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Happy Thrones Thursday!

It's time for another episode of Game of Thrones!! The intro starts at 1:32.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/fZDGCUn79G0 

DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EvaZBxFvAY3KlEiP9PZF1GNY40pM8WW_/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

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MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Darryl Low

he he. Thrones Thursdays are awesome Nat. That was a great episode and plenty to moments to get you yelling. I love how Sam is willing to put himself, and his life at risk to save Jorah. All that's missing from Littlefinger is a cloak, raised to his chin 😄 Thanks for today's video Nat, and for Thrones this week, especially yesterday's video with Tyler, which made for a fascinating watch 💛


Happy thrones Thursday Nat we sure are flying through this show I honestly can't remember what happens in this episode but I'm looking forward to finding out along with you so on that note lets go 💛


The direwolf that Arya finds IS Nymeria. She just said "it's not you" because Nymeria has changed a lot. It's not the same "puppy" she was when she let her go. Just like Arya, they both had to survive and learn to adapt, and they're not the same anymore. Also, direwolves are much larger than normal wolves.


And to add to this: "it's not you" is a callback to a line Arya said to Ned in Season 1 when he told her how he imagined she would grow up to be. Arya assumed Nymeria would want to be her pet again, and she realizes she assumed wrong, like Ned did.

Jonathan Flick

Look at Nate discussing sigils. A sweet summer child no more.


Pls watch karate kid movies and then cobra kai seasons before December this year as season 4 of cobra kai airs. It's an amazing saga.


That was Arya's wolf Nymeria, but just like Arya used to say whenever anyone said she had to become a proper lady she would answer "thats not me". So now that Nymeria had grown up and found her own pack, being Arya's companion was just not her anymore. Btw the reason Nymeria so big is because she's a direwolf, not just a regular wolf, and it was John that got the runt of the litter because he was a "bastard"

Calo Grsf

Hi and thank you Nat for this cosy reaction! 😄 Your face while Sam was healing Jorah was magical haha, and it seems you got more than expected between Missandei and Grey Worm 😆 I love the scene with Arya and Nymeria, it's "emotional" for me as an animal lover haha, I love wolves (and direwolves of course haha) I love Euron so much (yeah he's an a******, but that's why 😆) I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Eric Brown

That was Nymeria. Nymeria is a Dire wolf and the other wolves are regular wolves. A dire wolf is a different species found north of the wall. They are much larger than regular wolves. The "That's not you" line is a callback to something Arya said to Ned in Season 1. Ned wanted Arya to wear a dress and she said "that's not me". So when Arya wanted Nymeria to come with her to be domesticated again and Nymeria turns away. Arya recognizes that's not in Nymeria's nature anymore hence "thats not you."


"How did they find them???" Euron studied the art of Plot Convenience.

Ellis Hugh

Little bit of paranoia starting to show itself with Dany...


If Grey worm has an un-decended testicle, it wouldn't have been cut off when he was castrated. This would provide him with a source of testosterone. Not as much as from a normally developed testes but still, hormones are powerful chemicals that can effect the whole body even in minute amounts.

Randee Carreno

Happy Thrones Thursday, Natalie! 😊 Just got back from a manicure appointment. I'm downloading this right now so that I can watch it later tonight. The season is off to an interesting start. Looking forward to watching this reaction this evening. Have a great day today ! 😊Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛

Edwin Bertilsson

This season is insanely good so far :D


Great reaction. The wolf was Nymeria, hence the size since direwolves are much larger. "That's not you" is a call back to a line from season 1 and in this scene she's understanding that her former pet knows that Arya's not the same anymore. Arya's gotten incredibly dark and she did abandon Nymeria, forced or not.

Ellis Hugh

There was absolutely nothing else that Theon could do. Had he attacked Euron or remained to fight he absolutely would have lost, that's what he realized when he looked around. He could have stayed for pride, but he did the harder thing and fled so that he could stay alive in the hopes of rescuing or avenging his sister at some point in th efuture.

Chris H

How did Euron find them? They knew Dany landed at Dragonstone, they knew the Dornish were on their side so they would most likely be sailing to Dorne to gather their army. The sea between Dragonstone and Dorne isn't that vast especially for a fleet of ships. Euron sat in wait for them. Dany's side doesn't have the same level of experience as their enemies and they are overconfident.


