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Hi friends!

Here is my reaction to the next episode of Game of Thrones! The intro starts at 2:19 for those who skip the recap.

As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/CylDkZ9Yg3c 

DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y-O_dKN-O-BBt25rjZzbRvnD_Q3TfFi7/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

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MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Been waiting for this one since you started Season 6!


Here we go!! Today's entertainment secured! =)


It's amazing how much I look forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays now. Watching with Natalie is like watching it for the first time. :)

Randee Carreno

Happy Tuesday, Natalie! 😊 Downloading this right now so that I can watch it later tonight Looking forward to watching this next GoT episode reaction this evening. Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


Happy thrones Tuesday so looking forward to this episode I'm expecting Happy claps from Nat always a highlight when she does that 🙂 not sure if tissues are needed or not guess we will see 😉 let's get into it 💛

Kevin Anand

The Sansa and Jon reunion was one of the best moments in the show.


Annoyed with Rickon story?? What was the name of his wolf again? Should have maybe been a clue in there somewhere...


The thing with Melissandre's necklace to me is a sign to show that she's not as confindent, strong as cold as she appears. It's all a façade, she's not perfect beneath that façade. As in other fantasy stories, some kind of witches can appear as young as a way to be more appealing to others, and that's how they show it in this series.

Calo Grsf

Thanks Nat and Happy GOT day! 😄 Finally the reunion happened haha, I liked your reaction, you seemed a bit "shaken" with Loras, it was touching, and the return of your "Arrrrgh" for Littlefinger, still mythical haha And Daenerys is badass in this episode, I loved your little quote that I won't recite for obvious reasons 😆(always so talented to come up with legendary phrases) In short, there are a lot of great things in this new reaction 😄 I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Ellis Hugh

Regarding the reunion, the show didn't get into it too much but Sansa always took after her mother Caitlin and as a result she was often cruel to Jon. That was one of the reasons for the pause, she didn't know how he would react and he didn't want to offend her by being too familiar. The last time they saw each other was episode 1. In fact, Jon hasn't seen any living Stark since episode 2.


“She’s my cousin…” *brain slowly ticks* “We should help her!” 😂😂😂


The thing with GoT is it set such a high standard the first few seasons that you can't help but notice even minor plot conveniences or lack of character work. So its totally relatable Nat. I hope you can look past some of them because some of the best episodes in the show are yet to come imo.

Darryl Low

The dothraki around the back of the temple kneeling when they can't see what's happening 😊 You should have been in charge of crowd control Nat ha ha Ramsay is a piece of work. You just can't one-up him at all. Great to see Jon and Sansa back in the same location. Thanks for a great video today Nat 💛


So what I'm gathering is that there were enough comments on here talking about how the show goes off course once it catches up to and passes the books that it has affected the way you view this season. You seem to be actively looking for plot holes and conveniences. In truth, every season so far has had them. In fact, season 6 is widely regarded as one of the best seasons, if not the best. And it's definitely better than season 5. I don't think anyone has ever argued that. But it seems like you're enjoying it less, which is so weird to me. And most of the issues you bring up actually have a simple, quick counterargument. I'm tempted to go through them one by one but I'm already ranting too long. I just hope you can stop trying to justify some preconceived misunderstanding about the quality of this season and enjoy it as one of the great seasons of television that it is. Save your grumblings for seasons 7 and 8, trust me lol.

Kevin Anand

Season 6 is mostly great because of its great moments like the Jon/Sansa reunion imo. The writing is pretty weak. They were really riding on the payoff.


There is a great deal more development on the Greyjoy family in the books. Everything makes more sense, and there is a lead up to major events that include them. Your confusion and disbelief is expected, though I hope you continue to enjoy the series. I recently rewatched the entire series before you started watching it, and having seasons 7 and 8 to watch back to back like they are one season fixes some of the pacing issues I had, but that’s just me.

Laura Thornley

GRR Martin does love to play with us almost as much as he plays with words.

Tom Fehr

fwiw, I assume Theon probably rode to a harbor, sold the horse Sansa gave him, and booked passage to go to the iron islands.

