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Hey guys! Help me pick a new movie to check out. I know this poll is all over the place. These are just all movies I haven't seen and am really curious about. 



Hobbit 😂


13 hours! Lone survivor!


Rocky and Drive are 2 of my all time favorites. So, both.


Friday Night Lights the movie

David Blake

Please, Rocky, WIN! 😊

Cole Jennett

Vote none of the above and then watch Brewster’s Millions


Best Picture 1976. Just sayin’.


Oh man Rocky is NOT what you think it is from the fact it has so many sequels. Definitely watch it at some point, it's a truly great movie.

Matthew Periolat

Tough one! Drive is the only one I haven’t seen, there is no loser between Rocky, Planet of the Apes and Last Samurai.


God the movies I vote for never win lol

Aaron Taft

1408... October is coming, ya know what that means? NATMARES!!!!


Are you taking aa brake from x-men? Or is this just for the future

Randee Carreno

Happy Saturday, Natalie! 😊 "Rocky" got my vote for this poll. Have a great day & weekend! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛

Brandon Ralphs

Last Samurai is HIGHLY underrated


I personally like Last Samurai but I voted Rocky because I think Natalie would really get into it

Kris Olo

Gotta get Dragonheart on one of these polls 🤗


1408 is a great suggestion. Really gives you strong feelings of dread, along with scary.


The Last Samurai is one of Tom Cruise’s best performances to date!!! He trained for over two years in preparation. (Collateral is his absolute best, IMHO) It was also Hans Zimmer’s 100th film score and BOY does it show. I think you’ll really really enjoy it!! ☺️☺️


I think Drive is the better movie, but I suspect Nat's reaction to Last Samurai would be the best.

Darryl Low

All over the place polls make the world go round Nat 💛 I'm up for some monkey business with those Apes again 😄 Jerry Goldsmith's score is just an incredible composition.

Andy Crawley

I voted Drive, as it’s so tense, but Last Samurai is also amazing, very underrated I think just because it’s Tom Cruise, who is actually a really good actor. Also the soundtrack is beautiful

Andrew Dickinson

Music and performance of the Last Samurai. The one film Tom Cruise could and should have gotten an Oscar nod for


Oh and as a lifelong Philly kid who’s family has lived here since the dang country was founded…..Rocky is overrated.


Planet of the Apes over all of those, but it's not gonna win lol


Last Samurai for sure.


I'm going to abstain from this one, none of these are really interesting to me. No worries though.


I voted Rocky because I have not seen others react to it yes it is over rated. But I have seen too many react to last samurai.


Can't go wrong with any of these tbh, hoping one day galaxy quest and rush hour make a poll 🤞


Drive, but since it's losing, Last Samurai


I keep voting Drive but it seems it's never gonna win lol

Nick of Time

Agreed. People tend to forget all those long-running franchises in the 70s/80s usually began with a great standalone film before the sequel machine kicked into gear. And most of the Rocky sequels are still pretty solid, except Part 5, IMO.

Joe Blankenship

What about a goofy comedy? Dumb and Dumber, Super Troopers, Tommy Boy, Billy Madison, etc.

B. Lopez

Wow planet of the apes is losing. Such a great classic

Jerry Gomez

You would go ape for the planet of the apes.

The Goateed Geek

Personally I voted Rocky, because its a great film that was applauded by critics and the audience. It was not only the highest grossing movie in North America when released 1976, but also in 1977, because of Video Rentals (remember those) it was the second highest grossing beaten out by Star Wars. Any of the other 3 would be good, but I think only Rocky and Planet of the Apes really deserve the "Classic" moniker because of their influence (for Good - Creed & the Apes reboot or Bad - I'm looking at Tim Burton as well as Rocky 4, 5, & 6)

Jay Beiler

Rocky & Plant of the Apes represent series of movies worth checking out. For PotA, both old and new series too

Steve J

Is it bad that I like Rocky III and IV the best? lol


I haven't even seen the Last Samurai. I'm just not interested.

Danny Miller

‘The Last Samurai’ is terrible, and is the same story that’s been told many times before by much better films, but I’m not surprised that it’s winning the poll right now.