Euron is very similar to Ramsay, it makes perfect sense that Theon would get triggered there and revert back a little to Reek. On top of that, practically everyone on his side was dead and Theon wouldn't have been able to do anything before Euron could cut Yara's throat. Better he survives and tries to get word back to Dany about what happened instead of just dying along with everyone else for nothing.


hey now :) that's not fair :) jk good to see ya here :)


Good job, Nat. You figured out the names. To be fair they sound very similar. LOL The reaction to Sam's . . treatment. They just really wanted to gross us out during his training. Again love to the casting. This time Sam's Arch Maester. The return of Hot Pie! Love when he pops up. Helps to work at one of the Inns along the King's Road. . . Queen's road. My bad.

Matt Camburn

sucks that theon fled at the end, but to be fair, he looked around, saw he was the last one on his side standing and everyone else of his crew is essentially being tortured. I'd do the same thing, not gonna lie. Live to fight another day


That was my thought. Yara and Theon were still at Dragonstone during Dannys counsel meeting, he just caught them slipping as they were heading to Dorne.

Valar Dohaeris

"How did they find them so quickly?"... Welcome to seasons 7 and 8! @Joshua, @Benny & @Brian: it didn't bother me. I did like all seasons of the show, even the ending that so many people hated. But there's no denying that the latter seasons felt rushed, specially 8 that really could have been stretched and be much more episodes of the good stuff. I can't comment anymore without entering spoilers territory, but I guess we can discuss specific examples when the time comes... Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment guys...


It is not a character regression for Theon - it's trauma, PTSD. Watching all the people being cut to pieces does bring memories of his time in the sun with Ramsey.

Valar Dohaeris

I got it in the other sense... Nymeria wasn't anymore the pet she knew. As always in the series, the direwolves change in the same direction as their owners. Aria isn't herself anymore, and so isn't her pet...


That was, in fact, Nimeria -- when Arya says "That's not you", she means that Nimeria is no longer a child, or pet, etc. Nimeria has been on her own for so long that she knows she belongs in the wild -- a mirror of Arya, who is finally beginning to figure out who she is, where she belongs -- but Arya still has some self-discovery to go through


Euron is the greatest Captain to sail the 14 seas and he has the best ships in the planetos. That's how he found them and how he destroyed them. I like how Arya is eating how she did when she traveled with the Hound, he taught her well. lol Good to see Nymeria is doing well and leading her own pack. :) RIP to my girl Nymeria Sand, love the whip...

john collins

Just FYI all Dire wolves grow to be about three times the size of normal wolves, sadly, Lymeria is the only one we ever seen fully grown. Also Ghost was the runt of the litter which is why Jon the bastard received him. I believe Aria said "that's not you" in the context of Lymeria coming north and being a tamed wolf again as she has become wild and the Alpha of her pack.


TV Show Euron has the depth of a puddle while book Euron is the Mariana Trench. Show Euron is just a crass pirate, but Book Euron is like an Eldrich Lovecraftian nightmare.

Bubba Fett

No spoiler but while you are showing us 2 episodes a week, I do recommend you watch episodes 4 and 5 back to back.

Thomas Yanez

I hate how they wrote that scene with Nymeria. No reactor ever remembers the scene with Arya and Ned, when she said 'That's not me' so they always think the wolf isn't Nymeria.

Ilsuk Yang

Ah, yes, Euron the unkillable. Nat, I'm glad that you eventually recognized Sam's dad. It's all good, We all have moments like that

Tom Fehr

i dont think it was a regression for Theon's character so much as it was intense trauma triggering his PTSD. Also, as far as how they found them, it's not exactly hard for them to find an armada of ships sailing from Dragonstone, where they knew they were, south. if you look at a Westeros map, dragonstone is not too far from Kings Landing


Theon, abandoning Yara, is a regression... but that is real life... its very difficult for us a humans to truly change. Theon, really hadn't seen much violence since being trapped by Ramsey, and seeing the torture on the boat... gave him a traumatic relapse back to his old "Reek".... Yara's face breaks my heart, as Theon jumps ship, she thought he would be her protector.


i think meeting Nymeria, is a beautifully tragic heartbreaking scene.... but yeah agreed.... its not obvious what happened.... once you realize the call back, its a great scene briefly exploring the pain in letting our loved ones go.


I genuinely dont get why this bothers people... yes GOT did not do this in earlier seasons, but its very common in TV/Movies.... time is NOT linear in Visual narratives. That people focus so heavily on this is odd to me, move on and enjoy the many other great aspect of this fabulous story :)

Rabon Kyle Ragan

Yes. And the direwolves reflect the lives of the Stark children. Lady was killed, which marked the end of her time as a Stark (Yes she is one again, but she betrayed her family and paid the price). Rob's wolf was killed with him at the red wedding. Rickon's wolf died when he was captured. Summer was killed when Bran became the Three Eyed Raven. Nymeria, just like Arya, was forced to flee and survive in the wild. They both became powerful and wild. Ghost is Ghost baby!