Ellis Hugh

The Osha thing is an example of one of the issues that fans had with the back half of the series... they only had so much time and had to start wrapping up loose ends, so in some cases it's done abruptly, and even poorly. The issue becomes more pronounced as the series advances, especially in the final two seasons where we are treated to 7 and 6 episodes respectively. Many of the issues people had with the last season in particular could have been likely been rectified had we gotten the proper number of episodes.


About being annoyed over Osha and her character not being written or set up properly before just randomly killing her off...... yeah. Now you're starting to see the seams come undone. Now you're starting to see that D&D aren't actually good or smart writers when they don't have source material to go off of. Buckle up and strap in.


I love this episode! And yes, the Greyjoy storyline in this season is one of the weakest points. It's one of the biggest markers up to this point that the writers weren't quite sure what to do after getting ahead of the books(although George RR Martin doesn't seem to know either). I could write a lot about that, but I still think this is one of the best seasons of the show and I can't wait to see the rest.

Tom Fehr

i love nat but it almost feels like she is just looking for things to complain about now because she knows people dont like the later seasons? this is one of the best seasons lmao. she's calling things convenient when it makes no sense... yes, the dothraki, who value conquest and strength above all else, seeing someone emerge from a flaming building after killing all their leaders would be in awe. also, how is she expecting them to be without fire in the temple..? they dont have electricity, it's either have fire in the temple or be in the complete dark....

Tom Fehr

also what are you TALKING about with Melisandre?? She was NOT back to normal in the next episode, go watch 6x2 again. she was broken, confused, distraught, given up, refusing to help until Davos begged her to give it a shot. Even after she revived Jon, she's clearly grasping at straws to latch onto something to follow

Stefan Johannsson

I continue to find it humorous that you feel so many things are "convenient" lol. Theon finding a boat and getting a ride to the Iron Islands isn't "convenient". He knew where to find a harbor and when you're the son of the king of the iron islands, of course you're gonna get a ride lol. And people bowing to Khaleesi walking out of a burning building isn't "convenient", it's what many people do when they witness something they didn't believe was possible, especially when they'd really like to follow someone better than their crappy dothraki leaders. I enjoy living through GoT thru someone elses eyes again. But the constant criticism for random off-the-wall things is getting tedious.

Tom Fehr

exactly, feels like she's reaching to find things she doesnt like to appease people that didnt like later seasons im guessing? also like, theon had a horse, he easily could have sold that to book passage


The temple had fire conveniently present because the Dothraki are notorious for not paying their electric bill.


I find your lack of empathy for Lord Robin amusing lol.

Jonathan Flick

Things seeming convenient is the degrading of the writing. The more they go off book the more nonsensical things get. D&D just aren't GRRM. The fire in the Dothraki temple, well it's night. Not much of a choice without electricity.


All through the series Nat has been calling shit right before it happens. Like with trying to kill Dany with fire. She's definitely got a knack for that. And Natalie- just to let you know in case you didnt its called grey-scale not dragon-scale.

Paul Gibbons

Osha and Rickon are book loose ends too dumped off by Martin in book 2 with nothing in the last 3 but a couple of rumours.

Paul Gibbons

Euron Greyjoy turning up suddenly is yet again another book thing a mentioned character that turns up at the time of Balon's death.


The thing with the ending scene and them bowing is their own tradition. The Dothraki follow only those who are strong and she just proved herself to be by killing all of the Khals who would oppose her.


Ugh, you made me cry twice this week Nat! Wanda and now Sansa and Jon meeting. Tyrion! Dany! We are already here. This episode always appears sooner than I remember. Bob is coming! Oh gods! The next episode! No, no, no!

Paul Gibbons

Jomero what a load of shit you know perfectly well Martin has forgot about Rickon and Osha himself he dumped them off in book 2 not to be heard from since but none of you ever want to admit to yourselves Martin is not the writer you big him up to be the show problems stem from the sprawling mess of books 4/5.