I went with Rocky, but you should consider reacting to Pleasentville, I’ve never seen anyone react to that movie. It’s an interesting movie that goes in a direction few people anticipate, it’s got a great cast and it could make for a solid reaction.


Rocky actually is an incredibly plot-driven movie that was written by Stallone himself.. I think you’ll really enjoy watching his vision come to life!


I really like Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan and had high hopes but I thought Drive was pretty bad, slow and morose as I recall.


Any chance for War of the Worlds (2005) or Signs?

Devin Nease

The Last Samurai is great, and based on a true story, so that's cool too.


Doubt Drive is going to win but it should really get another chance on another poll.

Jason Dolan

Ya gotta appreciate how well The Last Samurai is doing


We can't let Drive lose a third time! Lol.

Peter Heine

i agree "Drive" is a Masterpiece :D

Misty Crom

I voted Rocky, but never seen Last Samurai myself so is very much cool for me f that stays on top here.

Dave A

I voted for Last Samurai, I think it's the most modern movie on the list, and is quite good. I don't think I'll ever vote for Drive on one of these lists, I had high hopes for it, but man, it was so boring. Funny thing is, I like slow burn movies, but Drive just fizzled.

Adolfo Acosta

Last Samurai? Why tho.


I grew up with The Planet of the Apes and was just amazed by the movies and begged my family to buy me the action figures for the holidays! Have never actually seen ROCKY but hear it's amazing. The Last Samuri - also have never seen but never had interest. Drive looks like an amazing cast, too - any one that wins will be cool to check out as a reaction video.


Rocky is gold.


War of the Worlds might be a great choice for "Natmares" - since she says she doesn't like super horror stuff. That would be exciting but no zombies! ;D

Mike LL

Wow! I clicked on 1968 Planet of the Apes at the speed of light! I'm just glad you gave it some consideration, you might watch it some day. A fantastic movie, a viewing will be richly rewarding, one of the greatest science fiction movies of all time, with an all time classic ending.


Oh - and someone said it in another reaction post but, for "Natmares" season - "Crimson Peak" - as someone pointed out - Tom Hiddleston and other great cast members - suspenseful and scary but not a total horror film.

Mike LL

I would suspect that the majority of the voters have never seen it.

Eric Janssen

Stallone’s own Rocky sequels goofed up the reputation that the original had as a good, gritty, mid-70’s back-streets boxing movie - It was easier to root for Rocky when his enemy was the Philadelphia museum steps, and not Ivan Drago.

Eric Janssen

Because Millennials have never seen Akira Kurosawa’s Yojimbo or The Seven Samurai in their entire lives, and gladly lapped up Tom Cruise’s studio-export food-court Panda Express version of feudal samurai Japan because they saw it open in theaters in their lifetime, and because “oo, it’s just like Dances with Wolves, squee!” I say we enforce Proof of Kurosawa Vaccination cards for the next fangirl who requests Last Samurai, ANYWHERE on the Reactor-verse.

Robert Reichle

I would love an alternate universe where only one Rocky movie was ever made.


since I have a lot reasons to vote Rocky - I grew up a few blocks from Stallone's home and went to the same high school as him and got to be at the filming of Rocky 3 while in the Marines - I am torn between Rocky and Last Samurai - guess who I am leaning to as my pick? lol

Troy B.

I'm not sure how well it's aged, as I've not seen the original in probably 15-20 years, but "Rocky" was a quintessential underdog story, before the sequels made things weird. Not sure about its "watchalong" suitability, but it's a good one to have seen, regardless.

Eric Janssen

Remember the 00’s, when Hollywood was condescendingly trying to pitch movies to Japanese audiences, instead of Chinese ones?: Memoirs of a Geisha? Fast & Furious 3: Tokyo Drift? 13 Ninjas? The ‘98 Godzilla? Lord help us, 47 Ronin?? 😂


The Last Samurai is one of Tom Cruise's best acting role in my opinion .. Drive and Rocky are incredibly boring.. Planet of the Apes is a classic so I wouldn't mind if it or Tom's movie won :D


Last Samurai! Why? It's a good Movie with a great Ending (not like all these Action Movies all over the Place nowadays), and the Soundtrack from Hans Zimmer!


