much of a chess fan, maybe that show would get her into playing and liking chess. Plus, it's just an excellent show!


I would like to suggest Raised by Wolves and Love Craft Country on HBO Max. Your amazing Nat love you!


P.S. Love Craft Cpuntry is only one season so far and would be perfect for the Halloween season.

Leaf on the Wind

In this episode alone, you've covered almost all the reasons everyone hates this season. People are doing things that are stupid, or out of character, or instead of doing the obvious. The timeline is super rushed. The lighting is too dark to even see the scene half the time. Overall, I have little problem with where things ended up, but I have a problem with how they got there. If that makes sense. In the words of Deadpool, "That's just lazy writing."


Can’t wait to watch you complain for another hour and twenty minutes

Paul Gibbons

I wish people would stop saying everyone hates this season, I don't and the lighting saves money the lighter the shot the more money has to be spent on effects and sets.

Laura Thornley

"They just crossed the Trident, they'll be at the walls of King's Landing in two days." Uh, no they won't. The showrunners forgot how big Westeros is - it would take a week on horseback, minimum - twice that for an army! SO LAZY.

Laura Thornley

Not to mention SOMEHOW the entire army overtakes Arya and the Hound. They left before and would be moving faster! How did this get through the script editing?


"I'm surprised he is still moving after he was impaled by Euron" Phrasing!


This is my favorite episode of the entire series. So it's weird seeing people saying it's bad.


I think the whole thing about burning the city was linked to Danaerys' saying "Then fear it is". She decided Westeros would never love her, so she chose to cause terror instead.


Enjoyed your GoT reactions very much. After seeing you on YouTube, I had to come to Patreon to see the full-length reactions. I knew you would be disappointed in Season 8 like most everyone else. I feel it really came down to the writing. Everything production wise in Season 8 was very good, the writing was just not up to the same standards as earlier seasons. GoT remains the best show I have ever seen despite it not nailing the ending. The show is more about the journey than the destination. Best show ever for reactions and I have seen a lot of reaction channels to GoT, and yours was one of the best. Thank you for doing it.