Paul Gibbons

That's what the Dothraki have always done they fight and challenge each other for leadership it's why Drogo died after all seeing somebody emerge from the fire having conquered all their leadership is a big thing for them.


I keep forgetting to tell you...but your method of syncing-via-conducting is BRILLIANT and works better than anything! 🔥❤️️🎶

Ehrys V.

"Poking the bear", ha!


"She needs fire proof clothes" How hot would she be in chainmail? (pun intended)

john collins

I wonder if no one had told you this series was based off of books or if you never knew that the last 3 seasons had no more source material if you and Tyler would consider and focus on things like baelon grayjoys death and how whether or not the story will be "as good" as much as you seem to.


Think this is one of the worst episodes of the show, lot of reused tropes and a lot of moving nowhere, aside from The Letter.


Season 6 is my favorite season. I think you're nit-picking a little nat lol. Some stuff that you mentioned could be easily justified like the fire in the temple, I mean obviously, they need light in that frickin room lol. And Theon being on the ship, it's not necessary or detrimental for us to see him finding a ship and getting on it, we could easily just move on from that. And the Melissandra thing will be revisited and it was just a look into who she really is.

Paul Gibbons

All tv re-use tropes as do books Martin himself borrowed from history, film and tv. Moving nowhere, most of the show's early days had characters moving nowhere Dany's been hovering round mereen for 4 seasons.

Paul Gibbons

Your right this my fav season too and We don't need to see every part of a characters journey to know how they got there that's what happens too much in the books and earlier seasons.

Leaf on the Wind

Not giving any spoilers here, but you might want to start keeping a box of tissues close for the rest of the season. I predict a lot of ugly crying.


I have to say, it's pretty clear that you've been viewing this show through a different lens ever since starting season 5. I think it's unfortunate that having 100s of comments on every video telling you to prepare for the show to get bad after season 4 has tainted your view (and really the only bad season of the show is season 8, writing definitely declines after season 4, but season 5-7 are still some of the best TV out there. The only reason the narrative has shifted to seasons 5-8 being bad is because of how upset people were with the ending. I guarantee if season 8 had a better ending seasons 5-7 would still be loved as they were when they aired). Season 6 is my second favorite season after season 4, and I know it's many people's favorite. While I admit the writing may not be as crisp as the first 4 seasons, it is still much better written than most shows out there. I really hope you are still finding enjoyment out of this show because there are still some of the best episodes out of all the seasons yet to come.


Yes, she's clearly struggling with lost faith. She misinterpreted her visions and no longer trusts herself.

Michael Labs

Talking about Osha's death and how she didn't deserve it... made me think about the movie "Unforgiven". I recommend it if you haven't seen it already...


I definitely agree. No one complained that much about any season other than 8. I think she just got the wrong idea from the comments and she's scrutinizing everything she's seeing.


You think it’s convenient there’s fire in there? Do you think they have electricity?

MIchelle Porter

I had a problem with that last scene, The Dothraki would not follow someone who just burned down their sacred temple and walked out unburnt, Dothraki don’t trust witches, it is known


Season 6 is one of my favorite seasons of the show(top 3.) Most of the fans after season 6 loved it too(regardless of what you hear now.) I look forward to you seeing the rest of the season


When Huron Greyjoy shows up and kills his brother, it seems to be out of the blue and awfully convenient, but is later explained somewhat. He always kept tabs on the iron island and knew that Theon was dead or at least not a viable heir, so he returned home and killed his brother before a reasonable heir could be named, opening the way for a kingsmoot. George R. R. Martin tends to do a lot of character introduction throughout his novels, and makes me wonder if he is able to finish a series although he is great at keeping one alive.

Daniel Vezina

About the Greyjoys, that plot line should have been in season 5 like in the books(we didn't saw any Greyjoy in season 5), instead of the Martells. I would have made more sense, since Yara tried to rescued Theon at the end of Season 4.


Um they (Dothraki) follow strength. That’s why Daenerys gets respect. She’s a military tactician. I swear y’all let the comments about this show ruin it. Season 6 is epic.