Can't wait to someday see the movie I recommended, "A Little Princess", on a future poll (though I know it's on your 'To Watch' list) It might not win, but I do hope you eventually get to watch it. As for this poll: it's a toss-up between The Last Samurai and Planet of the Apes for me. I think I'll pick The Last Samurai, partly because it's amazing and it's already winning anyway, but also because if you watch PotA, you'll be entering another long series of films (there are newer films about the origin of the cycle now), and I figure you won't want to do that yet when you're currently working through the X-Men universe.


how in the living hell is Last Samurai beating Rocky?

Andrew Clifton

Last Samurai is so good. Rocky is amazing too but if you watch that you gotta go all the way and watch them all.

Eric Janssen

"Because I KNOW that one! 😃 “ But now that we've asked, would some volunteer please stand up in front of the class and explain why, in detail? And speak clearly, we want everyone to get a good look by example.


Rocky & Drive were both critically well-received, although Rocky won 3 Academy Awards, including best picture & best director. Planet of the Apes has a solid 88 from Rotten Tomatoes, but is one of the most heavily referenced sci-fi films in pop culture. Last Samurai is also a movie.

Joe Mama

keep watching X-men

David Crabtree

I really hope you get to the Rocky franchise one of these days!

Vincent Valentin

i was gonna go with drive, but id rather The Last Samurai than rocky

John Smith

Come on people planet of the apes!


Planet of the apes Original still has one of the best climaxes ever. And I think watching Nat react to this would be fun for all involved. Shame it won't win.


Last Samurai is way overrated.

My Toasty Toast

Last Samurai is a classic example of “really cool story of other cultures and history but let’s replace the ethnic leads with white people and co-opt the history so it’s about American/European white men”


Last Samurai's bad revision of real history and its exoticism feel very offensive to me as an Asian. I am appalled it gets so many votes.

Erik Stevenson

I'm looking forward to watching the Last Samurai again, it's probably been ten years since I've seen it.

David Crabtree

Last Samurai is fantastic. It should make for a fun reaction.

Thomas Yanez

Yeah, "Last Samurai" is pretty good, as long as you can dodge the minefield of people incorrectly crying "cultural appropriation" because Tom Cruise.

Eric Janssen

Oh, you mean like that Chinese "Great Wall" movie, that told us that Matt Damon helped the Chinese build the Great Wall, to help defend them from CGI monsters? Or the one where Keanu Reeves led the 47 Ronin against demons, because the studio was disappointed the tale was just a historical epic and not a supernatural legend?


I would love to see your reaction to planet of the apes. I'm old, and I saw it in theaters. Not sure how well it will play in 2021....

Dave M.

The Force Awakens!!!!

Peter Yocum

Last Samurai is fantastic and I'm very happy to see it winning. Rocky's good too

Jonathan Vickers

No Braveheart? I watch it every August 23rd. I remember seeing Kill Bill and The Last Samurai pretty close together in the theater so I always associate them with each other. Both have a fantastic soundtrack/score and are so beautifully shot on 35mm 🎥🎞📽 Kodak Vision 2383. Samurai gives us a dreamlike vision of Japan as it once was, before the neon, skyscrapers, and vending machines we imagine today. It also shows us a crucial turn in Japanese history as it begins to accept a more capitalist lifestyle under a newer & younger emperor. I'm currently replaying Red Dead Redemption 2 and I see some exciting parallels within the two stories. Anyone?

Eric Janssen

And forget how completely badass Toshiro Mifune was as a more culturally-approved samurai in the REAL Kurosawa movies.


I mean of that list probably 2 classic must see in your lifetime….Planet of the Apes and Rocky, both iconic Apes is definitely dated. So I voted for Rocky.

Kevin Maguire

Other Tom Cruise movies to watch are "Edge Of Tomorrow" and the Mission: Impossible series, the rare franchise that gets better with every sequel.


Don't watch the Last Samurai, awful film. Please choose Rocky.