I really hate the scene with Euron and Theon's sister. If Theon had taken one step toward Euron the he would have killed her. As horrible as it was, what Theon did was the only way she was going to live. The sigil of House Stark isn't a Wolf, its a Dire Wolf. Dire Wolves are significantly larger than wolves. Arya isn't the same person she was, and Nymeria had a pack and responsibilities to them. Arya is the Hand of The Many Faced God, i.e. Death Incarnate. Everything that happens makes sense if you think of her that way.

Justin Credible

When Arya said, "That's not you" it was a throwback to when she told Ned, "That's not me" when Ned said she'd grow up to be a lady and have sons and they'd be knights. She wanted Nymeria to come with her and be her pet and that's not her.


I never really understood the complaint about Theon in this one. What regression? He's had 1 or 2 moments of bravery recently. The rest of the time he's been crying and cringing just as he has been since Ramsey first captured him. I expected nothing from him at all here EXCEPT to run away.


And, she's so huge because she's a dire wolf, not just a wolf; and Jon's wolf was the one that was the runt.


Yet still can’t stop saying “night” walkers and doesn’t realize direwolves are way bigger than normal wolves 😆

Ryu Kobushi

It's called "The Narrow Sea" for a reason, lol


Yeah, I mean if he would have lunged for his sister, Euron would have just cut her throat immediately and then drove his axe through Theon's skull. Only real option was to run away.


Even if he had tried, Euron would have just cut Yara's throat immediately. Only option was to survive.


Fun fact: Dire wolves did actually exist, but they went extinct around the same time Mammoths did. And they were actually slightly larger than modern wolves.

Alan Kobb

In season 1, Ned told Arya that she was going to marry a lord and become the lady of a stronghold, and she told him, "That's not me". That truly was Nymeria. Nymeria is not a wolf, She is a Direwolf. They are much, much larger species of wolf that usually only roams north of the wall. After leaving Arya, Nymeria was taken in and raised by a pack of wolves in the Riverlands. when she grew, she became their leader. She now has her family and her place in her world. She still loves Arya, but Arya's world is no longer hers, just as the world that Ned would have wanted for Arya was never going to be hers. The balls of fire would have been tar or pitch, rolled into a ball, set on fire, and flung in catapults. They also could have been simple molotov cocktails. If they hit the right target they are very effective against wooden ships with fabric sails and lots of wind to whip the flames. Early warfare knew full well about fire weapons, but as Bronn told us before the Battle of the Blackwater, these weapons were something to be used carefully because using fire weapons can easily turn against the attacker. In this case some of the attacking ships might have gone ablaze, probably due to the winds blowing the fire onto them. Euron is obviously not a cautious commander.


That was Nymeria, she said "Thats not you" as a callback to season 1 with Ned.


Did I miss an R+L=J Reaction somewhere?


Natalie, I would like to send you a deadpool. We all filled it out when the show was airing, but you should join the fun too! It's a sheet with all the characters listed, and you basically mark off which ones you think will live or die, or turn into a zombie. There are some questions on there that are spoilers, so you have to wait until AFTER you finish Season 7. Is there an email address I can send the deadpool to?

Daniel Campbell MacDonald

I always find it really weird when reactors always call out Theon's actions, though many others have been far worse in that regard. PTSD is a hell of a thing, especially the sort that he went through. Potentially regressing when surrounded by brutality such as mutilation will more than likely happen. Poor Theon.


8:13 lmao...stunning and brave


I love Sansa but she really needed to shut up and table the talks with Jon. I agree with you, Nat. She's undermining Jon and weakening him by constantly arguing with him on every little bitty, nitty gritty thing.

Troy B.

The first time I saw this episode, my thought was that Theon was suffering from PTSD and panicked amidst the chaos and seeing Euron with his sister; if I'd been through what Theon had been through as Reek, I can't say I would have reacted any better. Hell, I don't know that I would have during all that even without that backstory. So while it was disappointing in the moment, I "got it." (Even if his sister didn't at the time.) That said, it's a good point several have made how there was literally no way that scenario would have ended well if Theon HAD tried something. Euron totally had the upperhand, and literally the only thing Theon could do was live to fight another day and hope Euron didn't plan to kill her (yet).