Marty McGee

The Osha thing I totally agree with. If they were going to write her off the show, why even bring her back. They could've just killed her off-screen and only brought Rickon back to Winterfell. Instead we just get a pointless "cruel Ramsay" scene. We already know what an evil prick he is. I don't think we've forgotten.

Marty McGee

Time is different in this show. Each storyline follows its own timeline. So when storylines converge there's usually a jump in one of them. For example, we see Theon leave Sansa to return to Pike. We don't see his journey, but all of a sudden there he is in the next episode. While in the same episode we see Sansa reunite with Jon. Clearly it would have taken much longer for Theon to reach Pike than it would've taken Sansa to reach Castle Black. Storylines are not happening simultaneously in each episode. So it can get confusing at times.

John Weyen

Yup, you are noticing the decline.

Topher Cast

Well how did you want then to light up the hut Nat!?! Lol not like they had flashlights! Haha

Thomas Yanez

As much as I love Nat and her reactions, the "convenient" thing does get frustrating, even baffling sometimes. Braziers are a thing, and have been in use in our world for thousands of years for providing heat and light. They are especially useful in situations where you want to do something like meet in your temple at night and there is - literally - no alternative to fire for proving said heat and light. When she tosses out one of those "that's convenient" type comments, it can take you right out of the show. For example, in the "Firefly" pilot, the episode's opening scene involves Mal and Zoe taking on the job of dealing with the enemy airplane that is causing them trouble. They are shown discussing it, fighting their way into enemy territory to deal with it, even killing soldiers standing directly next to an anti-aircraft gun emplacement, but when Mal runs up to it and engages the airplane, the weapon was deemed "convenient". I actually had to pause, back up, resync and watch again to see if I had missed something.


I've never stepped inside a single church that didn't have at least a few candles burning. A big temple like that, it would be weird if they didn't have big braziers alight. Also why wouldn't the people bow when she comes out of the fire? If you saw a literal miracle happen right in front of you, wouldn't you be a little awed or perhaps even frightened of the person doing it?


I've found that the people who struggle most with "time skips" are people who don't read. It's a given in nearly every book ever written. There will be a time skip because you can't tell a story over a long period of time if you have to write literally every single thing they do.

Andrew Clifton

Yea that's pretty much what I was going to say about the braziers. Pretty standard lighting for something like this in times with no electricity.

Andrew Clifton

Pretty much everywhere in this show will have some kind of fire as a light source at night given that there is no electricity. The Dothraki are a primitive people who are very superstitious so of course seeing something like a human being burned alive but still unharmed would certainly trigger this kind of response. She also just killed the Kahl and his blood riders so there is that too. I absolutely think they would follow her after that. I really enjoy your reactions overall though. It just seems like we watch things differently. You tend to dissect things to every detail. When doing that you will surely find things wrong as nothing is perfect. You also seem to have a deeper knowledge of film making and I do not.

Paul Gibbons

Good comment and i'd point out if you didn't know Martin planned 3 books when he started and it grew in the telling.


It's the showrunners own fault. They had a lot of material to work with and adapt, and they chose to just skip all of it and make up their own story.

Mike LL

I've been looking forward to your reaction to the reunion more than anything else since early in season 5, more than Hardhome, John's death and resurrection, anything. It was well worth it.


All they did with Dany is repeat her storyline from season 1. So lazy. Also, Dany is not fireproof. That is a misunderstanding on the showrunners part. Martin has gone on record and stated that Dany surviving the fire in the first season/book was a literal miracle. They should have just left Osha and Rickon out of the story until the very end. Martin hasn't written what happens to them yet, so why make up this weak conclusion? The Iron Born storyline has nothing in common with what happens in the books.


walking out of a fire unburnt isn't exactly a show of strength, its a show of magic.


I would but they live in a world of miracles and the Dothraki are known to fear and distrust magic.