Sammy Rebbo

Wait, people actually like The Last Samurai? When did that happen? I swear the last time I heard anything about that movie people just disliked it XD It'll be an interesting watch for sure but Rocky got my vote.

Jimmie V

Yeah... you're clearly gonna like Rocky the most. You should check that out even if it loses.

Matthew Shaver

I like Last Samurai a lot but then watch Yojimbo and Sanjuro.

Eric Janssen

And The Hidden Fortress, the alleged "inspiration" for the original Star Wars. In fact, try watching all three FIRST.


That would make the whole purpose of the poll pointless wouldn't it. A movie you didn't vote for is winning and your suggestion is to ignore everyone else's vote? WOW

Mike LL

I would be very happy to be able to remain saying I've never seen it, but if Nat watches it, I may be forced to finally see it

Mike LL

Yes it is amazing how M:I keeps getting better while the OG spy franchise, James Bond, is complete and utter crap currently

Logan Kerlee

While I enjoy all four of these movies, I'd most enjoy seeing your reaction to either Rocky or Drive. The Last Samurai (currently leading by a good margin) is great, but it isn't nearly as fun as the others. Planet of the Apes is just pure classic awesome sci fi. :)

Travis Bounds

Drive is amazing. Planet of the apes thou

Aaron Taft

Ya know ya should have a poll for terrible/bad movie. Like Howard the Duck bad.

Garrick Smalley

On the the thought of bad movies I want to see you question our mental stability for making you watch a movie. Howard the Duck. Something that would almost make you walk out of the theater but not quite.


Rocky is the best movie of those. But Last Samurai might be better in terms of funny reactions. Rocky is less cinematic.

Andrew Howard

Drive is fantastic, would love to see that sometime, even if not this time.


Drive is super underrated. Best acting of the options. I’m not a big last Samurai fan because I find movies where the white person assimilates to another culture and “rescues them” in bad taste. It’s a decent movie. Just a bit tacky.


No offence, I say this to everyone I see express the idea, but thinking Tom Cruise's character "saves" anyone (in a broader metaphorical sense) in The Last Samurai is kind of saying you misunderstood the movie. Nathan Algren is saved (again metaphorically) BY the samurai, by the differences between their culture and that in the US Army at the time, and given what he sees as a shot at redeeming himself for his part in the IIRC Sioux War and likely specifically the Sand Creek Massacre. And you don't say it but it's another common misconception so I'll add it for others' sake -- the titular last samurai is also not Algren, it's Katsumoto. Algren adopts some of their ways by the end and benefits from his time with them, but is still never himself a samurai. Like DDL in Last of the Mohicans, he's not "the last" he's just the audience proxy by which we see the story of the (different person) last of the movies' respective particular peoples.

Essero Eson

There are no bad choices among this list. The Last Samurai is definitely my favorite, but I also have not seen the original planet of the apes since I was a child, so...that would be fun too.


Last Samurai for sure!!!!


Uhh... yeah where have you been? its one of the most popular movie reactions on Youtube and is loved by a majority of people.


Cry more, its going to win the poll because its a great movie and is loved. Don't like the movie? Dont watch it then idiot. This is how polls work bud.

Laura Thornley

The Last Samurai is good (better then it should be, honestly). Rocky is a classic, through and through. Its also a nice little window into the culture of the 1970's without the rose tinted glasses or exaggeration.

Warren Van Wyck

Watching the Rocky Series (or at least 1-4) would be pretty great. Rocky is one of the most iconic movie characters of all time for a reason.

Gary Giaimo

I would really love to see a reaction for Rocky, as it's one of my favorite movies of all time, but I think you would probably enjoy the Last Samurai or Drive the most of this lot, which would probably make for a better reaction vid.

john collins

Oh man these are some great movies, sadly planet of the apes just doesn't hold up in my opinion so I gotta go with Rocky but I'd be happy with Last Samurai as well!


Really? Last samurai? Cmon ppltyrgbxvc

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Tom Cruise's off screen shenanigans have a lot of people forgetting what a good actor he actually is, especially for Born On The Fourth Of July, which is incredible but kind of tough to watch. Last Samurai was a good reminder of why Cruise became such a star in the first place though, I voted for Rocky but won't mind watching the Last Samurai 👍

Robert Reichle

Yeah, I have nothing against Tom Cruise. I like some of his movies and dislike others. Depends on the movie. Whatever he does in the world outside his movie characters means almost zero to me.


Last Samurai is a great movie and she will love it


Yeah, saving Rocky for a series that may even include the Creed movies starring Michael B Jordan.


Saving Rocky for a series that may even include the Creed movies starring Michael B Jordan would be a fantastic 8 movie series. (Soon to be 9)


It's a wonderful movie... Part of me wants her to see it just to see her vibe with the music!


Any movie with war action is great for me. There are too few being made nowadays.


Her reaction to Drive's music would be nice imo

Chad Gloria

What drive twice


Get up, Rocky, get up!


How do this many people even remember Last Samurai? Drive is one of the most influential movies of the past ten years and by far the most relevant; Rocky and Apes would be good film history selections.

Eric Janssen

I only remember Drive for that woman who wanted a refund because “there was no driving in it!”

Thomas Malley

How the heck is the last samurai winning?

Myles Away

Voted for Drive again but it's never gonna win. Last Samurai is a decent movie but Drive is one of my favourite movies of all time. I love Nicolas Winding Refn's films. You keep putting it on polls so you clearly want to see it. You should just watch it.


All great movies would love to see reactions to all of them haha and also the Rocky sequels


Planet of the Apes and Rocky are classics, Last Samurai is a really good movie and Drive is film-lover porn. I picked Drive because I think you'd appreciate it the most.

Gary Giaimo

Agreed. I can't wait to see a Logan reaction, so we've gotta' get there!


Never played. But I agree that Braveheart and The Last Samurai are both great films. I think if I had to choose I'd go with Braveheart but it's really close.


yay another Friday, I have to skip.................

Brandon Scott

Anyone who’s on the fence about voting for Rocky in this poll, let’s talk about it. I really feel that Nat doing this film franchise could be something special and there are some specific reasons for that. If you didn’t vote for it but thought about it, what changed your mind?

Al Baughman

Rocky is a classic, watch it anyway


I enjoy watching reactions to movies I've seen and have some sort of emotional connection to, that is what influences my votes. I simply just haven't seen the Rocky movies.

Eric Janssen

And why, on another reactor's polls, was it always BEATING the real Seven Samurai, whenever both were up for voting?? (I'm being rhetoric, of course, we know why.)


Talladega nights on Netflix


I'm gonna scissor kick you in the back of the head! lol

Troy B.

Fun Fact: Sylvester Stallone adopted the turtles from the movie "Rocky" and still has them, they're 46 years old.


You should try Miracle Mile.


Hey Natalie, do you have a Letterboxd account yet?


I haven't seen Rocky from other reactors. I think it's a good pick.


Who keeps voting for last samurai 🤦 rocky is a must


Hey Nat, when and where can we start giving suggestions for this years NATMARE season? :D As a warm-up or a PRE-NATMARE movie can i suggest zombieland? (a comedy which has zombies)

Ahadi Gitau

i love the last samurai but rocky is just a classic. it HAS to be done


You have to watch the Netflix Marvel TV shows, like Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and The Punisher.


Last Samurai is a good film (though Dances with Wolves is a better one in my opinion, with somehow the same theme), but Rocky is on the same level as Indiana Jones and Star Wars in terms of pop culture influence. It won Oscars, it created a movie star, it is generating spin-offs to this day and the training songs are forever imprinted in our culture.


I am so happy to see the last samurai on this list. I've been waiting for so long :)


I voted for Drive, it is a great and visually beautiful movie! You should also add Heat, that is one of the best films ever made! Have you also considered adding The Godfather trilogy to your list?


I really hope Nat gets around to watching the new Planet of the Apes trilogy. Starting with Rise and ending with War. They're visually incredible and Andy Serkis' performance capture as Ceasar is emotional as hell.


Im so glad that the Last Samurai is still ahead and winning. This movie is definitly one that Natalie will enjoy. It's one of Tom Cruise's best acting role and even though it's not an accurate retelling of history... it's alot of fun to watch and I love that in this movie the Japanese people speak their own language and not english, so we that we could be spared from reading subtitles.