Paul Gibbons

Yes Martin said in an interview in 99 that, then said it was a miracle undermining his own character's arc more proof of his lack of planning. The same lack of planning goes for Osha and Rickon he discarded them in book 2 and has left them as a loose end since mainly because with Bran missing he is the heir to Winterfell which gets in the way somewhat you can't have Jon or Sansa leading the North then and then the story has to be led by a character missing for 3 books/seasons. Yes the Ironborn story is different but many points are the same and saying Dany surviving fire again is lazy is the same as saying Brienne say getting into a swordfight again is lazy its what the characters have got.


It's clear she does have inside knowledge, Andrew. She has even mentioned having friends in the industry at times, though maybe not during this show; I can't recall.

michael denny

this feeling that nothing is earned, is very much because this happens in the books constantly. Often, characters are introduced and killed off because the author either took too long between writing chapters or just couldn't think off anything else. In my opinion the writing in the show is much better than inn the books due to the simple fact that after they ran out of source material things actually seem to happen.


Nat, i loved this reaction. I love that you can spot bad filmmaking.


I think the people who got to her head that after season 5, the show is garbage has made her think that it is but if you check with most people opinions. It’s really only the last season that was complete trash and season 6 was actually one of the best of the series.


This is only true for people who haven't read the books. Book readers have said the show went to sh*t since season 5.


I’ve read the books and if you have too then you also don’t know what happens after season 5 in george future books whenever he decides to finish. When season 6 aired, noone was complaining, even book readers loved it so you have no clue what you’re talking about. When season 7 aired, yes it had its problems but it wasn’t to the level of hating the show. Season 8 was soo bad that it clouded people judgement including mine about the series as a whole but then i got over it and realized that season 6 was one of the best seasons


If you read the books, then you would know that the show had significantly diverged from the storylines in the books in season 5. People are valid in complaining about the story of seasons 5-8 because we know as book readers that the story is going to be COMPLETELY different in the books. And it's not just about it being different. The books are just genuinely better.


I like that you said Daario was "poking the bear" when he and Jorah were in the hills... Since Jorah's family, Mormont, are the family of Bear Island =D


Omg, you're so stupid. What is convenient is that they are not using torches or candles, but large braziers filled with oil that she can just push over to spread the fire super quick. If there had been stands with a few candles on them, almost nothing would have happened when they hit the floor. If she tried to run around setting things on fire with a torch, she could have been stopped easily.


Natalie this 1/4 life crisis thing your hung up on is foolish. You have 20's anxiety that's all. Just wait, your hormones will fade and in your 30s you will be content. You are successful right now! You are..... succeeding!


Ive always found caging birds barbaric. Maybe its because in Australia you can throw a piece of bread out your window and 12 birds come to feed. They are obviously an intelligent species. To me it's like caging a Dolfin.


Calisi reminds me of William Wallace in the Scottish rebellion.


I have no problem with Euron showing up ss he did. Not announcing him was because the Islanders had simply forgotten him. GOT is not a show that can or should explain everything. It's not supposed to comfort us. That's for most of the rest.


Tormund has 4 sons and 1 daughter in the books but even there there's no information about the mother of his children.


There is, one of the mothers is a bear. Probably Maege Mormont.

Bubba Fett

The young dosh kaleen, while a small role the actress plays a major role in a syfy show called killjoys, she plays 2 different characters very well. Possibly something worth looking at.


You gotta think, to the Dothraki seeing a silver-haired woman walk out of a fire unharmed makes them view her as something stronger/better than a regular human, like she was destined to lead, so that's why they bow. As for why they didn't take precautions with the fire, they simply didn't believe she wasn't affected by fire, even in GOT that's something that they'd have to see to believe.


How are you the only person that can’t post full episodes?

John Rando

Ever notice that Peter Baelish says “come and see” to Robin Arryn and then in the letter, Ramsey repeats “Come and see” after his threats. I believe Peter Baelish wrote the letter, not Ramsey 🤔 I think he wanted to eliminate the Boltons, weaken the Knights Watch/Wildlings so he would be the strongest, then put Sansa on the throne in Winterfell and use the houses of the North to take King’s Landing, where he would rule with Sansa… but 👑 Queen Daenerys 👑 showed up