Pls watch the karate kid series


I will always vote for Drive, if for no other reason than to see Nat react to the elevator scene; it’s one of my favorite scenes ever put to film.


Agreed with Jamie on the new Planet of the Apes trilogy. The original is a classic but the trilogy is Shakespearian in scope and reaction evoking.


I'm sure there are other comments saying the same thing but I highly, highly recommend the new Planet of the Apes trilogy. The acting (especially from Andy Serkis) and plot lines are great and the visual effects are stunning. Well worth a watch.


I'd vote for first season of Jessica Jones, the rest are good but not great.


las samurai is complete DogShit.....sigh


After watching to OG Planet of the Apes, watch the new Trilogy!!

Ellis Hugh

Last of the Mohicans FTW... and Hamilton!!! It would be fascinating to watch Hamilton with someone of your background and experience...


I was actually wondering if you had watched The Last Samurai. It's a very thoughtful film about tradition. Personally, I think it's the best movie Tom Cruise has been in.


Man, this thread has everything I love and hate about fan communities: - Positive posts from people who genuinely love the movies listed - Disingenuous snobs questioning how anyone could possible enjoy THAT MOVIE with THAT GUY - Actually, this offends me and no one should watch it - What even are polls, watch this completely unrelated movie instead! - Dickheads making lists of obvious observations


Replace ‘fan communities’ with ‘people’ and I think you’re on to something no one else has ever even conceived of.

Lil B

Natalie, after you finish Game of Thrones you’ll probably want a break from a big show with a lot of seasons, which is totally understandable! But if you’re ever looking to watch a new show on your channel, I (and many others I’m sure) would LOVE to watch you react to the Walking Dead series! Really fantastic writing and storytelling, although quite a number of seasons. Thanks for supplying us with the #content and hope you’re doing well!


Its like you didnt even watch her through game of thrones. Shes not a fan of big gore and hates zombies bruh...


If Rocky Doesn't win please revisit it soon its a top 5 movie for me


is just your opinion, but damn if I can't disagree stronger. I love The Last Samurai. Amazing performances, directing, and writing all around. One of the few movies that can make me cry every time I see it. "You have your honor back, now let me die with mine" that line kills me every time.

Andrew Clifton

I'm gonna say since Last Samurai and Rocky had so many you should go ahead and do both.

Ben Gilshenan

Bo Burnham : inside watch that


♥ The Truman Show ♥

Flick Freaks

Get your tissues ready for Last Samurai


One film I am not sure Natalie will be able to handle is Spielberg's Warhorse----To me its oh so great yet a hard pill to swallow for certain animal lovers--my older sister is in similar boat--still won't watch it---oh well still holding my breath for Last of the Mohicans.


I can't understand how Into the Spiderverse hasn't made it into the polls yet. It is literally the best of all the Spiderman movies.


Judging from the votes on this poll it seems like Rocky isen't really a must but a maybe. lol

Justin Credible

If you're reading this and you're dumb enough to be offended by the premise of The Last Samurai and think it's whitewashing or cultural appropriation, google Jules Brunet. It'll take you 5 seconds and you'll be less dumb.

Steven Valle

Murder on the Orient Express is a movie I think you’d enjoy if you haven’t seen it.

Edward Of DOOM

I'm looking forward to a few movies, maybe hit up "Les Miserables" for a musical take. Or "Ready Player One" for some nostalgia. "Last Samurai" was a great movie for Japanese culture fan like myself. There is also some pre-MCU movies out there like "Fantastic Four" and "FF4: Silver Surfer" or hey, hit up "Deadpool" for some entertainingly fun brain cell loss.


Rocky is one of the best story written movies there is. Rocky is the only fictitious character to be inducted into the real International Boxing hall of fame. The film is also in the Smithosian museum.

Ellis Hugh

Ham-il-ton! Ham-il-ton! Ham-il-ton!


I know this is an old poll, but I absolutely love planet of the apes. It's an old movie and feels like and old movie but it is really good. The acting is somewhat cheesy, but It's a thought provoking film.